O c r n c n ia E a g le 4 THURSDAY, SEPT 1». 1374 Oregon Gospel Sing Time Set For Vernonia The Oregon Gospel Sing Tune is coming to Vernonia Saturday evening September 21. at 7 p m . at the Vernonia Grange Hall The public is invited to come and admission is free This v- .11 be a Gospel Concert with the following ¿roups par ticipating The Pixler F am ily Singers The Knights of the Kingdom The Sonlites Llovd and E m a Wood These groups are well known in Oregon, especially ui this area Each of these groups have taken part in Gospel Sings Church Services and Prison Ser vices The Knights of the King dorr, and Lloyd and E m a Wood are from the Vernonia area Oregon Gospel Sing Tim e is pro­ duced by Oregon Gospel M in ­ istries. Inc., of Hillsboro Oregon Gospel Ministries is a religious non-profit corporation which ministers with various Gospel Groups and individual people who are willing to get into the Lord's harvest field such as outside programs p r i s o n s , churches and anywhere there are people who need Christ This m inistry is non denominational They welcom? all people to come out and take part and enjoy themselves The President of Oregon Gos­ pel Ministries Glen and Elva Rice of Hillsboro and vice- president Truman and Barbara Knight of Vernonia give ev ery­ one a personal invitation to come out Bellinghams F ly To Flying M Ranch B IR K E N F E L D —M r and Mrs Art Bellingham flew to the Flying M ranch near Y am hill for a flying form er com feed A large group was m attendance, and the com was sure good M r and Mrs Lloyd Beach were in Portland Tuesday of last M r and Mrs Hai Vicars and two boys have moved into their new tra ile r home The boys are attending school in Vemotua Mrs Vicars and sor. spent the weekend in Portland They are in the process of selling their home there M r and M rs James Person and fam ily of Cherry Grove came over early Sunday to the Tom blad home They with the Tom blad s attended church at Birkenfeld then in the evening they all went to Clatskanie and attended se n ices at the Baptist Church The m inister there E a rl Johnson was minister at the Cherry Grove Church several years ago They all had a very nice day together M r and M rs W alt Tom blad were Astoria callers on T hu rs­ day of last week They were dinner guests at the Bob Han- berE home M r and M rs Lawrence John­ ston Wendy and Scott spent the weekend at the Pendleton round up M r and Mrs Bruce Larsen of W arren visited at the E .T . Jcdm- ston home Sunday evening WORK FOR W B usinessm en... Take an Insurance Inventory! Church Noies Evangelical P ra ye r fellowship Friday evening at 30 and Sunday morning at 7:30 Lord's Day activities begin with Sunday School at 9 45 I t ’s Birthday Sunday w ith special recognition given to all who have September birthdays The w o r­ ship hour features singing praise, and an encouraging mes sage from the Bible "Conquering Those Sins of Disposition ” Plan to join our growing fellowship of c a n ng Christians in the making as we strive to know and do God's w ill for our lives Evangelical Youth meet at six Sunday followed by the Sunday Classmeeting at seven A special guest speaker w ill bring the message at Classmeeting There w ill be no Hoot Owl Breakfast next Tuesday due to the expected absence of the cook Midweek services Wed nesday evening studying "Jesus and M iracles ‘ 6 Christian Church meetings begin on the Lord's Day at l l a m Evening fellowship serv ices begins at 6 p m Secret Destination youth meeting is at 7 p.m. Wednesday night Choir Prac tice takes place at 7 p.m Bible Study and P ra y e r m eet­ ing is on F rid a y night at 8 p.m (Call for location of Bible Stuch CW T is at 1 30 p.m Visitors At E. Johnstons B IR K E N F E L D —M rs Chas Ramsey is caring for her grand children while the parents M r and M rs Nick Berg are on vacation Tom Hopkins is feeling real good and is about back to normal again M r and M rs Frank Brandt of Fishhawk Lake spent the week end with their son and fam ily at Tigard Wednesday visitors at the Tornblad home were M r and M rs David Anders and their granddaughter Rachel Tom blad of Cherry Grove They were dinner guests all had a nice time M r and M rs E verett Johnston were Vernonia callers on Tues day of last week M r and Mrs George Richard son and Joe were in Beaverton Saturday Mrs Lloyd Beach accompan led by Mrs Robert Mathews were in Clatskanie last Friday M r and M rs Francis Larson visited on Sunday at the Gene and Wayne Larson homes at Tigard V e rn o n ia In su ran ce E xch an g e P h o n e 429-6203 953 B rid g e S tre e t V e rn o n ia , O regon T IM B E R R O U T E —The Baker fam ily is new to the com m unity All the way from West Virg in ia H arry and A rly Emm ons took a yet plane for a quick trip to Reno Nevada C J and Essie Nance spent a very good tune with all of their fam ily both in Salem Bend, and at Elk Lake Juanita Steele s grandson J a ­ son spent some tim e in the has pital lately He's feeling better now Donna Leer sister of Lester , stopped by Vernonia from Seattle She is considering living in Wenatchee. Washington Thanks to Art M iller, the little yellow car belonging to Kate Coates is once again running Dorothy is recuperating at home afte r her recent hospital stay Fran k and Ellen Elgus have lived in and around Vem oiua for 52 years They have three boys, and five grandchildren They enjoy taking trips, working in their church, helping others, and he still paints peoples houses “ Been doing it going on 40 years” One of his hobbies is woodworking Virg in ia says "m y painter husband is my d«jr kry. Directory Of Churches For Buck Season The early High Cascade Buck Season opens on Saturday Sep tem ber 14. and hunters are re ­ minded by the W ildlife Com mission that this bunt is open only to perm it holders At this w riting however, there are still 3.100 perm its available from the Portland office of the Commission on a first come, first served basis Hunters who were unsuccessful in the draw ing for an antlerless deer perm it may reuse their application to apply for a High Cascade buck perm it if they wish And. of course hunters who have not used the perm it application card received when a buck tag is pur chased may also apply The High Cascade hunt, for bucks with at least one forked antler, is held on a lim ited portion of the west slope of the Cascades roughly from O lallie Butte south to Sum m it Lake A detailed description of the area is given on page 5 of the big game regulations booklet a v a il­ able at license outlets Although the high elevation areas do not support large num ­ bers of deer and hunter success is never high in the High Cas­ cade hunt many hunters find a great deal of enjoyment in pack­ ing in on foot or horseback to camp and hunt am id spectacular alpine scenery and oftentimes perfect weather Average hunter success is about 2 to 3 percent a vear. ia calabrotad ovary at « : » to tba roe- aro hoard bo­ Pre-School. 7:00 P J L Woitooaday: 7.00 P J L Prayer Service. MIST - B IR K E N F E L D COMMU­ N IT Y CHURCH at 3:30 and 10 - On Saturday tram 0 to 3:40 to the church, botero VERNONIA BIBLE Sunday: 9 45 a m - Sunday School 11:00 a m . Morning worship M r- vice 5 45 p.m - Junior Youth Feilow- ahip 7:00 p m - Evening wonhlp aar vice Wednesday 7:30 p m . - Bible Study and Pray- 0:45 a m - Sunday School 11:00 a m . - Church Services 7 30 p m . - Wed. Prayer Meeting 10:30 a m - (Whiter Months) on 2nd Wed. Women's and Work day. SEVEN TH-D AY ADVENTIST tad A Nehalem L. Veal. 0:30 Sabbath School 11:00 Worship Service 7:00 P J L Mondav - Dorcas So­ ciety at Vaal's Ixxne 7:30 P J L Tuesday - Prayer Meet lag at the church. 7:00 P J L Mon. - Pathfinders at Scout Cabin. I t you have a spiritual question, call Paster Wooten at FIR ST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 439 North A Wi Vtayaid, Sunday - Bible School 3:45 a.m Hamer Fuller, Supt. Morning Warship 11:30 a m . (Nursery Provided) Fellowship Hour 6:07 p m . Wednesday Choir Practice 7:00 p m . (1st only- Church Night 8:30 p m . (2nd A 4th) CWF . 1:30 p m Friday: Bible Study - 0:00 p.m (Call for location of Bible Study) F IR gT^EV AN G ELICAL CHURCH CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LA TTE R -D A Y SAINTS VERNONIA BRANCH Av T. 1st Coara. . q a ado K. C. W ard Clerk - 7:30 a m - M en’s Prayar 0:45 a m - Church School, Jack Seeley, Sup’t. 11:00 a m - Worship Experience 3:00 p m - Youth Fellowship. 7:00 p m - Sunday Claasmeeting W EDNESDAY E V E N IN G 7:00 p m Hour of power, prayer ana Bible Study. 8?» Prieathood - am Sunday School - 10:15 Sacrament U tg - 11:30 a m Relief Scty. - Tuesday, 10:30 a m . M .LA. - Wednesday, 7:30 p m ASSEMBLY E M M A N U E L EPISCOPAL CHURCH B IR K E N F E L D , OREGON The Rev. C, 8. Shalda. Vicar OF GOD Celebration of the Holy Commu­ nion the Fourth Sunday of each month at 12:00 Noon. Rev. 9:45 a m - Suxiay school, far all ages 11:00 a m - Morning worship 7:00 p m . Evangelistic service 7:3o p m - Wednesday Prayer Meeting and Bihle Study (Need a ride? Call 429-4333) ST Pi Mkhraafc at 7 p m . to the Permits Available FIR ST BAPTIST CHURCH ad A Sunday 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a m . Warship Services. 3 P J L Training Union Girls in Action. Mamen Friands and M A R Y ’S CATHOLIC Game and Waterfowl Booklets Available Regulations booklets contain ing 1974 upland gam e and w ater fowl season dates are being m ailed t o license outlets throughout the state. The free lF pagf booklets m ay be obtained wherever hunting and fishing licenses are sold In addition to listing season dates and b a ’ lim its for all upland game species and w aterfow l, the booklets contain inform ation concerning license fees, shooting regulations on state w ildlife management areas and federal refuges, general regulations, and a table of legal shooting hour' for the 1974-75 seasons CENTER CUT RIB . to M o Ik g tc ltfip Nick Bergs On Vacation From West Virginia BILL J. HORN as well as Tom and the kids, they love It We caught some Salmon. Flounder when we went for just a few weekends this su m m er” said Judy The 4-H meetings w ill begin in (X’ tober T IM B E R R O U T E — N e I 1 i e Schmedlin has been visiting her son in Oakland California and has had a most enjoyable tune Rudy and Franc.s L i ¿2a along with her father and their son. are the very busy proprietors of the Sunnyside Service They keep busy 7 days a week Coming from California two years ago they like Vernonia "just fine ” Josephine A m m erm an recent ly returned from a trip to Eastern Oregon Zola Christianso.i has lived around Vernonia since 1917. says “ I wouldn't want to live any where else " Living in the same house for 46 years she is the Mother of Archie Christiansen, he works for the county driving a h t loves and enjoys the truck She mpanionship of her two daily comp grandchili ila r t n Some of her fav orite hobbies are embroiders crocheting, tatting, sewing and quilting The Ken P a rry 's moved to Forest Grove A new fam ily moved into Sharbonda s home The Shar bondas have moved to Eastern Oregon with their 11 horses They picked up the last of their belongings Saturday-a mule Taking over their home is Louis and B arbara Constansa from M ilw aukee They have a da ugh ter and son Up on the hill where the Constansa's live, coyotes howl night and even day lately , according to M rs Constansa and "W e've had the first frost, it got my squash I'v e been so busy getting settled, canning and the berries w e've been picking re ­ cently have been iucious' she said Tom Budge. Vernonia's very capable 4-H leader, father of 6. is helped by his w ife Judy They enjoy fishing at the coast “We have our own bor.t I don’t like it B IR K E N F E L D —Recent vis­ itors at the E verett Johnston home were M r and M rs Gene Anderson of W arrenton They were also dinner guests .Art Bellingham and Shalmor Libel flew to K lam ath Fails to attend a bull sale John Candora of Portland stopped by for a short visit with the Francis Larson's Saturday eve He had beer fishing out of Astoria He used to live at horse shoe cam p and attended the B ir ­ kenfeld school His father was cook at the camp Those attending the John Ober wedding or Sunday at the Vine Maple Church from this area were Mrs Francis Nordstrom M rs Bob DuPuis M r and Mrs Lestor Nystrom and M r and M rs Howard Johnson M r and M rs E .T . Johnson were in M t Angel Saturday and took in the Octoberfest They then drove to Dallas to the Gary Johnston home They stayed all night On Sunday they attended the baptismal of their little granddaughter Jennifer M r. and M rs Allen Johnston also attended the Baptism al Family Mores Here I t ’s smart to take inventory o f your insurance needs peri* odically . . . to find out just w hat you have . . . and w hat you may need. W e ll be glad to review your present pro­ gram. I t w ill cast you T. ’hing, and we may be able to improve your protection, and save you money, too! Call us today for details. California Visit Enjoyed NORBEST BASTED 'TENDERTIME YOUNG BBQ TURKEYS ?0o/ WESTERN SEA RACIER s a . s RUSSET i • tWorty Ur gundy •IM f G RAV Y TRAIN ■ JOY ■ URT ■ ¡ LIQUID ¡ ¡ DOC FOOU ! I » i " w < : ■ MO M* '«a» 1A W ■ ■ (WaM«w«aw*)M. ■ U) ■ ■ »♦$ «XPaNSMP? >1 Ta N ■ ■il • W GAI *h~ dfc r o $ A 88 ■ KRAFT, 2 L3 LOAE CA m $ m F m A U.S.NO. 1 r Nalvesdb t » » 3 C M « SI T.V.M mot Ä . wSüur’T 98< îs r ..2 ^ w GOLDEN GRAIN DRY ASSTD SOUP M IX 3 LOCAI GOLDEN SWANSON COTTAGE BARTLETT pac 7 s <1 10-LB. BAG ___ (W SWEET CORN 12?1 __ f ACABA tOCMIT MOWN M M M SQUASH........2 » 2 » 1 J M 3 M O W W Î1 PRY OMOOB................. „25 e UAH? 0 4 3 R B CCM3FOM Ä NU-SOFT ■ LMMT 0 4 3 »3A COUFOM - CHIFFON ASSORTED _ , i FABRIC ■ ■ FACIAL J SOFTENER ; ; tissue 3 si I BOX I ■ *•“ » ■ pwL'IJI, B M '« *« ***’-*) I ■ ■ oo< ■ U33T 0943 R B C O4M OM ■ »♦) ■ M ■ (W « 4 UAMT I M • 3 3 * * • C O U PO N IB M B 3S 3 3 »’ 11 'TA I UBMIMT 11'TA ■ VALUARLI CO UPO N « I O M 7 0 » CMCXAM OB COBM 3 M A D I - BtWaOLB'S •»<** r«29 AitHMUH re J If ST3EEMK B II U PTO N JJTM C W ygB W i c SS hbmm * cm ^ s - * 1 ’ 1 “ •VA 1TM ela *O» » r *MA PWMMMS £. FM9TS *1** 4AAJWMU H 0 M 8 I «« « F f BUTANE LICHTER tXVOSAOlf >.*« ~ si w B BEG. ’ 1.75 RICNT CNARR ANTi rM S * 0 4 0 0 39 NABISCO NILLA VANILLA WAFERS 12 OZ SENTRY m xrm a ave . - 12HOUB D B IS TA N COtGATE AOUT COLR CAPSULES NASAL M IS T TOOTH RRNSNES M G *1 J * M ÍW U M t HAÄD doistan MG ' I * 6FACX PKG .w ’3 " M M M corns (U b ili ROHR'S CREAM 99< N« UJS. I J x n.R S* MSIWFCCTAMT i Mias CMCKET 2£9T kV K X UOMO not HM94T t SMACK »AC. S 0 2 -o « ..< f MUMG ra a rv B A . o » S « M A C M O C O LA l« 1Ä I DETERGENT • Owéfo Mone VehrMta BO TTLE - *1 ■ ” n MG CUTtX 1« ' SMOWC* TO SHOWtD M O 9P.7 S O I ™ Ci* j