t Oemonia Eagle Visit Enjoyed 6 THURSDAY. SEPT 12, 1974 •M M M M M M B M M M a a O i By Sundlands Church Notes ■NaomaQowaMoooott Bible If you are looking for an active, friendly church that stands for the Word of God. a sincere welcome is extended to you to attend our services Sunday School 9:45a.m Morning Worship 11 a m Evening Service 7p.m. Fam ily Night (Wed) 7:30p m Our Sunday School bus is run every Sunday morning for those needing a ride to Sunday School and Church For a schedule of your neighborhood phone the pastor at 429-3363 Primary church is held during the morning worship service for kindergarten through 4th grade and is geared to the under­ standing and needs of the boys and girls A nursery is provided for the younger children An adult Bible study on the book of Romans is held every Tuesday evening at 7:30 in the home of Mr and Mrs Bob Zer- fing It is conducted by Virgil Snook Everyone is welcome Christian Church News Rummage Sale Thursday and Friday at church Thursdax - 8 we w ill be showing a "M oody" film the name is "E m pty Cities " Evervone in the community is invited Sunday School Picnic w ill be held this Sunday the 15th at 1 p.m at Hawkins Park Come ex­ pecting to have fun Witnesses Donald Whiteman w ill be the guest speaker this week at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's W it­ nesses M r wnitman. of Beav­ erton. w ill deliver the talk "Do Vain Works or Worthwhile Works F ill Your Life?". Following the public talk, the Congregation w ill discuss the thought found at Exodus 34:6.7 following the theme "Does God 's Mercy Cover All Your Sins0” The article by the same name in the August 15 issue of the Watchtower w ill be used as an outline Whitman 's ta lk w ill begin at 10 a.m.. Sunday September 15 at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah s Witnesses, 49 Texas Ave All interested persons are welcome to attend these two meetings of any of the other meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses h e ld throughout the week For more information contact Sal Scotto 429 7651 □ nehalem valley MOTOR FREIGHT, INC. Phone 429-3462 F IR S T E V A N G E L IC A L CH U R C H 967 State Avenue D irectory O f Churches MIST—Lawton Waddel visited at the Chas Sundland home on Saturday Sunday visitors were Mrs Elsie Peterson and Mrs Robert Mathews. Mrs Sophie Ballard of Roch ester N Y sister of Mrs Jane Hansen is visiting her for awhile She is going to make her home in Portland The Ed Rau fam ily visited at the Dave Crawford home last M M M M aN M M M S M M K VERNONIA BIBLE CHURCH Adams 4 Maple Kenneth Wooten, Pastor Sunday; 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Morning worship ser­ vice 5:45 p.m. - Junior Youth Fellow­ ship 7:00 p.m. - Evening worship ser­ vice Wednesday: 7.30 p.m. - Bible Study and Pray­ er If you have a spiritual need or question, call Pastor Wooten at 429-3363. Friday Mrs Albert Kunkes of San Jose California visited her son and fam ily the Tatelman’s for a couple days. Robin, Janet and Blossom Shetler recently went to lone Butte British Columbia to visit a friend From there Blossom went by bus to Prairie Bible Institute at Three Hills Alberta Canada where she w ill be going to school Robin and Janet came home ' X ■«...** . < .. ' * '• TW . • -/» * * * <5 ' » CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LA TTER -D A Y SAINTS VERNONIA BRANCH 850 Mudison Avenue Branch Pres. - Henry T. Hudson 1st fours. . Claude E. Gibson 2nd Cornu. - Ebner C. Schrader Ward Clerk - Robert E. M cNair Meeting Schedule Priesthood - 8:30 a.m. Sunday School - 10:15 a.m. Sucrament Mtg. - 11:30 a.m. Relief Scty. - Tuesday. 10:30 a.m. M .l.A. - Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Forestry Center Sets Woodcarving Class The Western Woodcarvers As­ sociation and the Western For estry Center w ill team to present a series of beginning wood carv­ ing classes The evening sessions w ill begin Thursday. September 19 at the Forestry’ Center with Brad Sypher teaching how to carve in-the-round Following ten sessions of the weekly class es by M r Sypher. John Grav w ill teach a sim ilar series of relief carving classes The final series of classes w ill be instructed by Jube Shiley in the art of chain saw carving Classes w ill involve instruc­ tion while actually working with wood Weekly 7 to 10 p.m meet tngs are planned for all three sessions Cost of any of these three classes is $25 and enrollment w ill be limited to 15 persons For information please call the Western Forestry Center 228- 1367 A SSEM BLY O F GOD Jefferson and Maple Rev. Dwane Hurley 9.45 a.m. - Sunday school.' Classes for all ages 11:00 a.m. - Morning warship 7:00 p.m. . Evangelistic service 7:30 p .m - Wednesday Prayer Meeting and Bible Study (Need a ride? Call 4286353) ST. M A R Y’S CATHOLIC Father Anthony Guaaia Mass is celebrated every week­ day morning at 8:30 in the rec­ tory Confessions are heard be­ fore Mass Saturday - Mass at 7 p.m. in the church Sunday - Masses at 8:30 and 10 Confessions - On Saturday from 6 to 6:45 in the church, before Mass Evangelical SEVENTH-DAY AD VENTIST 2nd 4 Nehalem Willard L. Santee, Pastor Prayer meeting at the church Friday evening at 6:30 Parents Summit Saturday evening at 7 p.m The Lord's Day activities be­ gin with men’s prayer meeting at 7:30 a.m. "Operation An­ drew " begins at the Sunday School hour of 9:45 Morning worship message from the Bible entitled “ Operation Andrew " You are welcomed to join our growing fellowship of caring Christians in the making for these upbuilding services to­ gether. Youth Fellowship at six Sun­ day evening Classmeeting at seven featuring singing, prayer, praise and a lesson from God's Word Hoot Owl Breakfast early Tuesday morning Evangelical Women have their September meeting Wednesday beginning at eleven Mid-week prayer and Bible study hour is Wednesday Claude Veal, Local E ld er 9:3o Sabbath School 11:00 Warship Service 7:00 P.M . Monday - Dorcas So­ ciety at Veal's home. 7:30 P.M . Tuesday - Prayer M eet­ ing at the church. 7:00 P.M . Mon. - Pathfinders at Scout Cabin. 7:30 a.m. . Men’s Prayer 9:45 a.m. * Church School, Jack Seeley, Sup’L 11:00 a.m. - Worship Experience 6:00 p.m. - Youth Fellowship. 7:00 p.m. * Sunday Claaanieeting W EDNESDAY E V E N IN G 7:00 p.m. Hour of power, prayer and Bible Study. E M M A N U E L EPISCOPAL CHURCH B IR K E N F E LD , OREGON The Rev. C. 8. Shulda. Vicar Phone Clatskanie 728-2331 Celebration of the Holy Commu­ nion the Fourth Sunday of each month at 12:00 Noon. FIR ST BAPTIST CHURCH Washington aad A Streets Claude Butler, Pastor Phone 428-3391 Sunday: 10 a .m Sunday School 11 a m. Worship Services. 6 P .M . Training Union Girls in Action, Mission Friends and Pre- School. 7:00 P.M . Evening Worship Wednesday: 7:0o P.M . Midweek Prayer Service. MLST - B IR K E N F E L D COMMU­ N IT Y CHtlRCH Blrkenfeld. Oregon Eldon Shetler. Pastor 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Church Services 7:30 p.m. - Wed. Prayer Meeting 10:30 a.m. - (Winter Months) on 2nd Wed. Women's Missionary and Work day. FIRST CHRLSTIAN CHURCH 430 North 4 Washington Streets Russ V in yard. Pastor Phone 429-6522 Sunday - Bible School 9:46 a.m. Homer Fuller. Supt. Morning Worship 11:00 a jn . (Nursery Provided) Fellowship Hour 6:07 p.m. Wedne.sda_v: Choir Practice 7:00 p.m. (1st only- Church Night 6:30 p.m. (2nd & 4th) CWF . 1:30 p.m. Friday. Bible Study - 8:00 p.m. (Call for location of Bible Study) ******** *****4 Let Ihe Vernonia Branch of the Am* orteen Cancer So­ ciety Help Youl CaD Carol?» k*************4 VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE Old Courthouse Basement ST. HELENS. OREGON Phone 397-2268 - Alter Hours 397-1730 M onday - W ednesday - T hursday 9:30 a.m. to 12 Noon LODGE A N D CLUB NOTICES COAST TO COAST STORES AT.&A.M . . to ta l h ardw are NEHALEM Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F . 4 A. M . meets at onto Temple. Stated communications on first Thursday of each month ) at 8:00 p.m. À Elm er Schrader, W.M. Wilbur E . Wilson, Sec’y. 1-75 VALLEY ON T A R G E T FO R A B E T T E R B U Y CHAPTER Meets at West Oregon E le c tric Bldg., third Thursday of each month, 7:10 p.m . B e s tB u y $ 7 .8 8 David King, President VERNONIA. LIONS Meets First 4 Third Monday Call 429-5891 for Meeting Place Darroid Proehl, President Don Jackson, Secretary 875 VERNONIA JAYCEES Meets the 2nd 4 4th of 3-75 Order of Eastern Star CLUB Tuesday Ralph Bergerson, Sec’y. every Nehalem Chapter 153, O.E.S. Regular com­ munication the 3rd Wed. each month at M a­ sonic Temple. All visiting sis­ ters and bro­ thers welcome. Sharon Kelley. W.M Irm a Fisher, Sec’y. 1-75 Vernonia Barrackr, Veterans of World War 1 Am erican Legion H ail 8:90 P .M . Meets 1st Monday each month at the Bill Hunter, President Jack Seeley. Secretary Am erican 8-74 Legion Hail, 12 Noon. VERNONIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Robert Andrews, Commander Rev. H. L. Russell, Adjutant Board of Directors report to mem­ bers quarterly. Board meets the second Tuesday, 8:W p.m. at West Oregon Electric office. Visitors invited. A U X IL IA R Y Meets 1st Monday, Legion Hall Gordon Smith, President Mrs. Evelyn Heath, Sec’y. 7-74 AMERICAN LEGION Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday of Cora Lange, President Faye Davis, Secretary g-74 PYTHIAN SISTERS VERNONIA TEM PLE NO. <1 Meetings: I.O .O F . Hall fiecowl Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. Lesta Garner, M.E.C. VERNONIA Cora Lange, Secretary 8-75 PORT 118 Wilbur E. Wilson, C om m a n d e r Harry- Culbertson, Adjutant MT. HEART REBEKAH LODGE NO. 243 Meets 2od 4 4th Thursday even A U X IL IA R Y lags of each month In the I.O .O.F. First aad Third Tuesdays Hall. Reatha Horn, President Gertrude Schalock, Sec’y. Arlie Emmons. Noble Grand Evelyn Heath, Sec'y. 8-75 1-74 SPECIAL “M A R Y , M ARY, quite contrary. How does your garden grow.” I f M ary lives In Vernonia, it grows very well, judging from the pictures above. From top to bottom gardeners with the green thumbs are: Norm Davis, Gerald Russell. Albert A verag e A ge O f U.S. V ets M oving Up Average age of (he nation's veteran population is moving upward, but ages of benefits counselors at Veterans Admin­ istration offices across the coun­ try are getting younger, Ihe agency pointed out today Al most 1,500 more counselors are available today compared Io two years ago. and moat of them are being hired from the ranks of Vietnam-era veterans Mr Average among the 29.2 m illion living veterans is 45 5 years of age Some 1,300 Span ish-American War velerans-with an average age of 94 5-are offset by more than 7 m illion Vietnam era veterans with an average age of 27.7. VA employs more than 2,800 benefits counselors to serve (he veteran population and its e l­ igible dependents. Counselors are located in 58 regional offices in the United States, Puerto Rico and Republic of (he Philippines They also visit patients in 171 VA hospitals Tandy, and Claude Veal. Not only are they add­ ing a bright spot on the Vernonia scene but will be doing their own bit to whip Inflation. A drive through the city will find many others also nipped by the lure of fresh growing things. More than 56 per cent of to no»:«:*:*:«*»:*»:*»:»:«» day’s counselors are under 35 FO R EST G RO VE years of age This contrasts to C O M M U N IT Y only 17.6 per cent of 1.338 coun­ selors under 15 two years ago. Matching Ihe growing number of Vietnam-era veterans. VA has • » » » » » » » » » » » tailored its staff of benefits counselors with peer strength FOREST GROVE More than 1,800 counselors. 65 COMMUNITY percent are Vietnam era vet­ September 1 Shawn Stevens erans Another 23 percent served in the m ilita ry during World War II and Korea > HOSPITAL $ 3 .9 9 BOX OF 25 A. Daisy "Cub" Air Rifle Wood stock, heavy gauge steel barrel, receiver, forearm 500-shot gravity teed 3 0 ’/ ," long 605 0926 B CIL Imperial 12-gauge shotshells BB. 2, 4. 5, 6. 7/4 shots Box ot 25 606 0305 to 606-0370 Each $1.19 $1.17 CLEAR SILICONE GLUE 8 SEAL M A M V W W A A A A A A W V t A A M V t A M t A A M W t A M W IA r M A A A A M V Eagle W a a t Ads G et Results EM E R G E N C Y SERVICE PHONES VERNONIA AMBULANCE Dial 4285141 VERNONIA F IR E D EPA R TM EN T Fire Alarms Only - Phone 4283131 VERNONIA PO LICE D EPA R TM EN T Dial 4285141 VERNONIA C IT Y HA LL 42852»! COLUMBIA COUNTY S H E R IF F Emergency: Vernonia Area 4285141 — Business: 317-2511 OREGON STATE PO LICE 8 a.m. to 3 a.m. - Beaverton Office ■ 643-4762 3 a.m. to 8 a.m. - Dial ” O” , aak far Oak Grove «54-4565 St. Helena office - Phone: 387-3121 m C sS sS sO Q Q igsM O M M W O M O O O M M aM O M M M M M O eO l Bonds metal, fabric, wood . . . in fact just about every­ thing. Won't crack, chip or peel lor years Goulds balanced flow, no tank, no extras shallow well system $ 1 5 6 .5 0 3 0Z TUK $ 2 .0 9 BRUNSMAN HARDWARE and ELECTRIC F IN E F O R N IT U R E WE DELIVER