lunnTsups FOR SÀLE-General TRADE custom made Furniture for Auto Repair, auto painting etc. Also for hay or livestock Rhone 755-2513 37t2 FOR SALE — Custom made fur- iture, built to last forever Rea­ sonable prices - See next to Ben's Barber ShSop. Vernonia, Phone 755-2513. 37t2 RUMMAGE SALE • Clothing, household items, toys and books American Legion Hall, Septem her 12 and 13, 8:30 - 4:00. CWF, Christian Church. 37tlc 12-FT Aluminum boat. 3181. Call 428- 37t2 FREE KITTENS ready soon for adoption to good homes. Make your selection early. Phone 428- 8531.__________________ 37tlc FOR SALE: Womans 50 cc Hon­ da. »125. XI800 AKIA tape and 8 track, 2 Pioneer speakers and 6 month old Whirlpool dryer. See to appreciate. Call 755-2277. ___________________________ 36t2 FOR SALE: U-Pick Com, 50c doz, tomatoes, peppers, sheer cukes, parsley. Lloyd Whitcomb, 1 blk. W. Brown Derby, Banks. Phone 324-2484 for info. 34tfc FOR SALE: Approximately 100m marked timber near Mist. Phone Mr. Good, Portland. 288-9781. evenings. 20tfc FOR the home Seamstress - Full line of Simplicity Patterns at SEW SIMPLE SHOP, 725 Bridge. Vernonia. Phone 429-7441. ___________________________17tfc CUT FLOWERS, weddings, fun­ eral designs, plants. Also flowers by wire. Artificial Rowers and gifts. CHALET FLOWER SHOP. Phone 428-5733 or 429-6301. ___________________________13tfc FOR SALE-R'l Estate ATTENTION 3 plus acres with neat solid older. 3 liedroom home on good founda­ tion in Timber Oregon. 1,000 foot River frontage, lots of trees and privacy, 24 x32' shop. 2 car gar­ age. A real buy for those who want out. $24,500 THELMA A1RD REAL ESTATE Phone 648-4168 FOR SALE by owner — No down payment to G.I., 3 bedroom home on W acre in Vernonia, unfinished basement, outdoor fireplace, un­ derground sprinkler system, tim­ ber, close to schools, on dead-end street! (16,200. Call 357-3448 Forest Grove______________36t3c "FABRICS ’n FASHIONS” Busi­ ness for sale. Make offer. In- quire at store_____________36tfc Bill Horn Realty »l.llO«* FOR SALE-Autos 1953 FORD % ton 4-speed, good tires and new battery. Has '59 motor in it. Ph 428-7902 __________________________ 37tfc 1973 IMP ALA Station Wagon - Factory Air, P.S., A T , Lug­ gage Rack. Radio, Tinted Glass. Loaded with many options. 10,000 actual miles. Company owned ....... »3980 1973 CHEVELLE 4-Dr. — A T., P.S., Radio, Like New »3195 1973 BLAZER 4x4 — Factory Air, A.T., P.S., Positraction, 330 Gal. Tank. Gauges, Mirrors. 700x15 on and off tires. Skid Plated, Radio, 10,000 Miles. Exceptional .................. »4895 1970 CHEV. W Ton Pickup - 6- Cyl., 3 Spd..................... »1395 1971 CHEV. 4-Dr. Sedan - P.S., A T., Radio .................. »1495 1974 CHEVELLE Spt. Cj« — 7,000 Miles ....................»3595 See John Hager for The Big Savings! DAVIES CHEVROLET 493 Bridge St. Phone 429-5023 __________________________ 37tlC 1971 DATSUN P.U. with canopy. 92100. Phone 429-7642 34t3c WANTED WOOD HEATER with long fire jgx Call 429-8761.__________ 37tl NEED RIDE to Portland State. Will share expenses. Phone 429- 6343 ______________________ 37tlc RIDE needed 5 days a week, 6:30 »•m. - 4:30 p.m. N.W. Portleand ora Phone 429-efl22fl_______37tfc MAN to do house foundation work. Phone 429-5751 or call at 966 East Alabama Avenue. setic PERSONAL REDUCE safo and fast with Go- B * Tablets ft E-Vap "water Pflk*', Vernonia Drug, 87t2 THURSDAY, SEPT. 12, 1974 3 SERVICES FOR RENT BOWLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Interior - Exterior — Free Estimates — Special Summer Rates LELAND SEIBERT Phene 429-6191 ___ 9tfc NEW VERNONIA Hotel - Rooms by day, week or month. Also, trailer hook-ups. Phone 429-5091. __________________________ 6tfc WOMEN'S LEAGUE KELSO SALE BARN R. Vaughn Baker. Auctioneer AUCTION FRIDAY 7:00 P.M. Phone 425-3212 130 Sales Barn Road KELSO, WASHINGTON 98626 49tfc VERNONIA SANITARY SERVICE Phone 429-8711 SOtfc SHOE REPAIRS — Open 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m, Tandy Shoe Repair, D St., Vernonia, 429-3301. _ _ _ _ _ _ ____________ aitfc ARCTIC INSULATING CO. Blown-la Insulation Rockwool Batting FREE ESTIMATES MONDAY NIGHT LEAGUE September 9 Quinn Insurance West Oregon Timbernook Vernonia Drug CARD of THANKS WE WISH to thank all our friends and neighbors for all their kind thoughts and doeds upon the loss of our mother and grandmother. A special thank you to the Ver­ nonia Bible Church and Rebekah Lodge, for the lunch that was served after the service. Your kindness will always be remem­ bered. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Pat LJoyd and children Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eckland and children Mrs. Roberta Schwab and children Neil Lloyd and children _______ __________________ 37tlc “RAH, rah. rah, the Loggers have the ball” and they plan on keeping It as they go Into their first gam« of the season against Salem Academy lOtfc PUBLIC NOTICE THE BOARD of Directors of the Vernonia Rural Fire Protection District will meet the 3rd Monday of September, September 16 and each 3rd Monday of every month thereafter at the meeting room of the West Oregon Electric Build­ ing Time, 7:3o p.m. These are general business meetings and are open to the public. « R. D. Fletcher, Sec. New Homes Built To Your Specifications New Construction - Additions - Re- modelng - Roofing . Foundations — FREE ESTIMATES — NOTICE Wednesday Men’s League September 9 Vernonia Mill 3 1 Vernonia Sentry 3 1 Don Auto 1 3 Mist Shake 1 3 High team series, Vernonia Milk, 2614; high individual series and gam e, Henry Anderegg, 522; 196. Splits picked up: Mike Fetlier- ston, 3-7-10. LIVESTOCK SPIRITED Bay Gelding. Has had prveious 4-H training, but needs experienced rider. $150 or best offer Phone 543-6212. 35tfc Thursday Men’s League September 5 Alpine Lanes Funsters Mike’s Tavern Smith and Hult 42tfc BAIR Logging Co. 429-7485 The Place To Call For All Your Rock Needs! I rucking. Excavating, Bulldozing. Backhoe Sand - Gravel - Rock Stockpiled In Vernonia for —Immediate Delivery— letfc SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Licensed - Bonded and Insured PHONE 397-3172 If no answer call 397-2281. Columbia County Septic Tank Service _______ ___________________ 18tfc INSTRUCTION LEARN A TRADE RAPID CONCENTRATED TRAINING Heavy Equipment Operation Refrigeration/Air Conditioning Small Engine/Motorcyle Mechanics Approved for the training of veterans Resident Training (Portland Ore.) Day and Evening Classes Home Study Call for information: Portland — 659-5181 Oregon (Toll Free) — 800-452-6717 WEST COAST TRAINING SER. INC. P. O. Box 22468. Milwaukie, Ore. 97222 LOST and FOUND FOUND: Irish setter wearing col­ lar and shot tags found in vicinity of Keasey Route. Dog Is fuU grown May be claimed by iden­ tifying and paying for ad. Phone 428-5023 or 429-7171,_________ 34tfc CLASSIFIED RATES MINIMUM charge (1.90 for 20 words or less. Words over mini­ mum 5 cents each. NO Information on classifieds wiU be given out until after paper is mailed. CARD of Thanks and Notices: »1.25 (or up to 12 lines. Addi­ tional lines, 8 cents each. DISPLAY classified are »1.20 per column inch. THE EAGLE assumes n clal responsibility for errors that may appear In ads pub­ lished la its columns, but la cases where this paper Is at fault will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typographi­ cal mistake occurs. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER NOON TUESDAY EX­ CEPT FOR NEXT WEEK’8 PAPER. BLIND ADS with answers to be handled by The Eaglet Mini­ mum charge »2.90. No informa­ tion given relative to such ads. POETRY accepted only as paid matter: Rato: 19 Coach's Comer THE BOYS with the dark colored scarves are the opposition to this practice scrimmage held Friday evening at Greenman field as they tested by MELVIN NICE Football Couch MQOKC«aOGiG)Qi!MO0aOOOOW The results of two weeks of practice, a few bruises and a lot of sweat, will be realized this Friday as the Vernonia lo g g e rs play the Salem Academy Crusa­ ders at Salem. The gam e pro­ m ises to be a very interesting contest The Crusaders lost 6-0 last week to St. Mary's of Medford who were runners-up in state last year It shouldn’t take long to see whether the Loggers are championship m aterial Salem Academy features a wishbone, option offense, that stars a 200-pound fullback who is also the quickest man on the team. Last week he ran for very good yardage which could pose quite a problem for Vernonia. Their other running backs have only average speed and size. Tneir passing gam e was only fair last week but with only nine days practice that was to be expected. Salem did m anage one touchdown pass a g a i n s t St. Mary’s which was called back due to a penalty When a defense is highly concerned with stop­ ping a running attack, the pass is alw ays dangerous threat The Crusader defense racked the quarterback nine tim es which means they have a very re­ spectable pass rush The Logger gam e plan will be to stop their big fullback with Don "Baby Buffalo" Knight. “I put Don's height at five-foot nine-inches ana his weight at about 240-pounds last w eek,” said Coach Nice. "Then upon m easuring and weighing him, I f o u n d that he was six-foot one-inch and w e i g h e d 250-- pounds We will put Don over center with the job of stopping their fullback, “he continued, adding, "we will then play our normal defense with the rest of the squad ” The head grid m e n t o r con­ tinued. "Our basic offensive plan against their 4-4 stack defense is to run outside and traps up the middle We will attempt to control their pass rush with our screen p ass.” In scrim m age this w e e k several have looked good. Kris Crowston, Loren Kennedy and Gordy Crowston have been hit­ ting very hard on offensive blocking, while Ed Buckner has looked good running the ball. On kick returns Bryan Traylor and Brad Bellingham have looked very sharp on reverse handoffs. On defense Jim Thompson is destroying people. "I will feel much better when Jim is hitting our opponents instead of our own m en,” commented Nice. Mike Sutherlin has also looked good on defense. For those planning to attend this Friday’s gam e, the follow­ ing directions will get you to the playing field. Follow 1-5 to the Brooks-Keizer exit. Stay on that highway until reaching 219. Turn left on 219 and follow it out the bridge to Salem. Then follow Highway 22 toward Dallas. The school is a short distance out, on the right hand side of the road. The following is the last of the » TUESDAY NIGHT BOWLING September 10 Bill Horn 3 1 Standard Oil 2 2 Cut and Curl 2 2 Pills ! 3 High team series, Cut and Curl 2337; high team gam e, Pills 868 High individual series, Joyce Johnson 542; high individual gam e Joyce Johnson 208 Splits picked up: Trudy Mag- off 5-7; Kandy Sparks 4-5; Mary Ann Ceballos 2-7; Janett Smiley 2-7; Carol Sparks 3-7-10; Donna Price 4-5-7; Judy Bates 3-10 and 5-6-10; Kim Kooser 5-10 and 4-5. MEN'S LEAGUE FOR OREGON JOURNAL ser­ vices call Al Irnan, 429-2081 be­ fore 10:30 a.m. and after 5:30 p.m. 29tfc Norman H illsbery, Builder 429-8942 this Friday night at Salem. The Loggi !gers began practice three weeks ago and are »no »wing real promise this year. 337tlc ST. HELENS 4 0 2 2 2 2 0 4 High team gam e, Timbernook 838; high team series Quinn Insurance 2396. High individual gam e, Bobbie Enneberg 207, high individual series Betty Fuquay 528 Splits picked up Freda Ped­ erson 2-7-8 and 5-7; Yvonne Ruehman 4-5-7; Flo Huff 4-5; Jean Balia 5-7; Betty Fuquay 4-5-7 Call Collect 397-1670 GRI 953 Bridge St., Vernonia Phone 429-6203 BILL HORN, BROKER SALESMAN: Deri Roberts—428-3804 Sue Filter—429-7014 FOREST GROVE BRANCH — Arlie Satterlee. Mgr —Ph. 357-2321 U e r n o n ia E a g le their plays against each other. Blocking for the punter was one of the Important elements being exercised that afternoon. profiles on the senior football players. I 3 1 3 1 1 3 1 3 High team series, Alpine Lan­ es, 2697; high individual series, Ben Fowler, 531; high individual gam e, Gary Dinger, 201. Splits picked up: Ron Smith 2- 7; Gary Dinger 2-7; Jim Hult 3- 10; Larry Me Donald 3-10 twice; Ed Balia 5-7-9; Henry Anderegg 5-7. A wood wall four inches thick provides nearly as much insulation as a concrete wall five feet thick. MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt. 2, Bax 379, Forest Grove, Ore. 3NI-7281 Slanghtertog, Cntttog, Wrapping, end Coring Cattle received Sunday A Monday until noon; hogs received Tuesday and Wednesday until noon. M eat for sale, any quantity. MARTY SCHWAB “At five-foot four-inches and 135-pounds you just don’t , go around knocking people down i , ” according to coach Nice. At least not the big strong kind found on the football field, on Friday nights. In fact, at that size, it is a successful season just to be alive at its conclusion", the coach said, with a sm ile. “I must give Marty credit for turning out and sticking the season out each year, ’’ Nice continued “It would be easy to find som e reason not to turn out but Marty is alw ays in there, trying.” THIS LAND Is your land KEEP IT CLEAN PRACTICE makes perfect and that’s just »hat coach Melvin Nice hopes for with his daily practice sessions for the Vernonia Logger football team. Coast Guard Offers Safe Boating Class The U S. Coast Guard Aux­ iliary-Flottilla 75 is sponsoring a course on safe boating The free 12-week course will be held at Holbrook School on Highway 30 south of Scappoose each week. The course got underway this week on Tuesday night and will be held each Tuesday night for the next 11 weeks at 7:30 p.m. According to a representative of the A uxiliary, it is still not too late to join and “all you have to do is attend the next session and register at that tim e,’ SPECIAL PRICES ON MORILE HONES & TRAVEL TRAILERS — RAINIER LOT ONLY — One Only—1974 - 14x56 two bedroom, all elec­ tric Concord. Loaded Full Price $7995 One Only—1974 - 14x65 two bedroom, all elec­ tric Concord. Loaded Full Price $8695 One Only—1974 - 241/2-ft. Prowler, fully self- contained, bath tub, twin beds. Now Only. Full P rice__ ____ _________ ____ _ $4195 One Only Introductory—1975 - 17-Ft. Self-con­ tained Nomad .............. Full Price $2695 One Only Introductory Price— 1975 - 16-Ft. No­ mad, toilet power hood, pressured water. Full P rice-----------------------------------$2395 One Only—1974 - 8x35 Champion park model, construction mans dream ________ $4795 TROJAN HOMES INC. Rainier Ph. 556-1531 — Clatskanie Ph. 728-3779 Clatskanie Lot—Highway 30 City Limits Rainier Lot—3 Miles South of Rainier Hwy. 30 Owners Steve and Lotus Gaskill i — Can tor Appointment — Come through Banks, taka Tilla­ mook road lt t mL, take 1 M left- hand road. ltfe CONE PICKERS WANTED We w ill be buying clean Douglas Fir cones, grade 4 or better, $3.75 a Bushel Pickers m ay register at the CROWN ZEtLERBACH CONE SHED Friday, September 6 between the hours oi 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cone buying w ill begin Monday, September 9 and continue Mon­ days and Fridays from 10 a.m. Io 5 p.m. On Wednesday, hours w ill be from 10 a.m . to 12 noon. CONES MUST BE CLEAN AND WITH NO WORMS f