Demonia Eagle 4 THURSDAY. SEPT 12. 1974 PCC Center Opening Soon BOB P O L LA R D named as PCC Coordinator for the St. Helens Center. An open house will be held at the new Portland Community College Center in §t Helens at the St Frederick’s Church. Sun­ day, September 22 with classes scheduled to begin Monday. Sep­ tember 30. Events scheduled for the Sun day opening will include intro­ duction of classes, displays and opportunities available at the center Orientation classes of approximately 45 minutes will inform those attending of avail­ able classes to be held at the center. Other activities tentatively planned include the PCC Band. St Helens Summer Community Band, and a performance by the Sweet Adelines There will be refreshments served and a child care area provided PCC counselors will be on hand with material and catelogs. etc., for guests to take home and study There will also be an art display by ex-PCC art students The PCC program stresses that it is not necessary to have a high school diploma or any prior educational background to enjoy the wide variety of courses de­ signed to educate in an informal yet interesting way. Among the demonstration of classes to be offered will be one on fishing by the president of Trout Unlimited, a demonstra tion of stitchery. bicycle repair, cake decorating, and cones and pod creations Traffic Deaths on Rise During August Eighty-eight people were kill­ ed in Oregon traffic during Aug­ ust It was the second highest toll ever recorded for a single month in the state, surpassed only by August, 1971. when 96 were kill­ ed The Motor Vehicles Division reported Tuesday that 437 people were killed in Oregon during the first eight months of the year, three more than for the com­ parable period a year ago The division said approxima­ tely half of the fatalities during August occurred during week­ end periods, with the worst weekend accounting for 21 of the deaths Extension Unit Plans First Meet of Year The Vernonia Extension will hold their first meeting of the year on Thursday September 19 at 10:30a m at the West Oregon Electric bldg They will be working on the project that was slated in the May meeting “Please bring materials and if you found something new and different over the summer months bring them.’ the group advises There will be a potluck lunch­ eon and anyone is welcome to come BirkenfeM W ater Assoc. Holds Mooting HIRKENFELD-The Annual meeting of the Birkenfeld Water Association held at the Francis 1 .arson home on Tuesday even mg of last week with a good at­ tendance. the women joined too The general routine of business was taken care of Everett Johnston spent a couple days last week in Eugene Mr and Mrs Francis Nord­ strom made a visit with relatives at Silverton over the weekend They also visited friends at Sherwood Mr and Mrs Bob Salisbury Mr and Mrs Charles Ramsey took a trip to Victoria British Columbia then came back by way of Vancouver. Wash They enjoyed the beautiful scenery and had a wonderful trip Mr and Mrs Bob DuPuis and Bill enjoyed a dinner at the home of Mr and Mrs Jerol Moran at Clatskanie on Sunday in honor of Bill's birthday Mrs Lloyd Beach took Mrs Robert Mathews to Clatskanie last Friday Mr. and Mrs Marvin Bloomer and children drove to Modesto. California over Labor Day weekend and visited his folks Mr and Mrs Roy Stuve attended the wedding of Patricia Stuve. daughter of the Russell Stuves on Saturday out from Beaverton Family Makes Special Trip county over Labor Day weekend M M O H O O M M M M M K Board for Camp Wilkerson in the It was a particularly exciting amount of SUN) Ivy stuted that time when Buck McDonald’s they ure interested in further horse got loose and kicked ano participation on their part to­ ther one Meals were cooked for wards Camp Wilkerson them and even a night of dancing Roy A Nelson. County Clerk, with music under the stars was presented to the Board a request for an attachment for the Add irovided Many of the Ridge P» (Mem orandum M inutes) ressograph The attachment will R iders participated prepare the required 3"x5’’cards Juanita Ryan is a very busy for addressing envelopes.numeo Grandma In and about town TIMBER ROUTE—The Jerry , helping where she can. The Columbia County Board of form letters and small panipli Madison’s spend an enjoyabale Don and Barbara Bergerson Commissioners met in scheduled lets The cost of the attachment weekend in the coastal town of and children enjoyed the State session with Chairman Fred is $2.43182 Request was ap­ Hammond with their 5 children Fair. Particularly the handcraft Foshaug presiding.Commission­ proved When Jerry isn't on a tug boat The Board approved the fol­ displays where they viewed dog er Jack Minkoff and Sally Nelsen pulling logs, he's busy working fur and wool being spun into wall (deputy clerk) present Com­ lowing purchase orders: No.3505 on his farm Bergerson *■ E n t e r p r i s e s hangings They were very thrill­ missioner Ahlborn was absent Phil Bartles was seen afoot in ed and proud of Vernonia's boys due to vacation $1,916.80 No 3507 Hasselblad town Sunday He came home to Commissioners Foshuug and Lumber Sales -$3,320.69 r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e FFA visit friends and family Pres Minkoff upproved the minutes of Personnel Action regurdmg (future farmers of America! ently he lives in an apartment The boys received 2nd place and August 28. 1974. Sharon Kelly was approved and works in Portland Miscellaneous duims w e r e many blue ribbons amidst tough A letter from John F. Hunni­ Daisy Gabriel's youngest son competition Under the able approved cutt regarding the Panorama was badly hurt yesterday in a Reel met with the Board to Subdivision was reviewed by the leadership of Don K a b 1 e r cannery plant While cleaning discuss road problems on Miller Board Fran Stockett has con (cabby) the boys have done well out a chamber, he was punct­ He is discontinuing as leader, Rd Reel was referred to Sam (acted Hunnicutt with concern ured in his back leaving a wonderful opportunity Hollinger, Roadmaster. regarding the placement of cul­ Helen Clark, is a retired John Hunnicutt met with the verts in the road near his and some unhappyboys The telephone employee and her FFA will appreciate being able Board with Don Campbell and property, and that it niuv in­ husband is a truck driver. They to carry on in this community, Bob Foster to discuss the pend crease the amount of water have two sons One is married for the good of many boys and mg vacation of a portion of drainage on his property. and lives in South Carolina The young farmers for the future Swager Rd Camptx'll and Fos Daniel Koch inquired about youngest is in Paskagoola Miss Sue Garner was home from ier were in objection to the the C o n s t r u c t i o n Mainte­ issippi, serving in the Navy. college with her family over the vacation. Commissioner Minkoff nance Agreement for restoring They enjoy the quiet and peace recent holiday pointed out that they were only roadway at M P 1.27 on Fern of country living in Vernonia George Peachy was home on a considering vacating mainten ¡Hill ltd and M.P. 2.8 and M.P The Marxer family sold all pass from the hospital long ante Commissioner Foshaug 7.0 on the Scappoose Vernonia their horses and now are raising enough to catch a salmon before suggested that they discuss it Rd chickens They had a good time returning with Sam Hollinger, Koadmas in Pacific City, watching the Ed Bredo came home on ter The Commissioners and many fishing boats, c a l l e d Sunday on a pass He is resting Sam Hollinger will tentatively “Dories” . A special treat was comfortably and will soon be meet with Campbell at the getting to watch the “Kite back at work in the cleaners Swager Rd on Friday, Sept Gliders’’ People strap on a type ember 6, 1974 of external wings, then run or Bill Jauron & Francis Mc- jump off a cliff and take off, Gilvra met with the Board to soaring into space like Jonathon discuss Hankey Rd They were Livingston Seagull concerned about the poor main­ Jean Workman recently spent tenance of the road for the a week in Dallas. Texas She and amount of people and traffic. her husband are both employed The Commissioners will check at Tektronix They boated and with the Roadmaster. Sam Roll rested for a week in West Fir Inger The Burkes went on a open Mel Ivy, of Pacific Northwest trail ride sponsored by the Bell, presented a check to the Jerry Madison Family Enjoys Weekend Trip Willies' Visif Over Holiday HIRKENFEUD—Mr and Mrs Laverne Willie of Fishhawk Lake visited over Labor Day with friends at Vashon. Wash this being an island in Puget Sound Three other couples were also guests They had a very nice time and the weather was beau tiful. They spend 6 days there Mr and Mrs Mickey Hopkins brought his father Tom Hopkins home from the hospital Sunday evening He is doing real well Mr and Mrs Paul Tornblad and family of Cherry Grove visited at the Walt Tornblad home on Sunday Mr FTank Lehman of Fish- hawk Lake returned home last week from tne Forest Grove hospital where he had 1 pin re moved from his crushed hip which was caused irom a fall on the ice January 18 Two more pins will be* removed later He is getting along very well Mr and Mrs Ephriam Koi jonen of Seattle dropped in for a visit at the Tornblad home They had been on vacation in Calif Bible Study was held at the Roy Stuve home Tuesday even­ ing of last week Mrs Mary Boone of Scappoose visited her sister and husband, the Lloyd Beach’s on Sunday Mrs Bob DuPuis and Mrs George Richardson accompan­ ied the Nordstrom s to Longview on Wednesday of last week Mr. and Mrs H E Milliken of Lake Oswego stayed several days last week at their future home site at Fishhawk Lake For America’s first 300 years, the eastern white pine was its leading timber tree RIVERVIEW—Mr and Mrs Kenneth Jacobs and family of Yacolt Washington spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr and Mrs Virgil Snook They came especially to visit her grand­ mother. Mrs Myrtle Snook who is visiting here from California Mrs Powell B Loggan of Portland spent Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs Bill Nic­ hols Mr and Mrs Merle Cline came home Wednesday after spenading ten days at Spruce Run Park They finished out the season as caretakers for a man who had had that position during the summer, but had to leave for a teaching job at Jewell. Mrs Evelyn Heath spent the weekend at the home of her daughter and family Mr and Mrs Irvin Ladd at Beaverton A special attraction was the birth­ day of their younger daughter Kathy U S C H O K E BONE IN BEEF GRADE A H INDO U ARTE» BEEF RUMP ROAST L. $ |,B TURKEY ROAST U SC H O C E BONELESS REEF ROUND TIP ROAST Board of Commissioners HALF OR WHOLE SILVERS i. FRESH SALMON " 1 paper Towers Shop & Sâfc üJfth the friendly m t ë a t Sentry' .37« $f 49 WESTERN FAMILY ■ LIGHT — U.S. CHOICE BEEF FULL CUT Chunk fund 2/89! F ' Willard Garlocks' In Cornelius On Friday MIST—Mr and Mrs Willard Garlock were in Cornelius on last Friday and picked up fruit. Mr and Mrs Roy Kyser and Connie attended Patty Stuve s wedding at Aloha on Saturday Visitors at the Casper Serby home last week were. Mr and Mrs Robert Clifton and daugh­ ters, Nancy and Barbara of Clat­ skanie and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs Martin Pumala of Clat­ skanie visited them Forrest and Ear! Shetler went on a short bow and arrow hunt around The Dalles on last week­ end The young folks Sunday school class visited the Dunlaps on Sunday They sang and played guitars and Sandra Tupper play­ ed a Flute number They found Noble feeling real good, and all enjoyed the visit. Mr and Mrs Casper Serby and daughter Ann attended Youth Rally day at Westport Community Church and also at­ tended services Eldon Shetler. made a trip to Dayton Oregon on business, also had a short visit with relatives L a rv ilo PALMOIIVE GOLD DEODORANT SOAP WEST F AMU Y W KE CMPM CRSH SLCD pine apW A $1 FRESH CALIF. F*NCT BED N f w CBO» MUC BETTY CROCKER LOCAL OCX D l N EARS POTATO BUDS APPLES 4 ^*1 oi WITH COUP (W ou» cou» m is , KMH i n » cou» • O H I O ♦ 14/4 5 ,1 1 1 1 > / 4 A t BLEACHED 0« 5/49« corn UNBLEACHED Flour S|2& PRC BM BROWN TO , ROOMS ib / T BETTY CROCKER SNACKIN' CAKES MCMUM size yellow NT .11 w BAGGIES DECONGESTANT FOOD BAGS O R IS I AN I ABLETS • I STIAK SAUCE » I U I M IN C M C t l v t . 1 C M C . H O N . . 2 .0 .« CATEOOS I T O V I T O . T W IN I . C . , C H IC . STWEINC MIX .S-.. 4 .0 . w- JO HNSO N & JOHNSO N COTTON BALLS D IM C O . 01». M . H l i i l l 45 PAPER t W i »00-CT S t’ M f ASTIA N O N ATURAI A »»T'D C IM A I 2 IB *7 M RALPH'S CHEVRON Phone 429-6691 63‘ DENTAL FLOSS U N W A If O P IG EA W 79‘ OADJL A trra o u z B D FOOD ■TAMP And it doesn't end when you drive out of our station. We re proud to offer the finest bumper to bumper service you can get. The kind that prevents those big bills and headaches later on. Chevron PACT I U ’ 135 Chevron Cor Core Service begins I I ••• Chevron Car Care Service •IG 79- S3 M B ‘ 3 »9 NIUS BROS, c o r n i 5^49 SOCI MEMBER UNI T ED GROCERS. INC. 7 « JEFFEBSOH ATE. - BABY, EGG. GOLDEN MOUTHWASH SUAVE SHAMPOO cepacol (EG W I oi LIQUID 14 ' CEPACOL. BEG 75- Throat Lozenges C « «• SINEX, REG " 3V Sinus Spray 1 < M ,,51 ...... Mi-m. SENTRY IV DOG & CAT, M G *2.29 F l.o Collar O ea FEMININE DEODORANT F.O.S. SPRAY REG POWDER •1.73 REG » ,5159 ». ■ TEBHOHIA, OBEGOI