Filed Against Two Policemen A wrongful death suit has been filed in Columbia County Circuit Court, asking damages of nearly t a half m illion dollars on behalf of the estate of Zells Kappert, Goble, who died as the result of a one-car accident in December, 1972 at the junction of Highway 47 and the Scappoose Vernonia j Highway. Named in the complaint are Steven Poetter and Ray lu m p ­ ing, in addition to W illiam Jacob, driver of the car in which the young woman was riding at the time of the accident. Poetter, now with the St. Helens Police Department, was then a mem­ ber of the Vernonia Police Reserves while lu m p in g was, and is, a member of the Ver­ nonia Police Department The complaint, filed by Loren Kappert, a representative of Miss Kappert' s estate, alleges that the three men were neg­ ligent. It covers the events lead­ ing up to the crash, beginning at approximately 2:45 a m on Dec­ ember 2, 1972 when Jacob’s vehicle, in which Miss Kappert was riding, passed the police station on Bridge Street in Ver­ nonia It was at this time that it isalledged Poetter and Lamping believing a violation of the local noise ordinance had been vio lated, entered the Vernonia Po ; lice car and pursued the Jacob automobile Suspecting the operator of the Jacob vehicle might be under the influence of liquor, the com- ilaint continues, and after fol- owing for approximately 12 miles, the officers attempted to stop Jacob by using the flashing lights of the police car When Jacobs didn’t stop, the complaint contends, the officers chased the car on a narrow winding road, in a rainstorm, at speed ranging up to 100 miles an hour for between 3 Vi and four miles until the Jacob vehicle ran off the road and Miss Kappert suffered injuries which resulted in her death According to the complaint Jacob was negligent in attem pt­ ing to elude the police and in tne manner in which he operated the car Poetter and Lamping were negligent according to the com plaint, because they acted un­ reasonably to the suspected offense; they pursued the Jacob vehicle for more than a mile without lights; they failed to attempt to stop Jacob promptly after observing the violation of the basic rule; and that they operated the Vernonia police car on Highway 47 at speeds up to 100 miles per hour during a rain storm The complaint further con­ tends that the officers failed to take into consideration that there were other people in the car besides Jacob, that the ve­ hicle was occupied by juveniles who might be frightened by what was occurring and that they used unreasonable and excessive force in pursuing the vehicle and deprived Miss Kappert of her civil right to be secure and free from unlawful arrest and un­ reasonable harassment Further, the complaint states that Jacob and Poetter engaged in a race on the highway and that Lamping, by not objecting, ac­ quiesced to the conduct If any defendent had broken off the race, the complaint alleges, the death would not have occurred Damages in the amount of $150,000 are asked as a result of Miss Kappert s death from each defendant as well as $1,678 in medical and funeral expenses from each. Three other occupants of the Vehicle, including the driver, Jacob’s were injured in the ac­ cident . f Police Cadets Plan Program The Vernonia Police Cadets w ill be the hosts for law en­ forcement cadets from through­ out the area on Monday Sep tember 16. The Cadets have arranged for the M ilita ry Police to present a talk and film showing aimed at showing the possibilities of a career with the m ilita ry police law enforcement group The program w ill start at 7 p.m at the Vernonia High School gym Those interested in be- (inning a career in law en­ orcement (or a related field) are urged to join the Police Cadets Membership is open to young men and women 14 to 20 years All are welcome to the pro gram. L ib r a r y U n iv e r s it y o f Oregon E ugen e, Oregon Oernonia £a