Uernonla £agk Stinnett« 6 THURSDAY. AUGUOT 29, 1874 M 8 B M M O M O S IM e O O W O I Church Notes Bible If you are looking for an active friendly church that stands for the word of God. a sincere welcome is extended to you to attend our services Sunday School 9:45a.m. Morning Worship lla .m Evening Service 7 p.m . Hour of Power (Wed) 7:30p.m. Our Sunday School bus is run throughout Vernonia every Sun- say morning for those needing a ride to Sunday School and church For the schedule of your neighborhood phone the pastor at 429-3363 Prim ary church is held during the morning worship service for kindergarten through 4th grade It is geared to the understanding and needs of the boys and girls A nursery is provided for the younger children An adult Bible Study on the book of Revelation is held every Tuesdav evening in the home of M r and Mrs Bob Zerfing. It is conducted by Virgil Snook All are welcome. Upcoming Event The Chal­ lenger's will be with us for our Back-To-School Sunday . Sept 8 from 9:45 a m. to 12 noon pre­ senting the best in gospel music Don’t miss out! Visits Enjoyed At Serby’s MIST—Visitors at the Serby home during last week were. Mrs Marge McGinnis of Ver noma. Rav Mathison of Mist, and his daughter Shirley from Oak­ land Calif She came up to get her father and he will spend a couple weeks with her M r and Mrs Harold Case from V er­ nonia. Mrs Ruby Loomis and son Marion of Springfield and Mrs Alice Buker of Rainier also visited Mrs Martin Hanson attended in-service training school for two days last week This being Goble and Trojan, at the Nuclear Auditorium given by the Rainier School District. On Sunday the Annual young peoples club of Mist had their reunion at the home of M r and Mrs Les Closner at Estacada. Those attending were M r and Mrs Norman Hansen. M r and Mrs Roy Kyser and Connie, M r and Mrs Bud Howry of Detroit, M r and Mrs Roger Duirin of Wash., M r and Mrs Russell Stuve and family of Beaverton. M r and Mrs Pete Phell and family of Beaverton M r and Mrs Pete Phill and family of Gresham They had lots of eats and all had a won­ derful time. — * * • l f_ V /id W IU IU b MIST—M r and Mrs David Stinnett and children from Sea side visited on Sunday at the Dave Crawford home Mrs Larry Garlock and her son Gary visited her folks over the weekend at Yakima M r and Mrs Willard Garlock took their son Jim in to the airport on last Friday. He left for Singapore His family will follow on Friday of this week On Friday of last week. Connie Kyser took Mrs Claude Kyser to Vancouver to the Vets Hospital to see Clarence Kyser He is im ­ proving M r and Mrs Shalmon Libel visited Mrs Cechmanek in Port­ land on Sunday M r and Mrs Roy Kyser. Doug and Jay took a trip to Crater Lake and down in to Redwood Then came up along the coast on Hgw 101 and came home They enjoyed it very much LogTrucken Name Officers Directory Of Churches New state officers of the 800 member. Oregon lxig Truckers Association, were named at the VERNONIA BIBLE CHURCH organization's convention in Adams A Maple conjunction with the Western Kenneth Wooten, Pastor Regional Iz>g Truckers Expo at Sunday: the Oregon State Fairgrounds in 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School Salem. August 9-11 11:00 a.m. • Morning worship ser­ Francis Eddy, an independent vice log trucker from Willamina, is 5:45 p.m. - Junior Youth Fellow­ the new president of the asso ship ciation He replaces Chuck 7:00 p.m. • Evening worship ser­ Huntington, of Eugene, who was vice honored for his service to the as­ Wednesday: sociation Before his election to 7:30 p.m. - Bible Study and Pray­ the presidency, Eddy served as er First Vice President of the o r­ If you have a spiritual need or ganization. question, call Pastor Wooten at Other new state officers in­ 429-3363 stalled at the meeting are: Vice President. Bob Slagle. Grants CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST Pass; Secretary. Deraid Jen­ OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS kins. Springfield, and Treasurer VERNONIA BRANCH Chuck Sheridan 850 Madison Avenue For Second Vice Presideni of Branch Pres. - Henry T. Hudson the OLTA the new officers are: 1st Coors. . Claude E. Gibson Member Services. Lynn Abra­ Foitest and Robin Shelter 2nd Conns. - Elmer C. Schrader ham, Philomath. T ariff Bureau spent the weekend at Winston Ward Clerk - Robert E. McNair Committee. Wilson Boyer. Coos Ore While there they went bow Meeting Schedule Bay; Governmental Affairs, Bob and arrow hunting Priesthood - 8:30 a.m. Coblentz, Willamina; Safety, Sunday School - 10:15 a.m. Frank Berns, Roseburg, and In ­ Sacrament Mtg. - 11:30 aan. surance, Gene Mellor, Rose Relief Scty. - Tuesday, 10:30 a.m. burg M.I.A. - Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Balloting for the position of Second Vice I ’resident, Environ­ MIST—Mrs Olive Ford of ASSEMBLY OF GOD mental Quality ended in a tie Portland and her daughter and Jefferson aad Maple between Larry Haley. Myrtle husband. M r and Mrs. Chas. Rev. Dwane Hurley Point and Marion Bryant. La Ford and baby Andrea of Nor 9:45 a.m. - Sunday school. Classes Grande. fold Va.. and Olive's mother-in- for all ages Among other items discussed law, Mrs Marie Richardson of 11:00 a.m. - Morning worship at the meeting was the increase Portland, visited at the home of 7:00 p.m. . Evangelistic service costs of operating a log truck in Mrs Jane Hansen on Thursday 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday Prayer Oregon Results of a study done of last week «»Meeting and Bible Studv by the OLTA show that overall M r and Mrs Eldon Shetler (Need a ride? Call 4286353) costs have risen 23.9 percent in and family went on a short trip the past few months last Friday and Saturday Going ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC to the Portland airport to watch Father Anthony Gussin the planes, then on to the zoo and Mass is celebrated every week­ OMSI They then went to Salem day morning at 8:30 in the rec­ to the Enchanted Forest, then tory. Confessions are heard be­ camped overnight at Scott Mills fore Mass. where they visited Eldon’s bro­ Saturday - Mass at 7 p.m. in the ther and wife, M r and Mrs B IR K E N F E L D —M r and Mrs church Ralph Shetler Then drove to Francis Larson visited at the Sunday • Masses at 8:30 and 10 Silver Creek Falls and hiked Buddy Larson home at Seaside a jn . around. From there back home. last Friday. Confessions - On Saturday from 6 M r and Mrs Reed Holding of Mrs Lloyd Beach accompan­ to 6:45 in the church, before Scappoose visited the Vick Bergs ied Mrs Robert Mathews to M ass on Sunday at the Ed berg home Clatskanie on last Friday. M r and Mrs E .T Johnston. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Jan and Erick Hepler flew over 2nd A Nehalem to Toledo. Wash, on Sunday Willard L. Santee, Pastor where they attended a fly-in Claude Veal, Local Elder threshing bee There was a large 9:3o Sabbath School group there They then flew to B IR K E N F E L D —M r. and Mrs 11:00 Worship Service Salem and enjoyed a dinner, Max Dixon called on Francis 7:00 P.M. Monday - Dorcas So­ then back home Larson on Monday of last week ciety at Veal's borne. Mrs Chas Ramsey spent a M r and Mrs Alfred Van Win­ 7:30 P.M. Tuesday - Prayer Meet­ week visiting her folks. M r and kle and Phyllis of Spokane, also ing at the church. Mrs Ira Huber at Wellman a daughter Rosemary of Con­ 7:00 P.M. Mon. - Pathfinders at Iowa. cord. Calif, are spending a Scout Cabin. M r. and Mrs Everett Johnston couple of days at the Nordstrom along with their 2 grandsons. home Alfred came over to fish Calvin and Dean Johnston spent one day. On their way over they FIRST EVANGELICAL CHURCH 957 State Avenue a couple days last week at Port picked Rosemary up at Camas Jack Carlson, Pastor Orchard at the home of her sister Tom Hopkins entered the Co­ 7:30 a.m. - Men’s Prayer and husband. M r and Mrs. lumbia Memorial Hospital a 9:45 a jn . - Church School, Jack Jerry Durham week ago last Sunday. He had a Seeley, Sup’L M r and Mrs Lloyd Beach stroke and is not too good at this 11:00 ajm. - Worship Experience were in Astoria Sat visiting and time. 6:00 p.m. - Youth Fellowship. also attending the Bellingham M r and Mrs George Richard­ 7:00 p.m. - Sunday Classmeeting Goss wedding Saturday evening son and Joe attended the Bell­ W EDNESDAY E V E N IN G Mrs Elsa Richardson and ingham Goss Wedding Saturday 7:00 p.m. Hour of power, prayer Aunt Julia visited Thursday at evening. the Art Bellinghams home and Bible Study. Helen Gurganus of Portland cousin of Maries brought the EMMANUEL EPISCOPAL ladies over. CHURCH BIRKENFELD, OREGON The Walt Tornblad s recently attended the Tornblad reunion at The Rev. C. S. Shulda, Vicar Cherry Grove. Phone Clatskanie 728-2331 NEHALEM Celebration of the Holy Commu­ nion the Fourth Sunday of each VALLEY month at 12:00 Noon. M M O B aM M M O W M M eW VERNONIA TEMPLE NO. (1 Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall Second Wednesday of each month at 8 pan. Lesta Garner, M.E.C. Cora Lange, Secretary 3-75 AT.&A.M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. 4 A. M. meets at Masonic Temple. Stated communications on first Thursday of each month at 8:00 p.m. Elmer Schrader, W.M. Wilbur E. Wilson, Sec’y. 1-75 MT. HEART REBEKAH LODGE NO. 243 Meets 2nd A 4th Thursday even­ ings of each month in the I.O.O.F. HaU. Arlie Emmons, Noble Grand Evelyn Heath. Sec'y. 3-75 VERNONIA LIONS CLUB Meets First & Third Monday Call 429-5891 for Meeting Place Darrold Proehl, President Don Jackson, Secretary 3-75 AMERICAN LEGION Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. VERNONIA Larsons Visit At Seaside Dixons Call On Francis Larsons CHAPTER Meets at West Oregon Electric Bldg., third Thursday of each mouth, 7:30 pan. David King, President Ralph Bergerson, Sec’y. 3-75 VERNONIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Board of Directors report to m em ­ bers quarterly. Board m eets the second Monday, 8:00 p.m. at West Oregon Electric office. Visitors invited. Gordon Smith, President Mrs. Evelyn Heath, Sec’y. 7-74 Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 153, O.EJS. Regular com­ munication the 3rd Wed. each month at Ma­ sonic Temple. All visiting sis­ ters and bro­ thers welcome. Sharon Kelley, W.M. Irma Fish«-, Sec’y. 1-75 Vernonia Barracks Veterans of World War I Meets 1st Monday each month at the American Legion Hall, 12 Noon. Robert Andrews, Commander Rev. H. L. Russell, Adjutant POST 119 Wilbur E. Wilson, Commander Harry Culbertson, Adjutant AUXILIARY Meets 1st Monday, Legion Hall Cora Lange, President Faye Davis, Secretary AUXILIARY 8-74 First aad Third Tuesdays Reatha Hom, President Gertrude Schalock. Sec’y. VERNONIA JAYCEES 1-74 Meets the 2nd h 4th ALCOHOLICS Tuesday of ANONYMOUS Vernonia Friendship Grtwp 429-2941 - I Memorandum Minute«) M M aaM M M N M M M M O « Civil Service. Hollinger stated he had been included tor coverage because while notice in writing had not been received that the man was qualified, verbal con­ firmation by telephone had been received He added the con sultant was in Europe and would not return until later in the month and there was no one else that could do the required paper work in his absence As a result, he felt the employee should not be deprived of coverage through no fault of his own Based upon Hollinger’s explanation, and The Columbia County Board of Commissioners met in scheduled session August 21 with Chairman Fred Foshaug presiding, Com­ missioners Minkoff and Ahlborn, legal counsel John F Hunnicutt, and secretary Gloria Salvey (deputy clerk) present Commissioner Ahlborn moved and Commissioner Minkoff sec­ onded the minutes of the meeting of August 14 be approved Motion carried Miscellaneous claims were approved Sam Hollinger, roadmaster, met with the board to discuss road matters The board ques­ tioned the inclusion on the hos- p ital report of an employee who h, as not vet been certified by Mrs. Jane Hansen Entertains Guests LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES PYTHIAN SISTERS Board of Commissioners American Legion Hall 8:00 P M . 429-6245 Bill Hunter, President 8-74 Jack Seeley, Secretary 8-74 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH V> ashing ton and A Streets Claude Butler, Pastor Phone 428-3391 Sunday: 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Worship Services. 6 P.M. Training Union Girls in Action, Mission Friends and Pre-School. 7:00 P.M. Evening Worship Wednesday: 7:00 P M . Midweek Prayer Service. MIST . BIRKENFELD COMMU­ NITY CHURCH Birkenfeld, Oregon Eldon Shetler, Pastor 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Church Services 7:30 p.m. - Wed. Prayer Meeting 10:30 a-m. - (Winter Months) on 2nd Wed. Women’s Missionary and Work day. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 430 North A Washington Streets Russ Vlnyard, Pastor Phene 4296522 Sunday - Bible School 9:45 a.m. Homer Fuller, Supt. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. (Nursery Provided) Fellowship Hour 6:07 p.m. Wednesday: Choir Practice 7:00 p.m. (1st only- Church Night 6:30 p.m. (2nd & 4th) CWF . 1:30 p.m. Friday: Bible Study - 8:00 p.m. (Call for location of Bible Study) Ladies Enjoy Bums Trip B IR K E N F E L D —M r s. Bob DuPuis accompanied by her daughter Mrs. Cathy Moran and Mrs Gladys Moran left last Tuesday going on to Burns They stayed overnight at the Carl Enneberg home They came back to Salem on Friday while there they attended the Wedding of Mrs DuPuis nephew, David Provost. Bob and Bill drove over and met them at Salem E .T Johnston and Art Bel­ lingham flew to Florence on Wed of last week on business M r and Mrs. Lorance Jordan of Clatskanie stopped by for a visit at the Nick Berg home on Sunday. Mrs George Scott of Van couver B.C. is spending a few days visiting relatives here She came to attend the wedding of her grandson, Monty Belling­ ham at Astoria Sat. evening. Jim Bellingham also came up from Blachly (Ire., for the Wedding Ed Berg left on Sat. for Sisku Washington going to the Nick Nicholson home to join his three boys there, the boys have been there vacationing They will also honor Loren on his 12th birthday while there. They plan to come back home on Thursday. Guests At Roy Stave's B IR K E N F E L D —M r and Mrs Walter Larsen of Medford and daughter Pam visited at the Roy Stuve home last Friday They were overnight guests M r and Mrs Walt Tornblad were Clatskanie business callers on Tuesday of last week Mr. and Mrs Lewie Cozad, Kevin and Jack from Ilwaco were overnight guests on Mon­ day of last week at the Roy Stuve home M r and Mrs Paul Hedlund from Roseburg came Thursday to the Tornblad home While here M r Tornblad took them around to visit old time friends They left on Saturday for their return home Cone Demand Rises Oregonians looking for a pro­ fitable outing in the woods may find cone picking to their liking Cone buyers will soon be setting up stations to secure a seed crop for regeneration of fir and pine species, according to Donald Brewer, Oregon State University Extension seed cer­ tification specialist Generally poor seed produc tion since ¡966 has resulted in a particularly good demand for Douglas-fir seeds Brewer indi­ cates this year’s crop is also limited, which could mean better prices for pickers. The average price paid for cones in past years was $3.50 per bushel, but Brewer says that price varies depending on de mand Regeneration of harvested or burned forests requires seeds from areas at the same altitude with sim ilar physical character istics, so cone buyers set up stations in various locations around the state Pickers are required to regis ter with a buyer to receive picking instructions and neces sary equipment, and be assigned to specific harvest areas Before leaving the woods, pickers must tag each bag with the location, elevation, and kind of cone, and sign the tag Since buyers require certain seed standards. OSU Extension seed certification specialists will be on hand to inspect picking as to location and elevation A gen eral standard has been at least five seeds in each half of the cone, but pickers should check this number with their buyers first, Brewer said Cone buyers usually represent either tree seed companies, p ri­ vate timber companies, or gov­ ernment agencies responsible for reseeding burned or har vested forests Location of buyers stations and information on local cone crops can usually be obtained around September 1 from the State Department of Forestry, U S Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management District of fices, or county Extension of­ fices. further confirmation by Com­ missioner Foshaug the board approved the inclusion in the report Loren Gillespie, fire chief from Rainier, and Richard Ris ener, principal of Goble School, met with the board to inquire about load limits established on bridges in the Rainier Rural Fire Prolectipn area Gillespie stated the fire district has two new trucks coming in May. which would weigh 16 tons each, and was e s p e c i a l l y concerned about the bridges on Price and Parkdale Roads Risener ex­ pressed c o n c e r n regarding weights of school buses, which exceeded the load limits es tablished on many of the brid­ ges They inquired whether the county would issue such permits, but upon advice of John Hun nicutt. declined to do’so because of the fact the countv would then he assuming liability for any accidents which might occur Hollinger indicated that within the next week or two, he could ut a temporary bent under ridges on the Price and Park dale Roads, which would de­ crease the possibility of the bridges going down under excess weights, but advised he could not remove the weight lim it signs The board discussed with Hol­ linger the request of Mrs Reel, of Green Meadows T railer Court in Scappoose, to prepare es­ timates of cost to repair the M iller Road. Because of the fact this road has not been accepted by the county for maintenance, and the numerous problems which could be encountered if the county were to contract the repair work, Hollinger was ad vised to inform Mrs Reel to have a private contractor do the road improvements she wants Hollinger discussed with Hun­ nicutt the agreement to be pre pared to divert excess water from the J.P. West Hoad near Scappoose, across the property of Enoch Gross W A. Palmateer, general manager of Oregon Bridge En- C gineering Company, met with the board to present Agreements for engineering work to be done for bridge replacement on FAS project. Beaver Creek Bridge No 062 Commissioner Minkoff moved and Commissioner Ahi born seconded the Agreement be signed, then forwarded to the State Highway Department for approval Motion carried. Sitting of the Dog Control Board, a claim submitted by Mrs Arnold Sattler, for two lambs allegedly killed by dogs, in the amount of $60 was denied, based on the report of the Dog Control Officer, which indicated he felt the killing was done by predators rather than dogs. Commissioner Minkoff moved and Commissioner Ahlborn sec­ onded the following orders be signed : No 86-74. directing Art McKay the county weed inspector, to de­ stroy noxious weeds on property owned by Don and Gladys Hoop­ er; No. 87-74, directing the county weed inspector to destroy nox desti ious weeds on property i owned by Therman Pell] I nam; No 88-74, directing the county weed inspector to destroy nox­ ious weeds on property owned by Jack and Jeanne Sherer, No 89-74, directing the county weed inspector to destroy nox­ ious weeds on property owned by Mr R W Teschner and H. Keith Teschner; No 90-74, directing the county weed inspector to destroy nox­ ious weeds on property owned by Mrs R W Teschner and John Teschner Motion carried Request for Cancellation of Taxes was approved for Francis L. and Ralph R Smith, in the sum of $136.20, which was in­ correctly paid. Agreements were signed with the State Highway Commission for replacement of the roadway on Scappoose Vernonia Road, FAS 609. and restoration of roadwav on the Fern Hill Road, FAS 567 If You Have A Consumer Complaint Call or Write State of Oregon Consumer Protection Division 1133 S.W. Market . Portland 97801 Phon«- 229-5522 A Public Service Announcement . .. to ta l h a r d w a re I t ’ s tim e to s a v e a n d C o a s t to C o a s t S to re s is th e p la c e to m a k e it h a p p e n ! ENDS THIS WEEK EACH HAMPION OR AC SPARK PLUGS Put Campfires Out In Woods Campfires that are supposedly "O U T ” in the minds of campers often start smoldering again and spread to cause a wild forest fire Putting a campfire out is simple, but exact: 1 Puddle it with water, soaking the earth up to four inches below the hot bed of the fire This makes the fire spot a mud pie 2 Pile successive layers of mud on the fire spot. The solid used in this mixture must be completely mud. 3 Dig into the spot with the hands If there is no heat, your fire spot is safe. If there is heat, repeat the procedure Your hands may get a little dirty but remember your green forest may turn black. Dry soil piled on the fire, as many forest visitors do, creates a dutch oven which will break into open flames days afterwards Champion or AC (park plug» In tome truck» and tractor». Tun»' mileage. Champion, 7BO-OOÎI AC. 760 3089 to 760-3800 Ra»i»tort »lightly higher. 8-IN Ht cart, i lw»t ga» /GO-2123. Goulds balanced flow, no tank, no extras shallow well system $156.50 A. Diamalloy 8 " angle wrench. plated, vinyl grip. 310-1110 10" »ire 310-1166 12" «ire 310-1219 red tag spedai 79c PINT • EMERGENCY SERVICE PHONES VERNONIA AMBULANCE X $ $ £ Dial 429-5141 VERNONIA FIRE DEPARTMENT A >*« F ire Alarms Only - Phone 4896131 $ VERNONIA POLICE DEPARTMENT X Dial 429-5141 X VERNONIA CITY HALL 4896891 J COLUMBIA COUNTY SHERIFF Emergency: Vernonia Area 489-8141 — Bwiaeaa: 887-8811 OREGON STATE POLICE 8 a.m. to 3 a.m . . Beaverton Office - 8486788 8 a.m. to 8 a jn . • Dial "O ", aak far Oak Grove 88 4 8M8 St. Helens office - Phone: 8876181 B. Amazing Naval Jelly remove» 47 time» it» own weight in ru»t. Tacky gal allow» overhead ute Coat» matal to prevent fur­ ther ru»t Pt , 721-1402 BRUNSMAN HARDWARE and ELECTMI F IN E F U R N IT U R E WE DELIVER t