F op Pes o F t T e T SEL-MOR CMC. ■M eM eM M M M M eeH N w eaM O N am M eaM M O O M at B. RHOADES. M E L V IN SCHWAB O FFIC IA L NEWSPAPER Vernaai*. Orrgon Entered as second class mail matter August 4, 1932. under the act of March S, 1879 Published weekly on Thursday at 721 Madison Ave,, Vernonia. Columbia County, Oregon 97064 and paid at the Vernonia Post Office as second class matter «4 00 Per Year — In the Nehalem Valley «5 00 Per Year Elsewhere «ooooooaoooMnsMeooOQK OFFICE HOURS Man.. Taa*., Wed., F r t —I to ( p jn . am . Thors. A Sat.—« a.m. to 12 boob JOO(MMM0BMfiOa0Oa(MMMX Oregon Publishers a , Association A guest at the home of M r and Nunda v dinner guests at the Mrs Frank Serafin for the past week was their daughter Vickie Notestme from San Mateo. Cal ifornia She enjoyed this year's Friendship Jamboree w h i l e here home of Mr and Mrs Lewis Morgan were their da ighter Darlene, and Miss Cora Extine of Portland Mr A Mrs Max Snook and children of Deer Island and Mr A Mrs Virgil Snook Mr A Mrs Erk Olson and sons spent the weekend with her parents Mr A Mrs Otto Boeck at Seal Rock Mr Mr Dane S. Brady Selwva G raves and Mrs. Graves visited the Thacker's again Sunday p m on their way home from spend ing the weekend at Seaside and other beaches Celeste Poetler visited Don George at the Portland Veteran's hospital on Monday He sends his best regards to all of his friends here He will be in the Hospital for some time vet M r and Mrs Terry Ellis spent Sunday at the home of his sister and husband Mr & Mrs Ronald Koch, at Milwaukie 1 Rites Held lor and M rs and family of \ eneta spent the weekend with the Wilbur Thack e r s for the Jamboree Vickie came up the week before and stayed with her grandparents, the Thacker s going back home Sunday Her boyfriend. Aaron Doughty cam e for the weekend M rs Phone 429-J372 M r A M rs l.onme Rogers and family of Portland spent Satur­ day at the home of her parents. Mr A Mrs Dick Baker Visitors at the home of Mr A Mrs Adrian Logan are her grandaughter and family . Mr A Mrs Colin Palmer and 2 child­ ren of Hailsham Suffex E ng­ land On Sunday Mrs Logan s daughter and husband Mr A Mrs Larry E m s ter, of Los Angeles also visited them Final rites were performed Wednesday. July 31 at the Beth­ any Lutheran Church at Warren for Dane Saxton Brady who passed away July 28 He was borr February 10. 190? at Orange. Texas and death cam e at the age of 67 He had been a resident of the Warren Mrs Marge Stafford disclosed area for the past 11 years and Monday, that the committee prior to that had lived at seeking the recall of the County Vernonia for 40 years where he was active m the logging indus­ Commissioners has reached its goal of 1800 signatures by August try 1. 1974 and that the committee Survivors include his wife. has decided to seek 200 more Martha children Terrance of signature by August 20 due to Kandali Washington Mrs Don State regulations Cline. Tacoma; Dane A of The 90 day deadline for filing Portland Elizabeth and James the petitions is August 22. 1974 at home two brothers Jerome According to Mrs Stafford the of Shelton, W a s h i n g t o n , and Donald of Longview : a sis­ recall committee will hold a meeting in Vernonia at the Ver­ ter Mrs Harvey Young Long nonia District School Office on view, seven grandchildren and August 13. at 8 p.m Mrs Mary three great grandchildren One Kangas will be speaking on son preceded him in death CRAG Regional Government The deceased was a member of the Bethany Lutheran church, a past m aster of the Vernonia Masonic Lodge and f o r m e r county commissioner Rev Jam es L Seiffert offi­ ciated at the church services which were followed by Masonic Crown Zellerbach has an­ graveside rites at the Vernonia nounced the hiring of Kenneth Memorial Cemetery The family L Stayton as new resident suggests memorial contributions to the heart association or the manager of the company 's Co­ Bethany church if friends so lumbia City sawmill Stayton. 51. joins CZ from the desire Edward Hines Lumber Com­ pany in Hines Oregon, where he has beer, lumber production manager since 1971 He re­ places W H Wright who has left the company Stayton will be responsible for Ffpmona met at Vernonia overall operations at the Co­ Grange Saturday. August 3 Due lumbia City sawmill which pro to a shortage of help. Vernonia duces approximately 100 million Grange members were unable to board feet of dimension lumber attend the meeting, but worked annually Designed primarily in the kitchen preparing and for high-speed conversion of serving the noon meal as is small logs the mill has 190 the host Grange s duty employees who share an annual The Grange ladies discussed payroll of 2 4 million having a rummage sale the first Prior to joining the Edward part of October It will be Hines Lumber Company. Stay- brought before the rest of the ton was plant manager for a ladies at the regular Grange Georgia-Pacific mill in Pilot meeting on Aug 10 Hope to see Rock Oregon He worked for the all members out Hammond Lumber Company in Vernonia Grange members Samoa. California, from 1947 are proud to have a nice coat of until joining Simpson Redwood paint on their hall now es Company in 1957 He joined pecially in time for Remona Georgia-Pacific in 1959 as saw ­ Also at the fair. Vernonia mill superintendent of three received second place on its fair northern California plants and booth transferred to Pilot Rock in 1970 Stayton and his wife Agnes Babe , have three children-a son age 27 anjLtwo daughters, ages 24 and 17 Recall Committee Reaches Goal CZ Announces New Manager Vernonia Hosts Pomona Meet MFW Council Discusses Needs of Elderly DOtS. JOY THEATER F ru Sai. own Aug. 9-10 WALT DISNEY’S ALICE IN WONDERLAND A M rs CAI JO IN THE VERNONIA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 429-8031 I Ron M ever and spent several days last week with his grandmother. Mrs Leta Whiteman Sunday visitors at her home were Mr A Mrs Tex Whiteman and son. Ted. of Tigard and Mr A Mrs Lyle Hathaway, sons Jeff and Brad, of Tualatin Sunday visitors at the home of Mr A Mrs Will Harders were Mr A Mrs Gene Ward and grandson. Troy of Cedar Hills Mrs Monica Quint rail came home Thursday after visiting her two sons Albert and Jack Quintrall. and daughter and family. Mr and Mrs Mark Townsend, at San Clemente California Mr A M rs M atte r Mathews and their daughter Marian spent from July 27 to August 3 at their cabin on the Lewis River near Battleground Washington They attended their church meetings Marian's husband Melvin »join­ ed them on the w eekends She is visiting in the Tacoma-Seattle Area this week while Melvin is teaching at V.P.S. Services Held Here Saturday Wesley L Bolmeier. 72-year old retired merchant and a for­ mer member of the North D a­ kota House of Representatives, died July 31st at his cottage at Watesco near Rockway His death was attributed to a heart attack Funeral services were held Saturday. August 3 at the Ver noma Memorial Cemetery with interment following the services Rev Jack Carlson pastor of the Vernonia Evangelical Church, conducted the services with arrangements in care of the Fuiten Mortuary Chapels John Holt. Jerry Dinger. Richard Bush Ben Bnckel. William N el­ son and Richard Berkenfeld served as pall bearers Mr Bolmeier was a native of Hunter. North Dakota where he was bom May 31 1902 the son of the late August and Caroline Alberts Bolmeier He received all oi his education and grad­ uated from high school at E n e North Dakota He then was in the grocery store with a brother in Erie for a number of years and then later had his own store there During these years he served as a representative in the North Dakota Legislature for four terms In 1946 he cam e to Oregon and a few months later to Vernonia and purchased the Mill Market He owned and operated the Mill Market until he retired in 1966 Mr Bolmeier especially en­ joyed reading, hunting, sports arid politics He was a member of the Vernonia Lions Club and the Vernonia Cemetery Board He was married to Ora Ham- merud at Detroit Lakes. Min nesota of May 31. 1936 who survives at the family home in Vernonia a daughter. Mrs Richard (Gretchen i Bush, Hills boro; a son Linn Bolmeier, Beaverton; and three grand children Rebecca. Adam and Rachel Bush Also surviving are four broth ers William Bolmeier, Yuciapa Calif; Dr E C . Bolmeier Dur ham. N.C. Haven of Salem Oregon and Melvin. Vallejo Calif; and two sisters. Mrs Emma Beckmeyer. Oceanside Calif and Mrs Erie < E ster) Hill Salem The family suggests contri buttons to the Vernonia Ceme tery or Ambulance funds by those who wish Orlando Cepeda has a lifetime record of 37R home runs PROTECT THE CHILDREN DRIVE CAREFULLY Oregon Stale officials toured Columbia County last Tuesday July 30. held a number of press briefings with local county newspapers and held an open meeting Tuesday evening which was billed as a conference with stale administrators, county of­ ficials and the city mayors and councilmen Present for the afternoon sessions with newspapers were Kess Cannon, Director of the State Department of Environ mental Quality; Laverne Miller Chief of Sanitary Services for the State Health Department and Robert K Logan. Admin istrator of the Local Government Relations Division of the Slate Executive Department Due to illness and other com mitments only Robert Logan and Laverne Miller were present for the evening meeting The evening meeting which was attended by officials of the county and officials from three of the five cities of the countv and about 25 citizens began with opening remarks by Logan in which he noted that the purpose of the conference was to answer aue< uestions regarding the role of the state and the role of the county Logan then discussed the rea sons for the establishment of state administrative districts, councils of government and re gional councils of government He cited the fact that there are 200 state agencies, boards and commissions and that these of­ ten overlap and duplicate efforts and the governor established 14 administrative districts to deliv­ er the services more efficiently Regarding regional planning Logan stated that the purpose of the councils of government is to strengthen local governments, to help local governments to work together on common prob lems He noted the fact that there are 24 federal programs that require regional planning They include programs in water highways, sewer districts, aging etc The governors purpose he said is to create an umbrella organization to aid planning At this point the meeting was opened to questions from of­ ficials and citizens present One citizen raised the ques tion. “Why do we have to be in CRAG?" Logan's response was that a city of county does not have to have a CCOG or a CRAG Another citizen asked "By what authority did the governor set up the administrative dis tricts” ” Logan s response was that this is a management func tier, and that manv of the de partments already had districts and they have been in existence now for 74 y ea rs A citizen asked how many states have administrative dis­ tricts’ Logan s response was that 44 other states now have sub-state districts "Why has the governor 's office persisted in wanting us to join CRAG?” another citizen asked Logan s response was that Co­ lumbia County does not have to belong to CRAG The sam e citizen then alluded to CRAG literature and asked "Whv do all the books say we are numbers?” To which Logan re­ plied that he did not care what the books say They are wrong He then went on to say that to participate in certain federal programs the local government must belong to a regional plan­ ning organization He cited the Fanno Creek and the Tigard Metzger sewer projects as reas ons for the need for planning A citizen made a comment concerning a Preliminary Hous mg Plan for the CRAG region to which Logan responded by say mg tha- there are certain broad national problems that do not stay within boundaries Coming back to the reasons for CRAG and CCOG Logan noted that what the state and federal agencies are try ing to do is to see that the money given them is used wisely. He then cited the Trident facility as an exam ple of the way regional government is putting the control back into the hands of local government He stated that local people, local government elected officials have to approve the project before it can be done In response to a question concerning the splitting of the county and placing half of (he county in one administrative district and half in another lxigan noted that Columbia County is not an easy geographic area to deal with and that the governors office has been re luctant to split any county “We are looking for something work­ able and reasonable. ' he said A citizen asked what was the purpose of the administrative districts Logan responded that state agencies have to know where to send services and the districts give the state one con slant base for the gathering of data needed A citizen questioned the need for efficiency and said. "Dic­ tatorships handle things much more efficiently than do de mocracies " Logan responded that he did not think this to be so A citizen asked. "Where does Columbia County sit as far as federal funding’ " Mr Frank Corsiglia who is on the St Helens City Council and is a repre sentative of that body to CRAG, stated that when you don't have a member you don't have anyone there to plead your case Regarding a question con cem ing domination by Portland Corsiglia stated "I didn t see any indication in four years that Portland was trying to dom ­ inate " A citizen then asked. "Does every region have a CRAG’ ” Logan responded that 33 of 37 counties in Oregon belong to som e regional planning organ ization, and that 140 of the 240 cities of Oregon are mem bers of CRAG A citizen questioned Logan concerning the financing of CRAG Logan responded that CRAG'S are financed on a per capita assessm ent of the mem bers of the association of gov ernments The Columbia Region assesses members 37 cents per capita He noted, however, that the per capita assessm ent does not pay the total CRAG budget but that most of the money com es from state and federal funds A citizen asked if per capita taxation was not illegal and cited the exam ple of Mrs Kangas who. she said, receives a rebate from the state government Representative Dick Magruder who was present at the meeting stated that Mrs Kangas was way off base in that statement Logan commented that the CRAG assessm ent was not a capiiatiun lax and was sim ilar to dues paid by nearly every city to the local Chamber of Commerce A citizen then asked if some federal programs require a CCOG Logan responded that some such as Highway require planning A citizen asked. "Did we have to be in any district’ " and then made a statement addressed to Logan "You are advocating that we are in districts.” Logan's response was that the governor does have the legal authority to establish districts and cited At­ torney General Johnson's opin­ ion to that effect. Following questions by Stan Pmtarich and Rod Norwood con cem ing administrative districts Mayor Kinzig commented that Scappoose has joined CRAG and that no citizen of Scappoose had been to the Council to complain This was followed by a comment from a resident of the Cedar Lane trailer court 'which is out­ side the city* that he was a citizen and complaining The citizen followed up by saying. “I am complaining-lf you aren't representing Scappoose any bet ter than you are then Scappoose should find a new m ayor" Logan noted that there are cer­ tain advantages to belonging to CRAG and that many of the problems are not contained within boundaries Frank Corsiglia, St Helens responded to a question from a citizen regarding the feeling of CRAG on city memberships He said. "They are very happy to have city m em bership." Logan then stated. “Govern­ FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE ment is made up of just as many sincere folks as you are and there has to be reasonableness on both sides ” A citizen then inquired con­ cerning the possibility of a vole on CRAG membership His re sponse to this was that a vole wa taken in 1971 by the entire state which approved planning Another citizen asked con cem ing the status of current programs Logan responded that certain federal programs de ma rid regional planning Some of these are in the areas of aging, highways, and manpower In response to another ques tion concerning the purpose of administrative districts. Logan noted that over 500 different prugrams have to be delivered and administrative districts aid the delivery of the programs A citizen commented to the effect that lxigan was here as a bureaucrat and the only solution offered were adding more Io the bureacracy. Logan responded that there are two ways to handle the problems 11 to close your eves to the problem and pretend it doesn't exist, or 2» to try to deal with the problem A citizen asked. “With our checks and balance system how are they going to enforce it?" Lxigan asked for clarification of the question and another citizen gave an exam ple of building a garage and asked, "how can they keep me from building a g a ra g e” r lxigan repin'd, with the police A citizen asked regarding flexibility of the rules within the regions The response from state officials was thal they will be flexible from county to county and within each county line citizen said at this point, "This is what scares me on regionalism, the lack of flex ihility " At this point Magruder asked what the governor’s position would be if a proposal was brought up in the next legis lature concerning referral of the CRAG question to the people’ lxigan responded that this would be no problem At tins point a citizen asked where the new Unites Stall's Police Cars com e from ’ lxigan stated he did not know of the existence of any such police force A citizen commented that "we have county and state and the whole business can operate without another layer of govern ment to oppress us " lxigan responded simply thal member ship in CRAG is not essential Hong Kong is building a 32 mile subwav svsteni P R O T E C T T H E C H IL D R E N D R IV E ( ARF.l l I I Y P R E S C R IP TIO N S ARE THE REAL "H E A R T" O F OUR BUSINESS Nowadays pharmacies offer so many other services that you may think filling prescriptions is just a side­ line. Far from it! Our very first order of business is your prescription! VERNONIA DRUG WE SERVICE A ll B rands and M akes of Television - Sound Sys­ tem s and Appliances! Whirlpool . K r Ivina tor - RCA Zenith . Toshiba SALES * S E R U C E We Have 2 Full Time Service Men PHONE (COLLECT) 543-7322 FOR IN THE HOME SERVICE (Twice W eekly Service In Vernonia) Open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. M on.-Sat. Ot T.V. and APPLIANCE CENTER Chinook Plaza on Hwy. 30 Scappoose, Oregon Phone 543-7322 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE COLOR PORTRAITS BEAUTIFUL In other business at the m eet­ ing Advisory Council members discussed the needs of the eld erly in the three counties and proposed objectives for meeting the needs in 1975 Ms T am e Wetle. Director of the Area Agency on Aging at CRAG announced her resigna­ tion as of August 9 to accept a research position at the Institute on Aging at Portland State YOU mammmmw mw mw mm At its July 31st meeting, the District II-A Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council elected Charles Needham of Lake Os­ wego as Chairman and Seth Jackson of Washington County as Vice Chairman The Area Agency or, Aging Columbia Region Association of Governments plans and coor­ dinates services for the elderly in Clackamas. Columbia, and Washington Counties Mr Brandi of Montrose. 'Colorado Oregon State Officials Find Citizens Apprehensive About Regional Planning 8x10 Argentina produces about 53b million gallons of wine a year Limit one per family Ages 2 weeks to 12 years Parents must select finished portrait Groups welcome VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE Old Courthouse Basement ST. HELENS, OREGON Phone 397-2268 — Alter H orn 397-1730 Monday - Wednesday - Thursday 9 30 a.m. to 12 Noon PORTRAITS BY CA NDY COLOR I Tuesday, Aug. 13 Hours: 10 Till 5 Western Auto