Demonia Eagle • THURSDAY 1974 AUG. Co. Building Permits Show Decline In Jane Building Perm its decreased in Columbia County in June 1974. compared to June 1973. the University at Oregon Bureau of Business Research has reported Building perm its from 147 identical reporting centers in Oregon totalled « 3 632.372 in June 1974 This was 28 4 percent higher than the total in June 1973 The state total in June 1974 in ­ cluded 941.872.941 for 2.0B2 new dwelling units $21.601.296 for new nonresidential construe Uon. and CO. 158.145 for ad­ ditions alterations and repairs to existing structures For the same month last year the »1.323.546 total of perm its w as composed of 133.362.332 for 1.794 new dwelling units $38 790.003 for new nonresidential construction, and ».171411 For additions, altera tins and repairs to existing structures. PCC May Offer Day Classes In St. Helens Contingent upon a Monday night vote of the Portland Com­ munity College Board of T ru s t­ ees da> classes w ill be offered ui St Helens this fall quarter. Church Notes Baptist Starting off our week of re ­ vival w ill be a men's prayer breakfast Sunday morning Aug ust 4 at 8 a m Sunday School at id e m followed by worship service at 7 p m Services w ill be held each night at 7 30 p.m lead by Evangelist Richard Peterson of Oklahoma City. Oklahom a, m u­ sic director M rs B arbara Knight Special youth night w ill be held at 6 p.m Saturday night August 10 followed by worship service at 7 30 p.m Vacation Bible School will start Monday .August 12 at 9 a m to 12 a m dailv through August 17. We extend a special invitation for all to hear this great Evan g elist Christian Whether you’re ten from home or a thousand miles away, you can count on getting the same fast H artford G roup Service when you need i t When your oar insurance is written by us, you’re assured o f prompt service through a country-wide network of more than 254 Hartford Claims O f­ fices and more than 34.00C Hartford Group Agents, ready to help in ume o f trouble. BILL J. HORN Vernonia Insurance Exchange Phone 429-6203 953 Bridge Street Vernonia, Oregon Each Wednesday at 7 p.m chair practice with Bible Study following at 8 p.m August 3-3 Elders and Deacons Retreat at Blesthaven August 7 at 6:30. the monthly potluck at 8 p.m business meet ing The theme for Vacation Bible School is. "God's Good N ew s." YBS w ill start August 5-16. ’. here'll be classes for nursery through sixth grade Classes wiii be held Mondays through F r i ­ day from 9 a m to 11 30 a.m Your children will both eniov and learn from the songs crafts stories activities and friends! August 18. w ill be Fun Night, don't forget this date Labor Day weekend w ill be F a m ily Cam p at Kotnoma there are several choices pitch your tent, park your tra ile r or bunk in one of the A-Fram es You can take your whole fam ily because activities and inspirations are planned for every age D r Bob Chapman and his fam ily w ill be there home on furlough from Ethiopia For details contact Pastor Russ V inyard September 15 w ill be the Sun­ day school picnic, which w ill be held at Hawkens P a rk m ark vour calendar Adventists This week Sabbath School will be held at Saddle M t State P ark where the entire congregation w ill meet to worship the Creator The Pathfinders will go down to camp out the evening before and enjoy a whole weekend of cam p­ ing and mountain clim bing LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES PYTHIAN SISTERS VERNONIA TEMPLE NO. « LO.OJ*. Hall Second of « m • M*- NEHALEM VALLEY CHAPTER at West Oregon Electric Garner. M .E.C. Cora Lange, Secretary 3-75 A T.8JLM . BMg. third of 7 :» David King. President Ralph Bergersor. Sec y. 3-75 VERNONIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Elmer Schrader. W.M Wilbur E Wilson. Sec y 1-75 of Directors report to mem­ bers quarterly. Beard meets the second Monday. S:M p.m at West Oregon Electric office. Visitors invited. MT. HEART REBEKAH LODGE NO. 243 $ Gordon Smith. President Mrs Evelyn Heath, Sec y. 7-74 • tita la the I.O.OJ’. Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 153, O J 5 . Arhe Emmons. Noble Grand Evelyn Heath, Sec y. 3-75 Regular VERNONIA LIONS CLUB Ffcet A Third Wednesday Call 489-5891 1er Meeting Place uarroic rroeni. Kresioeci Ted Forbes. Secretary 3-75 AMERICAN LEGION 4th Taeaday of VERNONIA Hope Koch, W.M. Irm a Fisher, Secy. 1-75 Vernonia Barracks Veterans of World War 1 Robert Andrews Rev. H. L. Adjutant AUXILIARY Ik Mewday. Legion Hall 3-74 VERNONIA JAYCEES nee ina noni, rT e a a a u Gertrude Schalock. Sac*y. 1-74 2nd A 4th ALCOHOLICS of every ANONYMOUS Haft 8 :» P M <29-2941 429^245 3-74 Good Turn D a y -th e annual clothing collection drive to ben­ efit Goodwill Ind u stries -w ill be held this year on Saturday . Novem ber 2. As in the past years Scouts fro m the C o lu m b ia Pacific Council and members of the Rotary Club of East Portland w ill be among the m ajo r vol­ unteer participants in this 24th annual Good Turn drive, accord­ ing to M arion C Sm ith. Goodwill executive director The m ajor collection effort w ill cover Columbia. M ultno­ m ah. Washington. Clackamas Y a m h ill. Tillam ook Clatsop. Hood R iver and Wasco counties in Oregon, and C lark. K lickitat and Skam ania counties in Wash ington Approxim ately 25.000 Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts ranging in age from eight to 18 will par ticipate in the collection drive by e a rlie r distributing em pty Good Turn bags to homes in thé a r e a . and collecting the filled ones on Novem ber 2 Purpose of the annua! col­ lection drive is to obtain do­ nations of reusable and repair able articles to be used in Good­ w ill s on-the-job training pro­ gram for the physically m en­ tally and em otionally handicap­ ped Beach Run Promises Fun Hundreds of participants w ill again congregate in Seaside Oregon on Saturday. August 24 for the ninth annual Seaside Beach Run The “ fu n ” run is scheduled for six plus miles starting at l i 30 a m Open to all comers with a m a t­ eur standing registration w ill be available as follows 1 Pre-registration is possible by w riting the Seaside Chamber of Commerce Box 7, Seaside. Oregon Entry forms and in form ation w ill be m ailed 2 Registration w ill also be ac ­ cepted on the day of the run be­ tween 8 a m and 10 45 a.m at the Chamber Office Beach Run Divisions: (Beach Run W inner's Trophy ) 13 & Under G irl's and Bov's One M ile Run Trophies for F irst six boys and first six girls; 14 & over G irls Two M ile Trophies for F irst Six I , High S c h o o lT ro p h les for F irst S ix ); College & U niversity-30-39 40-49 50-59, 60 A O ver, Open Men Only; Open Women Only Trophies F irst Six in each of these divisions SDA VaCatiOD Bible Leg«» School Opens August 5 Hall, 13 Neon. r 9 Cora Lange. President Faye Devis, Secretary AUXILIARY Boy Scouts Aid Goodwill Meets 1st Monday PORT 119 Wilbur E Wilaon, Commander Harry Culberteon, Adjutant Board of Trustee approval is needed to finalize the negotia tions between PCC and the St Frederic parish which have been going on lor some time Most of the daytim e classes w ill be basic freshmen subjects such as math. English com position. English literatu re, soc loiogy ir, medical terminology etc Also planned is a class on Plup and Paper M anufacturing _ According to a spokesman for PCC. A1 Kosk. there are several reasons for the projected day classes .Approximately 300 stu­ dents commute from Columbia County to the Sylvania Campus and it w ill assist these students it they can take some of the courses they need closer to home .Also day classes need to be offered si' that workers on different shifts at the various m ills, w ill be able to participate in the courses offered Nine of the 12 proposed classes to be offered at the new campus at St Frederic would be credit classes Which are also available at the Sylvania campus Koski pointed out that even though PCC is going to use the classrooms at St Frederic it does not mean that classes will not be held m the various schools throughout the county in the evenings Scappoose has a number of classes scheduled for this fall, including three credit classes The PCC spokesman noted that more classes w ill probably be scheduled at the new campus if the program is successful next year "There is room for many more than 12 classes. " he stated The Columbia County In te r­ m ediate Education District w ill share quarters with PCC at the new St Frederic ca: campus if the agreem ent is fin a lized Bill Hunter. President Jeck Seeley Secretary $-74 Vacation Bible School at the Seventh-Day Adventist Church August 5 at 9 a m i year again there will be a team of girls assisting and a full program of crafts games and stories is planned Them e this year is on Crea tion and the program w ill em phasis this theme all the way through In an age when children are taught so many conflicting stor tes in regards to the origin of the world, these lessions will be invaluable in helping the child ren to understand the truth as it is taught in the Bible The program this year is under the direction of M rs Leiland Seibert w ith M rs Claude Veal in charge of crafts All children ages 4-14, are invited .«»Nosesorososooosog» 0 b Directory Of Churches 8:4» in the Sunday: 9.45 a jn . - Sunday School saoMaaoMMOoaaoooMK Navy F ire Control Technician Third Class M artin A Koch, son of M r and M rs Daniel E Koch of Vernonia completed the F ire Control Technician School here F ire control technicians mam tain and operate electronic, e l­ ectrical and mechanic equip ment used in modern naval gunfire systems He is now on leave in Vernonia Wide Variety Of Activities At Gem Show Watteaaday: 7 : « P J L Prayer * SEVENTHDAY ADVENTIST tad * Nekatew 1» VaaL 9 : » Sabbath School 1 1 :» Worship Sarrica 7:M P J L Monday - Dorcas So­ ciety at Veal'» home. 7 : » P.M. Tuesday - Prayer Heat­ ing at the church 7 : » P J L Mon. - Pathftadere at VERNONIA BIBLE CHURCH Adaflte A THOSE WHO SERVE Pro-School. 7 : « P JL Saturila y from 8 11:00 a.m. - Mortung worship ear- vice 5 45 p.m. - Junior Youth Fellow- ship 7:00 p jn . - Evening warship ser­ NITY 9:4» a jn . • Sunday School 11.00 a jn . - Church Sarricas 7 : » p jn . - Wed. Prayer 1 9 :» a jn . - (Whiter Months) 2nd Wad. Women'» and Work day. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 4 » Narth A W Vteyard. Scout Cahin. FIRST EVANGELICAL CHURCH 867 State Av Jac 7 : » a .m - Men a Prayer 9:45 a jn . - Church School, Jack vice Wednesday 7:30 p.m - Bible Study and Pray­ er If you have a spiritual need nr question, call Pastor Wooten at 429-3363 Sunday - Bible School 9:45 a m H / t m i t Fuller SuDt Morning Warship U: (N tn ery Provided) Fellowship Hour 8:97 p m Wethweday: Choir Practice 7 : » p jn . (1st only- Church Night 8 : » p .m (hid A 4th) CWF . 1 : » p m Friday: Bible Study - 8.00 p jn . (Call for location of B id e Study) Seeley, Sup'L 11.00 a jn . . Worship Experience 6 00 p jn . - Youth Fellowship 7.00 p jn . - Sunday Claasmeating WEDNESDAY EVENING 7:M p j n Hour of power, prayer and Bible Study. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS VERNONIA BRANCH Breach Pres. - Henry T. EMMANUEL CHURCH B1RKENEELD, OREGON The Rev. C. S. flhaMa. Vicar Phone Clatskaaie 7X8-2331 Celebration of the Holy Commu­ nion the Fourth Sunday of each month at 1 2 :» Noon. 1st Caere. . Claude E. 2nd Caoas. - Ebner C- Ward Clerk • Robert E. McNab Priesthood * 8:30 a.m. Sunday School - 10:15 a.m Sacrament Mtg. • 13:30 a.m. Relief Scty. - Tuesday, 1 0 :» a jn M l A . - Wednesday. 7 : » p jn FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH W ashington aad A ASSEMBLY OF GOD Jeffereoa aad Maple Rev. Dwaar Hurley 9 45 a.m . - Sunday school. Classes for all ages A v a riety of activities have been planned for Harm ony of 11:00 a jn . - Morning warship Gems on the weekend of August 7:W p jn . . Evangelistic service 9-11 at Pacific U niversity, Forest 7:30 p jn . - Wednesday Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Grove. Oregon, including field (Need a ride? Call 4294353’ trips sight seeing tours and fish mg excursions ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC Largest rockhound H o b b y Father Anthony Gnssia show in the Northwest. Harmony of Gems is the 34th annual con­ Mass is celebrated every week­ vention and show of the N o rth ­ day morning at 8 : » In the rec­ west Federation of M ineralogi tory-. Confessions are beard be­ cal Societies which has a mem fore Mass. bershipof 165 clubs from Alaska Saturday - Mass at 7 p jn . in the iiltirP ii Canada. Washington. Oregon Montana. Utah and North D a ­ Sunday - M asses at 8 : » and 10 kota The show is open to the public. Members w ill be competing for top honors with displays of some of the finest exam ples of jew elry m aking, faceted stones, carving, gem stone cutting and M IS T — M rs D D B a rr was m ineral collections Among the recently at Victoria B.C on a many special exhibits w ill be a pleasure trip , she also attended replica of the G reat Seal of the a reunion of cousins at Seattle U S A executed with 950 Linde with one cousin coming from Star sapphires and comprising Scotland and one from Canada 2000 carats in a ll: the largest Several frpm around the Mist cluster of em erald crystals ever Com m unity are helping to paint found in the States, giant gem the M ist Store stones and the m inerals used in M r Paul Wendel of Coos Bay the M in eral Heritage Stamps visited at the Serby home on from the Smithsonian Institution Tuesday of last week where he and two special gold displays in­ was an overnight guest cluding the history of the A l­ ' M r and M rs Roy Kyser and askan gold rush fam ily took in the Logging show The- Oregon Archeological So at the Jam boree ciety w ill hold its annual show m O live Ford Jean Skerut and conjunction with the gem show, M a n e Richardson, all from assuring an exceptional exhibit Portland came over on Wed of fossils and artifacts nesday m orning to the home of Tualatin V alley Gen Club, O live s Mother M rs Jane Han sponsoring society, w ill have its sen They brought a picnic lunch ever popular "rock food' table with them and M rs Jane Hansen on display in a new setting and M rs Norm a Hansen joined There w ill be lectures and them on a trip to the riv e r demonstrations on gem and Mrs D .D B a rr worked on the wood identification, c h a n n e l N atal G range Chuck Wagon at the Jamboree on Saturday and w ork, filig ree jew elry , chains, flint working, c a n ing, cabochon on Sunday she worked at the Loggers Breakfast m aking enam eling casting, tw istcraft. stone setting, facet­ M r and M rs Dave Crawford ing and the photographing of and fam ily enjoyed a barbeque rocks and m inerals at the Archie Horgan home on Sunday The latest in lapidary equip­ ment w ill also be demonstrated including a specially designed THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND saw for the pre-form ing of carv- K E E P IT CLEAN ings and a sphere-making mach me Selected dealers w ill ca rry a wide variety of supplies used by LARRY KNODEL rockhounds and gemstone mat e n a l from all parts of the world G rand door prize w ill be a 1974 Datsun pickup donated by Hein i We will build a Custom Home i n ch Datsun. G M C . of Hillsboro. ’ on your lot or ours. We have ’ Oregon Other prizes w ill be rock tables and la zi si susan I over 3000 plans to choose from | Sunday: 10 a jn . Sunday School 11 a jn . Worship Services. 8 P .M Training Union Girls in Action, Friends and c u i t te c u n u m » I to ta l h a rd w a re Mrs. Barr Attends Reunion in Seattle » g al . A O u i best selling w h ite enterior letex house pemt 100% acrvlic »or all types o f surfaces Fum e and m>ldew resistant, dries bug end dust free m one hour Over 1000 custom colon available at slightly higher pr.ces White gallon 53 1-61 12 B ■ Molded hardwood fiber teat cornea in decorator colon of pmk. 404-1125. green, 404-1133; tan, 404 1141: blue. 404-1158. yellow. 404-0066. «Wiite. 404-1174 Deluxe toilet aeets m aeaorted colon Permits Show Building Up 34.154.439 in valuation have been added to the Columbia County tax rolls since June 30. 1973 according to a June Build mg D epartm ent P erm it A ctivity Report Figures released by the Coun­ ty Building D epartm ent show that the largest increase came in the area of single fam ily dwel lings which showed a June 1974. increase of $232.697 and a year s increase of $2,773.041 A total of 114 perm its in this category were issued for the ye ar and 10 were issued for June Eight Industrial perm its ac counted for an increase of $663 420 which was the second highest category The year also saw perm its issued for 218 septic tank sys­ tems valued at 8206.U80 Other new construction perm its saw two construction perm its issued for motels and tra ile r courts amounting to $68.900 three lor com m ercial structures valued at $14.200; two for public structures in the amount of $26.000; 36 perm its for detached garages valued at »3 ,310 and 46 m is­ cellaneous perm its am ounting to $125.546 During the month of June 1974 a total of 41 perm its w ere issued which represents a total value of $281.197 The report also showed the ad dition of 12 mobilehomes to the tax rolls for a total of $120,000 I___ 648-8965_ Goulds balsuosd flow, no tank« no •x tra i shallow wall system $149.00 4 0 4 1208 thru 4 0 4 1299 ( | CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE j A heavy bodied sup­ > HARDWOOD TOILET SEAT 1 CUSTOM HOMES * Registered latex exterior house paint erior one-coet, 100% acrylic house paint Fade ««ear and blister resistant Dries to a tough bug free film in one hour Over BOO em to m co lo r, available at slightly h^her, W h„e gallon 5 3 2 -6 2 1 0 BRUNSMAN HAfiDWAHE and ELECTBII F IN E F U R N IT U R E WE DELIVER j W orld’s First and Finest . . . SERVICE BEYOND COMPARE Exclusive Service On ★ BAB HEPAIB ★ CHAU GURDOIG ★ WELDIMG