Demon i a Eagle Bill DuPuis 6 THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1974 Takes Trophy Garlocks Enjoy B IR K E N F E L D —Congradula ttons go to B ill DuPuis He had the champion Hereford fem ale Family Picnic at the County F a ir He came M IS T —The W illard Garlock fam ilies enjoved a picnic at Spruce Run P ark on Sunday There were some from Salem and some from Woodburn They all had a nice tim e M rs M artin Hanson visited her mother Nettie Cox at the Forest Grove Hospital last F r i­ day M rs Edna Johnson of Clats­ kanie visited at the Sundland home on Saturday and on Sun day M r and M rs Charles Hob­ ble of Portland visited them M r and M rs Casper Serby and daughter Ann attended the Construction Workers picnic at the Boise Cascade park on Sunday at St Helens M rs Bud Hemeon’s sister M illie Jones of Sacramento is here visiting them for aw hile; also other visitors are Neil Jones of Longview and Ken Jones of Chico C alif M rs Eldon Shetler has her sister M rs Jacob Heathwole and two of her little girls from Dayton. Va visiting her for a couple days. This last weekend the Shetler fa m ily attended a fam ily reunion at Salem Her parents M r and M rs Jacob Roth and their 7 children and most of the grandchildren were there They all had a very nice tim e. July 26 Rail Tour Deadline July 26 is the reservation deadline for Vernonia. South P ark. & Sunset Railroad's an­ nual relaxation tour at the end of the Summer season This year a nine-day, fully-escorted cruise is offered aboard the passenger - f r e i g h t e r “ M .S N o rth ­ land P rin ce" plying the British Columbia coast The tour de­ parts Portland. September 2, via A m trak, offers a half-day in Seattle, and then continues on to Vancouver. B.C. by train A sightseeing tour is planned in Vancouver the afternoon of September 3 before the ship sails a t 11 p.m. Nine ports-of-call are sched­ uled and passengers m ay debark at each to view the sights and meet the local residents Ac­ comodations are in semi-deluxe cabins w ith p rivate facilities and picture windows. These are available on a twin basis only and in a lim ited num ber Four m eals, including a night lunch at 10 p.m .. are served daily aboard the ship. Return to Portland is planned for September 31, arriving aboard A m trak at 3:20 p.m . Azumano T ravel Service, 200 SW 4th Avenue. Portland 97204, (503 ) 223-6245. is taking reser­ vations and has additional in­ form ation home w ith a nice trophy He also got a blue ribbon on his Hereford calf. M r and M rs E .T . Johnston w ere in Forest Grove Saturday evening and went to the hospital There, they w ere going to visit her brother P aul, he having been in there for several days but he had already gone home to L in ­ coln City A Monday visitor at the T o m blad home was Harold Viuhkola from M ayger M r and M rs Francis N ord­ strom . Ronald and Thomas. M r. and M rs Pat Manning. tanning, S Sissy and M att spent last Tuesday evening at the Francis Larson home E verett Johnston left Thurs day of last week for Eugene He went there to help prepare for the Steam Engine Festival which w ill be the last of this week at Brooks. Oregon M r and M rs Francis Larson visited Thursday evening at the Buddy Larson home at Seaside On F rid a y they went to see Ed Berg in the hospital He is coming along good His little son, Alan is still in the hospital and he is improving Mr and M rs Roy Stuve visited a t the Fred Bender home in Portland on Monday of last week. Last Thursday dinner guests at the Tom blad home w ere M r and M rs Francis Nordstrom , Ronald and Thomas and M r and Mrs P at M anning. Sissy and M att All enjoyed it very much The Paul Tom blads of Cherry Grove brought their three child­ ren over to the Walt Tom blads on Thursday of last week for several days stay with them W. Mathews Enjoy Guests B IR K E N F E L D —M r and M rs Harold Case and Bob Eastm an visited the W alter Mathews d u r­ ing the week M r and M rs M elvin C lark from Lam oni, Iow a, and G ary Ballinger from Kansas City, Missouri, w ere weekend guests of the M athews M r C lark is teaching a rt at the University of Puget Sound for four weeks this sum m er and M r B allinger is studying at the University for the four week session M elvin and G ary returned to Tacom a Sunday evening and M aria n is visiting w ith her parents for the week Clara Anderson and her friend M a rie Backa of Seaside came over to the Tom blad home with Laura Howell on Tuesday of last week for a visit M rs. Tom blad called her neighbors. M r. and M rs Les Swegles and invited them over and they all had lunch together They had a very en­ joyable tim e. LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES PYTHIAN SISTERS VERN O N IA T E M P LE NO. Cl L O .O E . Hall Second W eteo d ay of each month at 8 pun. Lesta Gamer, M.E.C. Cora Lange, Secretary 3-75 A T .& A J4. qe Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A . F . 4 A . M . m eets nt Masonic Temple. Stated I & ( V ) Thursday of each month at 8:88 p.m. Elm er Schrader, W.M. Wilbur E. Wilson, Sec y. 1-75 MT. HEART REBEKAH LODGE NO. 243 Meets 2nd 1 4th Thursday even­ ings ef each month in the I.O .O J . Hall. Arlie Emmons, Noble Grand Evelyn Heath, Sec’y. 3-75 NEHALEM Directory Of Churches VERNONIA B IB LE CHURCH A Maple Sunday: 9:45 a m. - Sunday School 1 1 :» a.m. - Morning worship sir- vice 5:45 p.m. - Junior Youth Fellow­ ship 7 : « p jn . - Evening worship ser­ vice Wednesday: 7 : » p m . - Bible Study and Pray­ er If you have a spiritual need or question, call Pastor Wooten at 429-3363 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LA TTER -DAY SAINTS VERNONIA BRANCH B ru c h Pres. - Henry I . 1st Coon. . Claade E. 2nd Conns. - Ehuer C . ------------ Ward Clark - Robert E . M cN air Priesthood - 8:30 a.m. Sunday School - 10:15 Sacrament Mtg. - 1 1 :» a jn . Relief Scty. - Tuesday. 1 0 :» a jn . M .I.A. • Wednesday. 7 : » p jn . ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Dwaae Hurley 9:45 a jn . • Sunday school. Classes for all ages U : M a.m. - Morning worship 7 : » p.m. . Evangelistic service 7 : » p.m. - Wednesday Prayer Meeting and Bible Study (Need a ride? CaU 4884333) ST. M A R Y ’S CATHOLIC Father Aatheny Gossip Mass is celebrated every week­ day morning at 8:W in the rec­ tory. Confessions are beard be­ fore Mass. Saturday - Maas at 7 p.m. in the church Sunday - Masses at 8:W and 10 am Confessions - On Saturday from 6 to 6:45 in the church, before Mass SEVENTH-DAY AD VENTIST 2nd A Nehalem WUiard L. Claade Veal, Local 9:3o Sabbath School U :W Warship Service 7:W P J i. Monday - Dorcas So­ ciety at Veal’s name. 7:30 P.M . Tuesday - Prayer Meet­ ing at the church 7:W P J I. Mon. - Pathfinders at Scout Cabin. FIR ST EVAN G ELICAL CHURCH »57 State Avenue Jack Cartoon, Pastor 7 : » a.m. - Men's Prayer 9:45 a jn . - Church School, Jack Seeley, Sup’L 11:00 a jn . - Worship Experience 6:W p m . - Youth Fellowship. 7:00 p.m. - Sunday Claasmeeting WEDNESDAY E V E N IN G 7 : » p jn . Hour of power, prayer and Bible Study. E M M A N U E L EPISCOPAL CHURCH B IR K E N F E LD , OREGON The Rev. C. S. 8hnida, Vicar Phene Clatskanie 788-2331 Celebration of the Holy Commu­ nion the Fourth Sunday of each month at 12:» Noon. VALLEY FIR ST BAPTIST CHURCH ad A CHAPTER Meets at West Oregon Electric Bldg., third Thnrsday of each month, 7 : » p jn . David King, President Ralph Bergerson. Sec'y. 3-75 VERNONIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ef Directors report to mem­ bers quarterly. Beard meets the *rc>ad Monday, 8:W p jn . at West Oregon Electric office. Visitors invited. Gordon Smith, President Mrs. Evelyn Heath, Sec’y. 7-74 Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 133, O.EJS. R egular com- VERNONIA _____ 489-3381 Sunday: 10 a jn . Sunday School 11 a jn . noraiup Services. 6 P.M . Training Union Girls in Action, Mission Friends and Pre-School. 7 : » P-M. Evening Worship Wednesday: 7 : » P.M. Midweek Prayer Service. MIST - B IR K E N F E L D COMMU­ N IT Y CHURCH B M eafeid , Oregon Eldon Shetler. Pastor 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School 1 1 :» a jn . - Church Services 7 : » p.m. - Wed. Prayer Meeting 10:30 a.m. - (Winter Months) on 2nd Wed. Women's Missionary and Work day. FIR ST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 4 » North A Washtogtn Vtoyard, Pastor Sunday - Bible School 9:45 a.m. Homer Fuller, Supt. Morning Worship 11:W a.m. LIONS (Nursery Provided) CLUB Meeto First A Third Wednesday Call 428-3881 for Meeting Place Darrold Proehl, President Ted Forbes, Secretary 3-75 AMERICAN LEGION Meets 2nd and 4th Tneoday ef VERNONIA Hope Koch, W.M. Irm a Fisher, Sec’y. 1-75 Vernonia Barracks Veterans of World War I 1st aoath at the American Hall, 12 Noon. Robert Aadrewi, Rev. H. L. Rasoell, Adjutoat POST 118 Wilbur E Wilson, Commander H arry Culbertson, Adjutant A U X IL IA R Y First and Third Tneoday* Reatha Hom, President Gertrude Schalock, Sac*y. A U X IL IA R Y Meeto 4th Monday, Légion Hall Gora Lange, President Faye Davis, Secretary 8-74 VERNONIA JAYCEES 1-74 A 4th ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS HaO 429-2941 - ' 429-6245 »74 8 : » P J I. BUI Hunter, Présidant Jack Seeley, Secretary 8-74 Fellowship Hour 8:07 p.m. Wednesday: Choir Practice 7 : » p.m. (1st only- Church Night 6:W p.m. (hid A 4th) CWF . 1 :» p.m. Friday: Bible Study - 8 : » p.m. (Call for location of Bible Study) VHS Sludenli Mwi For Leadenhip Clan About 250 Oregon high school student leaders w ill meet July 28 at the Oregon School for the Deaf in Salem for a one-week sum m er leadership workshop w ith a The workshop w ill I i open . 5 : » p.m talk by State Board of Education vice chairm an D r. Eleanor Beard of Lake Oswego and Brain W aliaer of Forest Grove, high school students ad­ visory m em ber of the Board. While in Salem, the students w ill select a successor to W aliaer. The 41st annual workshop is sponsored by the Oregon As­ sociation of Student Councils, Oregon Association of Secondary School Adm inistrators, and State Departm ent of Education. Attending from Vernonia w ill be Loren Kennedy and Joan Holsey. Church Slates Weekend Show The Vernonia Evangelical Chruch is sponsoring two week end showings of the outstanding motion picture “ A Thief In The Night ” F rid a y evening a t 8 : » the film w ill be shown a t the l e g i o n H all Saturday e v en in g a repeat showing is scheduled far 8 : » a t the Evangelical Church A T h ief In The Night is a m ighty motion p ictu re about Bible prophecy It shows what can happen when Jesus Christ returns This exciting story cen­ ters around P atty , an average g irl caught up in living for the present, with little concern for the future What happens when this thinking finally catches up w ith her provides an action- packed. unforgettable dram a One does not m erely view this film , he experiences it Every thinking person w ill seriously consider its im pact Each person in our comm unity 1s w arm ly invited to experience “ A T hief In The N ig h t1' Spokane Family Visits Nordstrom« B IR K E N F E L D —M r and M rs Alfred Van W inkle and fam ily of Spokane spent Saturday night and p art of Sunday at the Nord strom home They drove over here in their cam per Many relatives spent Saturday evening at the Nordstrom home to see them open their gifts J.J Lonnquist and son. Joshua and E v e Lonnquist came S atu r­ day to visit the Joe Lonnquists They had been in Portland where they had a booth at the Saturday m arket selling their crafted toys They returned to their home in M ill City on Sunday evening Church Notes Witnesses We invite all interested per sons to the Kingdom H all of Jehovah’s Witnesses, 49 Texas Avenue, at 1 0 : » a.m . Sunday, July 28th to hear the talk “T ru e Worship Versus the F alse” given by Jim M ilton All meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses are free Christian The “T ru th of T ru th s ", a sing ing group of about 35 high school and college-age young people w ill be at the Chrisitan Church Saturday July 27. T ell your friends about this! This Sunday, July 28. w ill begin J r Cam p, grades 4 through 6 At 10 a.m ., July 30, a VBS T eac h er’s meeting w ill be held in the fellowship hall Register now for VBS in your Sunday school class Choir practice at 7 p .m ., Bible Study at 8 p .m ., both at the church, Wednesday. July 31 Im portant Dates: August 2-3, Elders and Deacons R etreat; August 5-16, VBS; August 18, Fun Night, (w einer ro ast); Au­ gust 28, C W F m eeting; August 30-September 2, F a m ily Camp September 15, Sunday School picnic. Bible I f you are looking for an active, friendly church that stands for the Word of God, a sincere welcome is extended to you to attend our services. Sunday School 9.45a.m . M orning Worship 11a.m . Evening Service 7 p.m . F a m ily N ight (W ed.) 7:30p.m . Our Sunday School bus is run every Sunday m orning for those needing a ride to Sunday School and Church. F o r the schedule of your neighborhood phone the pastor at 429-3363 P rim a ry church is held during the m orning worship service for kindergarten through 4th grade and is geared to the understand ing and needs of the boys and girls. A nursery is provided for the younger children An adult Bible study on the book of Revelation is held every Tuesday evening at 7 :,» in the home of M r. and M rs. Rob Zerfing It is conducted by V irg il Snook. E veryone is welcome Evangelical This Jam boree weekend there w ill be three events of special importance F rid a y at six-thirty at the Legion H all there w ill be a showing of the outstanding film “ A T hief in the N ig h t'T The same film w ill be shown Sat­ urday night a t eight-thirty at the Evangelical Church. No adm is­ sion charge but there w ill be a free-w ill offering received. Sunday a t eleven o’clock w o r­ ship hour M r C arl Schaumburg, G rand M arsh all of the Jamboree Parade, w ill be with us to play sacred music on his saw. F o l­ lowing the worship experience there w ill be a reception in honor of M r and Mrs.Scott Davies. Sunday School featuring a story in opening exercises by Missionary M a rc y Dow begins at 9:45 a.m . There w ill be no evening services Sunday due to the beginning of the Summer Assembly at Jennings Lodge Conference Grounds " Be sure to include these spec ial events in your plans for the Jamboree weekend. There will not be a Hoot Owl Breakfast next week Mid-week service is Wednesday at seven. Board of Commissioners The Columbia County Board of Commissioners met in scheduled session July 17 with Chairm an F red Foshaug presiding. Com­ missioners M inkoff and Ahlborn. legal counsel John Hunnicutt, and secretary G loria Salvey (deputy cle rk) present. Commissioner M inkoff moved end Commissioner Ahlborn s e c ­ onded the minutes of the meeting of July 10 be approved Motion c a rried Commissioner M inkoff moved and Commissioner Ahlborn sec onded Orders No. 79-74 and No. 80-74 be signed, accepting deeds from John L and Bernice E. Mickesh. Robert W and P atricia F . P ollard. Joseph B and Doris E Stevens, for street plugs in Scott Acres subdivision Motion carried John Hunnicutt discussed a letter he has directed to the attorney for John M cIn tyre , Te- larding right of w ay acquisition or Ringering Road. Messrs Cameron and Skol craft, of CH2M Company, pres­ ented a report of the T ra ffic Safety G rant regarding road and tra ffic conditions and patterns, and showed slides of some of the typical problem areas Sam Hollinger met with the board to discuss various road departm ent m atters. He ques Honed the amount of Revenue Sharing funds which w ere still available for road departm ent use. not previously allocated He also questioned the sums of available cash on hand in Road Districts 11,18. and 20 Hollinger was advised that money would be received in November, when taxes w ere paid, and the amounts shown in the 1974-75 budget w ere estim ates only, and not accurate amounts Hunnicutt reported a decision has been made by the Circuit Judge in the case of S tarrett v Columbia County, which found for plain tiff He requested Hol­ linger to inspect the w ater prob­ lem to determ ine what cor­ rective action could be taken Assessor F ran k LeM ont met w ith the board to discuss an invoice received from Computer Knowledge Corporation for ser vices which he alleges were not requested, but rather w ere cor rections of mistakes made by the computing firm originally He was advised the invoice should not be paid until a fte r a con­ sultation could be arranged At the request of the board. Ron Eshelby met with them to discuss lack of acquisition of a building perm it by the F a ir Board for construction of a live­ stock b am , which had not ap­ proved Eshelby also comm en­ ted the other bam s should be annually inspected to be sure the trusses rem ain firm . Eshelby then discussed an in­ crease in salary for him self, and was advised this was already accomplished through the labor agreem ent Commissioner M inkoff moved and Commissioner Ahlborn sec­ onded to approve purchase order 3371, to Albina Fuel, for Coherex (dust em ulsion) for 82,211.82. Motion carried. John Hunnicutt then discussed and reviewed briefly several m atters which had been referred to him for action. James Mason, D istrict Judge, met with the Board to inquire whether the hospital facilities could be utilized for certain mental hearings because of problems encountered by having the hearings in the courtroom It was suggested a meeting of Judge Mason, Judge K alberer. Robert Brown, and the Board be set to discuss the m a tter to determ ine what conclusion could be reached Acting on behalf of the board. C hairm an Foshaug signed con­ tracts with the M ental Health Division for funding of the alcohol and drug specialist pro­ gram . Acting on behalf of the board, C hairm an Foshaug signed con­ tracts w ith the State of Oregon, Executive D epartm ent, f o r Comprehensive Planning Assis­ tance Protect. A fte r due consideration of C E T A funds availab le to Co­ lum bia county, the board de­ term ined that w hile top priority for positions would be two dep­ uty sheriffs, the apparent lim ­ itations excluded those, and would request one ja ile r position and one custodial w orker 1 po­ sition, to be funded through CETA. Commissioner Ahlborn moved and Commissioner M inkoff sec­ onded G loria Salvey be appoint- ed as adm inistrator of C E T A funds for Columbia County. M o­ tio n carried. Commissioner Ahlborn moved and Commissioner M inkoff Sec onded the monthly fee for dis posal of dogs paid to R.G . M ickey be increased from 875 to 81» Liquor license application was recommended for Leona V. Cog- bum . who is purchasing the R a y -M a r Tavern. ? □ neholem volley MOTOR FREIOHT, INC. Phone 423-3462 Frank Brandts Visit With Salem Friends B IR K E N F E L D — M r and M rs Fran k Brandt of Fishhawk Lake left last Thursday and went to Salem to some friends On F rid a y the four of them went to P rin eville Resevoir Resort They took a cam per and boat. They spent most of the tim e out on uie lake and had some real nice boat rides They did some fishing They returned back home Sunday evening M r and M rs. Levi Johnson of Ontario, Oregon visited several days Iasi week at the Roy Stuve home. M r and M rs Nick Berg are the proud parents of a baby boy bom to them at the Cowlitz General hospital, Longview, on Tuesday of last week, July 16 He weighed 8 pounds 8 ounces and was 21 inches long His nam e is Olav Ernest He joins a little sister, Victoria Tom Hopkins returned home recently from the hospital He is doing real good. M r and M rs August Birken feld and their son Tony and his daughter Beth all of Hood R iver stayed over Saturday night at the George Richardson home afte r taking in the Nordstrom Anniversary reception. They re ­ turned back home Sunday. M rs Lloyd Beach took M rs A rt Bellingham and they visited in Astoria and Seaside on Thurs­ day of last week M r and M rs Jim Chouinard of Rockaway visited at the Charles Ramsey home on Saturday The Mathews attended the Co­ lum bia County F a ir on T hu rs­ day. G ary G arlock accompanied them to the F a ir The Veteran of Foreign Wars was founded 75 years ago Vole Resident Visits With E. Johnston B I R K E N F E L D - M rs Ken Lowry of Vale, Oregon came over Monday of last week for a visit with her folks the Everett Johnstons She also visited other relatives She left on Thursday ing to Salem to visit her son nny and fam ily then going on to Days Creek to visit her son Johnnie and fam ily She then returned home M r and M rs M ike Cahill and Kelly of Portland spent Saturday salmon fishing at Ilwaco. They had good luck They spent Saturday night and Sunday at the home of his father James Cahill Also visiting there is Laurence Romestad and Mrs. M ary Essen of Seattle M a ry is staying for aw hile with her brother James M r and M rs Fred Larson and Dennis of Vernonia and M r and M rs T e rry Larson and little daughter Tanya of Aloha, made a snort visit at the Francis Larson home Sunday afternoon. They w ere on their way back home afte r attending a fam ily picnic at Spruce Run M rs Lloyd Beach accompan ied by M rs Rocky Crawford w ere in Clatskanie last F riday M r and M rs John Robertson of South Carolina attended the Nordstrom anniversary recept­ ion They stayed over Saturday night at the A rt Bellingham home M r and M rs Jim Chouinard of Rockaway visited Saturday eve ning at the Tornblad home and also Saturday evening the Bob Hanbergs of Astoria cam e Bob helped in the hay K I C H IT TI CIRSI IT U n~l . to ta l h a rd w a re SURREOIE SALE ENDS T H IS W EEK $4.64 $39.97 A. 20-quart blue enamel cold pack canner complete w ith rack Will hold 7 pint or 7 quart jars 117-4010 1 Preeto 21-quart praaaura canner holds 18 pints. 7 quarts, 17 Io 2 cans or 10 No 3 cans 1 1 7 4 3 2 5 $15.97 Coast-Air 2 0 " Breeze Bon Fan cools you w ith 2-speed selec­ tion; manually reversible D u r­ able iron t plastic grill, carry handle 165 1041 3.33 HARDWOOD TOILET SEAT Molded hardwood fiber teal comas in decorator colors of pink. 404-1125, green, 404-1133; ten, 404-1141: biua. 404-1158; yellow, 404-0006: white, 404-1174 83.33 Deluxe toilet seats in assorted colors. 404-1208 thru 404-1299 8 8 .» $149.00 B O N U S SPECIAL GAL A. Our best sailing white exterior latex house paint . . 100% acrylic for all types of surfaces Fume and mildew resistant, dries bug and dust free in one hour. Over 1 0 » custom colors available at slightly higher prices White, gallon. 531-6112 B. Registered latex exterior house paint. A heavy bodied sup erior one-coat, 100% acrylic house paint. Fade, wear and blister resistant. Dries to a tough bug-free film in one hour. Over 8 » custom colors available at slightly higher prices White gallon. 532-6210 BKUNSMAH BUDW1BE M l ELECTSIC rZ N E F U R N IT U R E WÇDEUYEH /