Ocrnonia Eagle THURSDAY, FOR SALE-General FOR SALE-Auioj SUNBEAM Elec Mower, Wheel Barrow, rubber tired, Ice Box. p e ta l, holds 60 lbs. In perfect shape; 3 burner Kerosene Stove like new; Used Car Creeper; Pair large block tackle and irrigation Pump. Treasure and Trash. SOtlc FREE PUPPIES - Fuzzy Shep­ herd-Husky mix. Very gentle Great for kids or watchdog. Call Mist, 755-2426. 30tl FOR SALE - Baled grass hay in the field. 429-7522.________ 30tl GENERAL SALE; Comb, baby stroller/car bed/buggy plus table highchalr, misc. baby items, 360. Also yard sule Thursday and Fri­ day, July 25 and 26 at 1105 River­ side Dr. 429-8291. SOtlc LOFTY pile, free from soil is the carpet cleaned with Blue Lustre Rent electric shampooer $1. Brunaman Hurdware. 30tlc NOW! Your own Personalized Postcards: Send any picture or negative and receive postcards of your family, home, etc. Only 25 cents each or five for 31-00. All orders over 3100 must be paid by check or money order, plus 10 cents postage. Mail to Poetcard Pix, Box 214, Vem oni^ Oregon 97064. 31t2 FOR SALE OR TRADE - half Arabian, half quarter horse (?) gelding. Has had 4-H training but needs experienced rider. Would like to trade for gentle 4H trained horse Call Scappoose 5434212. SOtfc YARD SALE - Thursday, July 25 to Saturday, July 27, 950 Sixth Avenue from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Also for sale, daveno and chair. SOtlc AUTO INSURANCE * License * Driving Record * Uninsured Accident Matching your driving record with one of 20 companies to pro­ vide maximum coverage for a minimum cost. PIPER-RANDALL AGENCY St. Helens Phone 367-6714 HELP W A N T E D ~ WANTED; Person or couple to live in with elderly man In Clats. kanie. New home. Salary open. Contact Keith LaBeck, Scappoose, 543 7693 ______________________30t2c SERVICES FOR SAVINGS on loans contact your local Credit Union, 873 Bridge Street. 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 pun. Monday through Friday. 429-8031. 17tfc CUSTOM RALING 324-3743 ____________________________ 26t5c PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Interior - Exterior — Free Estim ates — Special Sommer Rates LELAND SEIBERT Phone 429-6161 9tfc KELSO SALE BARN R. Vaughn Baker. Auctioneer AUCTION FRIDAY 7:00 P.M. WRINGER WASHER used for 8 mos. by one person. 1032 Weed Ave. Phone 429-5063. 30t2c Phone 425-3212 130 Sales Barn Road KELSO, WASHINGTON 98626 23-INCH riding lawn mower Montgomery Ward model. 5 horsepower, practically new, 3250. Man’s bicycle, ridden 10 miles Call 429-5151._______________ 30t2c VERNONIA SANITARY SERVICE Phone 429-8711 STING RAY bicycle, 318.00; 2 man pup tent, 313.00. 631 Madi­ son Ave. Phone 429-8118. _____________________________ 29t2 SHOE REPAIRS — Open 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tandy Shoe Repair, D St., Vernonia, 429-3301. _______________ Side ’69 CHEV. Klngswood wagon. New tires, AC, PS, heavy trailer hitch. Excellent condition, 31295. SaSnta F e trailer, 3745. 429-3832. ARCTIC INSULATING CO. ______________________________27tfc SPIN-DRY washer, good condi­ tion, pressure cooker, almost new. 325.00 for both. 429-7501. ____________________________ 27tfc 49“ . SOtfc Blown-in Insolation Rockwool Batting FREE ESTIMATES Call Collect 397-1670 ST. HELENS FOR SALE: Approximately 100m marked timber near Mist. Phone Mr. Good, Portland, 289-9781, evenings._____________ 20tfc FOR the home Seamstress - Full line of Simplicity Patterns at SEW SIMPLE SHOP, 725 Bridge, Vernonia. Phone 429-7441. ____________________________ 17tfc CUT FLOWERS, weddings, fun­ eral designs, plants. Also flowers by wire. Artificial flowers and gifts. CHAI.FT FLOWER SHOP. Phone 429-5733 or 429-6301. ____________________________ 13tfc FOR SALE-R'l Estate FIVE BEDROOM, split level home on large double lots. Loan on a 4% G.I. Can be transferred to qualified buyer at a sm all dis­ count. Arrangements to see can be made by calling 429-3183. 30tfc Bill Horn FO Realty GRI lOtfc Norman Hillsbery, Builder New Homes Built To Your Specifications New Construction - Additions - Re- modelng - Roofing . Foundations — FREE ESTIMATES — 429-8942 42tfc BAIR Logging Co. 429-7485 The Place To Call For AU Your Rock Needal Trucking, Excavating, Bulldozing, Backhoe Sand • Gravel - Rock Stockpiled In Vernonia for —Immediate D elivery— 16tfc 953 Bridge St., Vernonia Phone 429-6203 BILL HORN. BROKER SALESMAN: Deri Roberts-429-3804 Sue Filter—429-7014 FOREST GROVE BRANCH - Arlie Satterlee, Mgr.—Ph. 357-2321 SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Licensed - Bended and Insured PHONE 317-3172 If no answer call 397-2281. Columbia County Septic Tank Service Utfc NOTICE CLASSIFIED RATES I WILL not be responsible for any debts but m y own. Cleve M. Loyd MINIMUM charge $100 for 20 words or less. Words over mini­ mum 5 cents each. NO Information on classifieds will be given out until after paper to mailed. CARD of Thanks and Notlc«fc: $1JB5 for np to 12 lines. Addi­ tional lines, 8 cents each. DISPLAY classified are $1.30 per column Inch. THE E A G ~£ assumes no finan­ cial responsibility for errors that m ay appear la ads pub­ lished in Its columns, but In cases w h e n this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an adv. In which the typographi­ cal mistake occurs. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER NOON TUESDAY EX­ CEPT FOR NEXT WEEK'S PAPER. BLIND ADS with answers to be handled by The Eagle: Mlni- n charge 33.68. N e inferma- gtven relative to each ade. POETRY accepted only as paid m atter: Rato: 10 ♦ y p * llB e 2914 FOR OREGON JOURNAL ser­ vices call A1 Iman, 429-2061 be­ fore 10:30 a.m . and after 5:30 p.m.________________________ 29tfc LOST and FOUND BLACK and White Walker Hound last seen in Coon Creek area. Reward for return or information of dog's whereabouts. Call col­ lect Bob Walker, 429-7594. ____________________________ 29tfc CARD »1 THANKS I SINCERELY thank all my Ver­ nonia friends, also the Pythian Sisters and Rebekahs, for all your cards, flowers and well wishes and to my Minister Russell Vine­ yard for his king tripe to the hospital to see and pray for me. Also m y dear family. Thank you all. Catherine Lentz aotic MOBILE HOMES Save money now! Move Into a new or used two or three bed­ room home, furnished or unfur­ nished, our location or yours. For more Information call 774-1236. MODERN MOBILE HOMES W50 S.E. 82nd Ave. Portland, Oregon 30t4c FOR RENT FOR RENT - Motor Home 24-ft. fully self-contained. Sleeps 6. $150 wk., 5c a mile. 429-8291. 30t2c IT WAS a hole-ln-one for Harold Smith, lumber buyer for Olympic Forest Products last week at the Vernonia Golf Course. Smith, who plays out of the Longview Country Club, plays a four handicap. This was his second hole-in-one, the first shot In California In 1968. WANTED WANTED - A medium size utility trailer reasonable priced 429- 5414._________________________30tl BOWLING » » » » » » » » » » » WANTED: Nite Crawlers. U- ptek, $12.00 per 1,000 or a penny each under 1,000. Contact Russell Worm Farm, 429-5533 30t5c WOMEN'S LEAGUE PUBLIC NOTICE THE CITY of Vernonia will ac­ cept applications for Utility Man until August 5, 1974, 8:00 p.m., applicant must be 18 yrs. old or older. Applications are avail­ able at the City Hall. Wm. E. Nelson City Recorder 29t2c NOTICE Notice is hereby given that tte Oregon State Land Board, acting through the Division of State Lands, will receive sealed bids at its office in Salem, Oregon, up to 2 00 p.m., Tuesday, August 6, 1974, to be opened and read at that hour, for a lease for houseboat, boat house, small boat marina, boat repair and sales purposes, of a tract in the bed of the Multnomah Channel as more particularly described hereinafter, giving to the owner or owners of upland fronting and abutting thereon the prefer­ ence right to accept the lease at the highest bid as set out in ORS 274.040; the Land Board reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Said Multnomah Channel tract is descibed as follows; Beginning at a point erf inter­ section of the East line of Lot 2, Section 19, Township 3 North, Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian, Columb­ ia County, Oregon, with the centerline of dike at a point which is South 63° 43' East 2776.13 feet from the North­ east com er of the T. J. Jack- son Donation Land Claim; thence along the East line of Lot 2, South 14o feet, more or less, to the Easterly meander line of said Lot 2 to the true point of beginning of the following described tract; thence Easterly, at 90° angles to said meander line 260 feet to a point in the Willamette Slough; thence Southwesterly. parallel to and 260 feet distant from the Easterly boundary line of said Lot 2 to a point which is Easterly at 90“ angles from the Southeast corner of said Lot 2; thence Westerly to the Southeast com er of said Lot 2; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of said Lot 2 to the true point of beginning. Bids must be accompanied by a certified or cashier’s check, money order, or cash for not less than 50% of the first year’s rental and no bid will be considered if more than a 25-year perior at a minimal rental of $250 per year for usage, subject to reappraisal after every five years. Establishment of property lines w ill be responsibility of success­ ful bidder, who shall also pay the actual cost of publishing this notice. A complete lease form listing other terms and conditions is available for inspection. Bids should be addressed to Division of State Lands, 1445 State Street. Salem, Oregon 97310. Envelopes should bear the notation “Bid to Lease Multnomah Channel Riverbed.’’ Division of State Lands William S. Cox, Director 28t4c ~WÖMF0RV0U CASH AVAILABLE Loans on Real Estate. Small Acreages and Older Homes. Contracts A Mortgages Purchased I-FIVE MORTGAGE k LOAN CO. 1717T Georgia Pacific Bldg. Portland, Oregon 97204 Call 221-1468 CoUect 28t4c 25, 1974 5 CZ Reports Six Months Record Set MOBILE HONES LEASE OR BUY NEW VERNONIA Hotel - Rooms by day, week or mouth. Also, trailer hook-ups. Phone 429-5091. 6tfc JULY ABOVE, Columbia County Fair Board members are shown cutting cross braces to shore up a building at the County Fairgrounds ruled unsafe for occupancy by Columbia County Building Inspector Ron Esbelby. Handle With Care; Soft Shell Crabs Hard At Work Pulling a leg is no joking m atter when it com es to dealing with a D ungeness crab. This popular sport and com m ercial crab m oves into shallow w ater each year to recover from the process of shedding its old shell. During this tim e the crabs have a very soft shell and are vul­ nerable to m ishandling and rough raking by crabbers Soft-shelled crab s are also rather poor in m eat quality. The m eat is gelatinous, w atery and does not fill the new shell. A hard-shelled crab w ill yield 25-30 percent m eat w hile a soft-shelled crab will yield only 10-15 p er­ cent. It is therefore naturally d esirable to w aylay the hard crab s w hile leavin g the soft crabs to m ature for greater m eat quantity and quality. The F ish C om m ission of O re­ gon requires no licen se to take D ungeness crab for personal use. A little ca re is required, how ever, so that all soft, under­ sized, or fem a le crabs are returned to the w ater without injury T w elve m ale crabs m ay be taken per day per person with no m ore than 24 taken in 7 con secu tive d ays. The crabs m ust be at least 5I * 34 inches across and w idest part of the back, ex clu siv e of spines. Soft and hard-shelled crabs are g en ­ erally found in the sam e a reas so a good rule of thumb for this tim e of the season is to handle the crabs gently and rake slow ly in order to m inim ize injuries To d eterm ine shell texture, pick the crab up gingerly from center rear to avoid its powerful pincers Sim ply pinch the large section of a rear leg A hard crab ’s leg is easily flattened. For a D ungeness crab a good leg pulling is indeed no joking m atter The F ish C om m ission of Oregon rem inds you to pinch that leg but go easy on our friends who have it soft! N early three trillion barrels of oil lie beneath the sea s, say geologists, who point out that this am ounts to nearly three tim es as m uch a s has been d is­ covered throughout the world. W om en’s Sum m er League W L July 22 4 K im m els 12 Quinn Insurance 11 5 11 Mist Shake & R idge 5 4 12 Vernonia V ariety High team g a m e, Quinn In­ su ran ce, 883; high team series, K im m els, 2418. High individual gam e and series, Carol B odenham er, 196 and 463. Splits picked up: Isabel An- d eregg 5-10; Joy ce Johnson 5-10; M ickey Johrcon 4-5-7; Enid Par- row 5-10. Quarter Tax Deadline Near July 31 is the last day for Oregon em p loyers to report and pay Social Security and w ithheld F ed eral incom e taxes for the secon d quarter of 1974. E m p loyers should u se the pre- ad d ressed F orm s 941 m ailed to them by the 1RS, or obtain cop ies of the form from the nearest 1RS office 1RS P ublication 15, “Circular E -E m p loyers T ax G uide,” is availab le free from all 1RS of­ fices to provide m ore in form a­ tion for em p loyers. MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. 357-7281 Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, and Curing Cattle received Sunday & Monday until noon; hogs received Tuesday and Wednesday until noon. Meat for sale, any quantity. — Call *t>r Appointment — Come through Banks, take Tilla­ mook road 1H m l., take first left- hand road. Hfc Crown Z ellerbach has report ed that sa les and earnings in the second quarter and first six m onths of 1974 set new records Second quarter sa les of $430,- 151,000 w ere 20 percent ahead of the com parable 1973 period, w hile net incom e of 332,622,000 represented m ore than a 10 p er­ cen t im provem ent. Earnings per share w ere 31 32, com pared with 31 20, restated to reflect a c ­ quisitions For the six m onths, sa les were 3818,299,000, 17 percent ahead of the prior year. N et incom e w as 359,877.000. or 32 43 a sh are, a 10 percent im provem ent over last y e a r ’s 354,549,000, or 32.21. P resident C.R Dahl said that the earnings im provem ents w ere achieved despite a soften ­ ing in w orldwide dem and for wood products, which ad versely affected earnings contributions from both d om estic and in ­ ternational operations. He noted that the com pany's earnings have im proved on a quarter-to- quarter com parision b asis for nine con secu tive quarters but added that costs have been in­ creasin g at a greater rate than price in creases. Mr. Dahl said the outlook is for continuing strong m arket d e­ m and in the com p an y’s paper, packaging and w holesale d is­ tribution b u sin esses. “T im ber and wood products rem ain at a reasonably good level, although below the record prices reached in the first half of last y e a r ,” he added. Mr. Dahl said the com pany ex p ects that low er earnings con ­ tributions from tim ber and wood products w ill continue to be m ore than offset by im prove­ m ents in other m ajor a reas of the business. On that basis, 1974 resu lts should ex ceed the record set last year. The avera g e bad check taken in at a superm arket is for 327.17, . according to the Super Market Institute. The world record for flying a kite is reported to be 37 Vi hours. TROJAN HOMES Inc. New and used Mobile Homes, Travel Trallere, Motor Homes, Truck Campers and Canopy«. Parts, accessories, service, awnings, skirtings and insur­ ance. Two lots to serve you better. Lot No. 1 . Rainier and Lot No. 2 - Clatskanie. — Open 7 Days Per Week — TROJAN HOMES Inc. Phone 556-1531 Located on Hwy. 30 to St. Helens 2% m t S.E. of Rai­ nier, next to Stop Inn at Rainier. Also Clatskanie lot on Highway 30.