THE VERNONIA EAGLE THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1974 7 CORONATION - Washington Grade School - 8 P.M. 1 W ELCO M E to this annual FRIENDSHIP JAMBOREE May you thoroughly enjoy your viall here and return soon often« VERNONIA CLINIC DR. T. M. HOBART DR. RANDALL COREY BILL HORN REALTY AND INSURANCE EVERY NEED e Insure yourself and your guests a full measure of pleasure by attending all the events this 18th annual Friendship Jamboree has to offer. For year-round enjoyment ,see us for a home in the refreshing Heba- lem V alley. Bill J. and Reulka Horn Deri Roberts DR. JOEL D. WA8SE1 DR. ROBERT LANCE and STAFF . > », • - ' ~ A.*t- ’ v* . • I ALL KINDS TO SERVE Sue Filter VERNONIA. OREGON ► '?• <* • ••••» •• SUNNYSIDE GROCERY and SERVKE Meat - Groceries - Feed - Beer • Pop Mobilgai ■ Oil TREHARNE 114 ML SO. VERNONIA Phono 429-5461 YOUR CONVENIENT GROCERY FEATURING COUNTRY FRESH EGGS AND SPECIAL BUDGET FOOD BUYS No P a r k in g P r o b le m H ave Fun at the Jamboree and Obtain Your Food Heeds Here! W ELCO M E to the 18th Annual VERNONIA FRIENDSHIP JAMBOREE Weekend of July 26-27-28 CROWN ZELLERBACH E. P . STAMM MANAGED OPEN 8:00 k M . to 7:00 PJ4. Dally CLOSED MOHDAYS : •