concessionaires or other events provide the necessary $4,260 00 at the county fa ir, and from matching funds in the 1975-76 those persons using Camp Wilk fiscal year budget After dis­ erson THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1974 5 cussion, the board agreed it Roy Nelson, clerk, met with would w rite a letter of intent, but the board to request their re­ Nelson was advised that as a that it would be contingent upon consideration of denial of salary result of a discussion with Vagt, being in compliance with local range adjustment for the Chief it was their intent to request a budget law at the time, and Elections Deputy, as recom­ (Memorandum Minute«) special meeting of the civ il serv- availability of funds. FOR SALE: 23-Inch riding lflwn THE CITY of Vernonia w ill ac­ mended by the Civil Service i c e Commission w h i c h AUTO INSURANCE Commissioner Minkoff moved mower. Montgomery Ward model. Mcm oeoem oooHoooM cept applications for U tility Man Commission The board indicat­ and Commissioner Ahlborn sec­ would be on August 6, and that 3 horsepower, practically new’ • License ed it did not feel the recom­ until August 5, 1974, 8:00 p.m., they would take no action what The Columbia County Board of onded Order No 78-74 be signed $250. Man's bicycle, ridden 10 mendation as submitted was applicant must be 18 yrs. old or • Driving Record ever until after that meeting Commissioners met in scheduled directing the Treasurer to rem it miles. Has headlight and speedo­ justified, because of the 5-range older. Applications are avail­ The board also indicated to session July 10 with Chairman • Uninsured Accident the sum of $65 12, building per­ meter Electric skill saw and increase, which is abnormal, able at the City Hall. Nelson that subsequent to the Fred Foshaug presiding, Com­ m it surcharge fees for the Matching your driving record Sander, $15 each. Some fishing and that it had requested the Wm E. Nelson meeting, all action taken by the missioners Minkoff and Ahlborn, quarter ending June 30, 1974, to with one of 20 companies to pro­ poles and reels. Call 420-5151. C ivil Service Commission to re­ City Recorder 29t2c board would be retroactive to the Department of Commerce, and secretary Gloria Salvey consider the matter. ________________________ J9t2 vide maximum coverage for a July 1st, therefore, if Mrs ideputy clerk) present. John Adm inistrator of Building Codes minimum cost. Mrs Carolyn Mueller, 4C rep­ Division, Salem. Oregon Motion Brooks were to receive any NOTICE Hunnicutt, legal counsel, was FOR SALE: 2 Chrome tahlop PIPER-RANDALL AGENCY resentative, met with the Board salary range adjustment, it Notice is hereby given that the carried. also present. 1 pair mens riding boots, Ger­ St. Helens to advise that because of her Phone 197-0714 would be effective July 1. It was Oregon State Land Board, acting Commissioner Minkoff moved At the request of Paul Joima, man Shepard. Elkhound mixed. noted that this would not present through the Division of State and Commissioner Ahlborn sec­ statements at the last meeting of attorney for the estate of May J Evenings 4296585 after 6:00. the Metro 4-C program, a re­ any problems with regard to Lands, w ill receive sealed bids onded the minutes of the meeting M ills, Commissioner Minkoff allocation of funds had been ■ 29tl quarterly reports necessary for at its office in Salem, Oregon, of July 3 be approved Motion moved and Commissioner Ahl­ made, and that Columbia County the accounting department carried. up to 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, August born seconded Joima be advised STING RAY bicycle, $18.00; 2 NEW VERNONIA Hotel - Rooms would now be receiving its pro­ Nelson again requested the Miscellaneous claims were that the county would sell a por­ 6, 1974, to be opened and read man pup tent, $13.00. 631 Madi­ by day, week or month. Also, portionate share of 4-C monies board not to wait for the August 6 approved. tion of the K-P railroad right of at that hour, for a lease for trailer hook-ups. Phone 429-5091. son Ave. Phone 429-8118. She also discussed a reduction in meeting , but to act immediately Sam Hollinger met with the way which goes through affected houseboat, boat house, small 6tfc a portion of the funding, but ________________________ 2952 _____________ board and John Hunnicutt dep­ property, for the sum of $300.00 on the Chief Elections Deputy boat marina, boat repair and indicated as yet, she did not position, basing his request on a uty DA. Hollinger advised that Motion carried. sales purposes, of a tract in the MOTORCYCLE '59 BSA 500 cc S E R V I C E S letter from Robert Lucas, dis­ know the exact amount of the re­ he had met with Messrs. Koning At the request of the board, bed of the Multnomah Channel single. Real good condition. Tim —___________ _ duction, and what effect this tric t attorney, in which he ex and Miles, regarding construc­ Robert Vagt, chairman of the as more particularly described Enyart. Keasey Rt., Box 24, Ph. would have on the program She pressed the opinion that recom­ FOR SAVINGS on loans contact hereinafter, giving to the owner tion of the road in Panorama C ivil Service Commission, met 429-6932 29tl mendations of the Civil Service your local Credit Union, 873 or owners of upland fronting Terrace, and had given them in­ stated the 4-C had contracted for with the board to discuss a letter Commission with regard to sal­ Bridge Street. 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 and abutting thereon the prefer­ formation regarding specifica­ referral service, since the funds submitted to them requesting FROM wall to wall, no soil at P-m Monday through Friday. had been reduced. ary, be followed explicitly, re­ tions to be followed, as well as reconsideration of some of the ence right to accept the lease at all, on carpets cleaned with Blue gardless of the fact that ORS At the request of Robert T oll­ information on culvert place­ 429-8031. 17tfc the highest bid as set out in recommendations made at the Lustre. Rent electric shampooer provides the board of Com­ ment. eshaug, Veteran Service Officer, last C ivil Service meeting. He ORS 274.040; the Land Board $1. Brunsman Hardware. missioners with the power of Those present then discussed Commissioner M inkoff moved was advised of the board's dis­ reserving the right to reject any establishing salaries. _______________________ 29tlc right of way acquisition for and Commissioner Ahlborn sec­ satisfaction with some of the and all bids. Nelson was told by the board Ringering Road, and the im ­ onded Mrs. Mae Tolleshaug be actions taken and or recom­ Said Multnomah Channel tract YARD SALE! July 18th thru 21st that no further action would be provement of the road Hollinger appointed as his assistant, to act mended, together with some of is descibed as follows: at 1017 First Ave. Starting at taken, nor any adjustments indicated he felt it would be less in his absence. Motion carried. 26t5c the problems encountered as a Beginning at a point oi inter­ 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. whatever made, until after the expensive to construct the road M artin Lugar met with the result of the action. One item section of the East line of ________________________ 28t2 scheduled C ivil Service Com­ on the airport property itself, board to present a statement for PROFESSIONAL PAINTING mentioned was the recommen­ Lot 2, Section 19, Township 3 mission meeting on August 6. than where the present roadway damages to a wheel on his Interior - Exterior dation of a Salary Range in- North, Range 1 West of the NEED HOMES for hand fashion­ Phil Dewey, surveyor, met is located However, he was pickup as a result of hitting a • crease from 15 to 20, for the Chief — Free Estimates — Willamette Meridian, Columb­ ed dolls. 50 cents and up. Can with the board to inquire about advised as part of the terms of chuchhole on a road he alleged Special Summer Rates Elections Deputy, which the ia County, Oregon, with the be seen in the window of the the transfer of duties from dis­ agreement for transfer of the was not posted as closed. After LELAND SEIBERT board indicated was unprece­ centerline of dike at a point Laundromat. Call 429-2565. tric t attorney to county legal airport property to the Port of St discussion with Hunnicutt, the Phone 4296161 dented with regard to the 5- which is South 63° 43' East counsel, as outlined in a letter 28t2c Helens, and that numerous other board agreed it would reimburse 9tfc range recommended increase. 2776.13 feet from the North­ directed to him be Robert Lucas. agencies would be involved if an M r Lugar for replacement of Vagt stated he was unaware that ’69 CHEV. Kingswood wagon. He questioned who would be east corner of the T. J. Jack- attempt were made to change the wheel. their recommendation had been New tires, AC, PS, heavy trailer handling pending matters, and son Donation Land Claim; the location at this time. There­ Commissioner M inkoff moved for a 5-range increase, and felt hitch. Excellent condition, $1295. was told that Lucas had stated thence along the East line of fore, the road would be con­ and Commissioner Ahlborn sec­ perhaps some adjustment might SaSnta Fe trailer, $745. 429-3832. he would complete pending m at­ Lot 2, South 14o feet, more structed where it had been ag­ onded that since only one quo­ be made. He advised that be­ ters himself, but all future prob­ 27tfc reed or less, to the Easterly tation was received for purchase cause Mrs. McMahon, the Civil lems would be handled by Hunn­ meander line of said Lot 2 Hollinger then asked several of a new pickup for the dog Service secretary was on va­ R. Vaughn Baker, icutt. SPIN-DRY washer, good condi­ questions relating to copies of control officer. Commissioner to the true point of beginning cation and would not return until Auctioneer tion, pressure cooker, almost new. Keith Thompson, engineer, road specifications, inventory of Ahlborn be authorized to pur­ of the following described July 22, and that he plans to be $25.00 for both. 429-7591. met with the board to report that sign materials on hand, and chase the pickup quoted from AUCTION FRIDAY 7:00 P.M. tract; thence Easterly, at 90° gone until July 29, the first on Friday, he would receive the ;_______________________ 27tfc what is on order He was advised Jordan Motor Company at a cost possible date for a special meet­ angles to said meander line Phone 425-3212 final report on the tra ffic safety this information would be re­ of $3,031 77, subject to its avail­ ing of the C ivil Service Com­ 260 feet to a point in the 130 Sales Barn Road FOR SALE: Approximately 100m grant, and that this would be layed to him prior to Thompson’s ability, and then if the pickup is mission would be August 6. Vagt Willamette Slough; thence marked timber near Mist. Phone fully explained and presented to KELSO, WASHINGTON 98626 leaving at the end of the month. not available, he be authorized to Southwesterly, parallel to advised the board they should the board as its meeting on July Mr. Good, Portland, 289-9781, 49tfc Order No. 77-74 was signed, negotiate for purchase of a pick­ and 260 feet distant from the direct a letter to him requesting 17th. He advised he s till had one evenings. 20tfc correcting Resolution No. 72-74 up where he is able to locate a Easterly boundary line of a special meeting to be held, and final report to submit for reim ­ VERNONIA SANITARY dated June 26, 1974. transferring satisfactory unit. Motion car­ said Lot 2 to a point which is that if the board so desired, they bursing funding, but this would HAYING, mowing, raking and appropriations within various ried. SERVICE Easterly at 90" angles from could submit additional evidence be completed prior to his leav­ baling. Call 429-8783 25t4c funds of the 1973-74 Columbia Commissioner M inkoff moved Phone 4296711 the Southeast corner of said to be considered at that time. ing. County budget. and Commissioner Ahlborn sec­ Vagt indicated the problems en­ Lot 2; thence Westerly to the 30tfc FOR the home Seamstress - Full The board discussed with After discussion, it was the onded the following purchase countered, together w ith the Southeast corner of said Lot Thompson the supplies on hand, line of Simplicity Patterns at conclusion of the board to in ­ orders be approved: 3300 PERS, board's comments and recom­ and what had been ordered but SHOE REPAIRS — Open 8:30 2: thence Northerly along the SEW SIMPLE SHOP, 725 Bridge, stitute vacation proceedings on monthly retirem ent fund, for mendations, should be discussed a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tandy Shoe Easterly line of said Lot 2 not received. Thompson indicat­ Vernonia. Phone 429-7441. an undeveloped portion of Call­ road department employees; at this special meeting. Repair, D St., Vernonia, 4293301. to the true point of beginning. ed this information would be <_______________________ 17tfc ahan Road This m atter W’as re­ $22.380 (est.); 3299 AOC, Blue Roy Nelson, clerk, met again Bids must be accompanied by ________________________ Sltfc relayed to Hollinger before he ferred to Hunnicutt to prepare Cross Insurance monthly pre­ with the board to urge them to a certified or cashier’s check, leaves, together with road spec­ CUT FLOWERS, weddings, fun­ the necessary Resolution and miums, road department, $21,- reconsider the salary range ad­ money order, or cash for not less ifications which Hollinger had Order. eral designs, plants. Also flowers 600 (est ); 3296 Citv Linen & justment recommended by the than 50% of the first year's rental been requesting. by wire. Artificial flowers and Notice of acceptance of ap­ Industrial S u p p l y Month­ C ivil Service Commission with and no bid w ill be considered if gifts. CHALET FLOWER SHOP. pointment to the Public Welfare ly laundry service; $2,220 (est.); regard to the Chief Elections more than a 25-year perior at a Board was received from Mrs. 3295 St. Helens Water Depart­ Phone 429-5733 or 4296301. MARR & STAFFORD Deputy, and requested they not minimal rental of $250 per year Dorothy Egglestrom. ment, water; $840.00 (est.); 3293 13tfc Blown-in Insulation wait for the next meeting, but for usage, subject to reappraisal MEAT CO. Notice of rejection of appoint­ Liberty Tire Shop, monthly tire Rockwool Batting grant the increase immediately. after every five years. Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. repairs and recaps, $4,800 (est ); ment to the Public Welfare FREE ESTIMATES Nelson spoke at some length Establishment of property lines 357-7281 Board was received from Mrs 3291 Portland General Electric regarding the additional work­ w ill be responsibility of success­ CaU Collect 397-1670 Edith Winkler. Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, Co., electric service; $3,636 load required as a result of ful bidder, who shall also pay Hunnicutt then discussed sev­ (est.); 3289 Northwest Natural and Curing ST. HELENS the last legislature, which re­ the actual c06t of publishing this eral matters which had been Gas Co., heat, St. Helens and Cattle received Sunday & Monday quires the county clerk be re­ notice. A complete lease form transferred to him for action by Rainier, $2,400 (est.); 3288 State until noon; hogs received Tuesday •1*1 IOS* sponsible for all special district listing other terms and conditions the D istrict Attorney. Among Accident Insurance Fund, insur­ elections and school district el­ and Wednesday until noon. OKI is available far inspection. Bids these were the follow ing: Case of ance payments, $24,000 (est.); Meat for sale, any quantity. ections. in addition to those for Columbia County V DuHaime, should be addressed to Division 3287 Pacific Northwest Bell, 953 Bridge S t , Vernonia — Call for Appointment — which he was previously re­ scheduled for tria l July 24; of State Lands, 1445 State Street, telephone service, $2,320 (est.); Come through Banks, take Tilla­ Phone 4296203 sponsible. Nelson indicated the Gift - Wickwire request for 3286 Public Employees Retire­ Salem. Oregon 97310 Envelopes mook road IK m l., take first left- Chief Elections Deputy was dis­ BILL HORN, BROKER Zone Change; Shelton - Leskin- ment System, social security; should bear the notation "Bid New Homes Built To Your hand road. ltfc satisfied with the amount of pay SALESMAN: en - suit for recovery of dog $23,400 (est.); 3373 Scappoose Specifications to Lease Multnomah Channel she is now receiving and had indemnity claim , Dick Magru- Sand & Gravel, rock. $1,659.34; Deri Roberts—4293804 New Construction - Additions - Re- Riverbed.” indicated she would not continue der claim for damages done by 3302 Columbia Body & Equip­ Sue Filter—4297014 modelng - Roofing . Foundations Division of State Lands in the position if she were not dogs; Columbia County V Cavin, ment, 2 dump bodies, $4,320.00; FOREST GROVE BRANCH — William S. Cox, Director — FREE ESTIMATES — compensated accordingly. Nel­ LARRY KNODEL 3329 Homelite, suction pump, sanitation violation; Blome et al Arlie Satterlee, Mgr.—Ph. 357-2321 28t4c son indicated it would require a v CWAPA, severance and va­ $533.40 ; 3368 Columbia West, considerable amount of time to cation pay. pre-mix, crushed rock and pit train a new person to replace the run, $25,804.70; 3356 Feenaughty Hunnicutt then requested 42tfc present employee if she did te r­ We w ill build a Custom Home board authorization for sub Machinery Co., Brush Chipper, minate, and this could possibly on your lot or ours.. We have $5.250.00. WE are looking for 30-60 acres scription to Oregon Advance result in future elections being Sheets, at a cost of $35 per year. over 3000 plans to choose from. | Motion carried. for future homestead. Land must invalid if all procedures were not Commissioner M inkoff moved At 1:30 p.m. a show cause meet County requirements and followed properly. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE and Commissioner Alhborn sec­ hearing was held on complaint of have available water. $400 - The board discussed with Nel­ Licensed - Bonded • Insured onded he be allowed the sub­ solid waste on the property of $7Oo an acre lim it with $20,000 son the fact that in his budget scription. Motion carried. Milton G. Russell, Tax Lot total price lim it. $100 finders request, he had asked for, and 3552-14. Present was Terry Women’s Summer League R.C. Warner, Chubb Pacific fee is yours if we buy. No agents had received, an additional The Place To CaU For Rahe, adm inistrator of the Solid Indemnity Group, met with the July 15 W L or dealers please. Steve and Clerk-Typist II position, but that Kim mel's 10 2 board to discuss the county’s Waste Ordinance. Commissioner AU Your Rock Needs! Sandy, 1-244-8945, Portland. when he sent his request to Civil lia b ility insurance. Warner also M inkoff moved and Commis­ Quinn Insurance 8 4 26t4c Service, the request was for a Trucking, Excavating, Bulldoxing, sioner Ahlborn seconded the Mist Shake & Ridge 4 8 suggested that all employees Clerk-Typist III position instead. Backhoe TROJAN HOMES Inc. who drive vehicles , either recommendation of the adm in­ Vernonia Variety 2 10 Nelson stated he was not aware New and used Mobile Homes, istrator to be followed, declaring High team game and series, county-owned or on a mileage that a Clerk-Typist III position Sand - Gravel - Rock Travel Trailers, Motor Homes, basis, take a D river Test, a solid waste nuisance to exist, Quinn Insurance, 865 - 2513; high had been requested until a copy Stockpiled In Vernonia for I WILL not be responsible for and to allow fifteen days for individual game and series, Truck Campers and Canopy«. through the “ Porto - C linic” of the Position Description form any debts but my own. removal, and if not accom­ Mickey Johnson, 218 and 528 which he would set up at any Parts, accessories, service, —Immediate D elivery— was shown to him indicating his Cleve M. Loyd plished by that time, submit Splits picked up: Betty Jane time the board so desired. The awnings, skirtings and insur­ signature on same. He explained 16tfc 29t4 legal counsel for abatement suit. Miner 2-10 and 4-5-7; JoAnn test includes visual acuity test, ance. his request had been made prior Motion carried. Beamish 5-7; Enid Parrow 2-7; depth perception test, color per­ to the May prim ary election and Two lots to serve you better. SEPTIC TANK PUMPING FOR OREGON JOURNAL ser­ At 2 p.m a show cause hearing Mickey Johnson 3-10; Hazle ception test, field vision test, at that time he was unaware of Licensed - Bonded and Insured Lot No. 1 . Rainier and Lot vices call Al Iman, 4292081 be­ was scheduled on complaint of Wendling 3-10; Pat Larson 5-10; reaction tim e test. The board the workload which would be No. 2 - Clatskanie. PHONE 397-3172 fore 10:30 a.m. and after 5:30 Betty Fuquay 5-10. agreed it would notify all de­ solid waste on the property of required. It was noted the Po­ If no answer call 397-2281. — Open 7 Days Per Week — p-m.____________________ 29tfc Orin Chamberlain, Tax Lot 475- partments and set up a date for sition Description form was Colombia County Septic 001. Rahe advised he had been the testing for all employees. dated June 7, 1974 Tank Service TROJAN HOMES Inc. contacted by M r Chamberlain Warner then reviewed several Nelson then indicated if the 18tfc to report that the solid waste is claims for damages which had board would grant the recom­ P hone 556-1531 being removed, as the property been submitted in the past mended salary range adjust­ Located on Hwy. 30 to St. is being sold. Commissioner BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY months He also advised that ment for Mrs Brooks, Chief Helens 2K mi. S.E. of Rai­ MAN OR WOMAN Minkoff moved and Commis­ “ hold - harmless agreements” Elections Deputy, he would sug­ nier, next to Stop Inn al MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Casper sioner Ahlborn seconded that in should be obtained from all Reliable person from this area to gest to the C ivil Service Com­ Rainier. Also Clatskanie lot Serby took their folks, Mr and view of the contact having been service and collect from auto­ MINIMUM charge $1.00 for 20 mission that the Clerk Typist III on Highway 30. words or le u . Words over mini­ Mrs. Raymond Johnson and made and the circumstances, a matic dispensers. No experience position be reclassified to a mum 5 cents each. Joseph, into the airport on Tues­ nuisance declared to exist, and needed . . . we establish ac­ Clerk-Typist II position day of last week for their return Mr. Chamberlain be allowed counts for you. Car, references NO information on classifieds home to Chicago They having th irty days to remove the waste, and $1,195 to $3,750 cash capital will be given out until after spent the past week with them and if not accomplished in that necessary. 4 to 12 hours weekly paper is mailed. here. time, the m atter referred to RIVERVIEW —M r. and Mrs. could net good part-time income. CARD of Thanks and N oticu : M r and Mrs Ted Kulju of Durbin Ronk legal counsel for nuisance a- and children Full-time more. For local inter­ $1J5 for up to 12 lines. Addi­ Portland spent the weekend at moved from Tacoma and are batement suit. Motion carried view write, include telephone tional lines, 8 cents each. her mother’s Mrs. Jane Hansen. living with her parents Mr. and Rahe then discussed a letter number, Eagle Industries, De­ Sunday visitors at the Hansen sent from Santosh Disposal Inc. Mrs Francis Wright They are partment BV, 3938 Meadowbrook DISPLAY classified are $1.20 per home were Mrs Thelma Has to Department of Environmental column Inch. doing the farm work there Road, Minneapolis, Minnesota Quality, relating to dike con­ mussen and Mr. and Mrs Einar Diana H ill of Portland is 55426 29tl THE EAGLE assumes no finan­ Kinsey all from Clatskanie. struction for the Santosh Landfill spending a two-weeks vacation cial responsibility for errors Mr. and Mrs. W illard Oarlock proposing construction stand­ at the home of her father Ted that may appear in ads pub­ ards Rahe submitted his rec­ went to Portland Tuesday of last H ill. lished In Its columns, bnt la week to bring her sister Thaye ommendations with regard to Tw elve M onth W arran ty on a ll N ew Units. c u e s where this paper is at the diking requirements, which Gregory back out here. She will BLACK and White Walker Hound fault will reprint that part of O pen 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. stay with them indefinitly. indicated a recommendation of a W AN T A D S B R IN G R E S U L T S last seen In Coen Creek area. an adv. In which the typographi­ M r and Mrs Casper Serby 2; :1 dike slope and a 3-foot top Reward for return or information cal mistake occurs. Mobile home and travel trailer supplies, visited M r. and Mrs. John Hyatt width, as opposed to the 1.5:1 of dog’s whereabouts. Call col­ at Clatskanie on Sunday side slope and two to three foot NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY accessories, awnings, skirting and insur­ CASH AVAILABLE lect Bob Walker, 4297504. Guests for a Patio dinner at top width as proposed. The board ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED ________________________ 29tfc ance. Open 7 days per week. the Norman Hansen home Sat­ indicated its concurrence with Loans on Real Estate, Small AFTER NOON TUESDAY EX­ urday were Mr. and Mrs How­ Rahe’s recommendation to in ­ Acreages and Older Homes. CEPT FOR NEXT WEEK’S crease the slope ratio. ard Thompson, Clatskanie; Mr. PAPER. Contracts & Mortgages John DeErance met with the & Mrs. Kulju, Portland; Mrs. B U N D ADS with answers to be Purchased LADY for parttime housework, Ellen Hanson, Vernonia; Mr. board to present a copy of a handled by The Eagle: Mini­ Phone 556-1531 and Mrs. Steve Hanson, Cor­ grant application fo r Columbia occasional cooking and to stay mum charge $2.00. No informa­ vallis; M r and Mrs Shalmon County Burglary Prevention and with young man confined to tion given relative to each ads. Located on H ighw ay 30 to St. H elens mi. Libel; and Mrs. Jane Hansen. Education, under the provisions wheelchair, when necessary. Lo­ MORTGAGE fc LOAN CO. Randy Hansen returned home of Part C of T itle I of the POETRY accepted only us paid cated approximately seven miles S.E. of R ainier. N e x t to Stop In n a t R ainier. 1717T Georgia Pacific Bldg. from his job with the State Omnibus Crime Control and Safe m atter: Rate: 10 from Vernonia. Phone 4297829. A lso C latskanie lo t on H ighw ay 30 Streets Act of 1968, and re­ Forestry Department in tim e to Portland, Oregon 97204 • 29t2c join them. A ll had a very quested the board to w rite a Owned and Operated by Steve 8c Lotus Gaskill Call 221-1468 Collect enjoyable time. letter of intent that it would UlflflT^BDS FOB SÀLE-Gsnersl FOR SALE-A u I m PUBLIC NOTICE I M M M M B to M M M O M O M C Ucrnonia £ag(e Board of Commissioners FOR RENT CUSTOM BALING 324-3743 KELSO SALE BARN ARCTIC INSULATING CO. FOR SALE-R1 Eiiaie BUI Hom [p| Realty WANTED-R'l Estate Norman Hillsbery, Builder 429-8942 CUSTOM HOMES BAIR BOWLING Logging Co. 429-7485 WOMEN'S LEAGUE 648 8965 ♦ I J NOTICE BUSINESS Op'tunity Visitors Leave CLASSIFIED RATES For Chicago Tacoma Family Now Living at Wrights Don't Miss Our Display oi "Better Living" Mobile Homes at the '74 Columbia Co. Fair! LOST uni FOUND HELP WARTED TROJAN HOMES IN C I-FIVE ) »