Livestock and Agriculture Judgbg At County Fair M eM eM M eM M N M M Anniversary Reception Held July 7 ’ K> ¿1 Thursday, July 18 ■ '■ SO a m - 4-H and FFA live- 4-H and FFA Forestry Identi­ fication 10:30 a m - 4-H and FFA Crops and Weeds 1 p.m. - FFA Beef Breeds 4-H Sheep Breeds FFA Rabbits 1:30 p.m - 4-H Rabbit Show­ manship 4-H Rabbit Breeds 2 p.m. - 4-H Dog Showmanship 4-H Dog Obedience 6:30 p.m. - FFA Grand Cham­ pion Showmanship Sunday. July 21 8:30 a.m. Selection of F air Champions from Open Class. 4-H and FFA in Dairy, Sheep, Beef and Swine 1 p.m. - 4-H and FFA Awards Program . istock and Dairy Judging Con- •• ■ *» lest. 10 30 a m ■ Open Class Sheep ' Open Class Goats •’”* i jP-m - ’ Beef Breeds 4-H Goat Showmanship 2 P m. - 4-H Goat Breeds FFA iSheegShowmanship FFA Sheep „2 :3 0 p.m. FFA Swine Show­ manship FFA Swine Breeds ^jP-m . - 4-H Swine Showman- 3:30 p.m. - Swine Breeds 4 p.m. - FFA Poultry 4-H Poul- ■;.try Open Class Poultry ’ » 6:30 p.m. - 4-H Beef Showman- , ship Seniors Intermediates Jun- • Jors 1st Year Juniors Champion Beef Showmanship FFA Tractor Driving Contest —Friday, July 1» •— 8:30 a m. - Open Class Beef • Open Class Dairy 4-H Dairy Breeds Open Class Swine J 9 a.m. - Open Class Horses « Halter Classes • 10 a.m. - 4-H Flower Arrang­ ing Contest 1 p.m - 4-H Flower Identifies ; tion FFA Dairy Showmanship ; 4-H Sheep Showmanship Seniors . Intermediates Juniors 1st year • Juniors - 2 p.m. - 4-H Dairy Showman­ ship Seniors Intermediates Jun iors 1st year juniors 2:30 p.m 4-H Vegetable Jud *.ging Contest 6:30 p.m. - 4-H Junior Cham­ pionship Showmanship p.m. - 4-H Grand Champion • $>howmanship Saturday, July 20 8:30 a m - FFA Dairy Breeds 4-H Other presentations all day 9 a.m. - Open Class Horses - .Performance 9:30 a.m. - Commercial Cattle Horns Return From Short Vacation M r and Mrs B ill Horn re­ turned recently from a short vacation trip to the Cove Pal­ isades Park in Madras, after having attended the American legion and Auxiliary convention in Albany During the convention Les Galoway of Clatskanie was elected Vice Commander for the Department of Oregon Am er­ ican leg ion and Mrs. Horn was installed as D istrict 1 President for the American Legion A u xili­ ary. She w ill have the units in Clatsop, Columbia and most of Washington County in her dis­ tric t Both Mr. and Mrs. Horn would urge every eligible veteran to join the American Legion and their wives, sisters, mothers and daughters to join the Auxiliary and to participate in the many programs that are carried on throughout the Nation. Care and concern for Children, the Vet­ eran and his fam ily is their entire goal. 2,. Visitors Enjoyed / During Weekend Frederick Lundgren Takes Georgia Bride B IR K E N F E L D -M r and Mrs ; Al Spderback and her mother » Mrs Jessie Johnson visited at the Howard Johnson home on 4. Sunday. Saturday visitors were Mr and Mrs Walter Mathews. On Tuesday evening of last » week Mrs Ann Lonnquist of * <1 .Eugene brought her two sons, tico tt and Luke up for a visit at the Joe Lonnquists She came back on Saturday and took them back home. Mr and Mrs Charles Ramsey visited Ramona Hatfield in Portland on Sunday Friday, July 12, Mrs Lois M. Laricey become the bride of Frederick O. Lundgren in an evening ceremony at the Bethel Church of the Nazareen in Brunswick. Georgia A reception was given for the couple by Mrs Lundgren's son, Frank Laricey, following the services. M r Lundgren is a form er resident of Vernonia. He moved to Georgia approximately three years ago where he has since made his home. 4 4 I VACATION NEEDS PKG. 90 (Reg. $2.29) WASH-UR_ _ _ _ only $ 1 ■h 8 8 Moist T ow eleiies VERNONIA DRUG Phone 429-6254 Complete Broke Service here NEW ARRIVALS '‘MrwvwwvMaiMNMiMMaoHMe; M r. and Mrs. Robert E Buch­ holtz, Astoria, are the parents of a boy born June 29. Jeremy E rvin weighed seven pounds four ounces at birth and joins a brother, Scott Ray in the fam ily home. Grandparents include M r and Mrs. Ray Taylor, Vernonia, and M r. and Mrs. Howard Blakely, Astoria. Great-grandparents are Mrs. Leona Taylor Perry, F lo r­ ida, W.J. Grover, Nyssa, Ore­ gon, Elm er M iller, Salem, and E rvin Buchholtz, Astoria M r and Mrs. Richard Devine are the parents of a baby g irl, born at the Forest Grove Com­ m unity hospital Wednesday July 17. Her name is Kim berly Lorrann and she weighs 7 pounds 9% ounces. Grandparents are M r and Mrs. Clair De"'- «, Mr. and Mrs Donald Be- „ of Eugene and M r and Mrs Carson Strong Great grandmothers, Mrs Ellen Devine, Mrs. John Gordon of Clatskanie, Mrs Grace Peachey and Mrs Roger Forsberg of Nipoma Beach, California A baby g irl was born to M r and Mrs Paul Weidman July 15 at the Tuality Community Hos­ pital and weighed seven pounds eight ounces Diane Renee is their first child. Grandparents are M r and Mrs Chet Arterburn, Salem Oregon. Anniversary Fete Set Far Nordstroms B IR K EN FELD —There w ill be a 40th Wedding Anniversary reception honoring M r and Mrs Francis Nordstrom at the B ir- kenfeld gym on July 20 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The couples child­ ren are giving it. All friends are invited. Loren and Daren Berg left the hospital on Tuesday of last week and are staying with their grandparents, the B ill Olsteds at Astoria. The other boy Alan, is s till in the hospital in Vancouver and is improving. Mrs. Everett Johnson ac­ companied Mrs Vick Berg to Longview on Monday of last week going over to see the Berg’s in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Larson spent Friday evening at the Herbert Rodger’s home They enjoyed a barbeaue. Others there were Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jarrett and M r and Mrs. Mike Tiedeman and a little daughter Tara It was a get together with the J a rre tt’s before they leave for Texas Donna Jarrett (Rod­ gers ) has been commissioned as 2nd Lt. with the U.S. A ir Force Nurse Coprs. She and her hus­ band have left for Texas where she w ill have 2 weeks temporary duty then w ill be stationed at Whiteman Airforce base, M is­ souri. Her husband w ill attend college there M r and Mrs Everett Johnston made a business trip to Clat­ skanie on Thursday of last week M r and Mrs. Francis Nord­ strom were in Longview last Monday. Francis going over for a check up. He got a new cast on his leg. he is coming along good M r Lee L a lli of Portland brother of Mrs. Howard Johnson came Friday evening for a visit with them, he returned back home on Monday. Mrs, Jerol Moran of Clat­ skanie visited at the home of her folks, the Bob Du Puis on Tues­ day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cahill and Kelly of Portland visited his father James Cahill on Sunday. Also with them was Jim m y’s granddaughter Diane and fam ­ ily. Timber Jam Sale Clears Landslide The Bureau of Land Manage­ ment’s Eugene district recently sold m aterial in a debris jam on Nelson Creek in Lane County, for its tim ber. The estimated 150,000 board feet of Douglas F ir. west­ ern redeedar, and hardwood chunks and debris, sold at public auction for $5,400 BLM officials reported the sale was initiated p rim arily as a means to clean up the debris from a landslide. ¡or Citizen News ■ - - B IR K EN FELD — The 50th Wedding Anniversary reception for Mr and Mrs Al Soderback on July was verv nice There were about 170 who came to honor them The beautiful cake was made and decorated by Bernice Malcom, sister, and Dorothy Engelen, niece Coffee was served by Ariel Johnson, sister-in-law, while tea was poured by Miona Johnson, sister-in-law, and punch served by Wilma Blackwood, sister, and Julie Riddlerbusch. niece The guest book was kept by Wendy Johnson, niece, while at the gift table was Ann Johnson, sister-in-law Flowers were a r­ ranged by M ildred Enns, sister, John Hampton, nephew, and Donald Soderback, grandson Hosting the a ffa ir were M ild ­ red Enns and Evelyn Hampton, sisters, with music by Don Hicks. The party was given by Mrs Soderbacks sisters and brothers. Those attending were Bernice Malcom, M r and Mrs. Eugene Johnson, and Wendy, all from California: Mrs. Jessie Johnson, M ildred Enns, and M r and M rs’ Stanley Johnson and Angela, from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Engelen, Mark and G ail; Mr and Mrs. Raymond Johnson J r and Mer- ri, Beaverton; M r and Mrs Hershel Winters, P rairie C ity; M r and Mrs. Ed Hampton, M r and Mrs, John Hampton, Mr. and Mrs Archie Johnson Sr., M r and Mrs. Archie Johnson Jr., and M r and Mrs. John Blackwood, all from Salem. M r and Mrs. L a rry Bair, Vernonia; Mr. and Mrs. Ray­ mond Johnson Sr., Port Orford; M r and Mrs. Donald Soderback and Kim berly, North Plains; M r and Mrs. Ed Ridderbusch and Mrs. G. P ruitt and Denise, all of Tillamook. Pre-school Selects 1974-75 Teacher The Vernonia Cooperative Preschool board of officers have met and selected Mrs. Diana Roberts as the teacher for the 1974-75 school year. Mrs. Rob­ erts graduated with honors from the University of Montana re­ ceiving a Bachelor of Arts de­ gree in elementary education. Gaining experience working as a teacher's aide and substitute teacher Mrs. Roberts has de­ veloped a complete curriculum for the three and four year old classes. The areas of a rt, music, language, science, social stud­ ies, mathematics, health and P.E. are included with well planned activities which w ill sure to please and excite any preschooler The preschool w ill also bring the children new and deeper re­ lationships with adults outside the fam ilies and children their own age, increasing their own awareness of themselves and their relationship to the world Registration for the three and four year old classes w ill con­ tinue into fall or until classes are filled. For complete inform atin into this very worthwhile and ex­ citing program please contact the vice president Mrs Ramona Shirley 429-8304 Our center w ill be open Sat­ urday, July 27 and Sunday, July 28, Jamboree weekend from 9 a.m until 5 p.m. to accomodate visitors Coffee, cookies and ice tea are always on hand and rest rooms available Come in to visit rest and browse in the Flea Market Membership has come in real well this month. Several new members have joined the center We welcome them Transporta tion has kept our d river busy Celest has been putting in eight hours and more a day. Paper rolling is an every day event at the center. It takes many volunteer hours to keep our customers supplied Mrs Maddox is expected to be at the center July 19. Anyone who wish­ es an appointment, please call us, 429-3912. Edythe Haynes, our RSVP re­ presentative, came by and her report on volunteer hours thru the 5-Areas reached into the hundreds of hours Maudaleen M urry ran the center office while M r and Mrs. Eckland were on vacation Maudaleen did a marvelous job Thanks to her and all the ladies who gave a helping hand Next social potluck w ill be this Friday, July 19, 12:30 p.m. All Seniors welcome. At the June meeting of the D istrict II-A Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council meet ing, James R. Bennett of Beav­ erton was elected as Chairman and Charles Needham of Lake Oswego was elected Vice-chair­ man. The purpose of the Advisory Council is to monitor and eval uate as well as give advice in the planning of service programs for the elderly in the counties of Clackamas. Columbia, a n d Washington The Advisory Council’s membership includes senior citizens from the three counties as well as represen­ tatives from social service agen­ cies and local elected officials Other business at the meeting included discussion of the 1975 Plan for Action programs serv­ ing the elderly and also the need for special transportation for the e l d e r l y . A strategy for approaching Tri-m et and CRAG transportation committee was discussed and approved The next meeting of the Dis­ tric t II-A Advisory Council w ill be on Wednesday, July 31st at 2:00 p.m. at Columbia Region Association of Governments, 6400 S.W. Canyon Court. Pomona Grange Neels In Vernonia Aug. 3 The regular Columbia County Pomona Grange meeting w ill be held at the Vernonia Grange on Saturday, August 3 at 10 a m. Lunch at noon w ill be served by the Vernonia Grange. The Columbia County Past Master's Club w ill meet at Marshland Grange on Wednes­ day, July 31 at 8 p.m. The date was changed from July 17th, the regular meeting time, due to the County Fair. A ll Past Masters and other Grange members are invited. The Grange Needlework Con­ test judging is scheduled for September 12 at Warren Grange. Articles in knitting, crocheting, and embroidery w ill be judged. A ll CWP Chairmen have the rules and the contest is open to Grangers and non Grangers sponsored by the grange mem­ bers. Mr. and Mrs. David Brunsman announce the engagement of their daughter, M ary, to Edwin A. Hunt, son of Wilma Hunt and the late John L. Hunt of Miran- dam, California Mary attended Oregon State University and her finance a t­ tended Fresno State College and is now an associate of Dave Simmons, Realtor in Miranda. A September wedding is planned. CLEARANCE ♦ — A L L MERCHANDISE — 1/3 Off Reg. Price NO EXCEPTIONS FABRICS n FASHIONS (Next Door To The Laundromat) TIMBER CARNIVAL SUNDAY, JULY 21 J T^lfDlsG 1 PM OPEN SHOW Cfiop axe * * HORIZONTAL BLOCK CHOP throwing JACK & JILL BUCKING SINGLE RUCKING HOT SAW Ribbons Won At Fair Three g irls from the Vernonia area were awarded ribbons at the Columbia County F a ir Horse Show held this past week Taking a blue ribbon in Horse Show manship were Vicki P itt and Tam m y Smith while Donna Shinn was awarded a red ribbon. September Wedding Planned By Couple COLUMBIA COUNTY Summer Rec Schedule S u m iw r Recreation Schedule of Events at Scout Cabin, Hawk­ ins Park Tuesday through F r i­ day 10 to 12 a m - Planned Rec­ reation : Tues. and Thurs.-tumbling at Scout Cabin Wed.-archery . Scout Cabin F ri.-tennis, high school tennis courts 1 Io 5 p m - Open Recreation: Athlete equipment to check out at Scout Cabin-table tennis, vol­ leyball. tennis, football, croquet, etc Wed afternoon. 1 to 3 p.m. Craft Class, art room at Washington Grade School enter east door, charge of 25 cents for materials Wed morning, 10 to 11:30 a.m.- Scoul Cabin. Hawkins Park, Story Hour The above program is spon­ sored by the Vernonia Recre­ ation Council, in co-operation with the Vernonia City Park Commission Council Names J- R- Bennett RAINIER KEG PUT CONTEST ♦ VER N O N IA AMBULANCE Dial 429-5141 > ». 5 ♦ V » 5 V VER N O N IA F IR E D E P A R T M E N T F ire Alarms Only - Phone 429-3131 S 8 EM E R G E N C Y S E R V IC E PHONES Our complete brake service restores new car braking performance. Come in today for a free brake system safety inspection. Chevron Car Care Service RALPH'S CHEVRON °~™ Phone 429-6691 RS 4 1 6 Tredemsrh« " A ll a t " end Alls» Weslhera*'«* * • < U.S P«t Off . Alla«. Supply Company. VERN O N IA PO LICE D E P A R T M E N T Dial 429-5141 VERN O N IA C IT Y H A LL 429-5291 COLUMBIA COUNTY S H E R IF F Emergency: Vernonia Area 429-5141 — Business: 397-2511 OREGON 8T A T E POLICE 8 a.m. to 3 a.m. . Beaverton Office - 643-4702 S s.m. to 8 a.m . . Dial “ 0 ” , ask for Oak Grove «54-8555 8t. Helens office - Phone: JT7-J1S1 V 3 8 3 S V J >7« Held In Conjunction With the COLUMBIA COUNTY FAIR County Fairgrounds ST. HELENS