Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, July 18, 1974, Page 2, Image 2

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    U e m o n la E a g le Services Scheduled
2 THURSDAY, JULY 18. 1974
For William Braun
Services Free At VD Clinic
Entered as second class mail
matter August 4, 1922, under the
act of March 3, 1879.
W illiam Braun, 76, of Timber
Route, Vernonia, died Monday,
July 15 at the Tuaiity Commu­
nity Hospital in Hillsboro
The funeral service w ill be
held at the Fuiten Mortuary
Chapel in Vernonia, Thursday
July 18 at 1 p.m with burial at
the Vernonia Memorial Ceme­
Published weekly on Thursday
at 721 Madison Ave., Vernonia,
Columbia County, Oregon 97064
and paid at the Vernonia Post
Office as second class matter.
V.D. Beckman
Funeral Held
SEL-MOR, INC., Publisher»
B. RHOADES, Editor
Vernonia, Oregon
$4 .00 Per Year — In the Nehalem
$5.00 Per Year Elsewhere
» » » » » » » » » » I » ; « :
Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri.—8 a.m.
to 6 pan.
Thurs. & Sat.—8 a.m. to 12 noon
Phone 429-3372
Services Held
For Judy Berg
Judith M. Berg. 29, was killed
in an auto accident Thursday,
July 4 Born in Springfield
Missouri, in 1944, Mrs Berg
moved to Jewell at the age of
one She was employed as a
clerk at the Jewell School at the
time of her death
Survivors include; Her hus­
band. Edgar. Birkenfeld; three
sons. Loren. Daren and Alan, all
at home; her mother and step­
father. M r and Mrs Olstedt.
Astoria; her father. Armond
Nicholson. Clatskanie, and three
brothers. B ill and Jack Nichol­
son. Clatskanie;
Nicholson. Sekui. Washington
Services were held Tuesday,
July 9. Clatskanie Grade School
gym at 1 p.m with Rev. C.S.
Shulda officiating
followed at Fishhawk Cemetery.
Memorial contributions may
be made to the Judy Berg
Memorial Fund at Jewell High
A. Tornblad
Rites Read
Services were held July 10 for
Arling Tornblad, 72, of Beaver­
ton who died July 8. He was born
in Ragunda Providence. Sweden
Nov. 18, 1901.
A resident of the northwest
since 1905. Mr. Tornblad is sur­
vived by two daughters. Mrs
Robert (Arlene» Wolever of
Aloha and Carolyn Watt of
Seattle: a son. Albert Tornblad
of Tigard; and eight grand­
children Also surviving are
three brothers Walt Tornblad of
Birkenfeld, Stanley and A1 Tom
blad, both of Gaston
Services were held at the
Fuiten Mortuary Chapel in F o r­
est Grove. Interment was at
Forest View Cemetery in Forest
Services were held for Van
Douglas Beckman. 40, of Birk
enfeld. Monday July 8 at the
Congregational Church in Scap
poose He was born February 5,
1934 in Portland and received his
education in Scappoose.
Beckman, who had lived in
Birkenfeld since 1969 served in
the Army in Korea and following
service, he worked as a logger
He was active in the American
Iægion, Clatskanie
He is survived by his widow,
Janice; two sons. Brad, B irk ­
enfeld; and David, St. Helens; a
stepson. Mike Beckman and a
step-daughter, Kelly Beckman,
both of Birkenfeld; his parents.
Alvin and Fern Beckman, Scap­
poose; and a brother, Bruce,
Ralph Valpiani
Passes Away
Ralph Valpiani. St. Helens
passed away Monday July 8 in
St Helens at the age of 79 years
Born August 26. 1894 in Italy.
Mr. Valpiani,
resident oi
Columbia County for the past 64
years He was a member of St
Frederic Catholic Church, Vet
erans of World War I . American
Legion, Veterans of Foreign
Wars, and the American Asso­
ciation of Retired Persons.
Survivors include his wife,
Rose, St. Helens three Broth­
ers, P.L Valpiani. Portland
Marco Valpiani, St Helens: and
David Valpiani Italy and one
sister, Onesta. also in Italy
Prayer services were held at 7
p.m Tuesday. July 9 with mass
read Wednesday . July 10, at 10
a.m. at St Frederic Catholic
Church Father M artin Senko
officiated Mausoleum entomb­
ment followed a t Columbia
Memorial Gardens
The family
suggests that
friends so wishing may make
memorial contributions to the
Oregon Heart Association
Army Offers New
Enlistment Option
Now women as well as men
can enlist tor a cash bonus of
either $1500. or $2500
At the present time there are
15 different jobs for women and
25 different jobs for men that
pays a $1500 or $2500 bonus
provided they are qualified for
the job
For more information on the
cash bonus enlistment option for
women as well as men contact
SSG A rt Peltz local Army Rep
resentative. located a' 1320 Oc­
ean Beach Hwy. Longview, Wa.
or call collect 206-4: ,H90
★ W A N T E D *
L A R R Y STEELE, a member of Ike Portland
Trailblazers, appeared at P o ny's Basketball
Camp this past week where he gave an taspkr-
tag talk to the approximate 100 boys who aa-
Former Local
Passes Away
Services were held Thursday
June 20at 3 p.m. in Keith & Keith
Terrace Heights Chapel for T u r­
ner L. Daniel, a form er resi­
dent of Vernonia.
Mr Daniel, 73, passed away
June 18 in Selah, Washington
His death was followed approx­
imately a month later by the
death of his grandson, Jack
Douglas Phillips, 21, who died
when rainsoaked ground under a
felled log gave way, toppling
tons of tim ber on the young
Yakima man.
Surviving Mr Daniel are His
wife, Mrs Nancy Daniel. Selah;
one son, John L Daniel. Salem;
six daughters, Mrs Nora Eiken-
bary, Selah, Mrs Audrey K jar-
val Walla Walla, Mrs Jean
Marlow, Spokane, Mrs Jeri
Barker, Conroe, Texas, Mrs
Rubv Young. Uakima. and Mrs
Carol Lafferty, Yakima; and 22
grandchildren and 11 great­
Death Takes
Gladys Hawken
Former resident of Vernonia,
Gladys Hawken passed away
Friday, July 5 in St. Helens
Born in Helena. Montana Oc­
tober 16, 1902, Mrs Hawkens
resided in the Vernonia area for
many years where her husband,
since deceased, operated the
ftawkins Dodge franchise. For
the past 16 years she had been a
resident of the St Helens-Warren
area She was a member of the
Order of the Eastern Star and
the Daughters of the Nile
Mrs Hawken is survived by
one son, Lyman Hawken of St.
Helens; a sister, Renabel Koos,
Albany, and
one grandson,
Services were held Monday,
July 8. at 2 p.m. in the Coleman
Rushing Chapel in St. Helens,
with Rev. Wayne Lewry o ffic­
iating. Interment followed at
Bethany Memorial Cemetery,
Soilball League Sets
Pigtail Tournament
"We will pay up to $55.00 per ton (approxi­
mately $1300 per load) for Douglas fir tree
length logs, 75' to 90' long with 8" mini­
mum lops. We can arrange loading and
Summer means baseball and
in keeping with this annual event
the Vernonia Girls Softball Lea­
gue w ill hold a Softball Tour­
nament in conjunction with the
Vernonia Jamboree, at Wash­
ington Grade School, Saturday,
July 20 starting at to a m.
The four-way tourney includes
Pigtail League teams. From
Verboort, Harvey Clark No. 2
and Central No 1, both from
Forest Grove, and Vernonia’s
own girls team.
A trophy w ill be awarded to
the winning team of the single
eliimination tourney
Following the tournament, a
picnic is planned Anderson Park
for those participating in the
Crown Zellerboch Corp.
Phone 543-6381
aembled on the graaa. Steele, originally from
u r ib ..
with the Trailblazer« for about
three ye a n ,
Mr. and Mrs. David Gamroth
and four children have moved
into the form er Baska house on
Spencer Avenue
garet Dippold. of Clatskanie In
the afternoon Mrs. L illian Ped
dicord from Hillsboro accom
panied Mrs Sandon to the re­
ception at the Art Harrow home
honoring the marriage of their
son. David and Barbara White.
In an attempt to reduce the
incidence of Venereal Disease,
Columbia County Health De­
partment continues to provide
four fret> clinics monthly. Adults
and minors (12 years of age and
over - with or without parentul
consent) may seek diagnosis,
treatment without delay, and
without charge Visitors’ to the
clinics can be assured of s tric t­
est confideutiallity It takes only
one visit for examination anil
treatment. Laboratory tests are
done by the Public Health Lab­
oratory in Portland Results of
the tests are usually returned Io
the local Health Department
within three days
To date 18 cases of Gonorrhea
have been reported in Columbia
County, according to (tie Oregon
State Health Division, with a
total of 5078 cases throughout the
If anyone has reason to believe
that they may have come in
contact with a venereal disease,
they may contact the Health
Department, 397 3491 during
regular office hours, 8:30a.m. to
12:00 noon and 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.,
or come to one of our scheduled
clinics: 1st and 3rd Monday
evenings, 6:30 - 8 p.m., 2nd and
4th Wednesday afternoons. 3 - 5
p.m. (If this schedule is not
convenient, call the Health De­
partment to make other ar
Venereal Disease is a serious
problem. The number of re­
ported eases is increasing It has
some serious side-effects if not
treated Treatment is not d iffi­
cult nor expensive Do not delay
in seeking help Your Health
Department is anxious to pro­
vid«“ whatever services is neces
sury to start the down trend in
the number of cases of Venereal
Fri. - Sai.
July 19-20
Joanne Woodward
Phone 429-3462
Word from the Paul Moore's
who recently moved to Sacra
mento. California is that he is in
the Mercy hospital there.
George Peachey was taken to
the Veteran’s Hospital in Van
couver last week with foot in ­
fection Carson Strong was taken
to the Forest Grove Community
hospital Saturday night
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tunnell
of Waterloo had dinner with Mr
and Mrs Lewis Morgan last
Monday This Monday the M or­
gan’s took their daughter, Dar
lene of Portland, home after she
had spent three weeks with
George Shoaf of New York City
visited at the home of her aunt
and uncle M r and Mrs Nor-
mand Davis Weekend visitors at
the Davis home were M r and
Mrs Norman Davis J r and Mr
and Mrs. Ed Krysownski of Au­
burn. Washington.
Mrs. Grace Peachev returned
home Saturday after spending
ten days visiting her sister Mrs
Lena Gardner and other rela­
tives at Drain.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eckland
returned horn» Friday after
spending their vacation in Ne­
braska They attended a fam ily
re union at the home of his half
brother and fam ily M r and Mrs
Harold Danielson at Sutherlin
and visited two of his sisters
Mrs Anna Thompson at North
Platte and Mrs Josie Spurr at
Scott’s Bluff
Mrs. Sam Lehman of Maple
Ridge B.C spent ten days at the
home of her nephew and wife
M r and Mrs. Carson Strong.
Fern Hanson of Wisconsin was
a guest of M r and Mrs Ben
Brickel for the past two weeks
Mrs Hanson is M r B rickel’s
sister and has been touring the
country while on vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shirley
have returned to Vernonia after
vacationing for two weeks in
Missouri and Florida visiting
relatives According to Mrs
Shirley, the weather was fine
with only one day of rain.
Visting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs Wm Rhoades is their son,
B ill, who is home on 3O-day
leavve following completion of
training at San Diego Naval
Base He next reports to New
London. Connecticut where he
w ill begin training for work
aboard submarines
Attending the funeral of Ralph
Valpiani in St. Helens was Mrs.
Lesta Gdtner, Mrs. Inez Powell,
Mrs Eva Hearing, Mrs Clau­
dine East, Mrs. Bess Nichols,
and Mrs. Dorothy Sandon.
Sunday morning visitors at the
Sandon home for breakfast were
Mrs Gunnar Johnson and M ar­
All Brands and Makes of
Television - Sound Sys­
tems and Appliances!
Whirlpool . Kelvtastor . RCA
Zenith • Toshiba
W e H a v e 2 F u ll
T im e S e rv ic e M e n
(Twice Weekly Service In Vernonia)
Open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mon.-Sat.
Chinook Plaza on Hwy. 30
Scappoose. Oregon
Phone 543-7322
lion including trucks ai
July 13 beginning to the early
nearly 3 pan. Consisting a( five
■pend two weeks af
w h ere Ihey will do road
and also conduct war