Demonia Eagle • THURSDAY, JU LY IX. 1974 Kane's Collage Florisl ‘‘Teleflora” M yrtle K ane - O w ner When your heart has a mes sage, say it with flowers Be sure you rem em ber the one you love with flowers on an anniversary, birthday, or special occasion F o r flowers to suit the occasion, go to K A N E 'S C O TTA G E F L O R ­ IS T located at 3322 Pacific Ave in Forest Grove phone 357-7362 for flowers by w ire They are open 10 a.m . to 4 p.m . on Sundays for your convenience. W hether it is a corsage, bou­ quet. funeral design or flowers for the ailing, you w ill find just what you want here There is alw ays a wide variety of the most popular flowers and colors that are beautiful and they cordially invite you to stop on your next trip to town and see w hat a beautiful selection you1 can get here at a price you can afford In this 1974 Review, we the researchers, suggest vou re ­ m em ber the name, K A N E 'S C O T TA G E F L O R IS T when you need flowers for any occasion M. T. C raw ford - O w ner This well known firm , located in Hillsboro at 1775 SE Tualatin Valley Hw y, is the dealer for the popular Massey-Ferguson line of farm equipment Be sure you see this firm before you purchase vour farm equipment They have had years of experience in fu rn ­ ishing just the right machine for the job. When you buy farm equip­ ment. you want to know that you are getting machines tnat w ill stand up to the job This equipment has stood the test for years It can be depended upon to give the m axim u m service per dollar invested We, the compilers of this 1974 Review , wish to point out the fine reputation the C R A W FO R D OLSON E Q U IP M E N T CO has built. They are noted for square dealings and w ill stand behind every purchase Drop in and see the new models the next tim e you are in the area. M r. Craw ford and the staff look forw ard to serving you in any w ay they can. Evelyn's Paintbox Evelyn Crook - O w ner UJOnT BPS FOR SALE-General FOR SALE-Autos YA R D SALE! July ltth thru 21st at 1017 First Ave. Starting at 10:00 a jn . until 6:00 p.m. ____________________________28t2 1963 FORD % ton pickup. 17" tires • like new See Larry E l­ ton or call 429-5785 26t3 FOR SALE - Day old grass hay in the field. Phone 429-7522. 2Btlc WELCH G ELDING and lead rope with hay 665.00, without $35.00. 429-6065 28UC 10 Y E A R old Gelding. Strawberry Roan with saddle. $250.00 and Hereford Cow with first calf (bull) $300.00. Phone 4296291 28tlc N E E D HOMES for hand fashion­ ed dolls. 50 cents and up Can be seen in the window of the L arafro m at Call 4292S65. 28t2c I F CARPETS look dull and drear, remove the spots as they appear with Blue Lustre Rent electric shampooer $1. Brureman Hard­ ware 28tlc '69 CHEV. Kingswood wagon. New tires. AC, PS, heavy trailer hitch. Excellent condition. $1296. SaSnta F e trailer, $745. 4293832. 27tfc Crawford Olson Equipment Co. SPIN-DRY washer, good condi­ tion. pressure cooker, almost new. $25.00 for both. 4297501. 27tfc FOR SALE: Approximately 100m marked timber near Mist. Phone M r. Good, Portland, 2899781, evenings. 20tfc REDUCE excess fluids with Fhiidex tablets, only $1.89 at Vernonia Drugs. 26t3 H A YIN G , mowing, raking and baling. CaU 4296783. 25t4c SANTE F E 15 F t. '64 Trailer. Good. $745. Phone 4293832. 18tfc FOR the home Seamstress - Full line of Simplicity Patterns at SEW S IM PLE SHOP, 725 Bridge, Vernonia. Phone 4297441. __________________________ 17tfc C U T FLOWERS, weddings, fun­ eral designs, plants. Also flowers by wire. Artificial flowers and gifts. CHALET FLO W ER SHOP. Phone 4295733 or 4296301. ___________________________ 13tfc FOR SALE-RT Estate I t seems that every year, more VERN O N IA AREA and more people fall into the M ini-Farm category of those who have everything and a re very hard to Nice remodeled two bedroom on 144 acres. This won’t last I $19,- buy for I f that person you a re shopping 990. for falls into that category why Quality Home not stop in at E V E L Y N 'S P A IN T B O X in Hillsboro located Two bedroom, two bath on lVt acres with creek. Has many ex­ at 276 E M ain phone 648-6974 for a selection of a rt supplies and art tra luxuries. CaU office for de­ gifts that are sure to please tails. $39,875. anyone, beginner of am ateur The owner of this a rt shop has 1 acre lot in Timber area with taken much tim e and effort in city water. Lots of trees. $4500. choosing just the right inventory of a rt supplies so that you can Raise Your Own Beef find something for a hard to buy 60 acres on Hwy. 47. Older person, and yet at a price you three bedroom home with two can afford W a t makes a better barns. Perfect for cows or horses. gift than a new hobbv for a friend Excellent pasture and hay land or relative, young or old? 170,000. T heir friendly saleshelp w ill gladly assist you and seem to Executive Ranch ............ $59,900 have the knack for suggesting Well cared for nine acre ranch just the right item with five bedrooms, two baths, The authors of this 1974 R e­ big fireplace, formal dining room, view suggest that the people of cm. bam, guest cabin, machine this area m ake E V E L Y N 'S shop. yr. round creek. Very se­ P A IN T B O X their a rt and a rt cluded on Pebble Creek Rd. supply headquarters. We are pleased to have this opportunity 10 Acres to mention this friendly shop in Well made two bedroom home Hillsboro with plenty of storage and extra large double garage with attach­ ed canning room. Could be made into guest cottage. (Pd. Adv.) — - - HT A C C T P T m D A T T P wJLAwwlJr JLCaJU JtlA 1 JQO M IN IM U M '— — charge $1.80 fer 20 mam 5 cento i NO tafsnnatton wU, ■- - — classified* ---------- -- - 108 Acre Ranch Four bedroofn bone. Ideal for cattle and horse ranching. Pood, creek, reservoir, pasture, fenced, many out buildings. JACK BUCHANAN 648-8961 Evenings 324-3495 ----------------- — --------------- FOR RENT LEASE OR BUY SERVICES CUSTOM RALING 324-3743 KELSO SALE BARN SHOE R EPA IR S — Open 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tandy Shoe Repair, D St., Vernonia, 4293301. ___________________________ 31tfc ARCTIC INSULATING CO. Blown-in Insulation Rockwool Batting F R E E ESTIM ATES CaU C olled 397-1670 ST. HELENS Norman Hillsbery, Builder New Homes Built To Your gperiftcatlsns New Construction - Additions - Re- modelng - Roofing . Foundations — F R E E ESTIM ATES — 429-8942 42tfc BAIR Logging Co. 429-7485 Bill Horn ITJ Really GRI 853 Bridge S t , Vernonia Phene 4296203 B IL L HORN. BROKER SALESMAN: D eri Roberts-4293804 Sue Filter—4297014 FOREST GROVE BRANCH — Arlie Satterlee, Mgr.—Ph. 357-2321 DUPLAY WAETED-RI Eriste FOB NEXT WEEK’S n nehalem U valley MOTOR FREIGHT, INC. Phone 429-3462 W E are looking for 3960 acres for future homestead. Land must meet County requirements and have available water $400 - <700 an acre lim it with $20,000 total price limit. <100 finders fee is yours if we buy. No agents or dealers pleas e Steve and Sandy, 1-244-8945, Portland. 2M4c NOTICE W E W ILL not be responsible for any debts incurred during the period af January 1, 1974 to July 1, 1874 under the name of Scap­ poose Bookkeeping Service, not authorized either by E d i t h Weatherby or Elaine Fitzgibbons. The Place To CaU For AU Your Rock Needs! Tracking, Excavating, Bulldozing, Backhoe Sand - Gravel - Rock Stockpiled In Vernonia for —Immediate D elivery— 16tfc SEPTIC TANK PUM PING Licensed - Bonded and Insured PHONE 117-3172 I f no answer call 397-2281. Columbia County Septic Tank Service M b tors meeting for the Vernonia Rural F ire Protection District Wednesday, July 17, 7:30 p.m. at the West Oregon Electric Build­ ing Meetings are open to the public______________________281c NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEA R IN G ON PROPOSED COLUMBIA COUNTY' CHARTER NOTICE IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that the Columbia Cotmty Char­ ter Study Committee wiU con­ duct hearings to receive written and oral testimony regarding the proposed Columbia County Char­ ter. The proposed Columbia County Charter will be printed in its entirety in the July 11th edition of this newspaper. The public hearings will be at the times and places listed below: Tuesday, July 16, 1974 a t 8:00 p.m. in the Vernonia School Dis­ trict Administration office, Ver­ nonia, Oregon. Wednesday, July 17, 1974 at 8 p.m. in the Circuit Courtroom, Columbia County Courthouse, St. Helens, Oregon. Thursday, July 18, 1974 at 8:00 p.m. in the Rainier Grade School, Rainier, Oregon. Dates of Publication: July 4, 1974 and July 11. 1974. T E D W HITE, CHAIRM AN COLUMBIA COUNTY CHARTER STUDY C O M M ITT E E 27t2c T H E C IT Y of Vernonia will re­ ceive applications for the position of City Recorder until July 11, 1974, at 8:00 p.m. at the City Hall, Vernonia. Oregon. Applica­ tions are available at the City Hall. Please send all applica­ tions to M ayor Sherman Fisher, 719 Bridge St., Vernonia, Ore­ gon. Wm. E . Nelson, City Recorder ___________________________ 27t2c WARTED A SPECIAL Council meeting will be held July 11, 1974, at 8:00 p.m., at the City Hall, Vernonia, Oregon, for the purpose of adopt­ ing the budget for the year 1974- 75 and to select a City Recorder. Wm. E. Nelson, City Recorder W ANTED TO BU Y: Small par­ cels of timberland. 5-25 acres. Cash or contract. W rite Box X, CAHD oi THAHKS 721 Madison, Verngpia, 97084. 27t2c WORK W ANTED: Lawns, yard work, any kind of work. Call Dan Samples, 4297082. 24t4c 27t2c M 0M BOWLING artac I WOULD like to thank everyone for the lovely dinner . going away reception and for the many gifts and flowers I received front the Church and Friends. Mrs. Alice Mills am g WOMEN'S LEAGUE PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Oregon State Land Board, acting through the Division of State AUTO INSURANCE Lands, wiU receive sealed bids at its office in Salem, Oregon, * License Suspended up to 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, August • Driving Record 6. 1974, to be opened and read ’ Uninsured Accident Matching your driving record at that hour, for a lease for boat house, small with one of 20 companies to pro­ houseboat, vide maximum coverage for a boat marina, boat repair and sales purposes, of a tract in the minimum cost bed of tlie Multnomah Channel PIPER-RA NDA LL AGENCY St. Helen* Phone 397-6714 as more particularly described hereinafter, giving to the owner or owners of upland fronting and abutting thereon the prefer­ ence right to accept the lease at the highest bid as set out in ORS 274.040. the Land Board reserving the right to reject any Mobile home - furnished or un­ and aU bids. furnished. Carpeted, 2 or 3 bed- Said Multnomah Channel tract washer. dryer, dishwash- is descibed as follows: Beginning at a point of inter­ Our location or moved to section of the East line of CaU 774-1236. Ask for Lot 2. Section 19. Township 3 Jtm. North, Range 1 West of the 26tfc Willamette Meridian, Columb­ ia County. Oregon, with the NEW VERNONIA Hotel - Rooms centerline of dike at a point by day, week or month. Also, which is South 63 43' East trailer hook-ups. Phone 4295091. 2776.13 feet from the North­ 6tfc east comer of the T. J. Jack- son Donation Land Claim; thence along the East line of Lot 2. South 14o feet, more or less, to the Easterly TY P IN G done in my home. Both meander line of said Lot 2 business and personal. Also light to the true point of beginning Bookkeeping. 4297824. 27t2c of the following described TY P IN G done in my home. Both tract; thence Easterly, at 90° business and personal. Also tele­ angles to said meander line phone answering service. 429 260 feet to a point in the 7824.________________________ 2712c Willamette Slough; thence Southwesterly, parallel to FOR SAYINGS on loans contact and 260 feet distant from the your local Credit Union, 873 Easterly boundary line of Bridge Street. 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 said Lot 2 to a point which is p m . Monday through Friday. Easterly at 90° angles from 4298031. 17tfc the Southeast comer of said Lot 2; thence Westerly to the Southeast comer of said Lot 2; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of said Lot 2 to the true point of beginning 2615c Bids must be accompanied by a certified or cashier’s check, PROFESSIONAL PA IN T IN G money order, or cash for not less Interior - Exterior than 50% of the first year's rental — Free Estimates — and no bid will be considered if Special Summer Rates more than a 25-year perior at a LELA N D SEIB ER T minimal rental of $250 per year Phone 4296161 9tfc for usage, subject to reappraisal after every five years. Establishment of property lines w ill be responsibility of success­ ful bidder, who shall also pay the actual cost of publishing this notice. A complete lease form R. Vaughn Baker, listing other terms and conditions is available for inspection. Bids Auctioneer should be addressed to Division AUCTION F R ID A Y 7:60 P.M . of State Lands, 1445 State Street, Salem. Oregon 97310. Envelopes Phone 425-3212 should bear the notation "Bid 130 Sales Bare Road to Lease Multnomah Channel KELSO, WASHINGTON 18626 Riverbed ” 49tfc Division of State Lands W illiam S Cox, Director VERNONIA SANITARY 28t4c SERVICE Phone 4296711 3(nic T H E R E wiU be a Board of Direc­ • i m o «' CEPT I Women's Sum m er July 1 K im m el's Quinn Insurance Mist Shake Vernonia V ariety 3 3 1 1 High team gam e, Quinn Insur­ TH E L IN E U P of shoe Tournament pitchers in sue Seniors. Juniors, trophies for the 11th annual Vernonia Horse­ to Impressive. Trophies w ill go to the lucky of five classes, or those competing in the or Ladies events. Oregon Receives Grant For Volunteer Program Oregon has been aw arded a $174,000 grant from A C TIO N to establish a State Volunteer Ser­ vices and City County Regional Volunteer P ro g ram , according to M ichael P Balzano, Director of A C TIO N A C TIO N is the federal volun­ ta ry service agency which com ­ bines the Peace Corps, V IS T A , Retired Senior Volunteer Pro- am , Foster Grandparents ogram , Service Corps of Re- K PSD Offen Oregon Tours Looking for an inexpensive w ay to see Oregon this su m m er9 You might w ant to check out a non-creait sum m er program en­ titled "Oregon on $5 a d a y ", which is sponsored by educa tional activities at Portland State U niversity. The program is open to the public and involves touring O re­ gon by canoe, bus, boat, and foot Trips are planned during July and ea rly August to vacation spots throughout northwest O re­ gon G enerally, there is either a $5 fee for participating or a canoe rental fee. but no trip costs m ore than $5 a day. The next trip planned is a bus tour showing spots of historical significance in the W illam ette Valley including Portland, O re­ gon City, Aurora and Champeog This is scheduled for F rid a y , July 12 and costs $5 The schedule for the rest of the program looks like this: Sunday, July 14, a guided canoe trip of the Portland H arb or; F rid a y through Sunday. July 1921, a boat trip w ith two overnight stays on the low er Columbia R iv e r; F rid a y through Sunday, July 1921;; a guided canoe trip from Independence to P o rtla n d . F rid a y , July 26, a bus tour of the Oregon coast tide pools in the Newport area ; Sunday. July 28. a guided canoe trip to Ross Island; F rid a y , Aug 2, a bus tour and hike of the Alpine meadows of Cloud Cap Inn; Sunday, Aug 4, a guided canoe trip to Sauvie Island; and S atu r­ day through Sunday, Aug. 1911,. a boat trip w ith one overnight stay to the Cascade Locks C in t in o tired Executives, Active Corp6 of Executives, and University Y e a r for A C TIO N . Oregon w ill use the grant funds to establish a state-wide system of volunteer coordina tors. One w ill be located at the state level in Salem w ith the D epartm ent of Hum an Resour­ ces, w hile the rem aining eight w ill be stationed at various cities throughout Oregon. In accepting the grant Gov Tom M cC all said, “The value of strong Comm unity based vol­ unteer program s has been dem onstrated to every unit of gov­ ernm ent. Without the services provided through these pro­ gram s the capability of gov­ ernm ent to deliver to the public would be severly dim inished “ Volunteers and their organ izations likewise need assistance and support to continue their effectiveness," he said. " I note w ith appreciation that through this state volunteer coordination program , m any of these increased possibilities w ill be realized through the coor dination of volunteer services at the state and local le v e l," the Governor said The grant program is one of several funded as part of AC­ T IO N ’S special volunteer p ro ­ gram s and was developed in cooperation w ith the National Governors' Conference, t h e program demonstrates ways in MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. 337-7181 Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, aad Curing Cattle received Sunday A Monday until noon; hogs received Tuesday and Wednesday until noon. Meat for sale, any quantity. — Call for Appointment — Come through Banks, take T illa­ mook road I K m l., take first left- hand road. life ance, 833; J team * ___ n high K im m e l’s. 2369 High individual gam e and series, Pat Larson-211 and 539 Splits picked up: Pat Larson-5-6-10; Carol Rodenhamer 5-10; Jo Ann Beamish 2-97; Dorothy White 910; Donna P rice 5-7-9;, Joyce Johnson 910; Betty Fuquay 7-8. Joe Howards Attend Funeral Services NATAL - PITTSBURG— M r and M rs Joe How ard attended the funeral for Doug Beckman Monday at Scappooae. L a te r they called on the Lenny How ­ ards at St Helens. M r and M rs John Buchanan and fam ily of C entralia are spending the week here with her mother M rs M a ry Dass. They all enjoyed a trip to Seaside Monday. M r and M rs M ax Oblack ac­ companied by M r. and Mrs. Reed Holding of Scappoose m- ioyed a drive to Oregon City then later stopped and visited the zoo in Portland on the Fourth. Weekend visitors at the home of M rs W. P ringle w ere M r and M rs John Bergman of St Helens and M r and M rs Robert F red e­ rickson and fam ily of Portland. Scott Howard and Jtm Stewart of Astoria w ere Tuesday visitors of M r and M rs. Joe Howard. The Joe H ow ard’s enjoyed a picnic lunch with M r. and M rs.Lee Glaske at the site of their new home off the Sunset Highway. TROJAN HOMES Zac. New and used Mobile Travel Trailers, Truck Campers aad Parts, accessorle awnings, skirtings nnce. Two lots to serve Lot No. 1 ■ Rainier aad Lot No. 2 . Clatskanie. - Open 7 Days P e r W est - TROJAN HOMES la c. _____ 556-15U Located on Hwy. 80 to BL Helens 2K ml. 8.E. of Rai­ nier, next to Stop Im ad Rainier. Also Clatskanto lot on Highway 30. Capable adrice regarding social security, 8th and h »— h « . Hillsboro—6492161 Cedar and Pacific Forest Grove—297-2181 S.W. Watson Beaverton—644-1118 741 Madison Street Vernonia—429-6811 Co. Fair Book Page Omitted When the printers assembled the 1974 Columbia County F a ir book, page 33 was omitted and the e rro r not located until too late to p erm it its inclusion Therefore below, those interest- ed w ill find a replica of the missing page I I — B A K E D GOODS CLASS 10— BREAD A N D ROLLS Lot 1— W hite Bread Lot 7— Any other bread 2— Whole W heat Bread 8— Bakiug powder biscuits 3— Rye Bread 9— Rolls made with yeast 4— F ru it Type Bread 10— Cinnamon Rolls 5— N u t Bread 11— M uffins 6— Banana Bread 12— Coffee Cake 13— Any other rolls CLASS 11— CAKES Lot 1— Angel Food, no frosting Lot 7— Applesauce Cake 2— Sponge, no frosting 8— Upside Down Cake 3— Chiffon 9— Spice 4— Gingerbread 10— W h l ite Layer 5— Pound Cake 11— Dark Layer 6— F ru it Cake 12— Any other not Hated CLASS 12— DECO BA TED CAKES Lot 1— Wedding Cakes 2— Cakes decorated for an adult party or occasion. _ 3— Cakes decorated for a children’s party or occasion Premiums fo r Class 10, 11, 12 are: 1st, <1.50; 2nd, <1.00; 3rd <.75. CLASS 13— PIES Lot 1— Apple 2— Berry 3— Cherry Lot 4— Apricot 5— Mince 6— Peach 7— A ny other not listed CLASS 14— COOKIES A N D DO UG HN UTS (6 Cookies or Doughnuts In exhibit) Lot 1— Doughnuts, raised Lot 8— G inger Cookies 2— Doughnuts, cake 9— Oatmeal Cookies 3— Drop Cookies 10— Peanut Butter Cookies 4— F illed Cookies 11— Coconut Cookies 5— Icebox Cookies 12— Chip, chocolate, etc. 8— Rolled Cookies 13— Brownies 7— Sugar Cookies 14— Bar Cookies 15— Any othetr not listed CLASS 15— C A N D IE S (12 pieces to an exhibit) Lot 1— Fudge Lot 4— D ivin ity 2— Panocha 5— T a ffy 3— N u t B rittle 6— Any other not listed CLASS 16— H O M E M A D E SOAP Lot 1— Home made soap Premiums fo r Class 13, 14, 15, 16: 1st, <1.00; 2nd, <.75; 3rd. ltor accumulating the high. Lot 5— Peanut Butter 6— Chocolate Chip 7— Sugar 8— Any other not listed 33