Ocrnonia Eagle > THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1974 8 A. L. Florence - Mgr. HESSEL TRACTOR & E Q U IP M E N T CO is completely i reliable and handles the popular JOHN D E E R E line of | X , „ K i machinery Their stock is com . pletc in all seasons of the year and it will be* to your advantage to see these logging implements before purchasing It's a well- known fa d that this firm can save you money on new machi nery and parts a standard policy of fair treatment in all dealings has huilt a reputation among the •'»gging firms that is to be en vied In this Review w e w is h to compliment the H E S S E L T ractor 4 equipment co «•aied at 25205 S W Tualatin Valley Hwy. in Hillsboro, phone K48-O417 for giving such satis ¡.factory service to the loggers of Columbia County. For a com­ plete stock of replacement parts • timely service in case of break­ down and excellent service be sure to call them I The planners of this 1974 (Review feel it our duty in this Review to give them extended mention Mary Carter Paints Beulah Wainscott - Owner MARY CARTER PAINTS is located at 550 S.E. 10th in Hills boro, phone 648 2568 If you are contemplating re- , decorating this season, you’ll not want to miss the assortment of - new designs in wallpaper and the fine selection of paints available , at this well established store. They are well known in our area for tastefully done custom pic- , lure framing as well as art and > craft supplies and custom drap- ,cries In the paint department, your needs and demands have not been overlooked in any way Paints and wallpaper that will give you more coverage and beauty per dollar invested than you’ve ever received before as well as numerous other products so economically priced as to fit into any person's budget i All in all. the selection at M ARY CARTER PAINTS rep .resents all that is new in the de- > curating field, and if you are going to redecorate this season, we, the authors of this 1974 Review suggest it will he dis titictly to your advantage to see their stock VIM W < f • Fountain Of Vitality Rainy Nywall & Ron Weidner - Owners At the FO U N TA IN OF V I­ T A L IT Y in Hillsboro located at 125 S 3rd phone 648 1966, they will expertly explain to you such things as that wheat germ oil /improves endurance and heart • response in many age gruups Wheat germ oil is a food not a ,d ru g Through extensive train- . ing and experience they have the i knowledge and background to help you select the proper foods that will supplement your diet in ^'whatever deficient areas you i might have thus making your /.living more healthful and vig­ orous They carry a complete line of nutritional health fexxis See them to learn more about some of this firm ’s interesting pro ducts. Natural vitamin supplements, natural whole grain fixids and special diet fixids are carried here You'll find special foods that are salt free Other fixxls iialso fill special needs such as low ¡icalorie and non-allergy types i The compilers of this 1974 Re­ view recommend that you visit the FO U NTA IN OF V IT A L IT Y Pace-Way Frame, , Axle & Radiator Service Everett Shaw & Gordon Pace - Owners The PACE WAY FRAME. A X LE & RADIATO R SER VIC E at 631 SW Baseline in Hillsboro, phone 648 2213 is one of those reliable firms whom we are able to speak of in the highest terms ‘"They specialize in Bear steering /service, frame & Axle straight "ening, brake repairing, wheel ^straightening and balancing ■They also do the very best in ''complete auto, truck and tractor «radiator service, fabricating and ‘‘ welding This company has been doing business with the people of this area for some time, and over that period, they have estab­ lished themselves as one of the leading firms in their field No amount of effort is spared to give you the most careful service and the customers of the concern are delighted with the service which ••i' «hoy receive The owners of the company have had long experience at this ¡'business and are thoroughly competent in every respect .T h eir advice in matters per 'taining to his trade is sought .¡after and respected ” The composers of this 1974 Review are not often able to give !the whole hearted recommen­ dation to any firm which we give ¡■lo PACE WAY F R A M E , AXLE ’ 4 RADIATOR SER V IC E Mode O'Day of Foreit Grove Serving Western Washington County George Knight - President Hessel Tractor & Equipment Co. • Knight Body Shop & Towing, Inc. For dependable towing, call K N IG H T BODY SHOP & TOW ING, INC located at 1968 Main in Forest Grove, phone 357-6917 This well known firm has a rep utation of ability and experience to expertly handle all towing jobs large or small They offer also a complete body shop and have a storage service They feature 24 hour service and radio dispatched equipment along with courteous understanding personnel who will professional!v handle the job so that you do not have to worry about anything This firm is insured and meets both local and state require­ ments They will go anywhere at any time for your convenience For emergency long or short distance tow service this firm cannot be beat Reliable, heavy- Laurel's Appliance Repair & Home Service All Makes Home Appliances Repaired Laurel Williams - Owner Located at 3515 NW 313th Ave in Hillsboro, phone 648 2612, this prominent firm will repair your electrical appliances and have them ready for use in the shortest time possible. They have 20 years of service in the area and are fully equip­ ped for in-home repairs Regardless ol what electrical appliances you have that needs repairing, call the experts who made it their business to un­ derstand and repair this type of electrical equipment. If you have an appliance that needs repair and is too large to move, call today and have them send a service repair man to fix it on the spot Many persons tail to realize the importance of electricity and electrical conveniences, and the important part they play in our present day living Your elec trical helpmates that do your work for you are entitled to the best of service. Give them a break and let this first-class repair firm keep them in shape In this section ot tbe country you will find no appliance repair shop more eager to help you This 1974 Review and its writers, suggest that you get in touch with them if you have any elec­ trical appliance work to be done. Women’s Fashion - Quality - Budget Apparel Mabel Decker - Owner duty wreckers and trained d ri­ vers are just some of the reasons why they are so well liked in this area In this 1974 Publication of this Review, we, the compilers, com­ mend the management of this firm for their sincere efforts to serve the people of this area well. We suggest to our readers that they remember the name K N IG H T BODY SHOP & TOW­ ING when in need of any towing Cabinets By Cameron This reliable cabinet shoo is located at 1833 C. in Forest Grove, phone 357 9621 Be sure to call them for all types of cabinet work, if you want the highest type workmanship A completely equipped cabinet shop and the ability to handle all types of cabinet work is very important to builders and home owners. In this section, there is no cabinet shop that has met with more success than this reliable firm . You can be assur­ ed that your measurements will be strictly adhered to and spec­ ifications will be followed to the letter Only the best grade of materials go into the cabinet work here. They offer complete in-door finishing work for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. This 1974 Review Issue and its developers considers it a pleas­ ure to recommend CABINETS BY CAMERON in Forest Grove. Miller's Ace Hardware & Garden Center If you’ve been having trouble making that thumb o f yours turn green, let the professionals at the M IL L E R ’S ACE HARD WARE at 2315 Pacific Ave, phone 357-3166 and the GARDEN C EN TER located on Baseline in Forest Grove phone 357-2106 help you effectively handle any lawn or garden project Their nursery is one of Oregon's largest and most popular Their well trained saleshelp can assist you in selecting just the right seeds and bulbs suited for your soil, and know what fertilizers and tools they need to help them to grow well. In their large stock you can find many different types of seeds, bulbs, plants, insecticides and fertilizers. They have also a good selection of name brand garden tractors, tillers, lawn mowers, power rakes, and all the hand tools to make the job easier. There is nothing more satis­ fying than having a beautiful yard or productive garden, and to help you achieve either, we, the writers of this 1974 Review suggest vou let the friendlv people at M IL L E R ’S A C E HARDW ARE 4 G A R D E N C EN TER help you. Doyle Truck Repair You’ll be treated to fast, ef­ ficient service by trained mech­ anics Maximum service and reasonable prices are featured at this establishment You’ll be glad you did business with this firm and you will want to return again. Huge lifts used here allow the mechanics to inspect the under­ carriage of your truck They have scientific testing and tune- up equipment to cut trouble­ shooting time in half and assure you that the problem has been located. A fine reputation has been established by this firm in this area Residents have come to know D O YLE TRUCK R E P A IR ­ ING as the place to go for quality truck service and repair. Satisfaction is guaranteed by this firm . The authors of this 1974 Review recommends this shop for top quality truck repair. H & K Gun Shop Formerly Forest Grove Gun Shop K urt Mueller - New Owner The H 4 K GUN SHOP is located at 1916 21st Ave in Forest Grove, phone 357-6807 and fea­ tures a complete gun service They do general gunsmithing, blueing, rebarreling and stock- work They also do rod and reel repairing and have a fine key service. They are properly equipped to repair and clean rifles, shotguns and all types of pistols and auto­ matics They specialize in cus­ tomizing and restocking any and all types of guns The repairman at this shop has the tools and the experience to properly and com­ pletely service your gun They realize that a man’s gun is an “ old friend ” , and treat it in that MODE O ’ DAY is located at 2317 Pacific Ave. in Forest Grove, phone 357 7375 Here they feature the latest styles in mod­ ern dress design They carry a complete line of ladies ready-to- wear suitable for the college girl, business woman, or housewife. This shop caters to the dis­ criminating woman of the sec­ tion They have kept right in step with the tastes of the women in this area, and carry some of the finest brand names in women’s apparel. In this shop you can find iust the right accessories to complete your new outfit. Also they can show you an array of sport clothes, play suits, slacks, skirts and blouses you will like. Depend upon them to furnish the clothes you will need Whether it is a coat, suit, bag or dress, this is the shop where you always find an exciting selection. If vou have not visited the MODE O’ DAY IN FOREST GROVE you are cordially in­ vited to do so. The editors of this 1974 Review moke it our pleasure to rec­ ommend this fine store to all our readers Olsen's Poultry Ruby Olsen & Jerry Olsen - Owners The businessmen of this locale know that for their companies, the best place to buv wholesale poultry is OLSEN’S POULTRY located at Rt. 1, Box 220 in Forest Grove, phone 357-9235. Through the concern of the management of this concern to supply their customers with the highest quality merchandise at low wholesale prices, they have spent much time and effort in developing the right lines of poultry to carry, and who the right people are to buy it from. Whenever you contact them, you can be sure that their ex­ perienced personnel will assist you to the best of thier ability and always in a fast, friendly manner. The drafters of this 1974 Re­ view are pleased to have this op­ portunity to point out the fine and fair business policies of this well liked wholesale firm . We recommend OLSEN’S POUL­ T R Y to the people of this area. Fidelity Collection Service, Inc. “All Types of Truck Repairing” Jack Doyle - Owner rtiod D OYLE TRUCK R E P A IR at 600 W Main in Hillsboro, phone 648-1141) has special equipment to repair and service trucks of all makes Make an appointment to have work done here by calling them anytime. manner. You need not be afraid to bring your finest firearm s to this shop for repair We, the editors, are sure you’ll be more than satisfied with his work. We suggest in this 1974 Review that you see the H 4 K GUN SHOP for all your gun work. Donald L. Cook - Owner & Mgr. The F ID E L IT Y COLLEC­ TIO N AGENCY INC. located at 135 S.E. 3rd in Hillsboro, phone 648-2168. has proved itself a valuable business in this day and age when credit is so prevalent. They offer a dignified and per­ sonalized service to each and every client. This collection agency assures you of prompt results and will handle all your collection problems anywhere in this area. They are licensed by and bonded to the State and have a fine reputation for outstanding collection results They are known for their high business ethics. If they do not collect, there is no charge. The manager invites everyone from this area to stop in at their office and discuss your collection problems. The composers of this 1974 Review wish to take this op­ portunity to congratulate the management on their rem ark­ able business policies and fair dealings. They give you service you can truly “bank’’ on They offer your choice in car­ pets from over 15 major mills and have over 3000 drapery patterns to choose from. Check their new construction estimates lor you without ob­ ligation. When you have made your selection, you may be as­ sured of expert installation. The workmen will complete your job in a way that will make you want to recommend them to your friends For all your floor cov­ ering needs, go to WOODEN SHOE CARPETS, D R A PE R IE S 4 SUPPLIES or phone 648-4212 for complete information. Since they have opened it has become known as the ONE STOP carpeting center Let them make In this 1974 Review edition we, the composers, suggest you call this commendable firm first. Montgomery Ward & Co. Of Hillsboro B. J. Hankinson - Manager Dick Fraser - Owner FR A S ER ’S C IT Y LAU ND RY 4 CLEANERS phone 648 2722, at 350 E. Washington, in Hillsboro is famous for the quality of their work. People are often judged by their appearance. Our clothes mean a great deal in making that first impression a good one. It is wise to keep them neat and clean. It is an established fact that fabrics that have been cleaned often wear a great deal longer. Be smart and have your clothes cleaned often by this Hillsboro firm . Bring vour next cleaning to FR A SER ’S C ITY L A U N D R Y 4 CLEAN­ ERS where all the help is ex­ perienced and their equipment is the best that is possible to se­ cure. Your clothes will be re­ turned to you “Fresh as a Flower” , from this fine cleaners. They also offer the finest in shirt and drapery service. We, the writers of this 1974 Review, feel that we can highly recommend this local cleaners and refer them to all our readers for the finest cleaning service available. Floyd's Music Center Your Key to the World of Music Floyd Parsons - Owner FLO Y D S MUSIC C EN TER is located at 2010 Pacific Ave in Forest Grove, phone 357-3031. This firm is equipped to serve in all your music needs. They have a complete line of guitars, band instruments, used pianos, bought and sold, stereo components, etc. They offer in­ dividual lessons and are open 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday thru Saturday. This is an up-to-date store and is known throughout our section as the place to purchase or rent musical instruments. Good music is the oainted picture to the ear. We should all be interested in music and give our children a chance to learn and appreciate this art. Remember, for musical in­ struments of all kii.ds, band, orchestra, ets., this firm can supply your needs. They are noted throughout this section for their reasonable prices and fair dealings. Stop in the next time you are in town and select an instrument for yourself or your child, and enjoy life much more. In making this 1974 Review, we the writers, are pleased to suggest that our readers stop here for their musical needs. They offer new and used musical instruments. F U L L CIRCUS INC., a mem­ ber of Pacific Supply Co-Op, is located in Hillsboro at 185 W. Main Extension, call 648 4178 Featuring the great names in pumps, irrigation systems and equipment and farm supplies, so necessary in the development of our communities The management, through un­ tiring efforts to secure for its trade the best that can be ob­ tained, has built up the concern to the present leadership it en­ joys among the business firms in this district. Sound business management is one of the main basis in the operation of any successful bus- iness. Intelligent merchandis­ ing, combined best quality at a fair price is another. They have combined these essential factors and are the best place to go for all your farm needs In this 1974 Review we, the compilers, wish to take this opportunity to recommend this concern to the people throughout this district. For a pleasant business relationshiD we suggest that you let F U L L CIRCLE INC. serve you The entire staff and management e x t e n d their thanks to all our readers for another growth year at F U L L C IR CLE Al's Body Shop EveryBODY Needs Al, Eventually Auto & Truck Body Repair & Painting Al Christopherson - Owner MO NTGO M ERY WARD 4 CO in Hillsboro is well located at 231 E. Main phone 648 3121. Many people in this area fre­ quently shop from MONTGOM­ E R Y WARD 4 Catelog, be­ cause they know their wide variety of merchandise, listed in the catelog, is as good as money can buy. These people are also aware of the time and money they can save by catalog shop ping and the convenience of their easy monthly plan. One can always be assured of finding the right items in the desired sizes, and can also be assured of prompt and courteous service when ordering any item, by the quick, efficient personnel Visit M O NTGO M ERY WARD 4 CO OF HILLSBORO today, and look through or take home their latest catalog, and while you’re there, browse around at their excellent variety of house hold appliances and accessories The writers of this 1974 Re­ view, know you’ll be glad you did Many people have looked far and wide for someone who does good body work The automo­ biles and trucks of today require a specialist to repair or replace body panels and to refinish them to their original beauty by matching the new paint with the original paint. The professional body men in this area to see is A L‘S BODY SHOP located at 1497 Baseline Rd., phone 357-7552 for estimates or 648-5715. The personnel at this firm fully understand body and fender work as well as auto and truck painting These men work the metal so as to require the least amount of lead or plastic and wet sand the surface until it ’s as smooth as glass before laying on the paint. They have gained a reputation second to none throughout this entire area. So whether your job is a small crease or a roll-over, we know you will be entirely satisfied with their work And, please remember that most insurance companies now permit you to choose the body shop you like best to repair your car, or truck, so choose them to do all your insurance work. We, the editors of this 1974 Review advise you to see A L’S BODY SHOP for all your bent fenders or repaint work Hillsboro Farm Equipment Herb Schneider - Owner Fraser's City Laundry & Cleaners Roger Lemkuil - Manager Tony Blok & Andy Boersma - Owners prices and they also sell Royal vacuums Trained personnel at WOOD­ EN SHOE CARPETS, D R A P ­ E R IES 4 SUPPLIES can help you roll out a room full of beauty. This is one of those places where quality reigns and style is para­ mount They feature distinctive quality products for the fash­ ionable at reasonable prices with budget terms available. Many fine homes within a wide radius of this area have had their kitchens designed and installed by the NORTHWEST K ITC H ­ ENS located at 350 SW Walnut in Hillsboro, phone 648-0605 They have gained a reputation second to none and afford their clients the very best in kitchen work and kitchen planning. The management at N ORTH­ WEST has a background of years experience and are crafts­ men of unusual skill and ability. Only the best of materials are used on all jobs contracted for and the work when completed is truly perfect. Regardless of whether you are remodeling or building a new structure, this is the firm to see for all kitchen work You will find them just as courteous on a small job as on a large one. They do the same expert work and will stand behind their workmen to assure your satisfaction The compilers of this 1974 Review are pleased to endorse the professional policies of this contractor to our readers. Full Circle, Inc. Wooden Shoe Carpets, Draperies & Supplies Does your home or office have tired floor coverings? WOODEN SHOE CARPETS, D R A PE R IE S 4 SUPPLIES, located at 1900 E. Baseline in Cornelius, phone 648-4212, has a wonderful selec­ tion of carpeting with designs and colors that are calculated to lure you to an exciting new level in living Northwest Kitchens Chuck Walters - Mgr. The HILLSBORO F A R M E Q U IP M E N T is completely re­ liable and handles the popular IN T E R N A T IO N A L H ARVESTER L IN E OF FARM M A C H IN E R Y Their stock is complete in all seasons of the year and it will be to your advantage to see these inwle- ments before purchasing I t ’s a well-known fact that this firm can save you money on new machinery and parts A standard policy of fair treat­ ment in all dealings has bulit a reputation among the farmers that is to be envied In this Review we wish to compliment the H I L L S B O R O FARM E Q U IP M E N T located at 832 SW . Baseline in Hillsboro, phone 648-3181 for giving such satisfactory service to the farm ­ ers of this community. For a complete stock of replacement parts, timely service in case of breakdown ana exceuem w . vice, be sure to call them. The planners of this 1974 Re­ view feel it our duty in this Review to give them extended mention. Herb Schneider and the staff would like to extend their thanks to their customers throughout this area and to wish every success to all our readers in 1974. Cornelius Taxi Rita Anderson - Owner & Driver Fast and courteous service are the watchwords of this leading taxi company in Cornelius. Be sure and phone 357-4475 when you need a taxi in any kind of weather. They have radio dispatched emergency roadside service during hours of operation daily from l p.m. to 2:30 a.m. and F ri. and Sat. from 1 p.m. to 3 a.m. They will make long or short hauls as you desire. They treat all their patrons with the utmost courtesty. I f you need a cab for a quick trip to a nearby town be sure and call them. All their taxis are in first class condition with good tires and experienced drivers. You are fully covered by in­ surance when you ride in one of their taxis. Their safety record is one to be congratulated, so be sure to phone 3574475 for all your taxi calls. The compilers of this 1974 Review take pleasure in recom­ mending this leading cab com­ pany to all our readers. Give them a call. Forest Grove Tire Center Conrad Hidy - Owner Your M IC H E L IN , DAYTON, F IR E S T O N E AND DUNLOP brand tire specialists in this area is the FOREST GROVE T IR E C EN TER located at 1714 Pacific Ave., in Forest Grove, phone 357-4113. They also have DELCO shocks and batteries. This dealer has a fine rep­ utation for their fine service and fa ir prices. They carry a full line of auto­ motive, tractor and truck tires for all types of uses. Regardless, of your tire needs, you’ll find that this dealer can serve you with tires that offer long mile­ age, safety, and strength. Let these experts show you the many advantages of these tires. You’ll experts show you the many advantages of these tires, you’ll be surprised at how econom­ ically they can be purchased. When you buy tires from this dealer, they w ill check you car for misalignment, and balance the tires so that you can enjoy its buity in long wear and safety. The compilers of this 1974 Review give our wholehearted endorsement to the fine business policies of this dealer. We rec- commend the FOREST GROVE T IR E C EN TER fbr the best tire buys in town. Waltz & Wieber Real Estate, Inc. Donna Ott - Broker Whether you are interested in real estate for an investment, business or a home, every deal should be fully investigated by someone with experience exten­ sive enough to insure you that both parties receive dollar for dollar value. For the best interest of any readers contemplating selling or buying we honestly believe that the wisest preliminary step would be to consult with WALTZ 4 W IE B E R R E A L ES tate, located at 1829 Pacific Ave in Forest Grove, phone 357-3154 or 648-8501. This firm can be relied upon for astute judgment as to values of all types of property for miles around At the same time they have established a reputation for fast action on buying or selling and completing transactions. I t ’s with pleasure that the staff of this Review are able to un hesitatingly bring them to the attention of our friends in this 1974 Review. Their branch office in Gaston is at 402 Front Street, phone 985-7561. MORE TOWN & COUNTRY REVIEW PAGE 6