Ocrnonia Eagle Doherty Ford 4 THURSDAY, 26 Years Of Service In Forest Grove Area Pat Doherty - Owner in this day and age when every car maker has such a wide selection of models to choose from, it is really difficult for you to decide where to go for a new car All the companies advertise that their cars are the best, but who is to say which car really is Obviously all the cars on the market today must have their good points or they wouldn’t have survived the ups and downs of the business We therefore can conclude that the real difference Federal Land Bank Ass'n. of Hillsboro First Choice with Farmers for Over 50 Years Wade H. Peterson - Manager The FEDERAL LAND BANK ASSOCIATION OF HILLSBORO is located at 403 E Baseline in Hillsboro phone 648-070» Here you will find loans for agri culture purposes, including farm or ranch land, or improving your land They have long term loans on full or part time farms, rural residence and timber lands Through this widely known The compilers of this 1974 Re view are proud to present this solid institution to our readers They offer a way for farmers Scottie's Auto Body Repair Inc. Foreign & Domestic Repair - 20 Yrs. Experience Scottie Marr - President The personnel at this firm are specialists in body and fender work as well as auto painting The place to have your car body rebuilt or painted is at SCOT­ TIE'S AUTO BODY REPAIR INC located at 503 W. Baseline in Hillsboro Phone 648-4275 for free estimates The owner of this firm fully understands auto body and fen- der repair work Whether it is a small or large job, you will receive the same courteous treatment a n d professional workmanship. This is one of the best known auto body repair shops in this section because of its excellent workmanship and service Most insurance policies now permit you to choose the repair shop you like best Select them to do the work Their body work as well as auto painting is among the best done in this section They have the "know how" that puts their work in a class by itself The narrators of this 1974 Re vies recommend vou see SCOT­ TIE'S AUTO BODY REPAIR INC. for all work or this type. K&B Yamaha Inc. Sierra Glass Company Factory Trained Mechanics Tim Boyce & Robert Kaser - Owners For the latest models in Ya­ maha motorcycles, see K&B YAMAHA INC., 517 S 1st in Hillsboro, phone 640-1331 Here they feature new and used motorcycles and parts for your old machine They offer sales, service, parts and accessories The popularity of these motor cycles has widened throughout the nation in recent years and more people are riding them than ever before. Due to the many advantages of this mach­ ine. we can feel free to say that it is one of the best buys on the market today They will give you mileage per gallon of gas as well as longer, more dependable service This company will service your old motorcycle and replace Gene W hittaker - Owner worn out parts They believe in pleasing the customer, and in doing so. they offer many ad vantages in their services that are unequalled elsewhere. The editors of this 1974 Review are sure you will be pleased with the values here Ask them about their large selection of trail bikes, just made for hard work on the farm of ranch Folsom Coin Company Buy - Sell - Appraise Coins Don Folsom - Owner Headquarters for hobbymg numistmatists in this area is the FOLSOM COIN COMPANY at ■02 Adair in Cornelius phone 357-6229 Coin collectors are fortunate to have this devoted man for their hobbying needs His experience in this field over many years makes this shop one of the best anywhere Whether you are looking for coins to buy, need to have your collection appraised, want to sell one or many pieces, or need information about coin collect­ ing in any form, you can be assured with complete confid­ ence that this shop will handle the situation with the utmost of reliablity and repute The next time you are in town shopping, stop by and let them show you the exciting world of coin collecting. You will be sur­ prised at how easily and in­ expensive you can get started The authors of this 1974 Re view salute their reputable deal er for his honest and sincere business efforts, and recom­ mend that cur readers contact the FOLSOM COIN COMPANY for all phases of the coin col­ lecting hobby Complete Engine Rebuilding & Machine Shop Service Francis Lukes - Owner largest and most complete in the territory. They have been in business 25 years and have a complete engine rebuilding and machine shop service. The Twentieth Century has often been referred to as the "Machine Age’’ This modem parts house is an integral part of this age This well known mach­ ine shop has had years of experience in machine work and can be depended upon to give you excellent workmanship Due to their completely equipped machine shop, they can turn out more work for their customers in a shorter period of time, and at a reasonable price. In this 1974 Review we, the writers, highly recommend LUKES AUTO PARTS as a very dependable firm The Sugar Plum Tree THE SUGAR PLUM TREE is located at 1242 E Baseline in Cornelius phone 357-6877 If it’s a layette or your child's first school clothes, you’ll find it at this prominent store. They have a complete line of clothing lor the Junior Miss as well as a complete stock of young boys, girls and infants clothing that will please the most particular mother Now, manufacturers design children’s clothing which is made of durable material and properly cut to give a child freedom of movement while playing Wise parents realize this is important to the health and comfort of their children If your child is long waisted, has extremely long limbs, or is The SIERRA GLASS COM­ PANY located at 908 S.E. Base­ line in Hillsboro, phone 648-7011, offers the people of this com­ munity glass for every occasion They feature a full line of glass for windows, store fronts, desk tops, coffee tables, pictures, mirrors, and auto glass Re­ gardless of what items you have that need glass all you have to do is take the measurements and give them to them and they will cut it to your exact specifi­ cations. Take an inventory in your home today and see what fur­ niture you have that needs a glass top. or what broken win­ dows need replacing Take the measurements and on your next trip to town, let them cut it to size while you wait. The SIERRA GLASS COM PANY carries a complete selec tion of auto and truck glass for most makes and models and will install it while you wait Your complete satisfaction is guar anteed on all works and they specialize in insurance claims If you are considering some remodeling or building, let them give you an estimate on the job The writers of this Review recommend this concern B&H Electric Luke's Auto Parts This prominent firm in Forest Grove is located at 2226 Pacific Ave phone 357-2156 for infor­ mation concerning any auto­ mobile part or machine shop work They supply garage own­ ers and filling stattions with a wide variety of auto parts such as: rings, fuel pumps, gaskets, bearings and tools Be sure to see them for all auto and truck parts Their stock is one of the The entire staff and man­ agement at DAISY CLOTHING CARE located at 324 S 1st in Hillsboro and in the Sunset Mall at 1105 NW Murray Road, would like to say ''thanks" to all of their regular customers in this area where our readers know the best in dry cleaning is aecom plished They use the best and latest processes, and as a con­ sequence, when garments are returned to you, they are clean, odorless, and well pressed They specialize in all classes of dry cleaning for ladies and men. and the most delicate dresses are handled in a very careful manner They offer a fast shirt service, reweaving and drapery clean­ ing. and you’ll like their friendly, courteous personnel Many people have learned that through good dry cleaning ser­ vice they can save the expen­ diture of many dollars of new clothing Both men and women have found that the most sen­ sitive fabrics are carefully handled and successfully clean ed at the DAISY CLOTHING CARE and are returned to them cleaned and finished in the finest manner. This 1974 Review makes spec­ ial commendation to this fine cleaners in any way hard to fit, this is the store where you will want to select his clothes You will enjoy shopping at this friendly and courteous shop where you al­ ways will find a very complete selection of styles, sizes, and colors to fit your budget In this 1974 Review, we the authors, urge our readers to visit THE SUGAR PLUM TREE Heinrich Datsun - GMC W. W. Lindahl - Owner Says Thanks Farmers and ranchers in this area have depended on B&H ELECTRIC at 1685 S.E Tualatin Valley Hwy„ phone 648-1641 in Hillsboro for pumps and elec­ trical motors for some time. They are dealers for some of the great names in pumps and motors They feature parts, new and used sales and installation, plus the finest in emergency repair service. These men are motor and pump experts, with training and experience to give you in the field service. People throughout the trade territory prefer dealing with them because they know they will receive fair and honest treatment here It is an es tablished fact that business goes where it is invited and stays where it is well treated In this 1974 Review we, the copyists, wish to congratulate B&H ELECTRIC for the fine service they offer to the farmers and ranchers of our area Call them for all your pump and motor service needs Mr Lindahl would like to say, “thanks'' to his customers in this area and to wish every success to all our readers in 1974 Datsun With a Datsun you can forget big down payments and big monthly payments The service department at HEINRICH DATSUN GMC is fully equipped with the latest equipment and they employ highly skilled technicians to keep your Datsun tuned to the highest degree of perfection Let HEINRICH DATSUN - GMC show you their appre ciation for your business with their considerate interest in you and your car, both before and after the sale The editors of this 1974 Review gladly give our complete en­ dorsement of the fine policies and fine products of HEINRICH DATSUN GMC located at 767 S.W Baseline in Hillsboro, phone 648-6681. They offer to the people of this area truly en­ joyable driving We also rec­ ommend this reputable deal­ ership for a wide selection of fine new and used Datsuns I 1974 & This local firm manufactures fire engines, but they would like to remind us that for peace of mind in your home or business make sure you have the proper type of portable fire protection equipment Also, make sure your equipment is properly serviced so that it will be serviceable in the advent of an emergency Sales and services of indis- pensible fire protection equip­ ment are available in this area at WESTERN STATES FIRE APPARATUS in Cornelius at 1389 Baseline Telephone 648-4227 for com­ plete information on the latest, most modem type of equipment for business, industry and home work can boast of so many years of competent and skilled service to the residents of this area, specializing in the wiring of new structures They have establish ed an enviable reputation throughout the entire field of electrical contracting and has proved itself worthy of the faith and patronage of our people For all your electrical problems as well as power, commercial, and residential wiring, see this firm Carbon-dioxide extinguishers are commonly used in the home and can be used on most types of fires including those involving electrical equipment Inquire at the WESTERN STATES FIRE APPARATUS about these and other tvpes of extinguishers and safe guards The writers of this 1974 Review recommend the J & J ELEC­ TRIC SERVICE to all our many readers The writers of this 1974 Review recommend that you contact this firm for fire protection equipff ment sales ana service. Excel Automotive Using The Latest Sun Tune Up Equipment Barni Chapman & Ernie Martin - Owners When the people of this area look to someone to take care of any mechanical problems they might have with their car or truck, they generally head straight for EXCEL AUTOMO­ TIVE at 147 SW Freeman in Hillsboro, phone 648-2422 With the automobile as com plex as it is today, you owe it to compilers, ta'eople take care of the problem "bis well known shop specializes in all types of expert automotive reo. r ana service. They use only be latest equipment and handle any size job in the shortest ime at the most rea sonable r. <»s In this 1,74 Review, we the Don's Janitorial Service The Finest in Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Don Malakowski - Owner & Operator When service for which you cannot go window shopping such as carpet cleaning and uphols­ tery cleaning is needed, it then becomes more important to know the reputation of the firm with which you do business DON’S JANITORIAL SERVICE located at 1103 Willamina in For est Grove, phone 357-6001 or if no answer, call 357-8807. is a firm with which one can do business with confidence and assurance of receiving satisfaction They use the dry foam method for fast drying which restores lustre and color Thev know the business perfectly and insist that each job be perfect They em ­ ploy only competent, well train­ ed men who have the desire to please every customer, doing both commercial and residential work. This firm is favorably known for prompt service and fair prices Much of their popularity is due to the fact that they stand behind everv job. The composers of this 1974 Reviewsuggest that you consider this reliable firm We’re sure you will be pleased with anv work DON'S JANITORIAL SER VICE does Forest Grove Honda Sales - Service - Parts Ron Quay & Loren Bennett - Owner When you "Saddle Up" for the freewheeling fun of it, Mr Average suddenly becomes an individual with a desire for freedom to move in the best possible way At FOREST GROVE HONDA they take the freedom movement seriously and invite everyone to discover unfettered excitement with a ride on a new Honda These muscle machines can get the job done on the track or on the street, and will never drive you to the poorhouse because they cost only a few pennies a day to operate In this area we invite you to see FOREST GROVE HONDA located at 1203 Gales Creek Road in Forest Grove, phone 357-7300 They are your local authorized dealer for Honda motorcycles These men know bikes from A to Z, and can service anything on two wheels for you When your machine needs a tune-up or repair see them first, and if your pocketbook can’t cover the price of a new machine, take a long look at their good selection of used bikes All have been ser­ viced and checked by experts and still have miles and miles of unused miles in each one of them The editors of this 1974Review would like to invite everyone to shed the title of Mr Average and join the freedom movement with a visit to FOREST GROVE HONDA Montgomery Ward & Co. of Forest Grove Paula Lindekugel - Manager MONTGOMERY WARD & CO for this area is located at 2012 Main in Forest Grove, phone 357-3101. Their friendly, exper ienced personnel will gladly assist you in selecting your wants from hundreds of different items listed in their modern, pace setting, merchandising catalogue available in easy monthly payments. Many of the folks from this area rely on them for fast service and quality merchandise because they know that the exact items they want, are either in stock, or can be Dronwtlv order­ ed from them, by this firm’s efficient personnel The next time you're in the area, stop in and look around Browse through their latest ca talogue. or take one home with you When you’re ready to buy anything from A-Z, simply call 357-3101, and do your shopping by phone They also have ap­ pliances in stock The writers of this 1974 Re­ view, take great pleasure in re­ commending this fine catalogue service store to all our readers MONTGOMERY WARD & CO OF FOREST GROVE OK Service Center Complete Automotive Service - OK Tires & Recapping Cliff Dickinson & Larry Luke - Owners The OK SERVICE CENTER features complete repairing on all makes of automobiles, and is located in Cornelius at 1851 N Adair, phone 648-8363 In addi tion to iheir expert service you will find their prices reasonable. They do tune-ups, brake ser vice, wheel alignment, tire tru­ ing & balancing and have OK tires and recapping An automobile will not run for­ ever without attention and some repairs So every one of you car owners must at some time or other see a reliable repairman to put your car in working order.* When you drive your car in, it will be put in working order in the least possible time and at the least expense to you. You will be assured of a reliable job as every bit of the work done by this firm is fully guaranteed in every way. In making this 1974 Review, we, the compilers of it, wish to compliment the OK TIRE CEN TER upon the excellent service rendered to the people of this section. Harry's Tree Service ‘Jack and Bill Heinrich - Owners’ Worried About The Gas Shortage? Datsun Owners Aren’t IT'S A FACT! Datsun saves about a gallon a day. If you save a gallon a day for just one year, that’s gas to drive a Datsun about 11 thousand miles If everyone drove Datsuns. there might not be a shortage to make you worry DRIVE A DATSUN THEN DECIDE You’ll decide to quit worrying, like other Datsun owners already have. A t HEINRICH DATSUN GMC they make savings easy, by making it easy to drive a quality service he can offer you after the sale We are talkine about DOHERTY FORD at 4223 Pacific Ave in Forest Grove, phone 357 3114, dealers for the famous FORD automobiles and trucks See them today for a new or quality used car. and you’ll see why we say ‘‘Customer Consideration" is the byword See them for sales on new & used FORD cars & trucks, leases, rentals, complete service fac­ ilities John Welch - Owner City and county ordinances affecting electrical wiring of all buildings and homes are def­ ine tely strenuous The purpose, however is evident Many dis­ astrous fires and home accidents are the result of defective wir­ ing For these reasons, it is imperative that everyone need­ ing electrical wiring, insist upon the services of a competent, licensed electrician, who is qual ified to do work The J&J ELECTRIC SER VICE at 2818 E. Baseline in Cornelius phone 640-2427 is a local firm of licensed electric­ ians Few people in this line of 11, Western States Fire Apparatus Inc. J&J Electric Service Vince Holcomb - Mgr. and ranchers to secure loans in a business like manner without being imposed upon in any way. There can be no better way to secure funds for your agricul­ ture needs than to visit the FEDERAL LAND BANK ASSO CIATION OF HILLSBORO institution many people of this community have enabled to own their own farms and ranches This concern has probably con­ tributed as much towards the development of this community as any other institution Its service is positively indispen sible to the success and progress of this section Daisy Clothing Care in buying a car is the dealer you buy it from The ideal dealer to buy a car from offers a fair price on the new unit as well as an honest dollar for the car you trade in. However, the most important factor is the service that you receive on your new ear year after year The writers of this 1974 Review would like to point out a dealer that considers the most import­ ant part of selling a car the JULY 10 Years Experience H arry Long - Owner (Pd. Adv.) Located at 2228 24th Ave in Forest Grove phone 357-3277, HARRY'S TREE SERVICE is so efficient with their complete tree topping service, you might sav they work like beavers They do trimming, tapping, removing, stump removing, cabling, chip ping service, free estimates and they are fully insured. This company is fully equip­ ped to handle any tree service including: emergency service, tree removal, surgery, root feeding, and trimming to just name a few. Their trained tree servicemen know how to handle all the jobs quickly and at the lowest cost. Give them a call anytime, and they will be more than happy to give you an estimate on the cost of the work you need done When you have them do a job for you, one never needs to worry about having a tree falling the wrong way of that their men might damage your property. The editors of this 1974 Review commend this company for the professional manner in which they operate their business and suggest to the people of this area that they let HARRY'S TREE SERVICE handle their tree ser­ vice work You can be sure it will be done right