CHARTER OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON Preamble Uw people of Columbte County, Oregon, In recognition of the dual nature of the county as an agency of the •U te and aa • unit of local government, and In order to avail ouraelvea of sslf- determlnatlon In county affaira to the fu lle r extent poaalble under the c«m •tltutlon and laws of the state, hereby confer upon the county the following powers, subject It to the following restrictions, and prescribe for It the follow ing procedures and govern* mantel structure Chapter I Istradar lo o Proviate«. Section 1. NAM E The name of the county shall continue to be Columbia County Section 2 NATURE. The county shall continue tobe (1) an agency of the alate and (2) a body politic and corporate. Section S. B O U N D A R IE S . The boundaries of the county shall be the boundaries now or hereafter prescribed ■ r It by or pursuant to s u te Uw. Section 4 COUNTY SEAT The seat of government of the county shall con­ tinue to be In the city of St Helens Section & FORM OF G O VERN­ M E N T The governmental structure of the county shall consist of (1) a board of seven county com­ missioners which shall be — (a) the principal policy-making agency of the county and whatever courts now or hereafter have Jurisdiction over matters of oaunty concern by virtue of s u te U w or M U charter Chapter II Powers of the County . Boctlon t. G E N E R A L G RANT OF POWERS Except as this charter provides to the contrary, the county m ail have authority over matters of county concern to the fullest extent p an ted or allowed by the Uw of the United SUtes and of Oregon, as fully aa if each power comprised in that general authority were specifically granted in ttts charter Section 7. C O N S T R U C T IO N O F POWERS In thia charter no mention of a particular power or enumeration of similar powers shall be construed to be inclusive or to restrict the authority that the county would have if the partl- euUr power were not mentioned or the sim ilar powers not enumerated The charter shall be liberally construed, to ■ » end that, within the lim iu imposed 1 the charter and by the U w of the nited States and of Oregon, the county have all powers necessary or con­ venient for the conduct of IU affairs. Including all powers that counties may aaw m e under the statutes of the sute end the provisions of the sUte constitu­ tion concerning county home rule A power of the county shall be construed to be a continuing power unless the grant of the power indicates the con­ 8 trary Section (. VESTING OF POWERS. (1) Except as Uw governing the Initiative and referendum provides to the contrary, the legislative power of flu county is hereby vetted In. and may be exercised only by. the board of county commissioners <21 Except as thU charter provides to me contrary, all other powers of the county are hereby vested in the board and may be exercised by It or by per­ sons acting under IU authority. Chapter I I I Beard of Ceunty Commissioners Section 9 T E R R IT O R IA L R EP R E S E N TA TIO N The board of county com m issioners sh all be nominated and elected (o offices and by areas as follows; (1) One to Office No 1 by (he legal voters of DUtrict No 1, which shall consul of the following precincts as Bow or hereafter bounded; St Helens 1, St. Helens 2. St Helens 3. St Helens 4, St Helens S, St Helens g, St Helens 7, St Helens I, St. Helene 9 (2) One to Office No 2 by the legal voters of DUtrict No 2, which shall Consist of the following precincts as ■swor hereafter bounded;North Milton. ith Milton, North McNulty, South Nulty, North Deer IsUnd, South r IsUnd. South St HeUns. Co- bla City, Yankton, North Warren. * (3) One to Office No 3 by the legal of D U trict No. 3, which shall of the following precincts as M w or hereafter bounded Scappoose I, Scappoose 3, Scappoose 3, Scappoose 4, Sauvle Island. East Scappoose. West Scappoose, South Scappoose. South Warren, Canyon. (4) One to Office No 4 by (he legal of D U trict No. 4, which shall of the following precincts as 1 or hereafter bounded: Vernonia I, Vernonia 2. Vernonia 3, VernonU 4, Vernonia S, North M Ut, South M Ut, Aoiarv. Goble. South Clatskanie. South Helena. Chapman i (Si One to Office No. 3 by the legal ra of DUtrict No 3, which shall Ut of the following precincU as M w or hereafrer bounded CUUkanie L CUUkanie 2, North CUUkanie. North Helena. Quincy, Rainier 1, Rainier 2, West Hamler, East Rainier, Prescott, «M l M a ry la n d (g) One lo Office No 6 by the legal voters of the county at large i (7) One to Office No 7 by the legal voters of the county at Urge t B S Section 10 R E A P P O R T IO N M E N T ( I > Whenever the population of one of the commissioner districts exceetb the population of another of the districts to sn extern that denim any person I he equal protection of the Uws, (a) the board of county com­ missioners. by the beginning of the next even-numbered year, shall modify the boundaries of two or more ef the districts in such a manner that Uw popuUtion of the districts does not deny any parson the equal protection of the Uw e, and if the board dost not so modify the boundaries by that time, the bead ef the county department or the county officer responsible for administering elections in the county shall do so within the immediately ensuing 20 days (2) No modification of boundaries pursuant to UiU section shall affect tM tenure of office of, or disqualify, a member of the board. Section 11 E L E C T IO N A ND TERM S OF O F F IC E (1) The terms of office of the two commissioners elected In 1872 shall continue through 1976 The offices shall represent the county at U rge and shad be numbered "6" and " 7 . . The two commissioners shall publicly deter­ mine by lot the number of each of the offices. (2) The term of office of the com­ missioner elected in 1S74 shall continue through 1676. The office shall repre­ sent. and shall have the number of, tM district in which the commissioner re­ sides when so elected (3) In 1176 and every fourth year thereafter a commissioner shall be elected to Office No. 6 for a four-year term (4) In 1676 a commissioner shall be elected to Office No. 7 (or a two-year term. In 1376 and every fourth year thereafter a commissioner shall be elected to that office for a four-year term. (8) In 1676 and biennially thereafter commissioners shall be elected to Offices No.’s 1, 2. 3. 4. and 5 (6) In 1878 the first four additional commissioner! for which this charter provides shall be elected as follows. (a) A candidate to represent on the board one of the commissioner districts not yet so represented, may be nominated by petition filed with the county clerk, notwithstanding Section 33 of this charter, not U te r than January 17, 1873 (b) In each of the four districts a special election for electing a com­ missioner shall he held March 7, 1873, from 3:00 a.m until 0:00 p.m The county clerk: (i) shall cause notice of the election and a sample ballot for the election to be published twice In a newspaper ef general circulation in the county not earlier than 30 nor U ter than ten days before the election; (It) snail arrange a polling place far the election in each precinct in the district; (iii) shall, in accordance with ap­ plicable state election Uws, arrange for the personnel necessary to conduct the election; (iv) shall provide the ballots neces­ sary for the election; (v) shall, on all ballots for a parti- ttcular district at the election, enter the name of each candidate nominated in accordance w ith this c h a rte r for election by the voters of the district; and (V I) shall, in accordance with ap­ plicable s u te election Uwa. make all other arrangements and take all other steps necessary for conducting the election, for compiling its returns, and for proclaiming its results ( c ) The county shall bear the cost of the election, in accordance with ap­ plicable state election Uwa. (d) The term of office of each can­ didate elected to an office at the elec­ tion shall begin April 1, 1973. and con­ tinue through 1876 Section 12 Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S . County commissioners shall be legal voters under s u te Uw and residents of the areas their offices on the board represent Section 13. QUORUM The quorum necessary for action by (he board of county com m issioners shall be a majority of the members of the board, except that a lesser number may meet and compel (he attendance of absent members in a manner prescribed by ordinance Section 14 CO NCURRENCE R E ­ Q U IR E D . Action by the board of county commissioners may have legal effect only if affirm atively concurred in by a majority of the board members present when the action is taken Section IS. O RDINANCES ( 11 The ordaining clause of a county ordinance shall read. <• > in case of mere adoption by the board of county commissioners, “The Board of County Commissioners of Co­ lumbia County ordains as follows:*' and (b) in case of adoption or ratifica­ tion by the voters of the county, "The People of Columbia County ordain as follows:" (2) Except as subsection (3) of this section allows immediate adoption of emergency ordinances as as subsection (4) provides for reading ordinances by title only, every ordinance by the board shall, before being finally adopted, be read fully and distinctly In open meeting of the board on two days at least 13 days apart (3) Except as subsection (4) of thia section provides for reading ordinances by title only, an ordinance necessary to meet an emergency may, upon being read first in full and then by title, be adopted at a single- meeting of the board by unanimous vote of all its members present. No ordinance imposing a t a i may be adopted, however, at a single meeting of the board. (41 Any reading required by sub­ section (2) or (3) of this section may ba by tide only: (a ) If no board member present at the meeting requests that the ordinance be read In full; or (b> If a copy of the ordinance U provided each member and coptea are available for public inspection at the headquarters of the board at least one week before the first reading of the ordinance and If notice of this avail­ ability is given, immediately after it is effected, by (I) written notice posted at the courthouse of the county and (U) publication in a newspaper of general circulation In the county (8) An ordinance adopted after being read by title only may have no legal affect if it differs substantially from its terms aa they read prior to the reading, unless each section incorporating such a difference, as finally amended prior to being adopted by the board, is fully and distinctly read in open board meeting (6) Upon the final vote by the board an an ordinance, the ayes and nays of the members of the board shall be taken and recorded in the record of pro­ ceedings of the board. (7) Upon the adoption of an ordinance by the board, the presiding officer and recording secretary of the board at the session at which the ordinance is adopted shall sign It and state the date ef its adoption and the titles of their offices of positions. (8) An ordinance adopted in ac­ cordance with this section, if not an emergency ordinance, shall take effect 96 days after its adoption, unless it pre­ scribes a later effective date or is re­ ferred to the voters o f the county An ordinance so referred shall take effect only upon being approved by a majority of the persons voting on the ordinance An emergency ordinance may take effect immediately upon being adopted, but no ordinance imposing a tax other than the annual ad valorem property tax may be an emergency ordinance Section 16 M E E TIN G S (1) The board of county com­ missioners shall by general ordinance adopt rules governing its proceedings and shall conduct its meetings In ac­ cordance with the rules (2) The board shall meet regularly in the county at times and a place or places designated in the rules. (3) Meetings of the board shall be iblic to the extent required by state w. (4i The president of the board may, and upon the request of three other members of the board shall, by giving notice to all members of the board in the county, call a special meeting of the board for a time between six and 46 hours after the notice is given Special meetings of the board may also be held at any time by consent of all members of the board, provided advance notice of the meetings is given in accordance with the rules governing the board’s proceedings C Section 17 RECORD O F PRO CEED­ INGS (1) The board of county com­ missioners shall cause a record of its proceedings to be kept The record shall he available for public inspection at the courthouse during regular office hours (2) Upon the request of a member of the board that the individual votes on a question before the board be recorded in the record, the votes shall be so re­ corded The final individual votes on all ordinances before the board shall be so recorded Section 18 BOARD P R E S ID E N T < 11 Al ils first meeting each year the board of county commiaaionen shall designate one of its members president of the board (2> The president ( a i shall présidé over the meetings of the board. i b i may vote on ail matière before the board. ic i shall préservé order at board meetings. id) shall enforce the rules of the board. and (e) shall déterminé, on the basis of - the rules. the order of board business (3) In the absence of the president from a board meeting, the board shall designate one of its members president pro tem Chapter IV Administratif« Section 19 A D M IN IS T R A T IV E R E S PO N S IB ILITY Responsibility for administration of the affaira of the county shall reside in (1) the board of county com­ missioners. (2) the sheriff, and (3) the other county officers and the county employees, departments, and agencies that function by authority ef the board Section 20 COUNTY A D M IN IS T R A ­ TOR. (1) The office of county administrator is hereby established, for purposes of (a) carrying out the administrative responsibilities of the board and (bi co-ordinating the functions of the administrative officers, employees, departments, and agencies of the county. (2) The county administrator shall ba an appointee of the board, for whatever term of office ia satisfactory to the board. (3) The administrator shall, in ac­ cordance with directions from the board. ( a ) co-ordinate the functions of the a d m in is tra tiv e o fficers, em ployees, departments, and agencies of the county; (b) prepare and aubmit to the board annual budget estimates and whatever reports the board requests; (c) have charge of all county pur­ chasing, buildings, and property, (d i verify all claims against the county; and (e l have whatever other functions the board prescribes (4) The county administrator may not (a) exercise legislative power. (b) appropriate county funds, or (c) disburse county fundi or dis poae of county property except by authority of the board Section 21 A D M IN IS T R A T IV E D E P A R T M E N TS (1) F or purposes of carrying out the policies of the county and administer­ ing Ito affairs, the following ad- mintstratlve department! a n hereby established and shad, except as the board of county commissioners or this charter prescribes to the contrary, Oentonia Cagle have the following functions: (a) the department of law en­ forcement. which shall have the func Mon» of the constable and the sheriff under state law. except the functions of Ike sheriff regarding collection of taxes; (hi the department of land-use con­ trol. which shall have the functions of planning, zoning, subdivision control, and building regulation; (c i the department of records and assessments which shall have the functions of the county clerk under state law regarding elections recor­ ding, filing, and the courts, and the functions of the assessor under state law; (di the department of budget and finance, which shall have functions of budget preparation and control and the functions under state Uw of the sheriff regarding tax collection and of the county treasurer, (e) the department of public works, which shall have functions regarding public thoroughfares, water quality and supply, sewerage, drainage, and parks; and (f) the department of public ser­ vices. which shall have functions regarding health and the environment (2) On or before January 1, 1976, the board shall take whatever action is necessary to place in operation the departments established by this sec­ tion (3) Each administrative department of the county shall include whatever offices and posilions (he board establishes for the department, except that the department of law enforcement shall include the office of sheriff (4) The board may (a ) establish additional ad­ ministrative departments. (b> combine any two or more ad­ ministrative departments, except the department of Uw enforcement, into a single such department. ( c i separate departm ents so combined. (d) abolish any administrative department other than the department of Uw enforcement, and (e l prescribe the functions of any such department, except that the functions of the sheriff under state law, other than those functions concerning tax-collection, shall remain in the department of law enforcement (5) A county function presceibed by state law but not allocated to any county officer or agency by this charter shall be allocated to whatever depart­ ment of the county the board de­ termines Section 22 A D M IN IS T R A T IV E O FFIC ER S AND EM PLO YE ES ( 1 ) Except as this charter provides to the contrary, the functions of each administrative officer and employee of the county shall be whatever the board of county commissioners prescribes. (2) All administrative officers and employees of the county shall be ap­ pointed by the board or pursuant to its authority, except the sheriff, who shall be elected in 1978 and every fourth year thereafter. Deputy sheriffs may be appointed only from a list of nominees submitted to the board by the sheriff. Chapter V Section 23 Q UALIFICATIONS. ( 1) The sheriff shall be a legal voter, reside in the county, and have the com­ petencies prescribed for sheriffs by the u w s of the state. (2) Appointive personnel in the service of the county shall have what­ ever qualifications the board of county commissioners prescribes. Section 24 COM PENSATION The compensation of officers and em ­ ployees in the service of the county shall be fixed by the board of county commissioners, except that (1) the initial rate of compensation for board members under this charter shall be 322S per month, and (2) no increase in the compensation ef a board member may take effect prior to the first odd-numbered year after the first general November election a fte r the increase is authorised. Section 25. T ER M S O F O F F IC E The term of office of a county officer elected after the final effective date of this charter shall begin the first of the year immediately after the election and con­ tinue in accordance with thia charter and with Article X V , Section 1, of the state constitutuion. Section 26 VACANCIES - CAUSES An office shall be deemed vacant (1) upon the incumbent's (a) death, (b) adjudicated incompetence. (c) conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude, unlawful destruction of public records. or other offense per­ taining to the office, (d) resignation. (e) recall from the office, or (f ) ceasing to possess the qualifica­ tions for the office; (2) upon failure of the person elected or appointed to the office to qualify therefor within ten days after the time for that person's term of office to begin ; or, (3) with reference to an elective county officer, upon that officer's ab­ sence from the county for 30 consecu­ tive days without the consent of the board of county commissioners; or, (4) with reference to a county com­ missioner. upon that commissioner's absence from board meetings for 60 consecutive days without the consent of tile board Section 27 VACANCIES - F IL L IN G . (1) A vacancy in an elective office of the county shall, within 30 days after its occurrence, he filled by appointment by a majority of the board of county com­ missioners (a ) if the vacancy occurs more than 21 months after the election at which the office is last filled, the term of office of the appointee shall be the remainder of the term of office of the person who leaves the office vacant (b> if the vacancy occurs 21 months or leas after the election, the term of office shall run until the beginning of the next off-numbered year, and at the next general November election after the vacancy occurs, a person shall be elected to the office for a two-year term (2) During an officer's or employee's tempora.-y disability or absence from the county, her or his office or position may be filled temporarily by an ap­ pointee of the board or. in case of a sub­ ordinate to the county administrator, of that officer (Paid Public Service Announcement) 1 (h ap ter VI Elections Section 28 STATE LAW Except aa this charter or county legislation under this charter provides to the contrary, elections in the county shall be con­ ducted in accordance with, and govern­ ed by. the laws of the state concerning elections Section 29 NO M INATIO NS To nomi­ nate a candidate for an elective county office. 20 legal voters of the area the office is to represent may sign and, at least 70 days before the election, file with the officer who has the functions of county clerk a petition nominating the candidate and requesting that the candidate's name appear on the ballot for the election The officer shall cause the name so to appear No such petition may nominate more than one candi date No voter may sign more than one such petition pertaining to a single office at a single election If the voter does so. the signature shall be dis­ regarded on all but (he first of such petitions so filed Section 30 N O N P A R T IS A N S H IP Candidates for elective county offices may be nominated and elected only in a nonpartisan manner No document for nominating or electing such a candi­ date may by word or other symbol indi­ cate the candidate's affiliation with, or preference for, a political party (section 31. T IE VOTES. In the event of a tie vote for candidates for an elective office, the successful candidate shall be determined by a public draw­ ing of lots in a manner prescribed by the board of county commissioners Section 32 RECALL An elective officer of the county may be recalled in the manner, and with the effect, now or hereafter prescribed by the constitution and laws of the state. Section S3 COUNTY PRO­ POSITIONS (1) Except as this charter or legisla­ tion enacted in accordance with it provides to the contrary, the manner of requiring, calling, publicizing, and con­ ducting an election on a proposition concerning the county shall be the manner prescribed by the laws of the state for an election in the county on such a proposition. (2) Except as an ordinance of the county prescribes a lesser require­ ment, an initiative or referendum peti­ tion shall be sufficient for bringing a measure before county voters only if signed by five percent of the voters of the county or of the part of the county that the petition concerns. (3) Except levies of annual ad valo­ rem property taxes, authorizations and levies by the board of county com­ missioners of new or additional taxes may not have operative effect unless first submitted to the voters of the county in accordance with thia section and approved by them. Chapter V II Public Improvements Section 34. PRO CEDURE. Subject to the requirements of this chapter, the procedure for m akin g, a lte rin g , vacating ar abandoning a public im ­ provement of the county shall be governed by ordinance or, to the extent not so governed, by applicable state law. Section 35. F IN A N C IN G . (1) To the extent that the board ut county commissioners finds that a public improvement of the county specially benefits property, the cast of the improvement shall be defrayed by special assessments levied on the pro­ perty. (2) To the extent that the board finds that a public improvement of the county benefits the county generally, the cost of the improvement may be de­ frayed by revenue from other sources. (3) An order for action regarding such an improvement shall indicate the extent to which the cost of the action thus ordered is to be defrayed by special assessments on p ro perty specially benefited by the action and the extent to which the cost is to be de­ frayed by revenue from other sources. Section 36 R E F E R E N D U M . Action by the board regarding a public im ­ provement of the county shall be sub­ ject to the referendum in the same manner as legislative ordinances of the county. Section 37. R E M O N S T R A N C E S . Action by the board on a proposed public improvement to be financed in whole or in part by special assessments and not declared by all members of the | board to be needed at once to meet an emergency shall be suspended for s ix ! months upon remonstrance thereto by ' (he owners of two-thirds of the land to be specially assessed for the improve­ ment, provided written notice of the remonstrance is delivered to the board within IS days after the action is or­ dered. After the suspension the board may proceed with the action THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1974 3 Group Visits H. Larson In Forest Grove B IR K E N F E L D —M r and Mrs Francis Larson accompanied by Mrs. Everett Johnston and Mrs. Francis Nordstrom were in For­ est Grove on Tuesday of last week going over to see Howard Larson at the Jake Neimela home They found him feeling real good. Fishhawk Lake held their 4th of July Celebration. A large crowd gathered, all enjoyed tne tluck lunch, games, and the autiful fire works in the even­ ing. All had a wonderful time. Word was received that Mrs. John Winslow, former resident here several years ago passed away at Stayton, Ore. The funeral was Monday July 8 at the Webble Funeral home in Stay- ton. Mrs. Howard Johnson spent all last week in Portland with her III brother Lee Lalli, at the Vets Hospital, he seemed to be im ­ proved. She came home Sat. morning. M r. and Mrs. Lloyd Beach were visiting in Astoria and Seaside on last Friday. M r. and Mrs. Art Bellingham flew to Ukiah California on Tuesday of last week. They i visited the Wilfred Parmans also visited M r. and Mrs. Chas. Bowman at Fortuna. They had an enjoyable time and a very- nice flight. M r. and Mrs. L arry Bair of Vernonia made a short visit at 1 the Howard Johnson home Sat. evening. Mrs. Lloyd beach accompan­ ied by Mrs. Robert Mathews were in Clatskanie on Wed. of last week on business. Jim Bellingham visited the Douglas Bellingham fam ily at Seattle for a few days last week. Recent visitors at the Lloyd Beach’s were M r. and Mrs. Chas. Bowman of Fortuna Calif. ; M r. and Mrs. Bruce Larsen and children of Warren visited at the E .T . Johnson home Saturday evening. Two Killed In Accident B IR K E N F E L D + A tragedy struck the Ed Bergs and the Douglas Beckmans on the 4th of July late afternoon. The two cars hit head on. Miss Judy Berg passed away at the St. Johns .Hospital that evening. Ed and the three boys are still hos­ pitalized. M r. Beckman was kill­ ed at the accident and was buried at Scappoose on Monday. The Berg’s are all improving. Services will be held at the Catholic Church during the week .July 14 through the 19 at 7 p.m. All interested please attend. The Allen Berg fam ily, Roger ¡Berg fam ily and their parents the Russell Berg’s of Fortuna, California camped over the 4th at the Nick Berg’s. Leston Nystrom and Everett Johnston were in Clatskanie Monday of last week. M r. and Mrs. Frank Brandt of .Fishhawk Lake left last Friday for Long Beach, Washington to the Brandt Surfside Estates for several days. They w ill work on their lots, do some fishing and clam digging. M r. and Mrs. Mike Cahill and Kelly brought his father Janies ■ Cahill back home Friday even­ ing after having been in the Vets hospital with pneumonia and also staying several days at the Mike Cahill home. He is feeling real good. V. Garlocks Return Home M IST—M r. and Mrs. Willard ' Garlock came home Sunday , from several days stay at River- 1 side T railer Court at Seaside, the 'F red Larson’s of Vernonia also had their trailer house there. On Chapter V III the 4th they all picnicked at Miscellaneous Provisions Cullaby Lake along with the Buddy and Bob Larson's, Jim Section 38 CO NTIN U A TIO N OF Garlock's, George M artan ’s, and L EG ISLA TIO N All legislation of the Don Larson’s. In the afternoon county consistent with this charter and M r and Mrs. Francis Larson in force on its final effective date shall joined them. remain in effect as of that date until amended o f repealed M r and Mrs. Thomas Herman of Astoria visited the D.D. Barrs Section 39 INC U M B EN TS' TER M S 1 on Sunday. The Roy Kyser fam ily took in OF O F F IC E . County administrative officers elected in 1972 or 1874 may, ex­ the 4th at Clatskanie. Their cept the sheriff, continue in the service daughter Connie from Portland of the county until the end of 1976, but came home to be with them. after the final effective date of this M r. and Mrs. Lloyd Garlock c h a rte r th e ir functions and com ­ attended camp meeting in Port­ pensation shall be whatever the board land on Sunday. They were ac­ of county commissioners prescribes companied by, Vern Wagner, The sheriff may continue in office until Mrs Alma Garlock and Loree the end of 1978, with functions in ac­ ■ Wallace cordance with Chapter IV of thia M r. and Mrs. Norman Hansen charter were in Hillsboro last Friday. M r. and Mrs. Irvin Aierecht Section 40 REG IO NAL G O VE R N ­ from Agatha Ontario, Canada, M E N T The county may not be a m em­ came Friday for a visit at the ber of a regional planning agency or Shetler home. She is a first organization of governments without cousin of Mrs. Shetler. They left prior approval of (he voters of the on Saturday morning. county Section 41 E F F E C T IV E DATES. This charter shall take effect January I. 1973. insofar as necessary lor uw nomination and election of four addi-, tional commisaionera during the first quarter of 1973 For all other purposes of the county the charter shall lake effect April I. 1975 4th of July visitors at the Shal- mon Libel home were M r and Mrs. D. Porter of Cowern, Ore. They were dinner guests and ■ later the Libel’s took them down to the game refugee where they, saw a nice herd of elk. 1 M r. and Mrs. Ken Simmons of ¡Clatskanie visited at the Roy 1 Kyser home last Thursday eve.