>>m cK X«M «9ccooom oa Uernonfa LaqU bom moved and Commissiona Minkoff seconded Don E Davis be reappointed as a mem b a of THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1974 5 the Board of Trustees, f a a four year U rm , effactive July I, period 1874. Motion carried. Terry Rahe, administrator of Miss Karen Brebner, mission­ Resolution No. 65-74 was signed, the Solid Waste Ordinance, pre­ ary nurse to Burundi, Africa, in the m a tta of requiring a sented further recommendations with W a ld Gospel Mission, will permit f a approach roads to with regard to the solid waste The Watchtower Bible and speak at Vernonia Evangelical county roads, and adopting a nuisance on the Ralph Hildula Tract Society has revealed plans CARPETS a fright? Make than THE VERNONIA Rural Fire Pro­ STATE OF OREGON Church Sunday, June K a t 7 p.m. form to use th erefa. property, Acccount 3384-009 Up­ for 85 district conventions of Je­ » a beautiful right with Blue Lustre tection District Board of Direc­ COUNTY OF COLUMBIA The Mission, an interdenomi­ O r d a No. 88-74 was signed, on M r Rahe's recommendation, hovah’s Witnesses in the United F Rent electric shampooer >1. tors meeting will be held Monday, IN T E R M E D IA T E EDUCATION national sending organization denying the petition to vacate a Commissioner Minkoff moved States and Canada in 1974. Brunsman Hardware._______attic June 17 at t p.m. in the Ver- DISTRICT. COLUMBIA CO with 300 missionaries, associate portion of Archibald Rood No. 30 and Commissioner Ahlborn sec­ James Milton, presiding min­ nonia “ Fire Hall. missionaries, and homeland la s te d in Sections 19 and 30, and onded the case be referred to the FOR SALE: 5 cubic foot refrig- ister of the Vernonia congre­ staff, serves in 15 areas of the R. D. Fletcher ss withdrawing same as a county District Attorney's office with . erator only used 5 months Call gation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, world The international head­ Secretary road a declaring it to be a road of reauest for writ of abatement, , 4 2 9 - 3 3 9 3 _________ 24t2 said there will be 74 assemblies quarters is in Marion, Indiana. NOTICE IS H ER E B Y G IV E N public easement. under the Ordinance. Motion for English-speaking delegates I AM not responsible for any that at the Columbia County Miss Brebner attended West­ 15 FT. Trailer Camper, good con- Order No. 67-74 was signed, carried. and eleven meetings in Spanish, debts other than my own. mont College, Santa Barbara, Intermediate Education District •' dltion. <300 00. 429-7902 24tl vacating a patio n of the county Rahe then reported on the French and Italian. Earl Abercrombie Election called to be held on California, and took h a nurse’s road known as Columbia Way, status of the Bicycle-Pedestrain Milton said approximately 38 _____ ____________________ 21t4 Tuesday, June 18,1974, there will training at Emmanuel Hospital MOBILE HOME — 1970 Port No. P-194, as petitioned. Advisory Task Force, and re­ delegates will represent the School of Nursing, Portland, be submitted to the qualified Royal, 12'x60', 2 bedroom; all At 1:30 p.m. a show cause quested authorization io expend Vernonia congregation at the voters of the district the question Oregon She graduated also from electric; new appliances. >4750. hearing was held on solid waste monies from the Footpath and convention scheduled for Port­ Cascade College, formerly of of whether or not the district Free set up and delivery VIK ­ complaint pataining to property Bicycle Trail Fund for a title land, Oregon, July 11 through 14. P a tla n d , with the B.S. degree in ING HOMES. 2585 S.W, Cedar IN MEMORY and love of our should be authorized to exceed known as Account 15733-033, search with regard to Ruther He added that 15,000 delegates nursing Before going to the field , Hills Blvd., Beaverton, Oregon. dear ones, "Precious Mother", the 6 percent limitation by the owned by Warren E Woilitz. No ford Road, P-98, to determine if are expected to attend the Port­ sum of >2,872.876 38 for an equa­ in 1961, she studied French and Phone 646-8412____________ 2312c May Lehmann. Dear Sister, one appeared in behalf of Woi­ the county still owned all of the land convention set for the Civic lization levy for the fiscal year tropical medicines in Belgium. litz Commissioner Ahlborn right of way. Authorization was Esther Ring. Lovely Betty Nance, Stadium 1974 75. FOR the Oregon Journal rail Al During h a first years in moved and Commissioner Mink­ granted for this expenditure. (Bus' wife). Dear Brothers, "Hundreds of thousands of Burundi, Miss Brebner served at Iman. 429-2081 before 10 a m or off seconded the recommenda Ralph Nance. Ivan Nance, Fren- If this measure is approved, the Rahe discussed with the board persons are looking forward with after 6 p m _______________23t2 Murore Hospital assisting the tions of the Administrator, M r a proposed resolution agreeing chie Nance. The year has been operating and equalization bud­ eager anticipation to the series resident doctor After a normal Rahe, be followed, to-wit: to and approving in concept the long.' We miss you all, more get of the Columbia County In ­ of ‘Divine Purpose’ District As­ SIGNUP now for Strawberry pick­ furlough in the States, she Declaration of the existence of a implementation of the MSD Solid than words can tell. semblies of Jehovah's Witnesses ing. Due to the new law, no one termediate Education District to returned to the field and was solid waste nuisance on the Waste Management Plan in this summer," Milton said. C. J. and Essie Nance be financed by local taxes for the under 12 years of age. Proof of stationed at Kayero. Due to the property, with fifteen days a l­ Columbia County. It was agreed “The combined attendance is age required Forms available. tax year 1974 75 will be >1,023,- shortage of medical personnel, lowed for the tenant to complete the Resolution as proposed expected to reach nearly one- 429-8515 for further information. 129 86greater than the operating she also assisted at the Murehe the cleanup operation. If cleanup would be prepared for signature. million persons this year. Young and equalization budget financ­ 23t4c Dispensary. Without a doctor, is not completed within that Rahe also discussed a pro­ and old, family groups and even ed by local taxes for the pre­ she and African assistants diag­ time, the m a tta will be referred posed budget for a DEQ grant the infirm will be there,” he SANTE FE 15 Ft. ’64 Trailer. ceding year nosed illnesses and prescribed to the District Attorney for for a solid waste technician for said. Good. >745. Phone 429-3832. medication f a hundreds of pa­ abatement of the nuisance. development of the Columbia M O B ILE H O M E S A L E S The highlight of the convention Freezer, 20 cu. ft. Top condition tients who came to the dis­ Motion carried. County solid waste plan as pre­ program will be the public dis­ _________________________ lBtfc Voting for the Equalization * Barrington pensaries each week. In a recent Terry Rahe, Sanitarian, then sented by the MSD. It was course on the subject “Human L^vy will take place between the * Balboa year, over 120,000 people were presented each commissioner agreed this would be taken into FOR the home Seamstress - Full Plans Failing as God’s Purpose hours of 8:00 a m and 8:00 p.m., given treatment at the Kayero, * Olympian with a copy of the Metropolitan consideration at the time the line of Simplicity Patterns at Succeeds.” June 18. 1974 at the following Murehe and Murore dispensa­ Service District Solid Waste 1974-75 budget is adopted for the SEW SIMPLE SHOP, 725 Bridge, — N e w and U sed — A baptism service will also be Columbia County Precincts and ries. In each of these, inpatient Management Action Plan. county. Vernonia. Phone 429-7441. featured Last year, 55,775 were — Free Set Up and Delivery — Polling Places: facilities are available for ser­ Rahe presented his recom­ An Order was signed, No. _________________________ 17tfc baptized in the United States as iously ill patients, who are given 2585 S.W. Cedar Hills Blvd. mendations with regard to a 68-74, refunding building permit Jehovah’s Witnesses This rep­ Clatskanie No. l and So Clats­ around-the-clock care by a nurse Beaverton. Oregon CUT FLOWERS, weddings, fun­ proposed landfill application fee of >126.90 to Warner Brothers resents 10 percent of the total kanie - Presbyterian Church; or an assistant. eral designs, plants. Also flowers submitted by Shoreline R a k for Thomas Broadbent, because P h o n e 646-6412 U.S. membership in only one Clatskanie No 2 and No Clats- Bible classes are held for the by wire. Artificial Bowers and Products, for disposal of clari­ of voiding of permit. 23t4c kgme - Methodist Church; Co­ year. African dispensers. A national gifts. CHALET FLOWER SHOP. fier waste, wood scraps and Sitting as the DOG CONTROL lumbia City. So. Deer Island and chaplain speaks to the patients Phone 429-5733 or 429-6301. BOARD, the following actions other wood waste from the Boise PROFESSIONAL PAINTING No. Deer Island - Deer Island in daily evangelistic services. _________________________ 13tfc Cascade m ill. After lengthy dis­ were taken: Indemnity Claim Interior - Exterior School; So Dciena and No. Many patients have no contact cussion, Commissioner Ahlborn for >1,080 for 27 sheep killed by — Free Estimates — with the gospel of Christ except Delena D e k ro G ra d c School^ moved and Commissioner Mink­ dogs, was approved for Magrud- Wednesday evening at 7 p.m., Special Spring Rates Goble and Prescott Beaver through W GM’s medical m ini­ Indemnity off seconded the application for er Farms, Inc.; choir practice, with Bible study LELAND SEIBERT stries. Homes Grange; Marshland - permit be denied, based upon the Claim for >700 for 14 sheep killed, following, both at the church. Phone 4294161 Marshland Grange; So Milton. In 1970, Miss Brebner again recommendations of the Solid was denied, submitted by Dick Dads are invited to the ser­ 9tfc No Milton and So St Helens - returned to Burundi and worked Waste Advisory Committee Magruder, for Magruder Farms, vices this Sunday, and they are 4-H Bldg at Fairgrounds, So. through the years of tribal w ar­ all wished a Happy Fathers •I Olio« * (SWAC), and correspondence Inc. Denial was based upon McNulty and No. McNulty - fare, a very difficult time, when Day! received from the Department of improper filing of claim; In ­ Warren Grange; Quincy - Clats­ thousands (a conservative es­ GRI Environmental Quality. Motion demnity Claim for >52 for 13 Following the morning Wor­ kanie Grange; Rainier No. la n d timate is 150,000) of the Burundi >53 Bridge St., Vernonia carried. laying hens was approved for ship Service at 12:15 p.m. a East Rainier - Rainier Grade were ruthlessly slaughtered. Rahe then presented copies of Frances bridal shower will be given Heinen; Indemnity Phone 4294203 School gym; Rainier No. 2 and Miss Brebner has been attend­ correspondence received trom Debby Smith in the fellowship Claim for >30 for 1 sheep was West Rainier - Church of God; BILL HORN, BROKER ing Western Evangelical Semi­ R. V au gh n B aker, Santosh Disposal, Inc. relating approved for Mrs. Arnold Satt- hall Sunday, June 16 through the So Warren and No. Warren - nary, Portland, Oregon, and SALESMAN: A u ctio n eer to diking requirements for the ler. 21 is High School Camp. Warren Grade School; St. Hel­ doing part-time nursing in the Deri Roberts—429-3804 Santosh site, together with a The Oregon Christian Conven­ The offer of $1,000 recevied ens No l,S t. Helens No. 2andSt. AUCTION FRIDAY 7:00 P.M. city. She is planning to return to Sue Filter—429-7014 draft of a letter to Phil Hol- from Vivian Schimmel to pur­ tion is just a short time away, Helens No. 3 - Old Courthouse; St Burundi as soon as travel and Phone 425-3212 FOREST GROVE BRANCH — sheimer regarding agreements chase Lot 5, Block 103, St. consider taking part of your Helens No. 4, St. Helens No. 5, support shares are in hand. Arhe Satteriee, Mgr.—Ph. 357-2321 to be made between the county, 130 Sales Barn Road summer vacation to attend- Helens, was denied as an insuf­ and St Helens No. 7 - Condon DEQ, and Santosh, with regard ficient amount. June 25-30. The North American KELSO. WASHINGTON 98626 School; St Helens No. 6, St. to constructing of necessary Christian Convention will be in The offer of $1,050 received 49tfc Helens No. 8 and St. Helens No. 9 dikes with regard to franchising from Warner Brothers Custom Anaheim, California, July 23-26. - McBride School; Scappoose No. of the operation. After consider­ Builders to purchase Lot 5, Block VERNONIA SANITARY 1 and Scappoose No 4 - Middle FOR SALE; 1956 Ford pickup, 6 ation of the recommendations 103, St. Helens, was also denied School, Room B 5; Scappoose SERVICE cylinder. >275.00 Casper Serby, A new Seventh-day Adventist and the alternatives, Commis­ as an insufficient amount. No 2 and Scappoose No. 3 - Mist, phone 755-2309. 2411 Phone 4294711 P a s ta is slated for Vernonia and sioner Ahlbom .moved and Com­ Commissioner Minkoff moved Watts School, So Scappoose and St. Helens District. Taking Elder 30tfc Prayer meeting at 6:30 Friday missioner Minkoff seconded a and Commissioner Ahlborn sec­ Canyon - Community H a ll; East L e tc h a L. Huntington’s place is ■■MBnmrnbMlaaaaaBmMa Scappoose evening at the home of Mabel le t ta of intent, as drafted, be onded to approve the following and West Scappoose - Pastor Willard L. Santee, a SHOE REPAIRS — Open 8:30 New High School Room B 3; Graves on A. Street. Next Lard’s submitted to Santosh Disposal, purchase orders: 3263, Paul graduate of Walla Walla College. Day is Father’s Day. You are a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tandy Shoe Sauvies Island - Graf Residence; Inc., indicating the county’s Zimmerly Road Construction, RESERVE now for your vaca­ Santee has worked throughout honored guests at the Sunday Repair, D St., Vernonia, 429-3301. willingness to grant a 10-year tion Motor home, 24 foot Sleeps r a k for Mustola Road flood Yankton - Grange Hall; V er­ Oregon and in Michigan, while activities dads. Prayer at 7:30 __________________________Sltfc nonia No 1, Vernonia No. 2 and franchise providing a satisfact­ repair, >842.00 ; 3264, Unistrut 7. Stove, refrigerator, shower, taking graduate studies at An­ a m Sunday School at 9:45 and ory agreement can be made for Northwest Service Center, mile generator, etc. Fully self con­ Vernonia No. 3 - Band Room, drews Theological Seminary. Worship Experience at 11. constructing of dikes, and all post material, >1,375.00 ; 3267, St. tained. >150 per week; 5 cents a Washington Grade School; V e r­ Santee has worked as a Singing Sunday evening at six the requirements of the Solid Waste Helens Paving, cold mix, 3,710.- mile 429-8291._____________ 24t3c nonia No 4 and Vernonia No. 5 - Evangelist - Youth Leader - and youth will rap with the visiting Ordinance are met. Motion car­ 64; 3268, Olson and Johnson, 47J Administration Building; Resident P a s ta . missionary while enjoying pizza NEW VERNONIA Hotel - Rooms ried. dieseline, gasoline and kerosene, Apiary - Fern Hili Grange; Pastor Santee and wife Joan and pepsi. Missionary Karen by day, week or month. Also, A show cause hearing was set >1,418.10. Motion carried. Chapman - Grange Hall; South are residing in St. helens with Blown-in Insulation Brebner will share with us in the trailer hook-ups. Phone 429-5091. for July 10, 1974, at 1:30 p.m. in The Addendum to Agreement Mist and No. Mist - Grade their three sons, Kevin, Kelly, Rockwool Batting Sunday Classmeeting at seven. Room 308, Courthouse, on com­ was signed with Melvin C. 6tfc School and Kenny. Hoot Owl Breakfast Tuesday FREE ESTIMATES plaint about solid waste accum­ Harper, Builder, for replace­ Washington County voters in morning early. Evangelical ulation on Tax Lot 3552-14, owned ment of light fixtures in the jail. Precincts 136 and 137 will vote at Call Collect 397-1670 >x*xc«x*x*x«x*x*x«x*x«x«x»x«x«x«x»x*x»x«x€ by Milton G. Russell, Route 1, Women will meet at the church Request for Cancellation of the Community Center in Scap­ ST. HELENS Wednesday at eleven. Our pray­ Box 414, St. Helens. Taxes, in the sum of $48.24, and poose Precinct 141 will vote at WORK WANTED: Lawns, yard ers go with the Richard Jensens lOtfc Band Room, Washington Grade Ron Reeves presented the Order Reimburising Taxes in the work, any kind of work. Call as they leave Wednesday for a board, and recommended ap­ Sum of >46.79 were approved for School in Vernonia. Dan Samples. 429-7092. 24t4c tour of Europe and the Holy proval, of Surface Mining Per­ Ronald L. and Violet D. Martin, Multnomah County Voters in Land. Mid-week service Wed­ m it for Deane S. Chappell & Son as a result in error in seg­ GOING ON a trip? I ’ll feed your P u t im ls 15413 and 1504 will vole nesday evening at 7:30. R a k and Construction Co. Ac­ regation of accounts. pets lor you and also will water at tiie Holbrixik School, corner of You and yours are warmly companying the permit was Requests for cancellation of your flowers. Call Julie Gwin, Cornelius Pass and St Helens (Memorandum Minutes) invited to come grow with us as assignment of savings account Taxes, in the sum of >653.26, in 429-6472____________________ 24t2c Rd . also known as Highway 30 New Homes Built To Your we seek to discover and do God’s >:«»:*:ox*x»x«ox»xax*x»x*x»x»x»x*x»: or deposit for the required favor the the Church of Jesus Clatsop County voters in Wau­ will for our lives. Specifications bonding. The permit was ap­ Christ of Latterday Saints was WANTED; 2 cords of green fire na and Westport Precincts will New Construction - Additions - Re- The Columbia County Board of proved for Chappell. approved, as a result of Senate wood delivered to north Portland. vote at New Westport Grade modelng - Roofing . Foundations Commissioners met in regular Bill 659, exempting the property An Agreement was signed Call 285-6856 after 6 p.m. 24tl School Brownsmead, Knappa session June 5 with Chairman - FREE ESTIMATES - between the county and Melvin from taxation for the 1972-73 tax and Svensen Precincts vote at Fred Foshaug presiding, Com­ C. Harper, Builder, for instal­ year. Knappa High School. If you are looking for an missioners Minkoff and Ahlborn, lation of two doors, and sound­ active, friendly church that and secretary Gloria Salvey proofing of six doors, in the jail, ROY A NELSON, 42tfc stands for the Word of God, a WE WISH to thank our many (deputy clerk) present. per grant for completion of the COLUMBIA COUNTY CLERK sincere welcome is extended to friends and relatives for the ex­ Commissioner Minkoff moved maximum security section of the and Elections Officer for you to attend our services. pressions of love, prayers, and and Commissioner Ahlborn sec­ jail. Columbia County, Oregon Sunday School 9:45a.m. onded the minutes of the meeting thoughtfulness shown in the pass­ John DeFrance met with the Morning Worship 11a.m. of May 29 be approved. Motion ing of our dear husband, father Board to advise there were still Date: 20 May - '74 22t2i Evening Service 7 p.m. carried. and brother, Ray Garlock. some funds available in the Fam ily Night Wed. 7:30p.m. Miscellaneous claims were Each flower, each card, each grant for completion of the max­ A special program will be put approved. call, each loving touch, the me­ imum security section, and re­ on by the boys and girls of our Robert Vagt, attorney, repre­ quested the Board’s authoriza­ morials, the food and many oth­ The Place To Call For church for this Father’s Day, senting C. Edwin Roberts, met tion to prepare an addendum to er expressions of love have LARRY KNODEL June 16, during our Sunday A ll Your Rock Needs! with the board to discuss pur­ the agreement with Melvin C. brought us much comfort, more School hour to give special chase of mineral rights on . Harper, Builder, to replace the Trucking, Excavating, Bulldozing. than words can express. Early registrations for Sum­ recognition to all our dads. We property located near Rainier. existing metal light fixtures in Backhoe Mrs. Alma Garlock would encourage each father to mer 74 at the University of Vagt was advised the purchase the jail. Approval was granted Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Garlock Portland are now being accepted bring your children to Sunday We will build a Custom Home price which would be required, for this addition. Saad - Gravel - Rock Mr. and Mrs. Bern Bliss according to Norman O. Stew­ School and plan on staying for and that the board would pro­ on your lot or ours. We have Robert Lucas, district attor­ Stockpiled la Vernonia f a and all the family art, summer sessions director. this “The Singing Stafford's" ceed with the necessary ad­ o v a 3000 plans to choose from. ney, met with the board to again __________________________ 24tl —Immediate D elivery— First classes begin June 17 with will be with us bringing our vertising upon receipt of the discuss funding of a portion of CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE special music. purchase price. 16tfc summer commencement o n the salary for a law intern to August 9. Our Sunday school bus is run Licensed - Bonded - Insured Circuit Judge Don Kalberer work for a period of two months Over 140 undergraduate and throughout Vernonia every Sun­ met with the board to discuss FOR SAVINGS on loans contact for the county. The board agreed day morning for those needing a MINIM UM charge >1.00 for 20 your local Credit Union - 873 graduation courses providing revision of the commonly-known it would provide the additional full semester credits are offered ride to Sunday School and “rock festival ad in an ce” and words or less. Words over mini­ >700 required for the two-month Bridge Street. 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 through eight week courses, two church. For the schedule of your reduction of the number of miini 5 cents each. p.m. - Tuesdays through Friday. to four week courses, and work­ neighborhood phone the pastor persons the ordinance would Closed Saturday, Sunday and NO Information on classifieds shops. at 429-3363 c o v a . Judge Kalberer was ad­ Monday. Or call 4294245 during will be given out until after The university is continuing its P rim ary church is held during vised this had been referred to non-office hours. summer master’s programs in to mailed. the morning worship service for the District Attorney f a revision 17tfc which students may earn their kindergarten through 4th grade some time ago, but that no action CARD of Thanks and Notices: graduate degree by attending and is geared to the under­ had been taken. SEPTIC TANK PUMPING >1.25 f a up to 12 lines. Addi­ standing and needs of those boys Judge Kalberer also advised Licensed - Beaded and Insured summer sessions only All pro­ tional Unes, 8 cents each. grams may also be completed and girls. A nursery is provided his intent to appear at the PHONE >17-3172 I» social security, veterans. by a combination of attending for the younger children. Budget Hearing on June 19 to DISPLAY classified a e >1J> p a If as answer cal) 387-2281. summer sessions and regular An adult Bible Study on the endeavor obtaining an additional County Septic 9th and Baseline Cedar and Pacific sessions, or regular sessions book of Revelation is held every juvenile counselor Tank Service Hillsboro—648-Ï161 Forest Grove—387-2161 only. Tuesday evening at 7:30 in the THE E A G L E _______ ___ __ Upon recommendation of the IMfc The mo6t extensive summer home of M r. and Mrs. Bob d e l responsibility f a e Columbia Drainage Vector Con­ S.W. Watson 741 Madison Street master's programs are offered Zerfing. It is conducted by Virgil that may appear hi ads trol District, Commissioner Ahi Beavate»—644-1U8 Vernonia—429-6611 by the School of Business Ad­ , Snook. Everyone is welcome. ltohed In Its columns, but la ministration. School of Educa­ conducted by the Layman of the Upcoming events: A Fam ily cases where this pupa is at tion, School of Engineering, and church, and he has had extensive Day Outing is planned f a Satur­ fault will reprint that part of MARR ft STAFFORD Departments of Music, English, day, June 29, at Saddle Moun­ background in church admini­ an adv. hi which the typographi­ History, and Speech and Drama stration and evangelism Elder tain Also, an overnight camp cal MEAT CO. Graduate degree courses are Schneider is a dynamic speaker outing is planned f a July 12 and Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY also available to students qual­ and promises a real spiritual 13. Mark your calendar now! 357-7281 ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED ifying under the Law Enforce­ feast to all who hear him. AFTER NOON TUESDAY EX ­ ment Education Program. The Sabbath School lesson is Old CourihouM Boaomont CEPT FOR NEXT WEEK’S Summer sessions catalogs and still on the Seventh Trumpets of Cattle received Sunday 4 Monday PAPER. ST. HELENS. OREGON further information may be ob­ Revelation BLIND ADS with answers to be until noon; bogs received Tueeday tained from the summer ses­ P r a y a meeting will be held Elder Don Schneider, Lay handled by The Eagle: Mlnh nod Wednesday until noon. sions office, Universuty of Port­ Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m. at ■at f a sue, any quantity. Activities Secretary of the Ore­ land. telephone 283-7260 mum charge >2.18. No Informa­ the church. Our new p a s ta , - Call tor gon Conference will be the tion given relative to seek ads. Elder Santee will be with us f a Monday - Wednesday - Thursday speaker this coming Sabbath POETRY accepted only as paid p ra y a meeting His first sermon More movies of Daphne du tift June 15. Elder Schneider comes at the church will be Sabbath Maurier's novels and short stor­ 9 3 0 o.zn. to 12 Noon life to us from Portland. He is in June 22nd ies are to be made charge of missionary activities Visitors are always welcome. UIBflTSflps FOB SALE-General NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Missionary Church Notes Will Speak Witnesses IN MEMORIAM SERVICES VIKING HONES Christian Church FOR SALE-RT Estate Bill Horn n j Realty 1X5 KELSO SALE BARN Hew Pastor Slated For Vernonia SDA FOR SALE-Auioi Evangelical PORRERT ARCTIC INSULATING CO. WANTED Board of Commissioners Norman Hillsbery, Builder CARD of THAMES Bible 429-8942 BAIR Logging Co. 429-7485 Registration Set at U of P CUSTOM HOMES CLASSIFIED RATES 648-8965 VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE Adventists Phone 397-2268 — Alter Honrs 397-1730 vy