wnnTODs FOR SALE-General ONE RIDING mower, Sears Com­ panion 24 inch, 1032 Nehalem St 429-3404 D Proehl._______ 18tl 15^-FT SKAGIT Fiber glass boat. M aster craft tilt trailer, 2 extra wheels. 18 H P . 1 - 154 H P. Johnson motors. Electric starter and controls Boat cover. $1200 Phone Corvallis, Oregon 752-5978,___________________ 18tlc RUMMAGE SALE, LDS Church, May 2, 3, 4 — 10 a m. to 4 p m. 180 1966 - 250 HONDA Super Hawk dirt bike. New transmission New engine work $200. 429- 5202 or 429-5651.___________ 18t3c MOVING SALE . May 3, 4, A 5. Beds, dressers, table, trash burn­ er, baby furniture Also glass­ ware, clothing and misc. 719 Spencer Ave., 429-5794. latic SANTE FE 15 Ft. '64 Trailer Good. $745. Phone 429-3832 18tfc FARM EQUIPMENT Tractors, ACCA with plow and scrapper. PD6 Bare, exceptional HD-7 Blade, winch, canopy JD Disc on rubber. Disc heavy Killifer, hay loader, JD spring tooth, packer-roller 16 ft., 8 foot drill, 3-16MM plow, baler MH80, 8x14 trailer, 4x8 trailer, irrig system, 1700 feet pipe, pump, etc. Gardner, Box 162, Timber Rt., 429-7683___________ ________18tlc CLEANING 1ST carpet cleaner you ever used, so easy too. Get Blue Lustre. Rent electric sham, pooer $1. Brunsman Hardware. 18tlC FOR SALE: 1971 Honda CL350 Low mileage and extras. $575. Phone 4292205____________ 17t3c FARM EQUIPMENT Tractors, plows, discs, packer roller, spring tooth, spike tooth, seeder-fertilizer, irrig. equip, JD 5 mower, hay rake, hay load­ er, MH80 baler, etc. Gardner, Box 162, Timber Rt., Vernonia. Phone 429-7683._____________ 17tfc BEDROOM SET with double bed. triple dresser and m irror and headboard. Like New, about 2 years old. Phone 429-3839. 17t3 SERVICES CUT FLOWERS, weddings, fun­ eral designs, plants. Also flowers by wire. Artificial flowers and gifts CHALET FLOWER SHOP. Phone 429-5733 or 429-6301. 13tfc FOR SALE-RT Ertale GRI 953 Bridge St., Vernonia Marios 294 304 Rose Motel 224 374 High learn scries, Daves ARCO. 2395; high learn game. Rose Motel 872 PUBLIC NOTICE LAWN MOWERS AND SAWS SHARPENED ROY STOCKWELL 1142 Clatsop Phone 429-3694 12tfc PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Interior - Exterior — Free Estimates — Special Spring Rates LELAND SEIBERT Phone 429-6161 9tfc KELSO SALE BARN THERE will be a public hearing for the 1974-75 budget of the Vernonia Rural F ire Protection District Friday, May 10, 1974 at 8:00 P.M at the Vernonia Golf Course Club House A sum«nary of the budget was published in the April 18 edition of the Ver­ nonia Eagle. R. D. Fletcher, Secretary 18tlc High individual AUCTION FRIDAY 7:00 P.M. Phone 425-3212 130 Sales Barn Road KELSO. WASHINGTON 98626 49tfc VERNONIA SANITARY SERVICE Phone 429-8711 SOtfc SHOE REPAIRS — Open 8:30 a m. to 5:30 p.m. Tandy Shoe Repair, D St., Vernonia, 429-3301. Sltfc ARCTIC INSULATING CO. Blown-ln Insulation Rockwool Batting FREE ESTIMATES Call Collect 397-1670 Deri Roberts—429-3894 Sue Filter—429-7014 FOREST GROVE BRANCH — Arlie Sat ter lee, M g r.-P h . 357-2321 FOR SALE-Auios lOtfc Norman Hillsbery, Builder New Homes Built To Your Specifications New Construction - Additions - Re- modelng - Roofing . Foundations — FREE ESTIMATES — 429-8942 42tfc BAIR Logging Co. 429-7485 The Place To Call For A ll Your Rock Needs! Trucking, Excavating, Bulldozing, Backboe Sand - Gravel - Rock Stockpiled In Vernonia for —Immediate D elivery— 16tfc FOR SAVINGS on loans contact yxjur local Credit Union - 873 Bridge Street. 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. - Tuesdays through Friday. Closed Saturday. Sunday and Monday. Or call 429-8245 during non-office hours. SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Licensed - Bonded and Insured PHONE 397 3172 If no answer call 397-2281. Columbia County Septic Tank Service 18tfc FOR RENT I960 WILLYS 2 Door jeep wa- goncer 429 3331 after noon 18tl NOTICE NOT RESPONSIBLE for any bills other than my own John Normand 17t3 CLASSIFIED RATES MINIMUM charge $1.00 lor 20 words or leas. Words over mini­ mum 5 cents each. NO Information on classifieds will be given out until after paper Is mailed. CARD of Thanks and Notices: $1.25 for up to 12 lines. Addi­ tional lines, 8 cents each. DISPLAY classified are $1.20 per column Inch. THE EAG~E assumes no finan­ cial responsibility for errors that may appear In ads pub­ lished In Its columns, but In cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an adv. In which the typographi­ cal mistake occurs. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER NOON TUESDAY EX­ CEPT FOR NEXT WEEK'S PAPER. BLIND ADS with answers to be handled by The Eagle: Mini­ mum charge $2.00. No informa­ tion given relative to such ads. POETRY accepted only as paid m atter: Rate: 10 cents per Une ^T WORK FOR YOU h am er 3-9-10. Tuesday Night League April 30 W Cul and Curl Slanda rd Oil Kill Horn 36 324 29 224 Pills L 24 274 31 374 High team series and g am e. Bill H orn 2501 a n d 884 High individual series and game, Joyce Johnson 552 and 230 Spills picked up Lynn Ince 3 9 10; Carol Goss 5-6; Janet Smiley 5-7; Joyce Johnson 4-5-7; Freda Pederson 4-7; Irene Min- gei 2 7; Isabel Anderegg 3 10; Klin Kooser 4-5. MEN S LEAGUE T hursday Mens April 28 W Mikes 45'-, Alpine 31 le w s 29 F u n sters 224 L 184 33 Oerncnia EagU THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1974 5 High leam series; Funsters 2820; High individual series and game G. Dinger 620 and 243 Spills picked up; L McDonald 3-10; II Anderegg 3-10; B Hall 5-7 and 3-10; J Hull 3-10, Doe llohard 3-10 Iwice; D F lelcher 3 10. 35 414 F irew ork« can d a r t fo r e d Areal STUB “THE REGULAR semimonthly meeting of the Mist Cemetery Association will be held at the home of Shalmon Libel of Mist, Oregon on May 6, 1974 at 8 p.»... Members welcome.” Stub to be torn off by Election Board Member SAMPLE BALLOT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY In the M atter of the E state VERNONIA RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT of FLOYD BURGETT, Dec No. 4449 NOTICE TO INTERESTED For LEASE OR BUY Mobile home * furnished or un­ furnished. Carpeted, 2 or 3 bed­ rooms; washer, dryer, dishwash­ er. Our location or moved to yours. Call 774-1236. Ask for Jack. 16t4c NEW VERNONIA Hotel - Rooms by day, week or month. Also, trailer hook-ups. Phone 429-5091. 6tfc WANTED At the Regular Election to be held on Tuesday. May 7, 1974 Every qualified voter w ithin th e Vernonia Rural Fire protection District may vote on the follow ­ ing candidates. SUBMITTED TO THE PEOPLE WITHIN THE VERNONIA RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE VERNONIA RURAL FIRE PRO­ TECTION DISTRICT. M ARK A CROSS (X) OR A C H EC K (>X) IN SID E TH E VOTING SQUARE BETW EEN TH E NUM BER AND NAM E O F EACH CA N D ID A TE VOTED FOR. TH ESE M ARKS SH A LL BE M ADE W ITH A PE N OR AN IN D E L IB L E PEN CIL. If you w rongfully m ark, tear, erase or deface th e ballot, re tu rn it and obtain a n o th er from th e election officers. FOR DIRECTOR, POSITION No. Two BOWLING 11 □ Thursday Afternoon April 28 W L The C h ic k s 41 23 Chevy V8’s 36 28 Vernonia Eagles 27 37 Bub's Union 23 41 High team series and game: Vernonia Eagles 2508 and 869 High individual series and game Rose Dunaway 502 and Pal Larson 183. Splits picked up: Betty Holscy 4-5-7; Alice Smith 4-5; Eleanor Thompson 2-7; Laura Buckner 3-10; Enid Harrow 2-7; Evelyn 12 □ Four Year Term Vote for One RICHARD D. FLETCHER Published Pursuant To ORS 259.100 By Roy A. Nelson, Columbia County Clerk Monday Night League April 29 W L 38 22 Tim be monk 30 30 Tim be rnook West Oregnb 28 32 24 36 Vernonia Drug High team game and series - Tmilx'inook. 865 and 2444 High individual gam e - Sally Wright and Betty Fuquay, 182 tied High individual series - Betty Fuquay 509 Splits picked up Joan Ramp 3-10; Enid Parrow . 2-7; Flo Huff 3-10; Helen Wright 5-6. STUB Stub To Be Torn Off By Election Board Member SAMPLE BALLOT COLUMBIA COUNTY INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION DISTRICT County of Columbia, State of Oregon MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. For........... .................. JProcinct 357-7281 Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, and Curing Cattle received Sunday & Monday until noon; hogs received Tuesday and Wednesday until noon. Meat for sale, any quantity. — CaU for Appointment — Come through Banks, take Tilla­ mook road H i m i., take first left- hand road. life DOUBLE WIDES ON DISPLAY 28x60 Sequoia 3 bdr. 24x60 Sequoi 3 bdr. 24x64 Hillcrest 3 bdr. 24x48 Hillcrest 3 bdr. CASCARA BARK WANTED Bring us your dry Cascara Bark. New Price Highest since World War II. BIRKENFELD COUNTRY STORE 15t8c 24x60 Four Seasons 3 bdrm. and Family Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holce and Family Mrs. Phyllis Maish and Fa­ mily Mrs. Charles Wall and Family 18tl Vote for One GEORGE LARIMER FOR DIRECTOR, POSITION No. Three Hok-e 2-7. 24x36 Hillcrest 2 bdr. WE WISH to thank the friends who sent cards, food, checks and donations to the Vernonia Am­ bulance Fund during the time of our recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Aldrich and Family Mr. Malden New and Family Mr. and Mrs. Robert New Four Year Term WOMEN'S LEAGUE CASH for antique furniture, dishes, elics, one piece or a house­ ful. Call collect, Clatskanie, 728- 3148. 16t4 CARD ol THANKS Precinct Columbia County, Oregon PERSONS NOTICE: The undersigned has been appointed personal represen­ tative of the above estate. All persons having claim s against the estate are required to present them to the undersigned at 435 S.E. Kane, Roseburg, Oregon, within four months of date of first publication of this notice, or they m ay be barred. Addi­ tional information m ay be ob­ tained from records of the court, the undersigned or his attorneys. DATED and first published May 2. 1974. /s/Naom i Thornton Personal Representative 435 S.E. Kane, P.O. Bax 1265 Roseburg, Oregon 97470 18t3c ST. HELENS Phone 429-6203 and 198 Splits picked up; Enid Parrow 4-5; Fran Flelcher 5-10; Judy Bales 2-7; Myra Baska 4-5; Lil 17tfc BILL HORN, BROKER SALESMAN: gam e s e n e s . Rose D unaway. 503 and Scroggins 6-7-10; Carol Roden 18tlc R. Vaughn Baker, Auctioneer FOR the home Seam stress - Full line of Simplicity P atterns at SEW SIMPLE SHOP, 725 Bridge, Vernonia. Phone 429-7441. 17tfc FOR SALE: Pick-up bumpers Special design with tire carrier. $125. See Al Woolsey, Davies Chevrolet.__________________16t5c Tuesday Afternoon le a g u e W L Daves ARCO 35 25 M ile b s Witches 33 27 At the Regular Election to be held on Tuesday, May 7,1974 Every qualified voter within the Columbia County Intermediate Education District may vote on the following pro­ posal and candidates. SUBMITTED TO THE PEOPLE WITHIN THE COLUMBIA COUNTY INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION DIS­ TRICT BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COLUMBIA COUNTY INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION D I S T R I C T . __________________________________________________ __ _____________________ MARE A CROSS (X ) OR CHECK (TTlN SID E THE VOTING SQUARE BEFORE THE WORD "YES" OR BEFORE THE WORD “NO". THIS MARK SHALL BE MADE WITH A PEN OR AN INDELIBLE PENCIL. If you wrongfully mark, tear, erase or deface the ballot, return it and obtain another from the election officers. 8. BUDGET LEVY EXCEEDING SIX PERCENT LIMITATION Shall the Board of Directors of the Columbia County Intermediate Education District, State of Oregon, for the year 1974-75, levy a tax of $2,872,876.38 for the equalization levy of the district in excess of the limitation on taxes established by Section 11, Article XI, of the Oregon Constitution? If this measure is approved, the operating and equalization budget of the Columbia County Intermediate Educa­ tion District to be financed by local taxes for the tax year 1974- 1975 will be $1,023,129.86 greater than the oper­ ating and equalization budget financed by local taxes for the preceding year._________________________________ □ □ 24x68 Four Seasons 3 bdr. All Beautiful decors and Floor Plan Two Iota to serve you better. Lot No. 1 ■ Rainier aad Lot No. 2 . Clatskanie. — Open 7 Days Per Week — YES, I vote for the levy. NO, I vote against the levy. MARK A CROSS (X ) OR A CHECK (V ) INSIDE THE VOTING SQUARE BETWEEN THE NUMBER AND NAME OF EACH CANDIDATE VOTED FOR. THESE MARKS SHALL BE MADE WITH A PEN OR AN IN­ DELIBLE PENCIL. If you wrongfully mark, tear, erase, or deface the ballot, return it and obtain another from the election officers. _ ________ _ ___ FOR DIRECTOR, ZONE FIVE__________ Two Year Term__________________________ Vote for One i5 2 n SAM HEARING, JR. Mobile home aad travel trailer supplies, accessories, awnings, skirting aad Insurance. TROJAN HOMES Pbeae 554-1531 Located on Hwy. 80 to S t Helens 2 4 mi. S.E. of Rai­ FOR DIRECTOR, ZONE SEVEN 153 □ Four Year Term Vote for One JERRY L. MOORE nier, next to Stop Inn at Rainier. Also Clatskanie lot on Highway 80. 'I P ublished P ursuant to ORS 259,100 by R oy A. N elson , C olumbia C ounty C lerk