Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, March 21, 1974, Page 3, Image 3

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    Ladiest Attend
ORE Meeting
Mrs Maud«* Wells and Mrs
Ruth Korsnio of Clatskanie
president of the Columbia
Countv Retired Edurators As
sociation, went to Eugene .Sun
day. March 10 as delegates to the
Assembly of Oregon Retired
Educators at the Eugene Hotel
Mrs Mathilde Bergerson also
Tuesday evening a reception
was held in honor of William Ast
of New York, president of the
National Retir«*d Teachers As
sociation and Mary Mullen of
California, first vice president of
While in Eugene Mrs Wells
visited her daughter Martha
Botkin who attended the recep
tion with her
Vegetarian Cooking
Class Begins Mar. 24
Demonia Eagle
Ruth Veal, a graduate of the
Nutritional Instructors class of
Walla Walla College w ill conduct
a class in vegetarian cooking
The main emphasis w ill be on
preparation of vegetarian en
tree's high in protein and suit
able to be used as substitutes for
meat dishes
The course w ill be of soecial
interest to all who are searching
for a way to avoid the high meat
prices of today without sacrific­
ing nutritional value
A vegetarian diet is a modern
diet Today, with a growing
popualtion and shrinking re­
sources, more of the world
leaders in food planning are
looking to a vegetarian source
The San Jose Bible College
for ne«*ded nutrition
Choral«* group arrive Monday,
The classes w ill be held in
March 25 and w ill be singing that
connection with the Reach out
afternoon at the Grade School.
for Life crusade at the American
They w ill lx* singing in concert
I .eg ion Hall on each Sunday and
again that evening at 7:30 p m
Wednesday at 7 p m beginning
March 24. and w ill include actual
demonstration of preparation of
the dishes a prepar«»d dish
which w ill be used as a sample of
how it tastes, and nutritional
instruction The dish prepared at
the class w ill be given that night
Senior Citizens are proud to
as a door prize The class is open
announce that the new bus has
Io all. including bachelors and
arrived Should be rolling by the
victims of womans lib There is
middle or las, of this w«*ek
no charge
We wish to thank all you folks
who responded so nicely, to our
request for papers. We can use
all we can get
There is to be a coordinator
from Oregon Health F air a,
Those attending the 50th wed
Senior Citizens Center Thursday
ding anniversary of Mr and
March 21 at 2 p in.
Mrs Carl Webb from Vernonia
Fr«*d Purdy w ill speak and
were Mr and Mrs R L Thomp­
show pictures pertaining to Den­
son. M r and Mrs Don Webb and
tal. hear, and r«»spiratory a il­
Dale, Mr and Mrs Donald
ments Please try to attend It is
Larson and Mr and Mrs Gene
their goal to try and start a free
clinic in our community in the
Others who are well known
near future providing enough
here were Mr and Mrs Jack
people show an interest.
Gates and Tommy of Placer
Next business meeting and
ville. California and M r and
potluck w ill be held April 15,
Mlis r. ï ’n uWantland of Cosmo
Friday a, 12:30
polis, Washington
Sorry to report three of our
The anniversary fete was held
members were hospitalized dur­
Sunday at the home of Mr and
ing the week Edna Luck Good
Mrs Howard Jansik of Clacka­
Samartan Hospital and Charles
Cedarburg Forest Grove
k ’1
at the Christian Church. The
group is composed of Professor
Dean (a ry , Mrs Mary Anne
Black and M r and Mrs Ron
Whitney and approximately 28
young people They will present
Senior Citizen Talent Show
News —
Audition Date
For State Fair
Kip Bradv is presently sta
tion«*d in Korea as a mail clerk
with Headquarters Company
Friends may write Kip at the
address below :
Pvt E-2 Kip Bradv
HHC 2nd SAT 2nd Inf Di\
APO San Francisco, Calif
IT WAS a full house as fathers tu ned out to
)oia their daughters in the annual Father-Daueh-
ter banquet sponaored by the Vernonia Ctrl
* J t* * W * * * * * * * ^
Lei the Vernonia
Branch of the Am­
erican Cancer So-
I d e fy Help You!
TaF For Further laformatioa
or Special Services Call
Loulae Hamnett .........O-7401
Usdha H a n .............. 42WX51J
a r Contact Carolyn Keasey
( £ * # * * * * * * * * * * 1
Scouts, and enjoyed an evening of fun and good
Sixth Annual Gem Show Set
The sixth annual Gem and
Mineral Show to be presented by
the Columbia Rock and Gem
Club, w ill be held at the F a ir­
grounds in St. Helens on Satur
day and Sunday A pril 6 and 7.
The hours are 10 a m. to 9 p m.
on Saturday and 10 to 6 p m .
There w ill be many interesting
things to see as well as the 40
displays There are demonstra­
tions going on all day long at the
Open Saturday, March 23 from 10 to 4
★ Ready Mixed Concrete
★ Concrete Aggregate
★ Crushed Rock
★ Road Gravel
— Effective Immediately— — —
Sold by Scale Weight
PHONE 543 7141
Route 2. Box 1
various dealers tables They w ill
have rocks, gems, jewelry,
things to make jewelry from arid
many other facinating items on
display. There w ill be demon­
strations of silver-smithing and
the popular
Twist - C ra ft”
method of creating jewelry from
gold wire and polished or faceted
The clubs w ill be offering grab
bags again this year as well as
‘ Pot and Bowl” rocks. Those
who don't know wha, they are
w ill have to come and see. There
w ill be an area where food and
drinks are available and vou can
sit down and eat and relax and
become a people watcher
There w ill be some spectac­
ular specimans display ed on the
central display, such as a 100
pound chunk of the famous
Carey Plume Agate, or a 25
pound Pink Limb Cast from
Texas Springs, Nevada dug this
past summer on the club field
trip to that area One display w ill
be a nine pound ‘ Sahara Rose”
from the Sahara Desert near
Sfax. Tunesia This hug«* barite
rose has to be seen to be
believed These are very unusual
geologically speaking, according
Io a recent article in the Gems
and Minerals Magazine, which
featured them in the November
1973 issue
There w ill be large sections of
petrified wood. carnelian agates
from Clear Creek, near Verno
nia. Oregon, and many others on
the central display, too numer
ous to mention While still look
mg at the show, you may jus,
hear the number from your cfoor
prize ticket called out Then you
w ill be the winner of a very nice
free prize, which are given away
each hour during the two day
show Come out and support one
of your local organizations, the
Columbia Rock and Gem Club of
St Helens Several members
live in the Scappoose area and
w ill l»e participating in this
MARCH 21, 1974 3
Webbs Honored On
50th Anniversary
Talent of all kinds, with no age
lim itation, is being sought by the
Oregon State F air “ All Oregon
Talent Show,” according the
Lita Bocan, 1974 Talent Show
Auditions are being conducted
throughout the state during the
last week of March through the
middle of May. The only re­
quirement needed is a sincere
desire to perform and entertain.
Finalists w ill appear at the
Oregon State Fair. August 24
through September 2, at one of
the eight productions which are
presented free at the Fair in
The first audition is scheduled
for the Portland area on Tues­
day, March 26, at 4 p.m. in the
Portland Musicians Union, 325
NE 20th.
Auditions are set for the
Oregon City area Tuesday, April
2, 4 p.m. at the Elks Lodge, 610
McLoughlin Blvd. They are also
set for Wednesday April 3, 4 p.m.
in the Gresham Elks Lodge. 355
NW Division.
The Dalles w ill hold auditions
Wednesday, April 10, 4 p.m. at
the Elks Temple, 200 East 3rd
Auditions w ill be held in
Lincoln City, Wednesday, April
17, at the Elks Lodge. 2020 NE
22nd St
Three dates are scheduled for
the Salem area : Wednesday,
April 24, Wc*dnesday, May 1, and
the final audition, Wednesday,
May 15. Each of the three Salem
area auditions are being held at 4
p in in the Agricultural Exhibits
Hall at the Fairgrounds.
Auditions w ill be held in Hills-
boro Tuesday. April 30, 4 p.m at
the Elks Temple, 922 E. Walnut.
They are also se, for Wednesday,
May 8, 4 p.m at Roseburg in the
Fairgrounds Floral building
Performers who participate
during the F air may be selected
for feature appearance in a
"Command Performance” to be
held a, the Armory Auditorium.
State F air Manager Robert L.
Stevens says that the All Oregon
Talent Show is one of the F a ir’s
finest programs, each year
playing to capacity audiences.
Hundreds of performers from
dozens of Oregon cities are
annually involved he added
Festival Fete
Tickets Set
Ticket sales begin February 15
for the spring season of the
Oregon Shakespearean Festival
“A Funny Thing Happened on
the Way to the Forum ” opens
Festivaî/STAGE II on March 8,
and w ill play in repertory
through April 20 with “ Hedda
Gabier,” “ Two Gentlemen of
Verona" and “ Time of Your
Life ' at the Angus Bowmer
Theatre in Ashland
“ Festival/STAGE II allows us
to offer a feast of dramatic fare
virtua lly unmatched for richness
and variety anywhere in Amer
ica,” says Dr Jerry Turner,
producing director.
This spring the Festival con
tinues a policy of introducing the
great modern classics with Hen
rik Ibsen's “ Hedda Gabier” The
play is being staged by the
Festival's first woman director,
Megs Hooker of the Intiman
Theatre in Seattle
Mrs Booker is dissatisfied
with the usual treatment of
Hedda as a suburban I^idy
Macbeth “ Hedda was raised in
the man's world of her father,
General Gabier She’s a strong
young woman who is 15 years old
inside. She searches for self-
expression through the men in
her life, bu, when that fails, she
finds it in her suicide,” Mrs
Booker says
William Saroyan’s Pulitzer
Prize winning play, “Time of
Your L ife ,” is a mellow comic
valentine to an imagined San
Francisco. Set in a waterfront
saloon in the 1930 s, the play has
become an Ameri< an classic for
its bizarre characterizations and
its ticautiful soul “ This play is
William Saroyans love affair
with Am erica.” savs Director
Pat Patton
I r l Litter Hug You
beautifully blendt*d G o s p e l
music, both contemporary and
The community is invited to
attend this program
Bridal Shower Given
For Debbie Curl
BIRKENFELD—A b r i d a l
shower for Miss Debbie Curl was
given by Mrs Lloyd Johnston at
the E T. Johnston home on
Wednesday evening There were
25 present She received many
nice and useful gifts Delicious
refreshments were served.
Mr. and Mrs. James Person,
Mary and John of Cherry Grove
were Sunday dinner guests at the
Tornblad home. John remained
over for a week’s stay during
spring vacation.
Class Dale Changed
The oil painting class, origin­
ally scheduled for March 25, w ill
begin on Monday April 1, at 7
p m. in the high school.
The instructor is Mildred Hub­
bard of Hillsboro who he« taught
here previously. Charge for the
10 week session w ill be $15 paid
to Portland Community College
at the first session.
TH E F IL M Y white gown with its bands of lace »»«t tacks re ­
minds many of the days when sewing was an accomplishment
not lightly overlooked. Before the days of social security,
many a woman earned her living and supported her fam ily on
the pittance she could earn by plying a needle.
PCC Offers Clinic
On Floor Covering
The National Commission on
For people about to choose
Materials Policy has found it
floor coverings for their homes,
takes 17,000 kilowatt hours o f or who want to know how to take
electricity to produce one ton o f the best care of what they have
aluminum, 2,700 kwh for a ton Portland Community College
o f steel, but only 430 kwh for a Community Education and Bea­
verton Schools, in cooperation
ton o f lumber.
with Associated Floor Coverings
Contractors, offers help
A “ Floor Covering Consumer
Clinic” w ill be held from 7 to 10
p.m. on Wednesday, March 27 in
room A2 at Mountain View
Intermediate School, 17500 S.W.
Farmington Road, Beaverton.
There w ill be no admission
For more information, call
PCC’s Beaverton C e n t e r
Claude & Ruth Veal
Each Sunday and Wednesday—7:00 P.M.
Each Sunday, Wednesday and Friday—7:45 P.M.