O c r n o n ia E a g l e 4 THURSDAY, MARCH 7 1974 CARC Holds M e e t; Hears M s. M . Paxton «xxrccxoxoxoxoxox Board of Commissioners lMemorandum Minutes' The Columbia County Board ot Commissioners met in scheduled session with Chairman Fred Foshaug presiding. Commis­ The February meeting of the sioners Minkoff and Ahlborn, Columbia Assoc for Retarded and secretary Gloria Salvey Citizens was held at the Angie »deputy c le rk ’ present Noille residence in St Helens Commissioner Minkoff moved with CARC Pres Noelle presid and Commissioner Ahlborn sec ing onded the minutes of the meeting Mrs Marilvnn Paxton, who of February 20 be approved serves as O.A.R.C. Hike-Bike Motion carried chairman. State Membership Miscellaneous claims were chairman and Youth Consultant approved to Y O.A.R.C was guest speak Commissioner Minkoff moved er She conferred privately with and Commissioner Ahlborn sec­ Bill Filter. CARC Hike Bike onded to approve Purchase Or­ Chairman during the meeting der 2990. to Armco Steel for 120 later spoke to CARC members feet corrugated pipe and 4 enlisting their support in obtain­ bands, at a total cost of $4.620: ing new members anti encourag­ and purchase order 2863, to ing old members to take a more Hydrotex. for 110 gallons Es active part in the life-span sentialube. for $502 75. Motion program She announced Clay carried Meyers Sec of State is serving Commissioner Minkoff discus­ as State - wide Membership sed the culvert washout on chairman this year Bill Mallouj Apiary Road which occurred on CARC membership Chairman, Tuesday w ill be enlisting help from Commissioner Foshaug dis­ co-chairman throughout the cussed the CCOG meeting of county. Marge Coalman w ill be February 21. wherein each of the serving the Clatskanie area and entities represented were re­ Fran Robinson w ill cover Scap­ quested to poll their organ­ poose Pres Noelle has com­ izations to determine the wishes mitted CARC to doubling the of each with regard to continued present membership membership in CRAG After Sending delegates to the OARC discussion, the board concluded and YOAR convention April 19. it would direct a letter to CCOG 20. 21. at Corvallis was discus­ advising that Columbia County sed Car pools w ill be set up to wishes to continue as a member insure a good representation of CRAG from both groups Commissioner Ahlborn dis­ Sharon Bigger. Pres of the cussed a meeting of the Colum Scappoose Youth ARC announ­ bia Area Manpower Council held ced Scappoose Students plan to on February 26 in which it was help with the May Hike-Bike learned the City of Portland. Following the CARC meeting Multnomah. Clackamas a n d Mrs Paxton met briefly with Washington counties desired to Mrs R H Robinson Y’OARC form their own coalition, and the advisor Pres Bigger and CARC remaining counties would be Youth Representative Andreia part of the state coalition After Kincaid to discuss plans for discussion of the subject, it was rescheduling a meeting in March agreed Columbia County did not with the Scappoose Y'outh wish to join the Portland area group coalition, but rather would go Due to the gas shortage, with the remainder of the state. members voted to cancel the Request for Cancellation of monthly board meeting and Taxes in the sum of $154.43 was meet once a month. 2nd Tuesday approved for Sam and Shirley J at the Warren Grade School Mercer Next meeting w ill be held Tues­ Order Reimbursing Taxes in day March 12. 7 :30 p.m Warren the sum of $149.74 was approved Grade School for Sam and Shirley J Mercer, pursuant to Opinion No V l 74-17. Request for Cancellation of Taxes in the sum of $125.74 in favor of Sam and Shirley J Mercer was approved, pursuant to Opinion VL 74-17. Liquor license renewal ap­ MIST—M r and Mrs Jim Gar- plications were recommended lock and fam ily, and Mr and for Bear Tavern. Don s Texaco Mrs Dale Dressell were Sunday Service and Tavern Birkenfeld afternoon dinner guests of thé Service and Lunch. Brown's Willard Garlocks Landing. Bridgeview Tobacco Rev Samuel Sedring. pastor Shop Inc.; Yankton Store. Ray- of the Methodist church in Mar: Schalls Market Maverik Clatskanie visited Mr and Mrs Country Store Martin Hansen and Mrs Nettie The board concurred in im ­ Cox. Saturday afternoon plementation of forms, pro M r and Mrs Roy Kyser. Doug gramming documentation, and and Jay were in Eugene visiting training necessary for com­ Mrs Kysers' sister and fam ily, puterized trending system in the Mr and Mrs Rosher Joe and Assessor's office Chuck Rosher of Eugene visited Commissioner M inkoff moved at the Kyser home last Friday- and Commissioner Ahlborn sec­ Mr and Mrs Casper Serby visited M r and Mrs Carl Chris­ onded to sign application for emergency repair programs to tianson in Vernonia last Wed­ repair the two slides on the nesday afternoon Dinner guests at the Larry Garlock home Sunday afternoon were the Wilmer Pickerings of Clatskanie Frank Horst of Warden. Wash has been a guest of the Eldon Shelters' for the past week Horst had been holding special BIRKEN FELD —Mr. and Mrs meetings at the Mist Church E T Johnston and M r and during the past week M rs.Art Bellingham spent Sat­ Mrs Fred Larsen spent the urday overnight at Kah-Nee- day with Mrs Willard Garlock ta Vfarm Springs where they last Wednesday. attended the Flying farm er group On their way back home Mr and Mrs Walt Tornblad of they visited at the Lloyd Johns­ Jewell visited M r and Mrs. ton home Martin Hansen last Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs Walt Tornblad M r and Mrs Ken Simmons were Clatskanie callers Tuesday visited M r. and Mrs. Roy Kyser of last week last Friday evening Mr and Mrs Lloyd Beach M r and Mrs Bob Thomas of were visiting in Astoria Sunday Seaside visited M r and Mrs Mrs Bob DuPuis niece, Mrs Casper Serby. Saturday after­ Joe Amato and little son of noon Portland, visited her mother at The Harry Franklins visited Hammond their son and daughter at G ari­ Mr and Mrs Lloyd Beach baldi and Rockaway the 15. 16. accompanied by Mrs Art Bel­ and 17th of February lingham were in Clatskanie Friday Visitors at the Walt Tornblad home during last week were. Mr. and Mrs Casper Serby and daughter Ann of Mist Don Tetim. teacher at Jewell and a BIRKEN FELD — Mr and Mrs friend Roy Demson of Hillsboro. Francis Larson were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mrs Audrey Rogers Also there were M r and Mrs Herbert Rodgers. Lynne and Douglas, and M r and Mrs Victor Jarrett Fight Cancer of Eugene w tn a checkup Mickey Hopkins is back home end a Check from the Astoria hospital where he recently had surgery He is AMERICAN feeling very well CANCER On Tuesday of last week Mr SOCIETY . and Mrs Lloyd Beach accom panted by Mrs Robert Mathews were in Clatskanie Dinner Enjoyed At Garlocks Friends Enjoy Overnight Stay Guests Entertained At Sunday Dinner EMERGENCY SERVICE PHONES $ s ■ ■ VERNONIA AMBULANCE Dial 429-5141 VERNONIA FIR E DEPARTMENT F ir e Alarm s Only - Pbo«> 429-3131 VERNONIA POLICE DEPARTMENT Dial 429-5141 VERNONIA CITY HALL 429-5291 COLUMBIA COUNTY SHERIFF Emergency: Vernonia Area 429-5141 — Business: 317-2511 OREGON STATE POLICE • a.m . to 1 a.m . . Beaverton Office . 643-4702 • Scappoose Vernonia Road and one on the Fern H ill Road Motion carried Mr and Mrs William O'Brien met with the board to be interviewed for the position of constable for District Court Mrs O'Brien expressed consid erable interest in being ap­ pointed. and the board suggested that if she received the ap­ pointment. she could in turn appoint M r O'Brien as her deputy to assist if the workload became to heavy. Upon com­ pletion of the interview. the board agreed in the appointment of Marian Ruth O'Brien as constable for District Court, effective March 1, 1974 Mrs O'Brien w ill be replacing M E McMichael, who is retiring be­ cause of health Sitting as the Dog Control Board. Commissioner Minkoff moit-d and Commissioner Ahl- born seconded to approve the claim of Mrs Glenn Babb, for $10 for four hens killed by dogs Motion carried Robert Stevens. Adult and Child Guidance Clinic, met with the board to discuss agree ments for funding the alcohol specialist program from Jan uary 1 to June 30. 1974 Commis­ sioner Minkoff moved and Com­ missioner Ahlborn seconded Mr Stevens and Dr George be authorized to sign the agreement on behalf of Columbia County. Motion carried D istrict Attorney Robert L u ­ cas met with the board to discuss several mailers, including bud geting of tunds for a "public defender" petition f o r the county After expressing inter­ est. the board determined it would present the matter to the Columbia Countv Bar Assoc­ iation to determine its feelings in the matter At 11 a m, a public hearing was held regarding the proposed assessments for the Viewcrest subdivision street improvement project Sev eral residents of the area were present Ted Morgan represented the Roadmaster. to answer questions Art Johnston indicated he had previously had his driveway pain'd, prior to the street improvement project, but stated that when the street improvement project was done, his driveway had been torn out. then replaced, and he felt he was being doubii assessed in having to pay tor a driveway a second time Morgan indicated he would check into the reason for the originial drivewav having been removed, but felt it was probably due to necessary slopes on the roadway. Several persons commented about difficulties with drainage, and Morgan indicated he would request Keith Thompson road master to check into this sub sequent to his return from m ilitary leave Especially in ­ volved with drainage problems were lots 11. 3, 42, 43. 39, 40 and 16, of the Viewcrest subdivision C.M Riggs was opposed to the assessment, stating he did not live on the property, would never use the road and did mg wish to be assessed for it He also expressed opposition (o the lighting which was mstalled A f t e r answering questions about payment for the assess­ ments. including questions on Bancroft bonding. Commission­ er Minkoff moved and Commis ■toner Ahlborn seconded the m atter be taken under advise ment pending Thompson’s re­ turn A Joint Use Agreement was signed, as requested by the Communications Unit of the State Highway Division for the fa cility at Meissner Lookout. At 2 p.m a show cause hearing was held on a solid waste complaint concerning Jim Day Auto Wrecking in Scappoose Present, in a d d i t i o n to the Roard, were Ron Reeves, Terry Rahe, Robert Lucas, and Jim Day. Day and the board heard Rahe’s recommendations that the matter be referred to the D istrict Attorney to file suit for abatement of the nuisance Day reported that: (l> he does not have a wrecking yard license at this time, (2> he is trying to raise money to buy more property, in order to get a wrecking yard license, (3’ approximately 75 percent of the solid waste ac­ cumulation is scrap material which could be disposed of, (41 someone is coming this weekend who may loan him the necessary funds to purchase property; (5) he had been renting some prop tr ty on Siercks Road, luit has received notice this site must be vacated; (6) some cars are stored on Brawand property adjacent to the Riesterer Lum ber m ill; Rahe advised Day that if he were to apply for a wrecking yard license, the matter would be referred to the sanitation department for recommendation prior to it being approved by the Board of Commissioners After discussion of the prob lems involved, it was concluded as follows: (1) Day would make application for a wrecking yard license for Tax Lot 132-22-1, which is larger than his present location on Tax Lot 132-8; (2) D ai would have to m ake ap plication for approval of a conditional use permit in a M-2 zone, (3) Both applications must be presented within ten days; <4> Within 30 days after approvul of the conditional use permit, and application for wrecking yard license, he w ill tie required to have a fence around the new location, (5) 60 days from date of approval the application. Day is to have the old location on Tax Lot 132-8 cleared of solid waste; (6) if sufficient effort has been made at that time toward clean mg up of the property, a time extension may be granted, (7) if Day fails to make the effort, suit A .B.C. COOKIES STANDARD 3 Varieties — DIPS fo r CHIPS Regularly 69c Ad P ric e ........... Fff^ I w ill I n - brought ugainst him for abatement of the nuisance Rahe then discussed with Laras the complaint against Sue Murphy for abatement of a solid waste nuisance Lucas presented revised con tracts with DEQ relating to sub surface sewage disposal sys­ tems Commissioner Ahlborn moved and Commissioner M ink off seconded the contracts be signed, as revised Motion ca r­ ried Lucas suggested to the uoarut they consider an annual sale of foreclosed property, and notifi­ cation of prior owners of the property that they do have the opportunity to redeem the prop erty as soon as the sheriff's deed has been recorded, so there w ill be no delay at a future date The board discussed with Lu cas the possibility of an election to either increase the tax base, or a sjiecial road levy for repair and maintenance of roads Commissioner Ahlborn moved and Commissioner Minkoff sec nnded to sign Order 27-74 making a transfer of $21.850 from the Road Fund to the Equipment Replacement Revolving Fund, •as provided in the 1973 74 budget Motion carried Commissioner Ahlborn r.iovttl and Commissioner Minkoff sec­ onded to sign an Agreement for License to use logging roads of Longview Fiber Company, until bridge replacement can bi- made at the Mist area Motion carried Regularly 43c ' A d Price For