Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, March 07, 1974, Page 3, Image 3

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    Arlie Emmons
Installed As
Noble Grand
Mt Heart Rebekah Ixxlge has
launched its 1974 year under the
leadership of Noble Grand Arlie
Emmons She and her staff of
officers were seated February 10
at public installation conducted
by District Deputy Gertrude
Schalock, assisted by a staff of
past noble grands
At the first meeting of her
term. February 14, the charter
was draped in memory of Mrs
Vera W illard The term of Irma
Chance was ended January 24
with the same ceremony in
memory of Florence
Memorial contributions in honor
of both these sisters are being
sent to the IOOF Home endow
ment fund
Among projects now under­
way is the raising of funds to
send a g irl to Girls State in June
This is in cooperation with the
American I-eg ion Auxiliary, the
sponsors of the G irl State pro­
Plans also are underway for
holding a district meeting here
this spring, and for the obser­
vance of the 50th anniversary of
the institution of Mt. Heart
Lodge in 1924
The next regular meeting w ill
be held March 14 at 8 p.m. at the
IOOF hall
M cilvaine
Pythian Grand
Chief To Visit
Mary Mcilvaine of Yam hill,
Grand Chief of Oregon Pythian
Sisters w ill make her official
visit to Vernonia temple Wed­
nesday evening of next week,
March 13, at 8 p m at the IOOF
Prior to the meeting, a plan­
ned potluck dinner in her honor
w ill be served in the hall dining
room at 6:30 p m Mrs Lucille
Hickman is chairman in charge
of arrangements for the dinner
Other Grand Temple officers
and members from other tem ­
ples are expected at the meeting,
At the February 28 meeting
the Ridge Riders elected the
following officers for 1974: Pres­
ident, Larry Sauer; Vice-Presi­
dent, Dale Brunk. Secretary,
Velora Sauer; Treasurer, Elea­
nor Thompson
The president appointed Shar­
on Shinn and Evelvn Lovd as
Town Criers to remind members
of meetings and tra il rides.
Janet Smiley was appointed
reporter V irgil
Siedelman, Phil Shinn and Lee
Smiley were selected as grounds
committee to check on work
needed at Anderson Park and
report back to the club
The potluck held March 2 was
enjoyed by all. There was ap­
proximately 60 members and
guests present and lots of good
Two tra il rides are planned for
March. On Sunday, March 10 the
riders w ill meet at
Wright's at 11 a m. with sack
lunches Francis w ill be T rail
Boss On Saturday, March 23
riders w ill meet at Anderson
Park at 12 noon with a snack if
desired and machetes Wally
Noakes w ill be T ra il Boss
The next regular meeting w ill
be 8 p.m. March 28 at the Wes!
Oregon Building
Janett Smiley
Speed up x m r refund ( ee Ih r envelope und
per I-off label Ihul ta m e with your Fed eral
la« return*
J äter
Vernonia Insurance
Phone 429-6203
953 B ridge S treet
V ernonia, Oregon
H«rtfort Acddwit and
liuUmatty Campa
Mam Mrtba Hartl
injurnoce uroup
Hartford 15, C om
Senior Citizen
News —
Willougby Hearing Aid Inc., of
Portland, w ill have a represen-
ative, W.N. Bud Comer, at the
Vernonia Clinic March 7, 9:30
a m. to 1 p.m the first Thursday
of every month for services on
hearing aids — such as free
cleaning and checking of hearing
We also have forms at the
center for supplemental Security
income for aged, blind, and
disabled. Call 429-3912 for infor­
Friday pot luck was attended
by 35 persons. After dinner
Ginger Johns brought her class
in to recite poetry. The children
were enjoyed by all. Thanks
Ginger, for bringing your class
on such a stojmv. day.
Through February our car
traveled 1254 miles with 64
passengers and $69.50 was ac­
cepted for donations
Our next social potluck w ill be
held here at the center Friday
March 15, 12:30 p.m. All Seniors
goes into every
prescription at
Vernonia Drug
Your doctor knows he
can rely on us to fill
your prescriptions just
as he ordered,
using only the finest of
ingredients W e are
dedicated to serving!
Demonia Eagle
Church Notes
Church Slates
Lenten Feature
V. <
z •
Pvt. B ill Horn
Ridge Riders Elect
Officers For 1974
Most men earn a fortune—
S200,000 o r m ore—in the
course o f 35 or 40 years o f
working. When you reach 65,
how much o f your fortune will
you have saved for retirement?
You can assure yourself the
funds for a comfortable retire­
ment . . . or a cash estate for
your fam ily. . . with our Hart­
ford Life Retirement Plan. Call
us today.
B illy Horn, son of M r and Mrs
Bill Horn is now serving in Korea
as a clerk in the commissary.
Kip Brady, who enlisted at the
same time, is also stationed in
the area. Friends wishing to
w rite them may do so by
addressing letters to the follow­
ing address:
Pvt E\2 B ill J Hom
542 58 0594
Co A 2nd S&T 2nd Inf. Div
APO San Francisco, Calif. 06224
Pvt E\2 Kip Brady
542 68 6886 HHC
Co. A 2nd S&T 2nd Inf. Div
APO San Francisco, Calif. 06224
Coast Guard Gunner’s Mate
Third Class Jerry W Serfling,
son of Ernest Serfling of Timber
Route, Vernonia, graduated
from the National Boating Safe­
ty School at the Coast Guard
Reserve Training Center at
Yorktown. Va. During the six-
week course he received in­
struction in boating laws, equip­
ment regulations, accident re­
boarding procedures and public
A 1970 graduate of Hillsboro
Senior High School, Hillsboro,
Ore., he joined the Coast Guard
in June 1972.
United Feb. 16
Holy Cross Catholic Church in
Portland was the setting for the
February 16 wedding of Miss
Marsha Ann McKay of Portland
and Edgar M Burton, Jr. of
The bride was given in m a rri­
age by her uncle, Dennis Ernst,
of Portland and Mrs. Somchai
Assa of Oregon City was her
matron of honor. B ill Hanson of
Corvallis acted as best man and
ushers were Phil McKay of
Salem and Dan Burton of Eu­
A reception for the couple
followed the ceremony.
Jorine McKay and
George McKay of Salem are
parents of the bride and M r. and
Mrs Edgar M Burton, Sr. of
Vernonia are parents of the
Mr Burton was graduated
from Oregon State University in
January and is now employed by
Pacific Power and Light. Mrs
Burton also attended Oregon
State University and is now
employed by Pacific Northwest
bell They are residing at 13000
N.W Cornell Road in Portland
1974 Spring Turkey
Hunters Selected
Some 250 successful applicants
were selected to participate in
the 1974 controlled spring gob­
bler season which opens on April
27 The lucky turkey hunters
were selected from among 1,042
applicants at a public drawing
held at Oregon W ildlife Commis­
sion headquarters.
All applicants were sorted into
groups and selected according
to the last digit of the number
printed on the application card
Sportsmen present at the draw ­
ing pulled the numbers from the
hat to determine the sequence.
The order drawn was 8, 5, 4, 7, 2,
6, 1, 0. 9, 3.
All applicants whose card
number ended in 8 were success­
ful. So were all those with a last
digit of five. To complete the 250
authorized tags. 41 successful
applicants were selected out of
the hopper from the applications
ending in 4.
These successful applicants
w ill be notified by mail within
the next few days and asked to
submit a fee of $2 In order to
replace any of these applicants
who don't respond. 20 alternate
applicants were also selected
from the remaining cards ending
in 4
The Oregon State Em ploy­
ment Service made 22,851 non-
agricultural job placements in
1973 compared with 64,717 in
1972, the Oregon Employment
Division reports.
Yolanda Robertson
July Wedding Set
By Woodburn Couple
Mrs Orene Warren of Bend
and Cleve Robertson of Vernonia
have announced the engagement
of their daughter, Yolanda Kay
Robertson to Bradley Gene
Bilyeu He is the son of Mrs.
Shirley Erwert and Floyd Bilyeu
of Woodburn
Miss Robertson is employed at
the Donner Flower Shop in Bend
Bilyeu is employed at Montgom­
ery Ward, also in Bend Both are
graduates of Woodburn High
A July wedding is planned.
Bible Club Workshop
Set for March 14
The Bible Club Workshop,
sponsored by The Child For
Christ Crusade, w ill be held
Thursday, March 14, at the
Hillsboro 1st Baptist Church, 2nd
and Lincoln St.
The workshop begins promptly
at 10 a.m. and concludes at noon
with sessions this month on Bible
Club Discipline. Teaching Child­
ren to Pray, Making Mission­
aries Real to Children and a
Flannelgraph Lesson.
All Sunday school and Bible
club teachers and helpers are
welcome. Nursery care is avail­
able and coffee and tea provided
at the noon fellowship which
The Bible Club Workshop,
sponsored by The Child for
Christ Crusade, w ill be held
Thursday, March 14, at the
Hillsboro 1st Baptist Church, 2nd
and Lincoln St.
Safety Belts
Save Lives
Oregon recorded a healthy
decrease in traffic deaths in
1973, but the decrease could have
been even greater if more people
had used safety belts.
A report issued today by the
Motor Vehicles Division notes
that 285 drivers and passengers
killed in tra ffic last year were in
vehicles equipped with belts but
according to police reports, the
belts were not in use at the time
of the fatal crash.
The March meeting of Evan
gelical Men w ill be held tonight
at 7:30 A report from the recent
Men’s Congress w ill be given
along with a time of sharing and
devotions Men from throughout
the community are welcomed to
attend this hour of inspiration
Friday at 6:30 p.m there w ill
be a prayer meeting for personal
and community needs at the
Mabel Graves home on A Street.
All junior highers are invited for
the kickoff of Junior High Night
at the church Games, crafts,
refreshments, and a rap session
are the activities outlined by
directors Rosemary and Paul
Activities next Lord’s Day
begin with men’s prayer at 7:30
a m Sunday School at 9:45 offers
Christ-centered classes studying
the Bible. The worship exper­
ience at eleven has a message
“ Designed to Grow.” Koffee
Koinonia follows the worship
experience. Join our growing
fellowship of caring Christians in
the making.
The youth gather at 5:30 for a
time of singing The youth
meeting is at six with the class
meeting studying the book of
Hoot Ow! Breakfast Tuesday
morning anytime between six
and eight.
Wednesday evenings is Home
Bible Study night. Join a group
studying the Gospel of Luke.
We don’t want North Plains or
Seaside to beat us into the
“ Sonshine” , so everyone, GET
BUSY! Sunday School starts at
9:45 a m. Sunday evening at 6
p.m. the Evening Fellowship
Hour, with a “ Secret Destina­
tion’’ following at 7 p.m. for the
Jr. Hi and Hi School groups, did
you guess correctly last week?
Women able to come to the all
day cleaning day March 13,
come at 10:30 a m. with sack
lunch. CWF meeting w ill be
held during the lunch time.
Weekly — Tuesday Bible
Study at Vinyards, 8 p.m.;
Wednesday Choir practice at
7:30 p.m.; Bible Study at 8:15
p.m., both at the church, Bible
Study is in Proverbs. (This Bible
Study isn’t held the first Wed­
nesday of each month due to the
monthly potluck and business
meeting;; Thursday Bible Study
at the Kretschmers at 8 p.m.,
study is in the book of Mark
Remember — March
NWCEA Gospel Sing at Central
Christian Church in Portland;
New Decisions class “ Spring
F ling” March 22 at Earl K elly’s,
call Mrs. Virginia Bergerson
(429-7662) to make your reserva­
tion; March 25 San Jose Bible
College Chorale Cpncert starting
at 7:30 p.m., (potluck at 6:30
p.m .); March Fun Night date to
be announced.
If you are looking for an
active, friendly church
stands for the word of God. a
warm welcome is extended Io
you by the Bible Church to
attend our services:
Sunday School
9:45a m.
Morning Worship
11a m
Evening Service
7 p m.
Wed Fam ily Night
7:’30p m.
Our Sunday School bus is run
throughout Vernonia every Sun
dav morning for those needing a
ride to Sunday School and
church. For the schedule of your
neighborhood phone the pastor
at 429-3363
Prim ary church is held during
the morning worship service for
kindergarten through 4th grade
and is geared to the under­
standing and needs of the boys
and girls.
An adult Bible study on the
book of Revelation is held every
Tuesday evening at 7:30 in the
home of Mr and Mrs. Bob
Zerfing. It is conducted by Virgil
Snook. Everyone is welcome
“ Brothers, take as a pattern of
the suffering of evil and the
exercising of patience the pro
phets, who SDoke in the name of
Jehovah. Look! We pronounce
happy those who have endured.
You have heard of the endurance
of Job and have seen the
outcome m erciful.’’ We Chris­
tians today should also be trying
to follow that counsel found at
James 5:10,11. To aid us in doing
that, Clyde Schutt w ill present
this Sunday, the hour talk entitl­
ed “ Maintaining Endurance as
Job D id.” Schutt w ill review the
life account of Job from the
scriptures and show how we can
work every day to im itate Job’s
Following the talk and a song,
the congregation w ill discuss the
subject “ Finding Joy in Training
Children", using the February
1st issue of the Watchtower as an
A ll interested persons are
welcome to attend this spiritual
meal on Sunday, March 10 at 10
a m., at the Kindom Hall of
Jehovah’s Witnesses, 49 Texas
Avenue. For further informa­
tion, please contact Jim Milton,
The third annual
Speaker’s Program at St. Bar
tholomew’s Episcopal Church
w ill begin on March 3, when
Secretary of State Clay Meyers
talks about “ The Christian and
His Vocation ” General theme of
this year’s series is “ The Abun
dant Life.” St. Batholomew’s is
located at 11265 SW Cabot Road
in Beaverton Ward Nelson of
Vernonia, is chairman of this
year’s program
Programs begin at 6:45 each
Sunday in Lent, with communion
preceding at 6.
Other events in the scries
include a March 10 “ Fam ily
Night” with a Seder Feast,
potluck supper, and folk mass
March 17 the new Oregon Epis-
coDal BishoD. the Rt. Rev
Mathew Bigliardi, w ill speak £n
“ The Abundant Life in 1974 ’’ On
March 25, Fr. Trewhella, Chap­
lain at Good Samaritan Hospital
w ill speak on “ The Abundant
L ife : a Changing Perspective on
Death.” Pastor Bob Davis, of
Valley Presbyterian Church
w ill be speaking to “ The Abun­
dant Life in our Significant
Relationships” on March 31.
The series w ill conclude on
April 7, 8, and 9 with a teaching
mission conducted by F r Robert
Hall, director of the Episcopal
Center for Evangelism, Miami,
Florida, Fr. Hall is the author of
several books, among them
“ Receiving the Holy S pirit,”
“ Evangelism in the Episcopal
Church,” and “ There’s More.”
The teaching mission conducted
by Fr. Hall is “ The Abundant
Life and Christian Renewal.”
Wood-frame walls, floors and
ceilings insulate better in less
space than any other type of
comparable construction.
Let the Vernonia
Branch of the A m ­
erican Cancer So-
c ie ly Help You!
F o r F urth er Inform ation
o r Special Services C all
H a m n e tt.......... 429-7401
Reatha H o r n ................ 429-3513
o r Contact Carolyn Keasey
mortuary achapeb
Capable advice regarding insurance, social security, veterans.
9th and Baseline
Forest Grove-357-2161
4855 S.W. Watson
741 Madison Street
Cedar and Pacific
Tup Spot
Food and
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Includes Show
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Includes Two Hi-Balls___________________________ ONLY
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ORDERS TO GO______543-9975
Enter Off Vernonia Highway