THE COLOR T V FEATURES YOU’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR.. Q uasar II WORKS IN A DRAWER COLOR TV To help simplify service, the circuit modules of the Quasar II Color TV are in the drawer Whenever service may be needed, the drawer can be pulled forward to make its modules accessible to the service technician . usually in the home! PLUG-IN CIRCUIT MODULES Most of the Solid State devices and chassis electrical components are on replaceable plug-in circuit modules. If a circuit module needs to be replaced, an exchange module can be plugged in by a service technician . . . usually in the home. Brightness INSTA-MATIC* COLOR TUNING Makes tuning color TV as easy as pushing a button Just push one button and instantly, automatically balance the color intensity, hue. contrast, brightness and you can even activate the automatic fine tuning In addition, automatic color circuits lock in color to help keep color constant when changing channels or when the signal varies Color Hue Contrast Color Intensity