Demon I a Eagle Vera Willard 2 THURSDAY. FEB 2», 1974 Services Held Date Set For Class TOWN TOPICS SEL-MOR. INC., Publishers B. RHOADES. Editor MELVIN SCHWAB, Compositor OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Vernonia. Oregon Entered as second class mail matter August 4, 1922. under the act of March 3, 1879. Published weekly on Thursday at 721 Madison Ave., Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon 97064 and paid at the Vernonia Post Office as second class matter. Subscriptions $3.00 Per Year — In the Nehalem Valley $4 00 Per Year Elsewhere OFFICE HOURS Mon.. Tues.. Wed., F r i.- « a.m. to 6 p.m. Thurs. A Sat.—8 a.m. to 12 noon Phone 429-3372 Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association II Recorder's C o u rt. . . Recorder 'Judge Wm. E. Nelson 2163 - Gary Lynn Bushboom; VBK 35 25 Bail’forfeited $17 2164 Kenneth Dwayne Pet rea. Disorderly conduct Plea guilty; fine $27 2165 Barbara Ann Johnson. VBR 40 35. Plea guilty; fine $11. 2166 Richard Dalton Smith; VBR 35 25. Plea, guilty; fine $11 2167 Larrv Eugene Marmon DUIL Plea, guilty; fine $255 and six davs in jail 2168 Charles Delmo Beving­ ton; DUIL. referred to citation No. 1998 2169 - See above. DUIL with blood alcohol reading of .15 percent or more Fine. $306 and six days in jail. 2170 Rodney Alvin Gallaty Detective equipment Plea, guil­ ty, fine. $6 2171 Wm Naeve; offense against health of public Plea guilty; fine $25 suspended if cleaned up 2172 - Mark Patrick Con- naughton. Illegal turn Plea, not guilty, found guilty by court, fine $6 2173 Edward Eugene Becker No muffler Plea, guilty, fine $6 2174 Steve James Schmidlin VBR 40 25 Plea guilty, fine $17. 2175 - Barbara DeLaittre. VBR 40 20 Plea, guilty, fine $22 2176 - Bruce David McNair; more noise than neccessary. Plea, guilty; fine $11. 2177 Bruce Laroy Hepler; VBR 35 25 Forfeited bail. $17. 2178 Virgil Hamilton Miller St.: VBR 35 25 Bail forfeited. $17. Highway Fund Apportioned The semiannual apportioning of the State Highway Fund to the incorporated cities of Oregon has been announced by V.E Skoog. fiscal officer for the Oregon Department of Trans­ portation. Funds released t o t a l e d $8,370,282 71, which will be dis tributed to 238 mcorportated cities in Oregon whose combined population now totals 1.295.298 The allocation was based on the statutory 12 percent for the period July 1 through December 31. 1973 Scappoose will receive $15,659 They have a population of 2,460 while St Helens with a pop ulation of 6.710 r e c e i v e d $42,712.83 Of the alloted funds Vernonia will receive $10,471.33 with a population of 1.645 Mi anil Mrs Howard Seal and Vera Willard. 85. longtime family of Beaverton visited Mr resident of the Vernonia area and the widow of the late and Mrs Frank Schmidlin on Saturday That night Mr and Michael B Willard, died Febru ary H at Norfolk. Virginia where Mrs Chuck Harders of Aber she had made her home in recent deen. Washington visited the Schinidliiis and on Sunday both years couples enjoyed dinner at the Funeral services for Mrs Willard were held at the Fuiten home of Mr and Mrs. Will Mortuary Chapel. Vernonia, Harders That evening Mrs Schmidlin visited Mrs Mae Monday February 18 at It a m with the Itev Jack Carlson, W’lenecke S M l AT FABRICS n FASII pastor of the Vernonia Evangeli­ cal Church officiating Lodge IONS See our ad in this paper bargains galore — shop early Riles were under the auspices of the Mt Heart Rebekah laxlge for the best selection. 9t Il- No 243 Vault interment follow ed at the Vernonia Memorial Cementery Mrs Carl llolsey spent Tues Mrs Willard was born at day through Thursday at the Summerville. Oregon on May 26. home of tier parents, Mr and 1888 the daughter of the late Mrs F.M Knoll at Yakima, John and Canzadia Laramore Washington She was one of a family of 11 Mrs Geneva Killenberg was children who later moved to taken to the Tuality hospital in Vernonia Mrs Willard received Hillsboro on Monday for tests her education at Summerville and treatment and spent her early life there llarry Lines was brought She was married to Michael B home from the Tuality hospital Willard at Lewiston, Idaho on at Hillsboro on Wednesday He October 9. 1914 and they spent underwent surgery February 11 their early married life in Idaho and is improving satisfactorily and then in 1922. with the starting of the development of IT S H ER E — The American the Oregon American Mill at Legion .Auxiliary will hold their Rummage Sale Friday and Sat­ Vernonia they moved to Verno nia Mr Willard worked as a urday. March 8 and 9 at the blacksmith for the mill from the American l.cgion Hall from III time they started construction, a.m. to I p.m. 9t2c during ail their years of oper­ ation and retired when they Air. and Mrs llalc Graves and closed the mill They celebrated their golden wedding annivers­ David of Portland visited Mrs Mabel Graves on Sunday ary here in 1964 and he died here Mrs. Bernice Kelly of Seal in 1967 Rix-k is visiting her daughter Mrs. Willard was a member and son-in-law Mr and Mrs and past Noble Grand of the Mt Heart Rebekah Lodge and was Tom Hall Mr and Mrs. John White of long active in the lodge and its Moses l^ike visited at the home projects in the community. After of Mr and Mrs Loren Stiff the death of her husband she moved to her daughters home in Thursday and Friday Norfolk She enjoyed gixid health until she was hospitalized on December 10. 1973. Surviving is her daughter. Mrs Joy Bonney. Norfolk, three brothers. John and Lewis Lara­ more. both of Springfield. Ore gon and Odus Laramore. Port­ land three sisters Mrs Gladys Goetz. Portland; Mrs. Harvey (Mary) Heath. Spokane, and Melba Phillips. Hilo. Hawaii; three nephews and five neices Wm. J. Mason Services Read Funeral services for William J Mason. 66. a longtime resident of Forest Grove, were held Wednesday. February 2<) at 11 a m at Fuiten Mortuary Chapel. Forest Grove He passed away at his home February 16. follow ­ ing an illness since last July. Rev Richard Perry, pastor of the First Christian church of Forest Grove conducted the services with interment at the Forest View Cemetery Mr. Mason was born at Buck- ley. Washington August 13, 1907. the son of the late Joseph and Lottie Mason He grew up and received his education at (Kean Park. Washington He was married to Lila Robbins of Vernonia, at St. Helens. December 24. 1928. Early in life Mr Mason start­ ed working in the logging industry, which work he con­ tinued at Camp McGregor, near Vernonia. Tidewater Logging Co near Jewell, and Camp Olson west of Sunset Highway. More recently he was a log scaler for Columbia Hiver Scaling bureau and later in the same work at Forest Grove Lumber Company, until retirement in 1973 As a hobby Mr. Mason had a woodworking shop at his home. He is survived by his wife. Lila, one daughter Mrs Dan (Sharon) Crume and two grand children. Timmy and Tammy Crume of Yamhill T h r e e brothers. Vern Mason of Ver­ nonia. Edwin Mason of southern Oregon. Pat Dougherty and one sister Mrs Joan Hill both of Vancouver. Washington. Hunter Safety eia a a w will once more lx* available for boys and girls, ages 11 to IK years of age The Vernonia Hunter Safety Council will hold a sign-up night for classes. Thursday. February 28 at 7 30 u i l l in the old city hail building located behind the US. National Bank The People Speak. . . Our women's city tournament is over for another year and 1 feel it was a successful one 1 would like to take this opportunity to thank my tourna nient committee, Hose Duna­ way, Betty Fuquay, Mary Cota. Irene Minger and Alice Smith for their help A thank you to my tournament manager. Bob Bates for his help and time spent at the bowling alley Thank you to the business and team sponsors for the gifts they donated These gifts were handed out for some little extra bowling achieve­ ment Enid Parrow Bowling Association Secretary Fisher Mans Prayer G