UIDfll^ADS FOR SALE-General WANTED FOR SALE: Ten young white laying hens 429-8261.______ 8tlc OLD ARMY jeeps to rebuild or for parts. 9318 S.E 32nd St. Milwaukie, Ore. 97222. 8tlc FOR SALE: Refrigerator, va­ cuum cleaner, door mirror, large • wall mirror 429-3792._____ 8tlc TWO LADIES leather type jack­ ets. size about 38. 1 brown, 1 white Phone 429 7593______ Htlc 1 PLATFORM Rocker, needs re­ covering - 4 piece sectional. Call after 5 p.m. Phone 429 5253 8t2 GREAT DANE to give away to good home. Phone 429-7584 ________________________ 8tlc ONE of the finer things ol life —Blue Lustre carpet and uphol stery cleaner Rent electric sham|>ooer $1. Brunsman Hard­ ware____________________ 8tlC 1 CORD well dried fir firewood $30. Delivered locally. 1962 Fal­ con new engine parts and mise 8tl Mike or Rene' 429-2091 FOR SALE: 16-ft. boat, trailer and motor. 220 "C " Street, Ver­ nonia 429-8921.___________ 8t2c $8,800 ANNUALLY growing rare Ginseng root for us! Send $3.00’ (refundablci for seeds, instruc­ tions. GC Herbs; Searsport, Maine 04974._________________ 7t3 PIANO. Console Spinet. Like new, w ill sacrifice to responsible party in this area. Cash or terms. Also ORGAN with Automatic Rhy­ thm. Phone collect 206-CH3-9270 or write Adjustor, 612 S.W. 152nd, Seattle, Wn., 98166 ________ 7t2c REFRIGERATOR, lawn mower, complete liedroom set, burning barrels, vacuum cleaner. Call 4 2 9 - 3 7 9 2 7t2<' CUT FLOWERS, weddings, fun­ eral designs, plants. Also flowers by wire. Artificial flowers and gifts. CHALET FLOWER SHOP. Phone 429-5733 or -129-6301. 13tfc BUNDLES of old newspapers for starting fires, 10 cents. Ver­ nonia Eagle, 721 Madison Ave. tie FOB SALE-B’l Estate GRI 953 Bridge St., Vernonia Phone 429-6203 BILL HORN, BROKER SALESMAN: Deri Roberts—429-3804 Sue Filter—429-7014 FOREST GROVE BRANCH — Arlie Satterlee, Mgr.—Ph. 357-2321 Q U IN N VS REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE SALES - RENTALS Listings Needed 786 Bridge St. — Phone 429-8211 Fishhawk Branch - Birkenfeld Phone 755 2280 FOR SALE-Aulos 1972 CHEVY Pickup - Custom 20. Mitchlin tires and canopy. Ph. 429-7272.__________________ 8t3c FOR RENT NEW VERNONIA Hotel - Rooms by day, week or month. Also, trailer hook-ups. Phone 429-5091. 6tfc PERSONAL REDUCE safe and fast with GoBese Tablets and E-Vap "wa- ter p ills" Vernonia Drug, 7t2 CARD of THANKS SINCERE thanks to you sweet, thoughtful people who remember, ed me following recent surgery Your cards, letters, flowers, calls, gifts were so deeply appreciated. Bless you Amy Kamholz BU WE WISH to thank our family and friends for their kindness during the loss of our loved one The Family of John Wilcoxen 8D I WOULD like to thank all those who sent me cards and flowers while I was sick. They were greatly appreciated. Rita Shipley 8tlc NORILE HONES ’69 NASHUA 12’x60’ with 4'xl4' tip-out; 2 bedroom $600 down and take over payments 357-7233. Set up 2 mi. out of Vernonia. 8t2c IMOBILE HOME for sale. 10x55, awning, skirting, two storage sheds. 1 mile out of town on Timber Route. See Chuck at Ver. nonia Sentry. 5tfc WANTED: Home Sewed Fashions or Handicrafts for our Fashion Show on March 2nd. Call 429- 8783 or 4293839. 6t3c Church Notes Evangelical Friday evening there w ill be an activity time for junior high youth. Rosemary and Paul Weidman are the advisors for this age group At 6:30 p.m Saturday, there w ill be an Inter ANNUAL MEETING Vernonia national Dinner sponsored by Credit Union Saturday, February Men With Vision at our church 23, 1974, 8 p.m. - Election of Of­ Foods from various lands where ficers - 6 door prizes - Refresh­ missionaries serve w ill be fea­ ments. West Oregon Conference tured as well as a film on the Room. 8tlc missionary effort in Mexico. There is no charge for the meal and an offering w ill he received for missions. Lord’s Day activities begin HARRY'S with Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. TREE SERVICE This is two hours after the men of the church gather for a time of * Trimming prayer It w ill be Birthday Sunday with special recognition * Topping given to who have February hiriitdavs The eleven o’clock * Removing worship experience w ill feature singing, prayer, and a message * Brush Clearing * from the Scriptures “ Looking for Power Stump Removal a M iracle." INSURED & LICENSED The young people w ill have a Free Estimate choir practice and youth service 1-357-3277 Sunday evening at six For the seven o’clock Classmeeting we w ill hear a represenative of the Friend Ministries share the scope of this new Christian m inistry Join our growing fel­ lowship of caring Christians in the making for each of these activities. R. Vaughn Baker, Hoot Owl Breakfast Tuesday Auctioneer mornings anytime between six and eight. AUCTION FRIDAY 7:00 P.M. Next Wednesday is Ash Wed­ Phone 425-3212 nesday and the first day of a 130 Sales Barn Road series of special meetings at our church. Rev. Robert Trosen KELSO, WASHINGTON 98626 49tfc from Minneapolis, Minnesota w ill he with us to bring clear messages from God’s Word The VERNONIA SANITARY services run through Sunday SERVICE evening an we invite you to plan Phone 4298711 now to share with us the blessing 30tfc of these special meetings SHOE REPAIRS — Open 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tandy Shoe Repair, D St., Vernonia, 4293301. If you are looking for an 31tfc active, friendly church that stands for the w'ord of God, a warm welcome is extended to you by the Bible Church to attend our services: Sunday School 9:45a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Blown-in Insulation Evening Service 7:00 p.m. Rockwool Batting Wed Fam ily Night 7:30p.m. FREE ESTIMATES Our Sunday School bus is run throughout Vernonia every Sun- Call Collect 397-1670 das morning for those needing a ST. HELENS ride to Sunday School and lOtfc church For the schedule of your neighborhood phone the pastor at 429-3363 Prim ary church is held during the morning worship service for kindergarten through 4th grade and is geared to the understand New Homes Built To Your ing and needs of the boys and Specifications girls. New Construction - Additions - Re- An adult Bible study on the modvlng - Roofing . Foundations book of Revelation is held every — FREE ESTIMATES — Tuesday evening at 7:30 in the home of Mr and Mrs. Bob Zerfing It is conducted by V irgil Snook. Everyone is welcome. ___________42tf NOTICE SERVICES KELSO SALE DARN Ray Garlocb Rehun Home MIST—M r and Mrs Ray Garlock returned home last week from a 10-day visit with Mr and Mrs Bern Bliss, in Milton-Freewater. Mr and Mrs M artin Hanson had lunch with Mrs. Donna Knowles of Portland at Humps in Clatskanie, last Saturday John Inhoff, of Beaverton, visited M r and Mrs Art Lau- bach, Sunday afternoon Shalmon Libel and A rt Bel­ lingham attended a cattle sale in Chehalis Sunday afternoon M r and Mrs Ray Garlock attended the wedding reception of Mr and Mrs Gerald Simmons in Clatskanie, Sunday afternoon at the Ken Simmons home. Mr and Mrs. Casper Serby visited M r and Mrs Robert Clifton in Clatskanie on Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs Roy Kyser and fam ily attended the wedding reception held for Mr and Mrs Gerald Simmons held at the Ken Simmons home in Clatskanie on Sunday afternooon. Guests of the Walter Mathews at the Chuck Wagon in Hillsboro on Sunday were Mrs Noble Dunlap, Jennette Bridgers, and M arjorie Farnsworth Sunday afternoon the Walter Mathews attended the open house wedding „ , BOWLING reception of Mr and Mrs Gerald Simmons at the Ken Simmons home in Clatskanie Mr and Mrs David Crawford held a fam ily dinner, Sunday afternoon at the Crawford home in Mist Attending were Mr and Mrs Rocky Crawford, Mr Butch Crawford and Mr John Crawford Mr and Mrs Larry Garlock and son Gary attended the wedding reception held in honor of M r and Mrs Gerald Sim­ mons, Sunday afternoon Mrs Garlock was a co-hostess with Mrs Simmons. Mrs Irene Kyser was in Portland last week on business Thursday Afternoon Feb. 14 W L The Chicks 22 6 Chevy V8’s 14 14 Bob’s Union 11 17 Vernonia Eagles 8 20 High team series and game, The Chicks 2487 and 888 High individual series and game, Darlene Wilcoxen 490. Jeanette Dass 190 Splits picked up Alice Smith 7-8; Marie Brewer 8-3-6-1; Deb bie Parry 4-5; Velma Hopkins 4-5; Jan Bernardi 2-7; Carol Barker 5-7; Dorris Krieger 3-10 Christian RAIR Weekly Bible Study Tuesday the Russ Vinyard home, Logging Co. at tonight at the B ill Kretschmer Ixith starting at 8 p.m. 429-7485 home, At tiie church Wednesday eve­ The Place To Call For A ll Your Rock Needs! Trucking, Excavating, Bulldozing. Backhoe Sand • Gravel - Rock Stockpiled In Vernonia lor —Immediate D elivery— letfc FOR SAVINGS on loans contact your local Credit Union - 872 Bridge Street. 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. - Tuesdays through Friday. Closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Or call 429-8245 during non-officc hours. 17tfc SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Licensed - Bonded and Insured PHONE 397-3172 If no answer call 397-2281. Columbia County Septic Tank Service 18tfc CLASSIFIED BATES MINIMUM charge $1.00 for 20 words or less. Words over mini­ mum 5 cents each. NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper Is mailed. CARD of Thanks and Notices: $1.25 for up to 12 lines. Addi­ tional lines, 8 cents each. DISPLAY classified are $1.20 per column Inch. THE EAG..E assumes no finan­ cial responsibility for errors that may appear la ads pub­ lished In its columns, but in cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typographi­ cal mistake occurs. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER NOON TUESDAY EX­ CEPT FOR NEXT WEEK’S PAPER. BLIND ADS with answers to be handled by The Eagle: Mini­ mum charge $2.00. No informa­ tion given relative to such ads. POETRY accepted only ns paid matter: Rate: 10 cents per type line. nings choir practice at 7:30 p m with Bible study starting at 8 15 p.m. A "pink and blue" shower w ill lx- given for Karen Ellis in the Eellowship hall, Friday, Febru­ ary 22 at 8 p.m. All ladies are invited Last Sunday was great, but we can do better, we want the thermometer to continue up­ ward ! Jr. Hi and Hi School Youth groups your “ Secret Destina­ tion" might he quite difficult to figure out this time. Let’s see who’ll he tiie first to figure it out. There w ill he no February Fun night as previously announced, but tiie one for March sounds interesting It w ill be pertaining to hobbies February 27 at 10 a m. the CWF w ill have an all day cleaning day. bring sack lunch, and during the "lunch break", a short meeting w ill be held. San Jose Bible College Dav w ill be March 3 The speaker for tiie morning worship hour w ill be a former pastor. Bob Sargent Juniors and Seniors this is the time to ask any questions you have in nmid about the college. 21, 1974 5 Thursday Mens League Feb 14 w L Mikes 144 9 4 Lews 13 11 Funsters 124 114 Alpine 8 16 High team series, Lews 2851 high individual series G. Dinger. 582; high individual game D Elliott, 252 Splits picked up: J. Johnson. 5-3-10; H Anderegg, 3-10; R McDonald. 3-10 twice; D Fiet eher, 3-10; R. Bodenhammer, 5-7; G. Dinger, 5-7. MARR Si STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. 357-7281 Slaughtering, Catting, Wrapping, and Caring r-i nehalem U valley We’ve watched the extinction of the saber-tooth tiger, the dino- sauer and many other parts of the environment. Now it looks as if cars are next. Cattle received Sunday & Monday until noon; hogs received Tuesday and Wednesday until noon. Meat for sale, any quantity. — Call for Appointment — Come through Banka, take Tilla­ mook road 1 4 mi., take first left- MOTOR FREIGHT, INC. Phone 429-3462 SHOP LOCALLY — IT PAYS NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING C o lu m b ia C ou n ty I n t e r m e d i a t e The budget for E d u c a tio n D i s t r i c t fOf the fiscal year 1974.1975 Beginning July 1. 1974 a5 detailed and summarized in the accompanying schedules was prepared on an accounting basis consistent with that used in prior years. Major changes, if any, and their effects on this budget are set forth in an accompanying statement. A copy of the budget document may be inspected or obtained between the hours of 8 : 3 0 a .m . 970 C o lu m b ia B lv d . C o lu m b ia C o u n ty I n t e r m e d i a t e S t . H e l e n s , Oregon. A meeting of the E d u c a t i o n D i s t r i c t B o a rd will be held and 5 : 0 0 p .m . M arch 13 1974, At 8 :0 0 p.m. at S t . H e l e n s , O regon for the purpose of holding a public hearing on this budget. Any person may appear to discuss the budget, or any part of it. /S / Sara H e a r in g , J r . Sam H e a r i n g , J r . (Chairman of Governing Body) C o lu m b ia S t . H e l e n s , O regon (County) (City) Levy Outside 6% L im ita tio n ............................................... Levy Outside 6% Limitation (Serial Levy) ..................... Not Subject to Limitation ................................... .............. Total Proposed L e v y .............................................................. Total Tax Levy to be Certified to the Assessor on Form LB-50 Last Year Tli is Year Next Year 1 , 3 1 0 ,5 8 2 . 4 0 1 , 3 8 9 ,2 1 7 . 3 4 1 ,4 7 2 ,5 7 0 .3 8 1 , 6 7 9 ,2 6 9 . 6 2 1 . 9 3 3 ,0 9 9 . 5 6 3 ,1 0 0 ,1 6 0 .3 8 -0 - -0 - -0 - -0 - -0 - -0 - 1 . 9 8 9 .8 5 2 . 0 2 3 .3 2 2 .3 1 6 .9 0 4 .5 7 2 .7 3 0 .7 6 Total Budget AU F u n d s ........................................................ 3 ,0 9 5 ,2 3 2 .0 2 Levy Within 6% Limitation......................... ..................... TYPE OF INDEBTEDNESS 3 ,4 2 1 ,1 5 6 .9 0 Outstanding July 1 This Year (Actual) 4 ,6 5 4 ,4 3 0 .7 6 Authorized, Not Incurred, July 1 Next Year (Est.) This Year (Actual) Next Year (Est.) Bonds Interest Bearing Warrants Short Term Notes Total Indebtedness FUNDS NOT REQUIRING AN AD VALOREM TAX TO BE LEVIED CONTRACT j g Ry i C ES Total Total Total Total Total Total Last Year 1 , 0 1 1 .0 9 5 9 , 5 1 0 .8 4 -0 - 2 0 8 .0 3 6 0 , 7 2 9 .9 6 6 1 .2 2 5 .8 8 Personnel Services (Includes ail PayroU Costs) . . Materials and Services ............................................... Capital O u tla y .............................................................. All Other R eq u irem en ts............................................ Budget R equirem ents.................................................. Budget R eso u rc es........................................................ This Year 1 , 0 0 0 .0 0 6 4 , 0 0 0 .0 0 -0 - 1 , 2 0 0 .0 0 6 6 , 2 0 0 .0 0 6 6 , 2 0 0 .0 0 Next Year 1 , 1 0 0 .0 0 7 9 , 5 0 0 .0 0 -0 - 1 , 1 0 0 .0 0 8 1 , 7 0 0 .0 0 8 1 , 7 0 0 .0 0 FUNDS REQUIRING THE LEVY OF AN AD VALOREM TAX TO BALANCE THE BUDGET GENERAL FUND FUND OR PROGRAM Total Personnel Services (Includes all PayroU Costs) . . Total Materials and Services ............................................... Total Capital O u tla y .............................................................. Total All Other R eq uirem ents............................................ Total Requirements (Including Transfers) ........................ Total Resources Except Tax to be Levied ..................... Ad Valorem Taxes R ece iv ed ............................................... Ad Valorem Tax Required to B alance............................. Estimated Tax Not to be R eceiv ed .................... .............. Total Ad Valorem Tax to be Levibd ............................. Levy Within 6 Percent Limitation ................................... Levy Outside 6 Percent L im itatio n ................................... Levy Outside 6 Percent Limitation (Serial Levy) . . . . Not Subject to Limitation .................................................. Loggers Log EQUALIZATION FUN D-----------------FUND OR PROGRAM Thursday. Feb 21 Frosh Bas­ ketball VIIS at Seaside 6 p.m. GAA Basketball Knappa at VHS 6 p.m. Friday, Feb 22 JV and Varsity Basketball VHS at Corbett 6:15 and 8 p.m. Saturday, Feb 23 District Wrestling Tournament at Con­ cordia JV and Varsity Basketball VHS at Portland Christian 6:15 and 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb 28 Frosh Basketball VHS at Tillamook 6 p.m GAA Basketball VHS at Jewell 6 p.m. Spring cleaning time about near’’ Sell your junque through the classifieds at 97 0 C o lu m b ia B lv d . ARCTIC INSULATING CO. 429-8942 FEB MEN'S LEAGUE Let litte r bug you Bible Norman Hillsbery, Ruilder THURSDAY, WOMEN'S LEAGUE Mr and Mrs. Harvey Clemen- son, of Beaverton visited Mr and Mrs Casper Serby, Satur day afternoon. Saturday evening the Serbys visited Mr and Mrs Fred Glaser in Astoria. Mrs. Casper Serby and Ann were in Forest Grove on business Mon­ day morning. _ Ocrncnia Eagle Total Personnel Services (Includes all PayroU Costs) . . Total Materials and Services ............................................... Total Capital O u tla y .............................................................. Total All Other R equirem ents............................................ Total Requirements (Including Transfers) ........................ Total Resources Except Tax to be Levied ..................... Ad Valorem Taxes R ece iv ed ............................................... Ad Valorem Tax Required to B alance.............................. Estimated Tax Not to be R eceived................................... Total Ad Valorem Tax to be Levied .............................. Levy Witlun 6 Percent Limitation ................................... Levy Outside 6 Percent L im itatio n ................................... Levy Outside 6 Percent Limitation (Serial Levy) . . . . Not Subject to Limitation .................................................. Last Year -0 - -0 - -0 - 3 .0 3 0 .2 3 1 .0 3 3 .0 3 0 .2 3 1 .0 3 6 .2 2 1 .3 4 3 .0 2 4 .0 0 9 .6 9 W W W M ig This Year -0 - -0 - -0 - 3 .2 1 8 ,2 0 6 .9 0 3 .2 1 8 .2 0 6 .9 0 -0 - . ... Next Year -0 - -0 - -0 - 3 . 6 9 6 ,2 6 1 . 7 6 3 . 6 9 6 ,2 6 1 . 7 6 -0 - 3 .6 9 6 ,2 6 1 .7 6 3 .2 1 8 .2 0 6 ,9 0 -0 - -0 - _ J ^ 6 9 6 , 2 6 _ l 3!7 6 - = - 3 . 2 1 8 .2 0 6 ^ 9 0 — 6 3 0 , 6 0 1 .3 8 1 .2 8 5 .1 0 7 ,- 3 4 3 . 0 6 5 , 6 6 0 .3 8 1 . 9 3 3 .0 9 9 . 5 6 - 0 - -0 - -Q -