Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, February 21, 1974, Page 4, Image 4

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    Demonia Eagle
Vicky Serby Named VHS 7 4
Family Leader Of Tomorrow
Vickie L Serby has been
named Vernonia high school’s
1974 Betty Crocker
Fam ily
Leader of Tomorrow
herby won the honor by scoring
high in a written knowledge and
attitude examination adminis­
tered to high school seniors here
and throughout the country De­
cember 4 She w ill receive a
specially designed award from
General Mills, sponsor of the
annual Betty Crocker Search for
Leadership in Fam ily Living and
also remains eligible for state
and national honors.
From the ranks of all school
winners in the state, a State
Fam ily Leader of Tommorrow is
selected through judging center­
ed on test performance and
Marsha Kay Krieger
Local Girl In
Dance Revue
Marsha Kay Krieger, daugh­
ter of Mr and Mrs Ralph
Krieger has just completed her
fourth year as a member of the
dance line for the Ballad Town
Gay 90 s Revue in Forest Grove
A VHS graduate. Marsha re­
cently graduated from Pacific
University with a degree in
physical education and health
At present she has no plans
except to teach in the near
future when applications are
sent for various schools.
To qualify as a member of the
dance line, girls are chosen for
ability and appearance from
those attending the university
The annual Ballad Town cele­
bration features oldtime music,
barber shop quartet contests and
many other forms of entertain
ment for the whole fam ily. It w ill
complete this year’s events Sun­
day. February 24
Historical Society
There w ill be a meeting of the
Columbia County Historical So­
ciety Wednesday. February 27 in
the Warren Grange Hall with a
potluck at noon followed by the
afternoon program
All interested persons are
welcome. Those attending are
asked to bring own table service.
Material for Volume 13 is now
wnws cooeowuioo
Larsen's Inc.
440 N . N e h a le m
Your Local Rep.
P H . 429-5671
Pythians Hold
Of Officers
Vernonia Temple Pythian Sis­
ters held installation of 1974
officers Wednesday. February
13 at their regular meeting
Due to storm damaged roads,
the installing officer, Martha
Bradv of Warren was unable to
be here, but she deputized Faye
Davis to act for her She was
assisted by Cora Lange as acting
grand manager and Laureta
Lamping as acting grand senior
Officers seated w e r e
follows: Lesta Garner, most
excellent chief; Lucille Hick­
man. excellent senior; Mary
Bre-vn. excellent junior; Pat­
ricia Goodman, manaeer: Cora
Lange, secretary; Irm a Chance,
treasurer; Isabel Barr, protec­
tor; Maude Wells, guard Murel
Folken, musician elect, was ill
and unable to be present
A short business session was
held prior to installation to
receive the auditing committee’s
report and vote the per capita
tax, a large part of which goes to
support of the Oregon-Washing­
ton Pythian Home at Vancouver
Also, Lucille Hickman, acting
most excellent chief, asked for
Temple Mother Catherine Lentz
to be escorted to the a ltar where
she presented her with a gift for
her 89th birthday. February 11,
and Valentine's day as an
expression of appreciation from
the temple
Following the meeting mem­
bers adjourned to the dining
room where tables were beauti­
fully decorated in a Valentine
m otif In keeping with the blus­
tery weather, delicious hot clam
chowder, accompanied by as­
sorted crackers was served by
Isable Culbertson, assisted by
Dorothy Sandon acting for Murel
Folken Assorted cookies, nuts
and valentine candies completed
the menu.
Many received Valentines
cards and gifts from secret pals,
and others
The next meeting w ill be
March 13. and Grand Chief Mary
M cllvaine w ill make her official
visit. In her honor, a planned
potluck dinner w ill be held at
6:30 p.m. Other visitors are
expected also, and all members
are urged to attend
Family Hosts 25th
Anniversary Fete
The fam ily of M r and Mrs Joe
Dennis w ill host a 25th anniver­
sary reception at the Buxton
February 23 from 7 to 9 p.m
All friends are cordially in­
vited to attend
Personal Property Tax
Return Due
MARCH 3, 1974
T h e P E N A L T Y for la te filin g (A fter M arch 3) o f
p erso n a l p rop erty retu rn s sh a ll be $1 for each
$1000 (or fraction ) of tru e cash v a lu e, but n ot less
th an $10 or m ore th an $250. (O R S 308.295)
W e, th erefo re, u rge y ou to file E A R L Y so th a t it
w ill n ot b e o v erlook ed .
ALL personal property must be reported
on Form No. 1 or Form No. 2 not later
than March 3rd.
If you have not received a form, please
drop us a card or letter stating the kind
of personal property and we will mail
you the proper form.
County Assessor
receives a $1.500 college schol
arship The second-ranking stu­
dent in the state w ill receive a
$500 scholarship Encyclopedia
Britannica Educational Corpor
anon w ill present "1 ne Annals of
America ”, a 20-volume refe r­
ence work, to the state winner’s
Representing every state and
the District of Columbia, the 51
Betty Crocker Fam ily leaders
of Tomorrow, together with a
faculty advisor, w ill gather in
Washington. D C., in April, for
an expense paid
tour of the capital city and
Minneapolis. Minn During the
tour, personal observations and
interviews are added to state
level judging which results in the
selection of the All-American
Fam ily Leader of Tomorrow,
who receives a $5.000 college
scholarship. Second, third and
fourth place national winners
receive scholarships increased
to $4,000. $3.000 and $2,000 re­
The test, personal observa­
tions and interviews are all
prepared and conducted
Science Research Associates of
This year 703,074 students
from 14.463 schools were enrol­
led in the program
Approximately nine m illion
students have taken part in the
program since its inception in
the 1954-55 school year and. with
this year’s grants, total scholar
ship awards w ill exceed $2
m illion.
Library Has
Variety Fare
Farewell Fete
Real Surprise
March 16 Wedding
Planned By Couple
M r and Mrs Loren E llis Jr.
announce the engagement of
their daughter Zenda to Ronald
Koch, son of Mr and Mrs Glen
Koch of Mulina. Oregon
A March 16th wedding is
planned by the couple
Oil Painting Class
To Be Slated Soon
Plans are underway to secure
an oil painting class through the
Portland Community College
The instructor w ill be Mildred
Hubbard of Hillsboro who has
taught classes in previous years
The fee in the past has been $15
for a ten week course Class w ill
be once a week beginning the
latter part of March
Those persons interested call
Evelyn Heath, phone 429-3702
Save gas. tim e and money
Shop at home.
One of the best kept secrets in
the city of Vernonia was the
larewell party planned for Edith
Meadows. Wednesday. Febru
ary 13. Of the 24 ladies who
attended the event, not one let a
whisper of the party plans reach
the ears of the guest of honor
Ms Meadows, a long time
resident of Vernonia, is planning
to m arry shortly and w ill move
to Crescent City, California
Highlight of the party — which
featured homemade cookies and
coffee — was an old-fashioned
Valentine box, covered with
white with red hearts and letters
in felt which said, "To Edith
With Love." The box was filled
with tokens of good wishes from
her many friends including a
small surprise in each envelope
Hostesses for the a ffa ir, given
at the home of Mrs Thelma
Bergerson, were Juanita Mor
fora. Betty Elton and Violet
4-H Activities
♦ » » » ’♦ » » » » » » » I «
All 4-H club members w ill be
meeting at the Boy Scout Cabin
February 26 at 7:30 p.m Robert
Stevely, Columbia County E x ­
tension agent w ill be there that
night for demonstration tra in ­
This w ill be a very interesting
meeting to the members and
their parents Parents are en­
couraged to come and meet Mr
Stevely and discuss the coming
4-H activities
March 9, is the date of the 4-H
club Cook Food Sale at Vernonia
Sentry Market.
Senior Citizen
News —
A pleasant evening was hud by
all who attended the basket
social Thursday evening, Feb­
ruary 14 38 persons were pres
ent The ladies brought beautiful
decorated baskets filled with
chicken and lots of goodies
Senior Citizens wish to thunk
M r Baker for donating the
evening auctioneering our bus
kets, due to a fine job — our
baskets were sold for $89 plus $26
in donations to the Vernonia
could not attend The sum of $115
was donated to the Vernonia
Ambulance Machine fund Wish
it could have been more
During theeveing B ill Harders
played several pieces on the
accordian and Noru Harders
played the piano, many joined in
the singing ending a real social
evening for all
M illie Juan, associate editor of
Huralite and Mike Alesko. free­
lancer came in Friday and in te r­
viewed the Senior Citizens and
also took pictures
Our next business meeting and
potluck w ill be Friday. March 1
at 12:30 p.m All Seniors wel
Hopkins Plan
Open House
Sunday. February 24 there w ill
be an open house at the home of
Mr and Mrs Howard Hopkins,
600 Adams, from 3-5 p m in
honor of Jaime Reynoso, foreign
exchange student
The IByear old youth, who
celebrated his birthday this past
November, w ill be returning to
his home in Mexico, following u
six-month stay in the United
States while attending Vernonia
High School.
The Hopkins'
Jaim e’s friends to attend the
furewell party Refreshment«
w ill be served
f t * * * * ' * * * s«c Wc 4ca|ca*catK
L et th e V ern on ia
B ran ch of th e A m ­
erica n C an cer S o ­
c ie ty H elp Y ou l
For Further Information
or Special Service« Call
Loutee H am nett...........429 7401
Reatha Horn ................ 4SM U1
or Contact Carolyn Keaoey
c ÿ j f c * * * * * * * * * * # ’
Capable advice regarding Insurance, «octal security, veteran«.
9th and B aselin e
Cedar and P acific
Forest Grove—357-2161
4855 S W Watson
741 M adison Street
Vernonia— 429-8611
“ In One Ear and Out the
Other’ ’ by Sam Levinson and
“ Penny Candy" by Jean K err
have recently been added to the
Vernonia Public Library and
offer an experience in lig h t­
hearted reading
The Levinson book takes a look
at his growing-up days when the
pace was slower and life was less
His reflections
touch upon subjects most dis­
cussed by parents today.
“ Penny Candy” by Jean Kerr,
consists of 15 pieces of the fobiles
and frustrations of life Jean
K err also wrote “ Please Don’t
Eat the Daisies” .
One of the most popular of the
newly acquired books is “ The
Em igrants” by Vilhelm Maberg
This is the inspiring story of a
young fa m ily ’s passionate hope
for a new life in America in the
The lib ra ry also has the other
two bboks of this trilogy by
Maberg — “ Unto A Good Land”
and “ The Last Letter Home” .
“ Hour of Gold Hour of Lead”
is the diaries and letters of Anne
M arrow Lindberg from 1929 -
1932. It is the deeply touching
story of how tragedy transform ­
ed the fa m ily ’s storybook life
into an unforgetable nightmare
“ The Bell J a r" by Sylvia P lith
is the storv of a young g ir l’s
struggle with mental illness
Other new books added to the
library are: “ The Summer Be­
fore D a rk " by Lessing; “ The
Way to Dusty Death” by M c­
Lean. “ The P riest” by M clnery;
“ The White Cad Crossup” , by
Nolan; “ The Baron Goes F ast"
by Creasey; “ The Busy Body”
by Westlake; “ Sahara Road” by
Hom; “ A Man W ill be Kidnap­
ped” by Ashford; “ Someone’s in
the Kitchen w ith Dinah” by
Dinah Shore
Couple Feted On
55th Anniversary
Mr and Mrs Albert Reynolds
celebrated their 55th wedding
anniversary Saturday at their
home at Treharne They were
married at Combs Arkansas
Before her m arriage she was
Florence Reynolds.
All of their seven children
attended the potluck dinner and
day of celebrating the special
Children attending were
M r and Mrs Chester Rey
nolds of Astoria. M r and Mrs
Linwood Reynolds, and children
Jerry, Lynette and Bob and M r
and Mrs H arry Weaver of
Seaside, M r and Mrs Donovan
Reynolds, Nancy, Patricia. Lor
ri and Roberta. Mr. and Mrs
Forrest Reynolds. Barbara and
Betty of Reedsport; M r and
Mrs Henry Harders and B illy of
M yrtle Creek, M r ana Mrs.
Kenneth Reynolds and Ronnie of
Grandchildren a n d great­
grandchildren attending were
Mr and Mrs. Glen Reynolds
of Scappoose; M r and Mrs
Vernon Weaver, Dixie a n d
Becky and Mr and Mrs. Paul
Weaver, Shelly, Tawny a n d
Tracy of Seaside, M r and Mrs
Greg Cromwell, Troy and Travis
of Portland; M r and Mrs L arry
Lovegrin of Clatskanie and M r.
and Mrs Joe Henry, Jason and
Tracy of Hillsboro
Grangers Plan Card
Parly At Meeting
Vernonia Grange held their
regular meeting last week at
their hall Due to cold weather no
meeting was held in January.
The charter was draped for
Florence (Messing) Lane.
A card party was discussed
and it was decided to have one on
March 2, at 8 p.m at tig1 Grange
Hall with the Davies and Leona
Turner hosting the affair.