Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, February 21, 1974, Image 1

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    U n iv e r s ity o f Cbsgon
¿u g en e, Or or on
New Ordinance Recommended For
Coin Operated Machines In City
The second scheduled session
of the Vernonia City Council was
held Tuesday, February 19 due
to Washington's Birthday holi-
day falling on the regular Mon
‘ day meeting date with Mayor
Sherman Fisher presiding and
council members Tomlin, M il­
ler, and Atkins attending Dave
Banta was absent.
Following the reading and
approval of the minutes, busi­
ness from the floor was heard.
First to speak was Mrs Alice
Mills who requested that the
council check into the amount
she was charge for
assessment, stating that the
assessment was for 240 feet
frontage but that approximately
•0-100 feet would be sufficient.
Council assured her investigat­
ion would be made and, if
necessary, adjustment made in
her assessment.
Albert Tandy then took the
floor to query the council about
inspection of his property in
regard to damages caused by
flooding He was informed that
the Corp of Engineers had been
to Vernonia and investigated all
damaged areas
Ralph Herber, owner of Mike's
Tavern, apfieared to hear the
verdict on his request for a
renewal of application which
was approved Also approved
was an application from Marlea
Food Inc., a division of Vernonia
Appearing for Isabelle Ander
egg. Pat Goodman asked if any
decision had b«*en reached on the
air hockey coin machine the
Andereggs wish to install in their
business, Alpine Lanes Mrs
Goodman also registered a com­
plaint on the mud on the street in
front of her house, stating that
she requested its removal at the
last meeting and had been
assured it would be taken care
of Tommy Bruce and Roy
Sanders w ill take care of the
Chief of Police Jack Cunning
ham was then asked his opinion
of the ordinance on coin operated
machines He recommended a
new ordinance sim ilar to that
which regulates coin operated
music machines be adopted
Discussion ensued on the matter
but no decision was reached at
that time.
Committee reports were then
heard Police
Tomlin read a letter
Cunningham asking the council
to write and recommend that the
old Hillcrest Girls School site,
which is now available, be
converted to use as a State
Police Academy. Council ap­
proved the letter
Mrs. Tomlin also requested a
letter from the citv to Mrs.
Laura Carmichael in appreciat
ion tor her donated time and
labor in caring for the bedding of
the ambulance, citing the fact
that Mrs Carmichael washes all
the sheets, blankets, etc., w ith­
out pay Council approved the
Communications were then
read with the city of Banks
offering a bid of $25 for the old
recorder from the police de­
A letter from attorney Allan
Coons was read in regard to a
discussion he had with Terry
Rahe, Columbia County Sani­
tarian concerning procedures
for septic tank disposal touching
on the following points;
1 Yes, tanks can be pumped
into the sewer but there must be
a licensed and bonded septic
tank operator in charge.
2 Empty septic tanks can be
filled with any material which
w ill not settle in appreciatable
3 Atkins was right in stating
that the county sanitarian could
not enter the city without per­
mission ; however, that does not
mean that the city does not
High Drama Offered By
This Year's Melodrama
With auditions underway for
the fourth annual Melodrama
and chairman named for the
various committees, the Pau­
per's Playhouse begins another
season of high drama and fan­
tastic humor
But like any good production
there are still parts to be filled;
not all on stage — although
auditions w ill continue Thursday
(tonight) and Tuesday, Febru­
ary 26 at 7:30 p.m. in room 3 at
Vernonia High School.
needed are the backbone of the
InPatrical world, the people be­
hind the scenes There w ill be
jobs for those who can hold a
hammer, paint a daub of color or
stitch a straight seam
Needed too are items for the
mini shops which have proved so
popular in past years Those to
contact for further information
are Delores Webb, 429 7193,
Sweet Shop, which w ill feature
candies and baked goods rang­
ing from cookies to fragrant
loaves of bread Claudine East,
429-6071. The Flower Cart, potted
plants, etc.; Mary Deckebach,
429 5837. The Hand Craft Shop
which could use all types of
handmade items from knitted
booties to tole painted coffee
pots, Patty Lamping. 429-5671 or
Fritz Harkson, 429-7272, The
SBA Loan Aid
The Small Business Adminis­
tration has reminded flood vic­
tims in 77 counties in Oregon,
Idaho and Washington that they
are eligible to apply for long
term, low interest loans from
SBA Persons are eligible to
apply for the 5 percent Federal
loans if they suffered a loss as a
result of flooding during the
period January 14-21. SBA disas­
ter loans are available to flood
victims in declared disaster
counties and adjacent counties
Daniel B Ward, Regional
Director, SBA, Seattle said the
purpose of an SBA disaster loan
is to restore a victims home or
business property as nearly as
possible to its pre-disaster con­
dition In the case of a loan to an
individual, the loan may be used
to repair or replace damaged or
destroyed furniture, household
belongings and personal proper­
ty as well as real estate. A
»ster loan may be
used to repair or replace build-
i n g s, fixtures, machinery,
equipment and inventory Ma­
turities are limited to the period
necessary to repay and are
based upon earnings.
Application forms for disaster
loans may be obtained from any
SBA field office in or near a
disaster loan area or from banks
in the area which are cooperat­
ing with the Agency in assisting
disaster victims
.’fjate Set For Class
Hunter Safety classes w ill
once more be available for boys
and girls, ages II to 18 years of
age The Vernonia Hunter Safety
Council w ill hold a sign-up night
for classes, Thursday, February
28 at 7:30 p.m. in the old city hall
building located behind the U.S
National Bank
Antique Display featuring items
of yesterday
Sponsored by the Vernonia
Branch of the American Cancer
Society, the money raised by the
melodrama not only provides for
sickroom equipment and aid in
the local area but helps with the
all-important cancer research
which may someday make can­
cer as obsolete as small pox or
diptheria is today.
This year’s drama, “ L ittle
Nell, The Orphan G irl or A Fight
for A Woman’s Honor” w ill be in
the tradition of the finest in old
time drama with a heroine in
distress, a brave hero, and a
villainess villain.
To introduce the stage pro­
duction to the people on "the
other side of the h ill" Nancy
Eckland, Bob Carson, Chris
Boyle, Sally Harrison. Sharon
Smejkal, and Cindy Galliano w ill
enter the Ballad Town parade in
Forest Grove, Saturday, Feb­
ruary 23, dressed in costumes of
the Gay Ninties period.
Anyone who likes the th rill of
having a good tim e while helping
others is urged to contact any of
the project chairmen for more
information on what is needed
for this year’s “ season at the
Orders are now being taken
until Monday, February 25 for
business posters handdrawn in
the style of the Victorian days. A
donation of $7.50 is asked for this
year For further information
call Genny Hanson. 429-2973,
Subscription Rates
Due to the increase in the price
of newsprint and, the mailing
rates which become effective
March 2, 1974, subscription rates
for the Vernonia Eagle w ill
raise Cost in the Nehalem
Valley area w ill be $4 while
elsewhere price w ill be $5
This w ill be the first increase
in rates for the paper since
August, 1952and it is with regret
that the cost for the Vernonia
Eagle is raised as of March 1
All subscriptions and renewals
w ill be available at the regular
rate of $3 in the valley area and
$4, elsewhere until March 1,1974
reauire a sanitarian Only that,
in lieu of the county sanitarian,
they can hire someone to do it
privately but since it was all
under the jurisdiction of the
DEQ there was really no d iffe r­
A letter was read from the
State Fire Marshall in answer to
one from the council on c la ri­
fication on fire laws It informed
council that as of July 1, 1974 all
doors of businesses where the
public congregates must open
out However the code usually
requires that businesses have
recessed doors which do not
extend beyond property line
when fully open.
Under unfinished business the
matter of the a ir hockey mach­
ine was discussed again with the
matter tabled until a new o rdi­
nance can be drafted
It was also decided to reject
Banks offer of $25 for the
recorder at this time.
Under new business Ed M iller
requested that a strip down the
center of cemetary, be vacated,
leaving a one foot area for pipe if
needed. Motion was approved.
Discussion ensued on CRAG. It
was felt that perhaps the unit
would operate on the manner of
“ Big Brother” and investigation
w ill be made into it more
Following payment of bills, the
meeting adjourned. Next meet­
ing of the city council w ill be
Monday, March 4 at 8 p.m. in
city hall
March 1 Date
Deadline For
Canine Tags
ME 53, NUMBER »------------------------- VERNON». OREGON ■ » -
D E S P IT E the moat optomistic outlook no one quite anticipated
the size of the crowd which overflowed the Legion hall and
caused a hurriedly Improvised seating plan for those unable to
Even though more than the usual number
of Commerce president, Gordon Smith at the
Sunday afternoon banquet.
IRS Changes
Tax Aid Time
A change in Taxpayer Assist­
ance hours for all Internal
Revenue Service offices located
outside of Portland was announ­
ced recently by Howard T.
Martin. Acting IRS D istrict D i­
rector in Oregon.
SENATOR B E T iY ROBERTS compliments guitarist Dewey
M artin explained that thus far,
Conroy on his excellent musical talents. Dewey provided the
the number of people utilizing
IRS services for assistance in
entertainment for the annual C of C-JC banquet, playing his
preparing their federal tax re­
guitar and singing a selection of songs ranging from today's
turns during extended evening
modern airs to yesterday’s folk music.
and Saturday hours has shown a
marked decline, when compared
with previous years. He a ttrib ­
uted this reduction p rim a rily to
the current gasoline shortage
which seems to be “ making it
difficult for people to get to our
outside offices.”
Some of the earliest damage
However, M artin explained,
It was practically standing
Following the standing ovation
estimates come from the Corps
people are making full use of our
room only at the annual Cham­ given Senator Roberts as she
of Engineers The Corps can
statewide, toll-free telephone
concluded her speech, Gordon
make early prelim inary esti­
service to obtain answers to
Awards banquet held last Sun
Smith, president of the Chamber
mates since Corps figures are
their tax questions. This, he
day in the American Legion Hall
of Commerce read a letter from
based on existing statistical
said, seems to be the logical
as residents of Vernonia gath­
Genny Hanson on her choice for
curves relating flood flows and
method for people to obtain tax
ered to enjoy a barbequed
the Citizen of the Year award,
stages to flooding damages
information when unable to
chicken dinner and honor both
citing the lady’s many outstand
Data for the curves has been
drive to reach our offices.
the Citizen of the Year and the
ing qualities and services she
gathered in comprehensive in­
The firs t peak period of the
recepient of the Distinguished
had rendered to the community.
terviews done after past floods,
filing period is now over, M artin
Service Award Guest of honor
Peggy Brunsman was then
with the figues updated annually
said, which allows us to make
for the a ffa ir was Senator Betty
named Vernonia Citizen of the
to allow for new property devel­
the adjustments in our staffing
Roberts, Democratic candidate
Year and was urged to the front
opment and for changes in the
and services in order to respond
for governor.
to receive her award.
value of existing development.
to the changing needs of the
Bob Carson, president of the
Tables were filled and im ­
The Oregon Deparment of
public. These changes are re­ provised seating arranged for
Vernonia Jaycees then announ­
Emergency Services and the
flected in our new office assist­
ced that unfortunately, the re-
the overflow crow as they heard
FDAA base their estimates on
ance hours which are listed
cepient of the DSA award was
Senator Roberts speak on the
field reports from county em er­
below and become effective on
not at the banquet but that Gene
ra rity of people honoring those in
gency officials and Federal
Friday. February 22.
Baska, who is a member of the
their own communities with only
agency representatives
In the Portland Office, hours
volunteer fire department and a
one mention of the current
The countv reports are usually
w ill be Monday through Friday,
reserve officer with the Vernon
based on the surveys of local
8 a m. to 7:45 p.m.; Saturday, 9 energy crisis as she related that
ia police department had been
experts such as county engineers
a m to 1 p.m.
awarded the DSA for his out­
gas to get home on
and assessors, real ««181« brok­
M artin said that toll-free tele­
standing contributions during
ers, and contractors. The Fed
phone service is offered state­
The Senator touched o n
the past year.
eral agency representatives aid,
wide, Monday through Friday,
pol 'litics near the conclusion of
The theme for this year’s
and sometimes accompany, lo­
from 8 a m to 7:45 p m and on
ier talk, saying “ we must not
banquet was based on the Ver­
cal officials, helping to prepare
Saturdays from 9a m to 1 p.m.
grow disillusioned with
nonia Heart Machine Fund with
estimates in their areas of
This tax assistance number, he
nation We must not consider
proceeds from the dinner to be
specialization For example.
said, is listed throughout the
polites a dishonorable profess­
contributed toward the purchase
Corps of Engineers personnel
state in the white pages of local
ion. It is an honorable one, it is
of a unit for the ambulance Red
estimate damages to stream
telephone directories under the
the one by which we govern
and white heart placecards and
beds and channels, while Feder
heading U.S. Government. Local
ourselves and if we call it
styrofoam replicas of the Ver
al Highway administration en
number to call is Portland — corrupt or dishonest then we
nonia ambulance added to the
gineers gauge the losses to road
221 3960 or elesewhere in Oregon
turn our backs on the whole
enjoyment of the
and bridges
- 1-800-452 1980
Flood Damage Estimates
Cause Public Confusion
find places to eat.
at diners arrived, excellent service and delicious foods wm *
enjoyed by ail who attended the affair.
Deadline for filin g for the four
Columbia County positions on
the May prim ary ballot, is
drawing near with the date set
for March 19.
The four positions to be filled
in the Novemeber general elec­
tion include Columbia County
Commissioner, Columbia Coun­
ty Clerk, Columbia County As­
sessor and Columbia County
Sheriff’s office.
Only one person, Henry Hud­
son, has filed for the Democratic
nomination for the post of Co­
lumbia County Assessor, a posi­
tion now held be Frank LeMont
who w ill not seek re-election.
At present no one has filed for
the commissioner's chair" and
A.J. Ahlborn, who currently
occupies that post ‘its not yet
stated whether or not he w ill
seek re-election
Also undecided as to whether
or not to seek re-election is
Columbia County Sheriff Roy
Wilburn Deputy Sheriff Ernest
Thompson has filed for that
P E G G Y BRUNSMAN, Vernonia Citizen of the
position on the Democratic tic ­
Year, tearfully accepts award from C lu m )»,
Roy A. Nelson,
County Clerk has already filed
As presstime is reached the
for re-election on the Democrat­
current total in the Vernonia
ic ticket Although no filing has
Heart Machine Fund has reach­
yet been received. Daniel Lin-
ed a total of $4186.84. This does
hares, St. Helens, has filed a
not include the contribution from
prelim inary report for the Dem­
proceeds of the dinner as a
ocratic nomination He wishes to
final tally has not been made of
file via petition.
those funds as yet. However, it
Those interested in filing as
does mean that only one tiny step
candidates for any of those
more is needed to reach the
positions now open are advised
desired total of $48(1«.
to contact the elections division
of the Columbia County Clerk’s
office to determine what steps
they should take in having their
names put on the May prim ary
Schedule Resumed
Pair Sponsor
Relief Bill
T X dnv . fer .
lt p .
Primary File
Deadline Near
Residents of Columbia County
are reminded that March 1 is the
deadline (or purchasing dog
licenses for pets. All those who
have not complied with the law
by providing their animals with
license w ill be charged a $5
In 1973 there were close to a
thousand dogs who had to pay a
$2 penalty for not licensing their
dog before March 1. This year
the penalty has been raised to $5
and with the door-to-door plan
already laid out by the Columbia
County Dog Control Board there
w ill be very few people who are
not checked to see that they have
a dog license purchased for each
dog they own and that the license
is attached to the dog's collar
It is the duty of the Columbia
County Clerk, in connection with
the Dog Control program, to
collect license fees and required
penalties, issue the license and
tags and keep all dog license
records so it is possible to tell,
alphabetically, who has or has
not licensed a dog, and num eri­
cally for identification purposes
This is especially helpful in
returning lost dogs or fixing
blame in cases of livestock loss
or damage.
One of the main purposes for
use of dog license money is for
claims of livestock damaged by
canines. The balance is used to
pa v for the Dog Control o ffi­
cer, maintaining the dog pound
and any other expenses directly
related to maintaining the dog
control program
Fees for licensing dogs are as
follows: male, $4; spayed fe-
amles, $5; and females, $5 The
last notice ads were published
Thursday. February 21 (today)
and if anyone does not have a
dog license application from
the local paper then a letter and
School D istrict 47J has an-
a check addressed to. Roy A
that normal operating
Nelson, Columbia C o u n t y
tim e for the schools w ill resume
Clerk, Courthouse, St. Helens,
Monday, February 25 with
Oregon 97051 with the required
classes as follows: VHS, 8:40
fee and listing the sex and breed
a m.; Washington Grade School,
of the dog, w ill get the animal
a m .; Lincoln School, 9
properly licensed without penal­
m.; and Mist School 9 a.m.
ty. Letters postmarked no later a F irst
bus w ill arrive at Wash­
than March l w ill be accepted
ington a, 8 :20 a m The bus for
without penalty, even though
Lincoln w ill depart at 8:35 a m
they arrive late
F l o o d damage estimates
ranging from $2« m illion to $60
m illion caused confusion during
last month’s floods, making
people wonder which figures to
The varying estimates were
due more to differences in what
the damage figures included
Senator Bob Packwood and
than to interagency disagree­
Senator James McClure have
ment or haphazard forecasting
introduced a bill to temporarily
The Oregon Department of
waive the Jones Act to allow
Emergency Services and the
fertilizer to be shipped from
Federal Disaster
Alaska to West Coast ports to
Administration (FDAA) worked
relieve severe fertilizer short
together throughout the emer-
ages in agricultural areas in
ency to arrive at a total
Oregon ana the nation
amage of $58 m illion That
Packwood explained that the
figure includes all damage due
Jones Act requires goods be
to weather conditions in Oregon
shipped from one U.3. port to
The $21 m illion figure quoted
another in American ships But
by the FDAA was an estimate of
because of the excessive cost of
the Federal contribution to re­
using U.S. ships and because few
storing flood damages, not an
American vessels are available,
estimate of total damages.
there is a threat the fertilizer
The $41 m illion estimate of the
supplies w ill go to foreign m ar­ Corps of Engineers was lower
kets simply because of the
than the $58 m illion FDAA total
transportation problem, he said
damge estimate because Corps
figures do not include all dam ­
age Generally, Corps damage
estimates include figures for
Monty Brownlee, dog control
streams protected by Corps
officer for Columbia County, w ill
projects, streams that have been
bo at the Vernonia City Hall
studied by the Corps, and many
Thursday, February 28 from 1-4
major tributaries
p.m. to sell dog licenses.
Canine Officer Due
Demonia Eagle
Peggy Brunsman Chosen As
Vernonia Citizen Of The Year