» » io » » » » » :« » » :« uinriT-nps -FOR SALE-Genaral F IN A N C E RETURNS • Singer Touch and Sew • S -F t Console Stereo . Mediter- roan Style with 8-Trock Tape Deck, ProfeMloaal Changer, AM -FM Radio. ’ Kirby Vacuum Cleaner M ay be purchased individually or all. One low monthly pay­ WANTED MOBILE HOME for sale. 10x55, awning, skirting, two storage sheds i mile out of town on Timber Route. See Chuck at Ver. nonia Sentry 5tfc WANTED; Home Sewed Fashions or Handicrafts for our Fashion Show on March 2nd Call 429- 8783 or 429-3839____________ 6t2c fí * Trimming • Topping 429-6032 * Removing $8,800 ANNUALLY growing rare Ginseng root for us! Send $3.00 (refundable) for seeds, instruc­ tions. GC Herbs; Searsport, Maine 04974 7t3 PIANO. Console Spinet. Like new, will sacrifice to responsible party in this area. Cash or terms. Also ORGAN with Automatic Rhy­ thm. Phone collect 206-CH3-9270 or write Adjustor, 612 S.W. 152nd, Seattle, Wn., 98166 7t2c REFRIGERATOR, lawn mower, bedroom set, burning barrels, vacuum cleaner. Call 429-3792 7t2c CLEANING1ST carpet cleaner you ever used, so easy too. Get Blue Lustre. Rent electric sham pooer $1. Brunsman Hardware. _________________________ 7tlc E A R L Y American Davenport very reasonable, 429-3854. __________________________ 6t2 ARTEX roll-on decorating paints, instructions and supplies Sharon Krieger, 1771 N. Mist Dr., 429- 6485______________________ 2t6c CUT FLOWERS, weddings, fun- eral designs, plants. Also flowers by wire Artificial flowers and gifts. CHALET FLOWER SHOP. Phone 429-5733 or 429-6301. 13tfc BUNDLES of old newspapers for starting fires, 10 cents. Ver­ nonia Eagle, 721 Madison Ave. tfc FOR SALE-R'l Estate ”2 ^ M IN IM U M charge $1.00 for 25 words or less. Words over mini­ mum 4 cents each. Three Insertions for the price of two. NO Information on classifieds w ill be given out until after paper Is mailed. CARD of Thanhs and Notices: $1.00 for up to 12 lines. Addi­ tional lines, 8 cents each. DISPLAY classified are $1.00 per column Inch. THE E A G ~ £ assumes no finan­ cial responsibility for errors that may appear In ads pub­ lished In Its columns, but In cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an adv. In which the typographi­ cal mistake occurs. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY AD V. W IL L BE ACCEPTED A F T E R NOON TUESDAY E X ­ CEPT FO R N E X T W E E K ’S .PAPER. B L IN D ADS with answers to be handled by The Eagle: Mini­ mum charge $2.00. No informa­ tion given relative to such ads. PO ETR Y accepted only ns paid m atter: Rate: 10 cents per type line. HARRY'S TREE SERVICE CALL complete CLASSIFIED RATES SERVICES •» *“ * ’ * ' » * * * Horn |T1 Realty S » » U H O I* * Brush Clearing * Power Stump Removal INSURED & LICENSED Free Estimate 1-357-3277 KELSO SALE BARN R. Vaughn Baker, Auctioneer AUCTION F R ID A Y 7:00 P.M . Phone 425-3212 130 Sales Barn Road KELSO, WASHINGTON »8626 49tfc VERNONIA SANITARY SERVICE Phone 429-8711 30tfc SHOE REPAIRS - Open 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tandy Shoe Repair, D St., Vernonia, 429-3301. _________________________ Sltfc ARCTIC INSULATING CO. Blowo-ln Insulation Rockwool Batting F R E E ESTIM ATES Call Collect 397-1670 ST. HELENS ___________lOtfc Norman Hillsbery, Ruilder New Homes Built To Your Specifications New Construction - Additions - Re- modelng - Roofing . Foundations — F R E E ESTIM ATES — GRI 953 Bridge St„ Vernonia Phone 429-6203 B IL L HORN, BROKER SALESMAN: 429-8942 42 tfc RAIR Logging Co. 429-7485 Deri Roberts—429-3804 Sue Filter—429-7014 FOREST GROVE BRANCH — Arlie Satterlee. Mgr.—Ph. 357-2321 Q U IN N \s REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE SALES - RENTALS Listings Needed 786 Bridge St. — Phone 429-8211 Fiahhawk Branch - Birkenfeld Phone 755-2280 PUBLIC NOTICE The Place To Call For All Your Rock Needs! Serbys Entertain Sunday Visitors M IS T — Sunday afternoon din­ ner guests of the Casper Serbys were Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Vaage of Kelso. Washington, Mr and Mrs Lee Hines, of W arren, Mr and Mrs Marv Shillington of Goble and Mrs Alice Buker of Goble. Mr and Mrs Jim Thelds, of SI. Helens, were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Shalmon Libel, Wednesday evening. Mr and Mrs Larry Garlock have been entertaining Mrs Garlocks' brother and bride, Mr and Mrs. Jerry Simmons, during the past week. Mr and Mrs. Ira West of Clatskanie visited Mr and Mrs Martin Hansen and Mrs. Nettie Cox last week. Delmar Michner was a lunch­ eon guest of the Walter Mathews on Saturday Dinner guests were Mr and Mrs Ed Condit on Saturday evening. Gene Foley, Fort Lewis, visit­ ed Mr and Mrs Roy Kyser over the weekend. Mrs Arthur Laubach Sr. of Baldwin Park, California, a r ­ rived at the Art Laubach home in Mist for a visit on Sunday afternoon. Mrs D.D B arr. Mrs Martin Hansen, and Mrs Nettie Cox attended the Seventh Day Ad­ ventists meeting in Rainier. Saturday evening □ Trucking, Excavating, Bulldozing, nehalem valley Backhoe Sand - Gravel • Rock Stockpiled la Vernonia for —Immediate Delivery— MOTOR FREIG H T, INC. letfc Phone 429-3462 FOR SAVINGS on loans contact your local Credit Union - 873 Bridge Street. 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. - Tuesdays through Friday. Closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Or call 429-8245 during non-office hours. NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING 17tfc NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to ORS 294.401, that a SEPTIC TANK PU M P IN G meeting of the Budget Cununittee Licensed - Bonded and Insured of Administrative School District PHO NE 397-3172 No. 47J of Columbia County, State I f no answer call 397-2281. of Oregon, will be held at Ad­ Columbia County Septic ministration Office, 475 Bridge Tank Service Street, Vernonia, Oregon, on the ____ 18tfc 26th day of February, 1974 at 8:00 o’clock for the purpose of receiv­ ing the budget message and bud­ get document of said district TO THE PEOPLE OF for the fiscal year 1974-1975. This is a public meeting where BIRKENFELD deliberations of the Budget Com­ Last Monday night, it wasn’t mittee will take place, and any just a fire—it was a need. It person muy appear and discuss proposed programs with the Bud­ wasn't what was saved or done— it was how people responded to get Committee at that time. A copy of he budget document that need. is available at Administration Of­ It was like a big family, getting fice, 475 Bridge Street, Vernonia, things done without reservation, Oregon 97064. without thought of self or danger Darrold R. Proehl, to We saw people Budget Officer 7tlc yourselves. working side by side in perfect harmony, not thinking of differ­ ences between them, only of the need of someone else. There NEW VERNONIA Hotel - Rooms was compassion, there was by day, week or month. Also, trailer hook-ups. Phone 429-5091. thoughtfulness — people forget­ ting they had bad backs or other __________________________ 6tfc weaknessess, just thinking of the 1 BEDROOM furnished apartment need of two people in trouble. It reminded us of days of old for rent in Vernonia. $85 a mo. $25 cleaning deposit. Water fur­ when people looked to each other nished. References Call 324- for their needs. They got in­ ^ 9472._______________________ 5« volved in each others problems, and their needs were met. 4-BEDROOM and work room. There are no words or deeds Washer and dryer, garbage dis­ that can repay you for what you posal, dishwasher, fireplace. $175 did. There is no amount of thanks a month. Phone 429-7603. we can give you to repay you, 4tfc because it wouldn't be enough. All we can say is. "Ihank you, FURNISHED apartment. Suitable people for being involved and for one or two adults. 429-6033. 2tfc bringing that love for one another CARD ol THANKS FOR RENT that is so hard to find in this PERSONAL REDUCE safe and fast with GoBese Tablets and E-Vap "wa- ter pills" Vernonia Drug, 7t2 world today.” We thank God for such people as you—every single one. ROCKY, MICHELE AND TOE CRAWFORD FAMILY 7tlc Church Notes WOMEN S LEAGUE' Adventists NOBILE HONES ment 7tl BOWLING Thursday Afti on leag u e Feb 7 W L The Chicks 19 5 Chevy V-8 11 13 Bob’s Union 10 14 Vernonia Eagle 7 17 High team series and game, Vernonia Eagles, 2497, 912; high individual series, Velma Hopkins, 494; high individual game, Mary Cota, 194 Splits picked up: Helen Clark 5-6, 3-10; Betty Holsey, 3-10; Mary Cota, 5 10; Darlene Wil- coxen, 3-10; l^ u ra Buckner, 3 10; Doris Kreiger, 2 5 7; Milda Harriman, 4-7-10; Debbie Parry 2-5-7. Monday Night League Feb 11 W L Timber nook 12 8 Quinn Insurance 11 9 Vernonia Drug 11 9 West Oregon 6 14 High team game and series, Vef-nonia Drug 884 and 2562 High individual gam e and series Judy McDonald 209 and 494 Splits picked up: Carol Barker 5-10 Tuesday Afternoon Feb 12 W L Dave’s ARCO 11 9 Mitch’s Witches 10^ 9'z Marios 10 10 Rose Motel n>z High team series, and gam e Rose Motel, 2410, and 828. High individual series and game, Carol Bodenhammer 434 and 177. Tuesday Night League W L Cut & Curl 13 7 Standard Oil 9l/i 10'z Bill Horn 9 11 Pills 8‘z 11>Z High team series, Standard Oil, 2461; high team game, Cut and Curl, 842; high individual sereis, Vera Cole, 482; high individual game, Vera Cole and Joyce Johnson, 185 Splits picked up: Irene Ming- er, 4-5; Isabel Anderegg 5-7; Shirley Huss 3-10 and 8-10; Mary Ann Ceballos 5-10; Lynn Ince 3-10; Gladys Kimmel 5-8-10. Feb. 12 MEN'S LEAGUE Thursday Men's League Feb 7 J w L Mikes . 12 8 Funsters 11 9 te w s 10 10 Alpine 7 13 High team series. Lews, Al­ pine (Tied) 2728; high individual series, Ben Fowler. 529, high individual game, B Hall, 191 Guests Enjoy Visit Following Wedding RIVERVIEW—Gaests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Carson Strong following the wedding of their daughter, Melody, were Mr and Mrs. E arl Fain, Mrs. William Parrott, Mrs Dorothy Bisigs, Mrs. and Mrs Larry Strong and son Jeff, all of Tacoma Mr and Mrs Don Bennett of Eugene and Mr and Mrs John (Zigi) Peachey and daughters The youngest daugh­ ter, Melissa Dawn, was born January 31. Carlene Snyder of Hillsboro visited Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Reyn­ olds On Sunday the Reynolds family took her home and spent the day visiting Mrs George Famine aid totaling $20,000 is now en route to Ethiopia, as a result of participation by widely separate ted Seventh-day Adven- tist organizations, according to a report received here by Mrs. Ruth Veal, director of the local Community Service Center of the church Mrs Veal said the aid came in the form of $5,000 contributions from the Adventist Church in Sweden, in the Netherlands, in the Middle E ast and the Seven­ th-day Adventist Worlo Services (SAWS), in the United States In addition SAWS is sending vita­ mins and medicines to the stricken area. According to the report re ­ ceived by Mrs Veal some 1.5 million people have been affec ted by the famine, caused by the most severe drought to have hit Ethiopia in recent times Mrs. Veal reported that the local center had shipped nearly 100 boxes of clothing to the SAWS Warehouse in Watsonville, Cali­ fornia in addition to supplying local needs. Used clothing totaling 248,000 pounds has been sent from Watsonville and another SAWS warehouse in New York City to Angola, Tanzania, Lebanon, Peru and Brazil according to Mrs. Veal Christian Weekly Bible Studies will be Tuesday evening a t-th e Russ Vinyard home and tonight at the Bill Kretschmer home, both starting at 8 p.m. Wednesday evenings following the 7:30 p.m. choir practice at the church, a Bible Study will begin at 8:15 p.m. “Fifth Q uarter” will be after the game tomorrow night, with a singing group entertain­ ing At this writing the location isn't definite, so listen for it to be announced. Remember this Sunday at the 9:45 a.m . Sunday School hour to come yourself, bring your Bible and a friend and “let’s Get Into the Sonshine” . We want to reach the top of the therm om eter before Seaside and North Plains do! Jr. High and High School Youth will be leaving after the 6 p m . Sunday Evening Fellow­ ship hour for their “Secret Destination.” Regular CWF meeting will be 1:30 p.m. Feb­ ruary 20 at the church. Baptist This past Saturday a group of young people and sponsors a t­ tended a Billy Graham movie, 'A Time to Run” which was showing in Vancouver, Wash The movie was very inspiration­ al depectin^ problems that plague many am erican families today. After the movie the group enjoyed pizza at Shakey’s in MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. Beaverton This last Sunday ended an attendance contest between the Senior youth group and the intermediate youth The seniors as the losers wiH hast the younger group with a party to be held at the Gene Baska home Saturday February 16 is the date for the all-church Valentine Banquet A meal of chicken, baked potatoes, green beans, salad, hot rolls, pie and coffee will be served at 6 30 followed by a program and group singing Big plans are being made and all members should plan to attend and bring a guest. We would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone to worship with us this Sunday. Witnesses “ Be Confident of Divine Victory” was the title of the keynote address of the weekend regional assembly of Jehovah’s Witnesses at Portland’s Wilson High School. Vernonia delegates w e r e among the 1,853 who heard E C. Woodley, Northwest overseer for the group, declare: “The coming Ocrnonia Eagle THURSDAY, FEB. 14, w arfare between God's forces and those opposed to divine rulership is described in detail in the Bible book of Revelation. This scriptural account makes it plain that complete victory for God’s side is assured It is no mere quaint story; this victory will come just as surely as there is a divine ru le r!” Woodley then counseled the Witnesses, “ With soundness of mind and confidence in God's victory we can victoriously sur vive the approaching end Meanwhile we want to keep busy helping others to gain accurate knowledge of the truth of God’s word, so they too may share in the blessings of victory by Jehovah.” The Sunday morning highlight of the gathering was the ordinat­ ion by water baptism of 60 new ministers. The regular meeting of the Vernonia Congregation will be resumed this week, it was an­ nounced by Jam es Milton, local presiding overseer. USED MOBILE HOMES, TRAVEL TRAILERS, AND TRUCK CAMPERS 1—1968 Skyline 2 bedroom all electric, excel­ lent condition____________________ $3795 1—1967 Brookwood 2-bedroom all gas very g o o d ------------------------------------------- $3950 1—8x40 Builtmore, 1 bedroom, electric stove, very n ic e ________________________ $2195 1—8x30 Terra Cruiser_________________ $495 1—18V£-Foot Travel Trailer completely Self- Contained _______________________ $1595 1—16-Ft. A ristro crat_________________ $1195 1—16^-Ft. Fleetcraft. Very clean. Self C o n tain ed _______________________ $1350 1—14-Ft. S k y lark _____________________ $495 1—Apache Tent Trailer........____________ $295 1—12-Ft. Aloha Travel Trailer_____ _ _$595 1—13-Ft. Cardinal Travel Trailer_______ $595 1—9V£-Ft. Bounty Truck Camper. Self - Con­ tained. No. Only_________________ $1095 1—10-Ft. Conestoga truck camper______ $595 1—10-Ft. Vista Liner truck camper_____ $850 1—22-Ft. Chris Craft boat with 100 hp Johnson Motor. Only ____________________ $1895 1—1972 Champion 18V£-Ft. Motor Home, 11,000 miles, loaded. To settle estate_____ $5,945 1—24x60 3-bedroom, 2 bath all electric deluxe mobile home to rent or lease to an executive located near Trojan Power Plant on Private land. Small children allowed. Rent $225 per month. Twelve Month W arranty on all New Units. Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mobile home and travel trailer supplies, accessories, awnings, skirting and insur­ ance. Open 7 days per week. 357-7281 Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, and Curing Cattle received Sunday & Monday until noon; hogs received Tuesday and Wednesday until noon. Meat for sale, any quantity. — Call for Appointment — Come through B ank«, take T illa­ mook road 1H ml., take first left- hand road. life 1974 5 TROJAN HOMES INC. Phone 556-1531 Located on Highway 30 to St. Helens mi. S.E. of Rainier. Next to Stop Inn at Rainier. Also Clatskanie lot on Highway 30 Owned and Operated by Steve & Lotus Gaskill