Ocmonid F - 2 THURSDAY, FEB ’•••“ • “• “• “•••••••■•■••■••••■•'■■••■••»□■••»•o« 14, 1974 SEL-MOR. INC., Police Have Quiet Month THE PEOPLE SPEAK - - - Mraœrac«aaaMMMMMamaammM«NMMa( B. RHOADES. MELVIN SCHWAB. To the Federal Energy Office: I as a merchant in Vernonia OFFICIAL NEW SPAPER representing Sears Roebuck & Ver»«aU. Oregaa Co feel that our little commun ity i s being discriminated Entered as second class mail matter August 4, 1921. under the against by your office in its allocation of gasoline to the act oi March 3. 1879. people of this remote commun­ Published weekly on Thursday ity at 721 Madison Ave., Vernonia In behalf of the people of Columbia County, Oregon 97064 Vernonia, I wish to register a and paid at the Vernonia Post formal protest to your actions Office as second class matter The gasoline crisis in Vernonia demands an immediate investi­ SiibscrtptloBs gation by your office to relieve 83.00 Per Year — In the Nehalem the human hardship the shortage Valley has created for all our citizens the few, for the few and at the expens«* of the people as a whole A government, which is all- powerful. and over which the people have no control, has up to now been called a dictatorship Double thinkers and Double speakers are still just plain liars or dupes and (he CCOG and ( RAG type units of regional government all over the nation are just exactly the small units and forerunners of a DICTAT­ ORSHIP Dale N Brooks Scappoose. Oregon 84.00 Per Year Elsewhere Sincerely Edward Balia M OFFICE HOURS Tues., Wed., F ri.—8 to 8 p jn . o b .. Thors A Sat.—8 a.m to 12 Phoar 429-137? Oregon M Newspaper ■ Publishers Association ■ ■ ■ » » I* :* » :* » :* » » :* :* » :* :* : TOWN TOPICS ssweeeocoaoeeooooaeoMii Mrs Bruce McDonald has been hospitalized with broken bones She has enjoyed receiving all the cards and letters from her old friends in Vernonia and would like to hear from them again Her new address is: Mrs Hazel McDonald. Gateway Care Center, 39 N.E 102nd Ave., Portland. Oregon COMING SOON - The Am eri­ can Legion Auxiliary w ill hold a Rummage Sale. Watch for an­ nouncement of date and time. Mrs Frank Schmidlin visited Mrs Albert Reynolds on Thurs­ day and found her much im ­ proved since her recent hospital stay . On Saturday M r and Mrs Howard Seal and fam ily of Hillsboro had dinner at" the Schmidlin home M r and Mrs. Luther Herrin of Dallas visited at the home of her son and fam ily. M r and Mrs Gene Weller Thursday and F r i­ day. Editor: National politicians are not the only ones who have become very good at talking out of both sides of their mouths The practice of telling the people one thing to get a vote and then proceeding in the opposite direction has been standard practice for local elected officials more and more of late. Concerning CCOG and its big­ ger and more potent parent, CRAG, both are units of non- elected Regional Government Most if not all officials of local governments w ill endorse the one-man. one-vote concept in elections Yet these same of­ ficials are actively pushing for the units of regional government to gain greater and greater power These local officials know fully i unless they are blind and deaf' that regional govern­ ment intends to completely re ­ place all of our legally elected units of government and that the regional government officials w ill be appointed, not elected Thus we have men who public­ ly profess to believe in the one-man. one-vote concept, but who are engaged in bringing into being a system of government which w ill have all-men. No Vote practice It is very pertinent at this point to note that Regional Government is called “ The Quiet Revolution" by those who have made serious studies of it and therefore oppose it as being of Death Takes J. Wilcoxen ST MARY S THRIFT SHOP Open second Saturday of each month 6t3 M r and Mrs Roscoe Nice of Goshen visited their son and family M r and Mrs Melvin Nice Friday until Monday. Fndav evening Mr and» Mm," Clarence Wakefield of Longview also visited the Nice’s Waiermasler Slated Clayton J. Gardner, State Watermaster. is in Room 306. Columbia County Courthouse from 10 a m until 3 p.m to answer any questions pertaining to water rights His next visit w ill be on February 20. LCHKÏSLER Plymouth &%£XS!£2 Larsen's Inc. 440 N. Nehalem C L A T S K A N IE , ORE. Y o u r Local Rep. ART L A M P IN G P H . 429-5671 22t6c Funeral services for John Wesley Wilcoxen 47, Seattle, form erly of Vernonia, were held Saturday, February 9 in Seattle Graveside services were held Tuesday February 12 at 1 p.m at the Vernonia Memorial Cem­ etery With local arrangements entrusted to Fuiten Mortuary Chapel. Rev. Jack Carlson, pastor of the Vernonia Evangelical Chur­ ch officiated John Wesley Wilcoxen was born in Picher. Oklahoma the son of John Wesley and Madie Irene Mackey Wilcoxen As a young boy he moved to Oregon with his parents in 1933 In 1938 the fam ily moved to Vernonia He attended grade and High schools in Vernonia. In 1944. he joined the U.S. Navy serving until 1946 At this " time he returned to Vernonia, living here until moving to the Seattle area In 1948 he was married to Patricia Hereth in Everett. Wn M r WiJcoxen's life's occupation has been working as a Seaman in the Merchant Marines and in the M ilita ry Sea Transport Service In 1963 he was married to Machika Yazawa in Yokahoma. Japan For the past eight years the fam ily has lived at 4035 37th Ave So. Seattle. M r Wilcoxen died February 5 at the Manne Hospital in Seattle, following a severe heart attack one week earlier. He is survived by his wife, Machika. at the fam ily home His also survived by one son John Wesley Wilcoxen III of Seattle Also surviving is one brother B ill Wilcoxen of Verno­ nia and one sister Mrs Richard (Bonnie) Benson of Renton, Washington are you a SLEEPLESS SAL? Y O U SHOULD SEE YOUR DOCTOR FOR A CHECKUP! If you're catching all the late-late-late shows because you can't sleep, it's time you saw a doctor! If he prescribes medication, Dick Magruder State Representative Salem. Oregon Dear Dick Attached is a copy of a letter I received from Vesta E Thomas in Clatskanie and also a copy of my answer to her in which I promist»d to contact you about what I feel is a serious injustice to our senior citizens This is probably just an oversight on the legislatures part that nothing has been done to relieve the senior citizens of the hardship of paying the current high dog license fees The fees are justifi ably necessary to run the dog control program but certainly a hardship on senior citizens on fixed incomes who are having a tougher tim e each and every day making ends meet In this case the lady is 76 years old and a widow with a spaved chihuahua dog It certainly w ill not cause the county any dam­ age but s till under the law I was forced to collect from her 84.00 as the county dog license fee and if she had not payed she would have been liable for the 85 00 penalty after March 1st plus still paying the 84.00 license fee I feel this license fee is an unjust burden on this lady and any other senior citizen on a lim ited income I would propose that you sponsor a law hopefully in the special session starting Monday or in the next regular session of the legislature for sure that would reduce the dog li­ cense fee to all our senior citizens over 66 years of age to $1.00 or less at your discretion Our adm inistrative costs of dog tags, license books and issuing the license averages out about $1.00 for each license issued This way the senior citizens w ill have met the letter of the law in having a license on their dogs and the protection factor is still there so if their dog is lost we can tell who the owner is for retum- int the dog This type of license is already in effect for hunting and fishing licenses which we assist senior citizens in obtaining for 50 cents each from the Oregon Wildlife Commission. Also we have laws that reduce or eliminate pro­ perty taxes for senior citizens so I would expect favorable re­ sponse from the legislature if a bill were introduced reducing this financial hardship on our senior citizens Thanking you for myself and our senior citizens for any consideration and help you might render them Sincerely Roy A Nelson Columbia County Clerk Roy A Nelson Columbia County Clerk Dear Sir- I am a widow 76 years old I have a little chihuahua spaded dog She never leaves the house unless in the car with me. This seems a big price to pay for a license for her I just moved here, and don’t know your laws I though! Senior Citizens got some reductions Inclosed is check for 84.00 Sincerely, Vesta Thomas P.O. Box 506 Clatskanie. Ore. 97016 Vesta E Thomas P.O Box 560 Clatskanie, Or 97016 Dear Mrs Thomas We have received your letter along with the fee for a dog license We are enclosing your license. We have sympathy with your request for reductions for senior citizens that must buy licenses for their dogs However, as it stands now under Oregon Law, there are no reductions and all persons owning a dog must pay the regular rate. A copy of your letter w ill be sent to Dick Magruder, State Representative Perhaps if the problem were brought to his attention, he might start legisla tion to reduce the fees that senior citizens have to pay to comply with the law Thank you for w riting to us Perhaps something can be done in the future to help our senior citizens Sincerely, Roy A Nelson Columbia County Clerk Road Deaths Hit New Low you can depend on us for immediate service! VERNONIA DRUG Oregon's January 1974 traffic death total was the lowest for any month since April, i960 according to the figures released by the Oregon T ra ffic Safety Commission Keep Oregon Green and Clean C H IE F of Police Jack Cunningham gfvea Mrs. Laura Carmichael a quick buss on the cheek after awarding her a letter of cornntendahon for <*o*votk»n of tlnn* and labor. She has been washing all tin* bedding for the Vernonia Ambulance for the past several years at no charge to the city. Police Report January 28. 1974. Wally Gros che, EXXON, reported a man drove off without paying for gas 1-28-74. Sool T Scheneider. reported loss or stolen. $15,600 in American Express Travelers checks, sometime between Feb ruary and June 1973 1- 29-74, Susan B Fenner, Ver­ nonia Court Apt 420 A Street, reported theft of a rear view m irror, value $10 2- 1-74. a man was arrested on 2 warrents from Washington Cou nty Court Bail $900 2-3-74, a man was arrested for D.U.I.L. February 13. 1974, two city employees w ill attend the meeting with the Washington Medical Emergency Radio Sys­ tem (MERS) Public Safety Wing, Washington County Court House, Hillsboro. Purpose of the conference is approval of the system to be used b> City of Vernonia Ambulance Those who w ill attend w ill be Tommy Bruce and Ix.*^ Ackers. TV Players Set Auditions Tualatin Valley Players w ill lx* holding auditions for “ Happy Birthday Wanda June", Satur­ day, February 16 and Sunday, February 17 at 2 p.m in the theatre at the Did Nut Loft. 17210 S.W Shaw. Alhoa “ Happy Birthday, Wanda June" was w ritten by novelist Kurt Vonne­ gut. Jr B ill McClane w ill direct He’s directed at Mt Hood Community College and he played the lead. Harold Rvan. when Mt Hood did this play a couple of years ago. Actors are needed "to fill the following roles: Penelope Rvan. age 30 Paul Ryan, her son. age 12, Harold Ryan, her husband, age 55, Colonel Looseleul Harper, her husband's sidekick, age 50, Dr Norbert Wixidly. a suitor, age 35 Wanda June, a ehost, aee 10 Major Siegfried Von Konigswald a german ghost, age 50; Mildred. Harold’s form er wife, a ghost, age 45. three females, age 10, 30. 45; five males, age 12. 35, 50. 50 55. Misdemeanor thefts headed the police report for the month of January as submitted to the Vernonia City Council under (he signature of Chief of Police Jack Cunningham The record also showed one hurglarv for the month T raffic violations totaled 26 with one arrest shown Then* were four VBR’s, on«* disobeyed tra ffic signal, one improper turn one violation of vehicle laws, two D U IL ’s, one violation '»I municipal ordinances; 14 parking violations and two ex cessive noise citations issued The department investigated four traffic accidents, assisted at two fire calls and un.swer«*d six ambulance calls with six assists to other departments They also made 11 home checks and locat­ ed two missing persons and handled eight miscellaneous complaints Members of tin* department spent 2‘** hours in St Helens for in-service training on the handl mg of mental patients in addition to regular work Officers contributed 22 non paid overtime hours to the department while reserve police contributed 153 hours Police car No. 130 logged 2,938 miles for the month of January County Unit Of ACS Holds Crusade Meet The Columbia County Unit of the American Cancer Society had their "lift-u p " meeting at the Elks Club in St Helens February 11. There was good representation from each city in the county. Those attending from Ver noma were Columbia County Chairman Louise Hamnett and volunteers Francis Lentz, Car olyn Keasey, Evelyn Heath. Leona Aldrich and Genny Han son. R«*staurunti*ur. Page Yaw, vice chairman of the business crusade and Nora Janik, vice president of the Oregon Division spoke on "What is Crusade.” Also pr«*s«*nl from Portland were staff representatives Lana Buck and Eran Eckhart. Louise Hamnett stated “ we were going to tie in orbit during the month of March with our crusade, and our county sights are set at $19,000. ” The volunteers in Columbia County are d«*dicating the cru­ sade this year to LaVerne Crouse of St Helens A devoted volunteer, who has for the past several years done a te rrific job in organizing the crusade for the county, but has now fallen victim to tin* disease she has fought so hard to conquer It was mainly due to her efforts that Columbia county is considered as one of the best organized in the state VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE Old Courthouse Basement ST. HELENS, O R EG O N Phone 397-2268 — After Hours 397-1730 M onda y - W ednesday - T hu rsday 9:30 a.m. to 12 Noon