X tiorary U n iv e r s ity o f Oregon Eug one t Or o r on ~ , p Oertion i a Eagle VOLUM E 52, N U M B ER 6_________________ VERN O N IA , OREGON WOM — ls Angeles area In 1954 he married Billy Whiteside In 1969 they moved to Vernonia They came to Oregon to visit Billv's brother and liked it so well they decided to move here The Rhoades have three children, W illiam (Mack) who is in the Navy, Bobby, a freshman and Sally who is an eighth grader Rhoades is employed at Noble Craft in Hillsboro " I got started when Bobby found some old.cork top bottles in an old dump about two years" smiled B ill "and the hobby over ran the house so I started the business.” Quite a few of the bottles and jars were found but some were bought “ I have something for everyone from 5 cents up,” said B ill, “ so come in and brouse, we w ill be open every weekend” . i B ll.l. RHOADES, local resident, opened bis business. Tbc Glass Shack, thia past weekend. The shop will feature old glassware, fruit jars, and other Items of the past.