mnmwDS FOR SALE General V T H R E E CROSSBRED Yearlings beef for sale on the hoof Phone 429 2931 Stic M ILLIO N S of rugs have been cleaned with Blue Lustre It's America's finest. Rent electric shampooer Si. Brunsman Hard­ ware. Stic 1972 BOLENS tractor 15 hp OHV with blade AG tires and wheel weights $1,100. Phone 429 7642 4t2 F R E E PU PPIES - to good homes. Mother shepherd, father mostly Doberman. 4 males - 1 female 2 months old. 948 Cougar St , Vernonia 4t3 SINGER Slant-O-Matic sewing machine All attachments. Ex­ cellent Condition. Reasonable price 429-5011. 3t3c MOVING SALE: Tables, chairs, beds, springs, lamps, dryer, push mower, bird cage and stand, etc Helen Hanel, 1302 State Ave. 3t3 FOR S A U . Freezer 21 cubic ft. self-defrosting like new $195. Heavy galvanized 340 gallon tank new $75. Ken Williams, 429-3832 3t3c A R TEX roll-on decorating paints, instructions and supplies. Sharon Krieger, 1771 N. Mist D r., 429- 6485 ________________________ 2t6c CUT FLOWERS, weddings, fun­ eral designs, plants. Also flowers by wire. Artificial flowers and gifts. CHALET FLOW ER SHOP. Phone 429-5733 or 4294301. 13tfc BUNDLES of old newspapers for starting fires, 10 cents. Ver­ nonia Eagle, 721 Madison Ave. tfc MOBILE HONES LOST and FOUND M O BILE HOME for sale. 10x55, awning, skirting, two storage sheds. 1 mile out of town on Timber Route. See Chuck at Ver. nonia Sentry.________________5tfc FOUND: Watch at Lake Ver­ nonia. Call 4296485 and give description. Owner pays for ad. StSc FOR SALE: 1969 Broacknore 12rfi0 Mobile Home - 2 bedroom, colored appliances, drapes, car­ pet, full awning, skirting and metal storage shed $5,300. Call after 8 a m and 12 - 6 on Satur­ day and Sundays 357-7010. stac PERSONAL ANYONE knowing where M argar­ et or Helen Smith Their father Warren Smith had a Dairy in Vernonia in the early 1920's. He had sons . Wilford and Ralph, please contact: Clement J Fitz­ gerald. He worked on the Dairy for them in tne 1920's His ad­ dress is: Clement J Fitzgerald, 1549 Sherman Ave., North Bend, Oregon 97459 Phone 756 7849 FOR RENT 1 BEDROOM furnished apartment for rent in Vernonia. $85 a mo. $25 cleaning deposit Water fur­ nished References Call 324- 9472.________________________ 5t3 4-BEDROOM and work room Washei and dryer, garbage dis­ posal. dishwasher, fireplace. $175 a month. Phone 4297603. 4tfc F U R N ISH ED apartment Suitable for one or two adults. 429-6033. 2tfc SERVICES GRI 953 Bridge St., Vernonia Phone 4294203 B IL L HORN, BROKER SALESMAN: Deri Roberts—4293804 Sue Kilter—4297014 " FOREST GROVE BRANCH — Arlie Satterlee, Mgr —Ph. 357-2321 Q U IN N \S HARRY'S TREE SERVICE £ * Trimming Removing • Brush Clearing * Power Stump Removal INSUR ED & LIC ENSED Free Estimate 1-357-3277 VERN O N IA HO TEL Room* by day, week, or month. Also, trailer hook-up*. Phone 429-2241. 49tfc KELSO SALE BARN SALES - RENTALS lAaiinfFR Needed 786 Bridge St. — Phone 4298211 Fishhawk Branch - Birkenfeld Phone 755-2280 FOR S ALE-Autos 1961 C H EVY Pickup. 4 speed. 6- cyUnder, radio and heater. Good ■nape. $550 324-9225._______ 4t3c CARD ol THANKS W E WISH to thank our friends and neighbors for the many pray­ ers, for the food, cards, flowers, contributions to the ambulance fund and expressions of sym­ pathy in our time of grief. Mr. and Mrs George Snyder and children Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmidlin M r. and Mrs. Donovan Reynolds and fam ily M r. and M rs Floyd Snyder and fam ily M r and Mrs. Charles Harders and fam ily Mr. and Mrs Bert Snyder and fam ily 5tl WE WOULD like to thank all the volunteers, police depart­ ment and fire department for their help during the recent flood. Also thanks go to Pastor Hurley and his wife for their work dur­ ing the crisis Assembly of God Church Stic I WOULD like to thank all my wonderful friends for their visits, cards, flowers and prayers while I was in the hospital Hiey were greatly appreciated. Judy Babes Stic 1 WOULD like to thank all those who prayed for me while I was in the hospital. Also thanks to m y friends for all the cards, flowers and visits. Doug Bates Stic V WE WOULD like to thank all the volunteers who helped with clean­ ing up the Pine Cone following the flood Your aid was greatly appreciated The Pine Cone Stic WANTED_ _ _ _ _ _ _ W ANTED: Mature person to keep two girls 8 and 10 from 5 90 a m. to 8 a m. Monday tliru Friday my home at 1165 E F ir. Phone 429 $391 after 6 p.m. M3 CLASSIFIED RATES M IN IM U M charge »1.00 for 25 word* or le**. Word* over mini­ mum 4 cent* each. Three Insertion* for the price of two. NO Information on classified* will be given out until after paper Is mailed. CARD of Thanks and Notices: $1.00 for np to 12 lines. Addi­ tional lines, 8 cent* each. column Inch. TH E EAG ~E assumes no finan­ cial responsibility for error* that may appear in ads pub­ lished la it* columns, but In cases where this paper is at fault w ill reprint that part of an ndv. in which the typographi­ cal mistake occurs. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. W ILL BE ACCEPTED A F T E R NOON TUESD A Y E X ­ CEPT FO R N E X T W E E K ’S PAPER. B L IN D ADS with answers to be handled by The Engle: M ini­ mum charge $2.00. No informa­ tion given relative to such ads. PO ETR Y accepted only as paid m atter: Rate: 10 cento per type llae. Church Notes R. Vaughn Baker. Auctioneer AUCTION F R ID A Y 7:90 P.M . REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Sometimes the shadows gather and the clouds are in the sky, Sometimes we cannot see the sun For the tears are in our eyes. But always in the darkness We are under God’s great hand. And in His fragrant gardens. We will meet and understand. In loving memory of Sister Florence Love, be it resolved that M t. Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243, extend love and sym­ pathy to the family. Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereav­ ed fam ily; also that a copy be spread on the records of our Lodge. Also, be it resolved that the Charter of this Lodge be veiled in mourning for a period of thirty days. Resolution Committee Faye Davis Cora Lange E lla Cline 5tlc DISPLAY classified are $1.00 per * Topping FOR SALE-R'l Estate Bill Hom Realty IN MEMORIAM Phone 425-3212 130 Sale* Barn Road KELSO, WASHINGTON 98626 « tfc VERNONIA SANITARY SERVICE Phone 4298711 aotfc SHOE REPA IR S — Open 8:30 a m. to 5:30 p.m. Tandy Shoe Repair, D St., Vernonia, 4293301. Sltfc ARCTIC INSULATING CO. Biown-ln Insulation Rockwool Batting F R E E ESTIM ATES Call C olled 397-1670 ST. HELENS Norman Hillsbery, Builder New Homes Built To Your Specification* New Construction - Additions - Re- modelnr - Roofing . Foundation* — F R E E ESTIM ATES — 429-8942 42tfc Bible Our annual Missionary Con­ ference w ill begin this Sunday morning F eb ru ary 3 and w ill run through F rid a y night. F eb ru ary 8 The week day services w ill begin each evening at 7:30 w ith a fellowship hour afte r each ser vice Our Sunday services w ill rem ain the same Sunday School 9:4 5a .m . M orning Worship 11 a m Evening Service 7 p.m . A Potluck Dinner w ill follow them orning worship service this Sunday. Plan on staying and bring a friend M is s io n a rie s re p re s e n tin g many different countries w ill be presenting their work and sh ar­ ing their slides with us. Don’t miss out. Promises to be a blessing Our Sunday School bus is run throughout Vernonia every Sun day morning for those needing a ride to Sunday School and church F o r the schedule of your neighborhood lOtfc phone the pastor at 429 3363 P rim a ry church is held during the morning worship service for kindergarten through 4th grade and is geared to the under­ standing and needs of the boys and girls An adult Bible study in the book of Revelation is held every Thursday evening at 7:30 in the home of M r an M rs Bob Zerfing It is conducted by V irg il Snook Everyone is welcome Our young adult Sweetheart Banquet w ill be held Saturday, F eb ru ary 9 at 7:30 p.m . at the church A great tim e is planned BAIR Logging Co. Christian Each Tuesday evening are 429-7485 topical Bible Studies at the Orv The Place To Call For A ll Your Rock Needal Trucking, Excavating, Bulldozing. Backhoe Sand • Gravel - Reck Stockpiled In Vernonia for —Immediate D elivery— ietfc FOR SAVINGS on loans contact your local Credit Unwn - 873 Bridge Street. 10:30 a.m. to 5:$0 p.m. - Tuesdays through Friday. Closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday Or c a t 4298245 during non-office hours. 17tfc SEPTIC TANK PU M PIN G Ucessed - Bonded and Insured PHO NE 367-3172 I f no answer call 367-2281. Columbia County Septic Tank Service IStfc Olson home, these start at 8 p m Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m choir practice at the church. This afternoon a group from San Jose, C alifornia, “The Gospelites ”, w ill be singing at the High School. Weekly Bible study this even­ ing at 8 p.m . at the Bill K retschm er home, study is in the book of M ark F eb ru ary 6 at 6:30 p m the monthly potluck dinner, with the business meeting starting at 8 p.m. F eb ru ary 13, the C W F w ill meet at 10 30 a m for a cleaning day Bring your sack lunch. The regular C W F monthly meeting w ill meet F eb ru ary 20 at 1:30 Company Adds New Branches The largest growth in the 13 year history of Lincoln Savings and Ixian Association was re ­ ported for 1973 by Donald W Hirschberger, president of the Beaverton based association Savings accounts increased from $31 m illion in 1972 to $41 5 m illion in 1973 for a healthy 34 percent growth Total assets grew from $38 5 m illion in 1972 to $43.6 m illion in 1973, according to Hirschberger Herschberger attributes the growth to several factors includ mg S 4 H Green Stamps promo­ tions, free Theatre Parties for In d ie s . special Savings Clubs and free G ift of the Month items Contributing to the growth w ere two new branches One, in Forest Grove, was opened in mid July and the second at N E 73rd and Glisan in Portland was opened Novem ber 1st At the end of five months operation the Forest Grove branch had ach ­ ieved 91 percent of its projected first y e a r’s goal. At the end of only two months the Glisan branch had achieved 70 percent of its projected first year's goal Construction has begun on a new branch in Westmoreland with completion scheduled for April Applications for branches in Lake Oswego and in Washing­ ton Square have been approved. And application has been made for a branch in Tillam ook Co. Building Peimits Up Building perm its increased in Columbia County in December 1973, compared to December 1972, the University of Oregon Bureau of Business Research has reported. In Decem ber 1973, the total was $214,945 com pared to $50,821 in the same month last year. Building perm its from 148 identical reporting centers in Oregon totalled $40,585,997 in Decem ber 1973. This was 16.2 percent higher than the total in Deem ber 1972. The state total in Decem ber 1973 included $18,883,854 for 938 new dwelling units; $13,052,684 for new nonresidential construc­ tion ; and $8,649,459 for additions, alterations and repairs to exist­ ing structures. F o r the same month last year, the $34,927,627 total of perm its was composed of $19,460,010 for 1219 new dw elling u n i t s ; $12,067,526 for new nonresident­ ial construction; and $3,400,091 for additions, alterations, and repairs to existing structures. Tornbladi Entertain Saturday Visitors B IR K E N F E L D —On Saturday Alan Peters and friend D ave had lunch at the Tornblad home. L ater Norm an M cKnight and sons. M ike and Chris from Hillsboro cam e to visit them. They w ere evening dinner guests. M r and M rs. Vick Berg called on the Francis Larson’s on Saturday Paul Provost of Ham m ond spent the weekend at the DuPuis home His folks flew to Reno and spent the weekend th eir; they w ill pick Paul up Monday and return home. M r. and M rs. Bob DuPuis are going in to Portland Tuesday and w ill stop and see his g ran d ­ m other at Forest Grove M r and M rs Francis Nords­ trom visited at the E ve re tt Johnston home on Wednesday evening of last week, going to help E ve re tt celebrate his b irth ­ day. F o r Phone Ringing Results Use An Eagle Classified A d ' MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. $57-7281 Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, and Curing Cattle received Sunday & Monday until noon; hogs received Tuesday and Wednesday until noon. Meat for sale, any quantity. — Call for Appointment — Come through Bunk*, toko T illa­ mook road I K m l , take t i n t left- hand road. life ftO O O K X M BOWLING WOMEN S LEAGUE Tuesday Night lx>ague Jan. IS W L Cut and Curl 7 1 P ills 4'Y Bill Horn 3 5 Standard Oil l ‘i 6 'i High team series. Cut 4 Curl, 2491; high team gam e, Cut 4 Curl, 860, high individual series. Vera Cole, 502, high individual gam e, Joyce Johnson, 203 Splits picked up Freda Ped erson 2-7; Vera Cole 3-10; Lynn Ince 5-6; Janett Smiley 5-6-10; M ary Ann Ceballos 2-7-8; Irene M inger 5-10; Shirely Huss 2-7. Thursday Afternoon January 24 W L The Chicks 13 3 Chevy V 8’s 9 7 Bob’s Union 6 10 Vernonia Eagles 3 13 High team series and gam e; The Chicks 2488 and 873. High individual series and gam e; Betty Euquay 502; Debbie P a rry 202 Splits picked up: Pat Larson 5-6; D eD e Webb 5-7; Darlene Wilcoxen 4-5; Eleanor Thom p­ son 3-10 Tuesday Night League Jan 29 W L Cut 4 Curl 10 2 Pills 5 'i B ill Horn 5 7 Standard Oil 3' i 8' -, High team senes. Cut 4 Curl, 2453 high team game, Standard O il. 922. high individual senes, N ita Rowe, 523, high individual gam e, Joyce Johnson, 211 Splits picked up Trudy Mag off 5-7-9, and 2-7; Joyce Johnson 5-7; B arbara D e L a ittre 3-10, Shirley Huss 3-10; N ita Rowe 3-10; Janett Smiley 5-6-10; Freda Pederson 2-7-8 MEH’S LEAGUE Wednesday Night le a g u e Men Jan. 16 W L M ist Shake and Ridge 8 4 Vernonia M ilk 7 5 Vernonia Sentry 5 7 Vernonia Drug 4 8 High team gam e, 936. high team series, 2689, M ist Shake and Ridge; high individual game 201, high team series, 566, Dick O c r n o n ia E a g le THURSDAY, JAN 31, Johnson Splits pickl'd up: Sm ith 2-5-10; M ario 2-3-10; Clyde Mask, M agoff, 3-10 Thursday Mens January 24 W L Mikes 8 4 Funsters 8 4 Lews 6 6 Alpine 2 10 High team series Mikes, 2912; high individual series and game T Bodenhamer 581 and 248 Splits picked up. S Boden ham er 3-10 and 3-6-8; R Boden ham er, 5-7-10; D. Harrison, 5-8- 10; H Anderegg, 5-10; J. Hult 5-6-10 Over 80 percent of all lum ber and plywixxl m ill residues are used in the production of wood products are you a P E P LE S S P A M ? YO U SHOULD SEE YOUR DOCTOR FOR A CHECKUP! Tuesday Afternoon League Women M arios 9 3 Mitches Witches 6*4 5’/i Rose M otel 5l/ i 6 Vi D a ve’s ARCO 3 9 High team gam e, 837, high team series, 2399, Rose M o te l; high individual game 194, high individual series. 479. Rose D un­ aw ay Splits picked up: P at Good­ m an, 6-7-10; C arla Bodenham er, 2-7; Selma W illiam s. 3-10. your old self again? He’s there to help you Two lots to serve you better. Lot No. 1 - Rainier and Lot No. 2 - Clatskanie. — Open 7 Days Per Week — Mobile home and travel trailer supplies, accessories, awnings, skirting and Insurance. TROJAN HOMES W hy drag around listlessly when a visit to the doctor might make you feel like — and we're here to help him do his job. ^ T | VERNONIA DRUG B L 9 ★ Ready Mixed Concrete ★ Concrete Aggregate ★ Crushed Rock ★ Road Gravel „ — Effective Im m ediately— — — ALL PRODUCTS WILL BE Sold by Scale Weight SCAPPOOSE SAND & GRAVEL CO. PHONE 543-7141 Phone 556-1531 Located on Hwy. 30 to St. Helens 2W mi. S.E. of Rai­ nier, next to Stop Inn at Rainier. Also Clatskanie lot on Highway 90. Roula 2. Box 1 SCAPPOOSE. OREGON BUY YOUR DOG LICENSE NOW In accordance to C h ap ter 609 ORS, all dogs w hich have a set of p e rm a n en t ca­ nine te e th (approxim ately 5 m onths old) m u st w ear a collar w ith license a t all tim es. This provision of th e law w ill be enforced. $5.00 PENALTY In Effect After March 1,1974 TH ERE W IL L BE A C O M PLETE CHECK O F TH E COUNTY A REA FO R U N LICEN SED DOGS. APPLICATION FOR DOG LICENSE LICENSE FEES — CHECK FOR CLASSIFICATION □ M ALE— $4.00 SPA Y ED FEM A LE— $4.00 □ FE M A L E—$5.00 N am e of B reed of Dog---------------------------------------------------------- O CHRYSLER Larsen's Inc. 440 N. Nehalem CLATSKANIE. ORE. Enclosed fin d D raft, C heck o r M oney O rd er F o r $ __ _________ N am e _____________________________________________________ A d d r e s s ___________________________________________________ F IL L OUT CO M PLETELY AND EN CLO SE PR O PE R FEE. Make Checks Payable end Mall To: Y our Local Rep. ART LAMPING PH. 429-5671 22t6c Gordon Leonetti, 5-6; Joe M onday Night League January 28 W L Quinn Insurance t 4 Vernonia Drug 6 6 West Oregon 5 7 Tim bernook 5 7 High team game. Quinn In surance 879; high team series, West Oregon, 2465. High individual gam e, D orris K rieger and Betty Fuquay, 181; high individual series, Betty Fuquay, 489. Splits picked up: Phyllis Woods 4-6-7 and 3-10; Enid P arro w 2-7; T ru d y M ag o ff 3-10; and 2-7; Carol B a rk er 3-10. We can save you up to $1,000.00 on a new mo­ bile home. See us first or see us last w ith our large volum e and low - low overhead. We can save you $$$$$$ 1974 5 ROY A. NELSOH Columbia County Clark St. Helens* Oregon 97051