► I Rim Supports Theory Of UFO's Visits To This Galaxy Senior Citizen News — LOSE FEMALE member of the Vernonia Police Cadets, Lyn- ette Wuest. did her part last week la a clean-up project at the Vernonia Eagle. Scrubbing walls may not he too glamourous hut it’s all part of doing the job for volunteer members of the group. Others who joined in were Brad Garner. Rory Dunaway, Bob Rhoades. Philip Bartles and BreU Wuest. —Brad Garner Photo Fuel Allocation Material Available With current problems of fuel procurement and allocation, farmers may find it essential to be able to provide fairly accur­ ate predictions of the amount of fuel the> u ill need for farming purposes in coming months, suggests Extension Agent Don Coin Walrod Farmers who have adequate records of fuel consumption for specific operations can predict needs on that basis Support Your Police GIRL SCOUTS Loral Girl Scout leaders had a potluck buffet luncheon featur ing international dishes recent­ ly The meeting was held by Carolyn Keasey. neighborhood chairman for Girl Scouts. The purpose of the meeting was to make plans for the Girl Scout Father-Daughter banquet to be held later in the spring T hose attending the luncheon were Veha Hoffman, Mary DechaBbch. Eileen fiarri, Enid Harrow. Sharon Batty, and hostess, Carolyn Keasey. Scout k K Yuki Mawhirter. and Susan Forbes were unable to attend W-2 Forms Must Be Issued By Jan. 31 Ralph B Short. Oregon Inter­ nal Revenue Service District Director has asked employers to gi\ e their employees their W-2 forms or equivalent earnings statements early in January so they can file their tax returns by January 31 and receive their refunds sooner. Janelle May And David Serafin To Wed Mr and Mrs John May of Beaverton are proud to an­ nounce the engagement of their daughter Janelle. to Mr David I. Serafin Mr and Mrs Frank Serafin are parents of the bride groom Miss May graduated from Beaverton High School and at­ tended Oregon State University where she was affiliated with Delta Delta Delta Sorority. Mr Serafin graduated from Vernonia High School in 1967 and Linfield College in 1971 A May wedding is being plan­ ned for the couple Crime Report Figures Up Figures have been released by the Vernonia Police Department from the Uniform Crime Report Total for 1973 and show that there were 289 traffic citations issued during that period -with 120 of them given for parking A total of 261 criminal com­ plaints were filed during the year w ith the department show ing a conviction rate of approxi­ mately 95 percent, a higher rate than the national average Vernonia had 18 burglaries and 45 larcenies (thefts) during 1973 with three autos reported stolen and two arsons recorded There was also one assault and one charge of murder The latter case was cleared by trial with a finding of innocent by reason of insanity. "We did show an increase over last year's figures but this was in large part due to the new Central Dispatch System which makes calling in a complaint much easier than in the past Now people who wouldn't make complaints on minor thefts and burglaries before just pick up the phone and call." THOSE WHO SERVE x*x«xex»x*x»x*xsx*x*x*: VISITOR FROM OUTER SPACE? Is this head, found carved Into the rock on Easter Island, the representation of a visitor from outer space? This is one of many provocative suggestions posed in "Chariots of the Gods?” , G-rated film from Sun In­ ternational Productions which opens Sunday, January 20, at Columbia Theatre in St. Helens. The film Is based on the controversial best-seller by iconoclast Eric von Daniken. 4-H Activities The Grease Monkeys met Tuesday. January 21. at the home of Henry Turner. The Grease Monkeys worked in their books That night you could call us the "workbook" monkeys. Members present were, Bill Kinney. David Proehl. Kirk Hall, Donnald Normand, Gary Bishop. Karl Garner. Guests were. Mrs. Bishop and for the last part Mrs. Normand Reporter Karl Garner CRAIG BERGERSON PFC Craig Bergerson, son of Jack and Thelma Bergerson arrived home December 7 after being stationed in Korea for the past year with the U.S. Army. Following his visit with his family, Jack left January 15 for Conventry, Rhode Island where he will be stationed at the NIKE Nuclear Missels site until June when he will be discharged. Mr and Mrs Walter Mathews attended Bill Bridgers' funeral Thursday. On Sunday afternoon the Mathews visited with Mrs Mabel Graves and her son Tom That evening the Mathews were dinner guests of the Lloyd Cal- listers. Others who enjoyed the dinner and visiting were the Dan Richards and Ralph Reynolds The occasion was Lloyd’s birth­ day. “Fifty million stars in our galaxy have the potential of supporting life forms capable of traveling toother planets” , says "Few things are apt to in­ crease your leisure time more than being punctual. MEW 7 4 CHEV. ‘/¡-TON PICK-UP t Ql CQ V8 - 4 Speed. H.D. Brakes For O n ly ................... - NEW LUV PICK-UP 4-CyL. 4 Speed. Radio. Rear Buraptr. De­ cor Package - Big Mileage M aker----------------------- C0ÀA7 J A U I/ NEW 7 3 BLAZER 4-WHEEL DRIVE Loaded with so many extra« w e can't list them all — Now January S p ec ia l.......................... (AdQft NEW 7 4 MONTE CARLO Landau Coupe — Factory Air.. Radio, P. Steering. Comforttilt Wheel. Power Win­ dow« - See thi« Beauty at Thi« Once In A Lite Time Special Price ......................... <4152 JO Davies Chevrolet 493 Bridge Street OREGON Phon« 429-5023 THttRSDAV. JAN 24, For Further Information or Special Services Call Louise H a m n ett........ 429-7401 Keatha Horn................. 429-3513 o r Contact Carolyn Keasey fcsje************: CONCORDIA at CONCORDIA Friday, January 25 CORBETT at VERNONIA Saturday, January 26 FRESHMAN CORBETT at VERNONIA Thursday, January 24 CLATSKANIE at CLATSKANIE Thursday, January 24 6:30 P.M. Support the Loggers . . . Join These Boosters & Attend the Games Allied J&H Lumber Co. Bellingham Logging Co. Bruce Berndt Excavating Bill Horn Rlty. & Ins. Brunsman Hardware & Electric C&C Logging Crown Zellerbach E. P. Stamm Managed Forest Dave's Automotive—ARCO Davies Chevrolet Don's Auto Service Loren Ellis Jr. and Sons Ellson Cedar Products F&E Logging Fisher's Electric General Telephone Co. Holce Logging International Paper Co. Kimmel's Apparel Lew's Restaurant Mike's Tavern Mist Shake and Ridge National Public Service Insurance—Dave Brunsman New Vernonia Hotel Olympic Forest Products Ostrander and Son Perry's Basketball Camp Pine Cone Ralph's Chevron Service 3 i|C3jC****** * * * * * 4 Let the Vernonia Branch of the Am- erican Cancer So- ciety Help Youl VARSITY & J.V. J.V. Starts 6:15 P.M. — Varsity 8:00 P.M. ROUND-UP 1974 for the first time, in a full length color motion picture, fresh clues to man's past challenge tra ­ ditional assumptions Even bi- fore the film, von Daeniken's first book. “Chariots of the Gods?” had become the "bible” for people of all ages seeking basic truths about their past Just who were these Galacians, where did thev come from and why did they leave? Twenty years ago, Erich von Daeniken began to question the strange archeological findings that told of “gods” who came to earth amidst the sounds of thunder and fire The same thing could be caused by our modern- day astronauts who are - per­ haps to other worlds aliens in a UFO Today, science cannot ignore the growing interest of pro­ fessionals and laymen alike who follow such contentions as von Daeniken has written about in his three books, and which have now resulted in a full-length feature motion picture. The film of “Chariots of the Gods?” is soon to become the mentor of every Daenikenite. It takes its viewer into the far reaches of underground caves and tombs, atop desolate moun­ tains on every major continent to show the evidence von Daeniken has been amassing since he began as an 18-year-old. VERNONIA HIGH LOGGERS Dog Training Class Planned By Four-H A 4-H Dog Training Program is planned for January 28. 7:30 p m at OMSI. according to Robert H Stevely, 4-H Extension Agent, Columbia County. Bob Schmidt and Jim Havel- hurst will be on hand to help 4-H Dog club leaders and members in graduate novice, open, open challenge and utility obedience training. Stevely adds 4-H members working with dogs in these obedience levels are en­ couraged to bring their dogs with them as it will be a working session world-renowned authority Erich von Daeniken, whose film ver­ sion of his best-seller book, “Chariots of the Gods?” , gives stunning visual proof that some form of life from space landed on earth centuries ago. Von Daeniken’s findings are more than revealing because he has collected evidence from every corner of the globe. Now, “Chariots of the Gods?", the motion picture adaptation of author Erich von Daeniken’s international best seller, will open a limited engagement at the Joy theatre in Vernonia on Tuesday, January 29. W. Mathews Attend Birthday Celebration JANUARY SPECIALS VERNONIA, The attendance was real good at the Friday potluck Forty- three were present We were happy to have Bill and Retha Horn join us for dinner too Everyone is getting back to normal after the flood How helpful people were to friends and neighbors during the crisis Monday, January 28, 12:30 p m , a fine area potluck will be held at our center Do come all you Seniors and get acquainted Instead of having our social potluck at 12:30 on Friday, February 15. we are planning an old fashion box social the eve­ ning of that date Anyone who cares to bring a basket and come is welcome The proceeds are to go to Vernonia ambulance fund lx-t us all help to make it a great success for a very worthy cause Watch paper for last minute details as to the hour, etc. Our center is warm and large enough for a good crowd, please come! Next business meeting and potluck will be Friday. February 1, at 12:30 p m All Seniors Welcome » » » » » » » » » » » : Oernonia Eagk Sam's Food Store John Serafin Logging Sew Simple Shop Smith & Hull Logging, Inc. U. S. National Bank Vernonia Branch Vernonia Clinic Vernonia Drug Lincoln Savings & Loan Vernonia Golf Club Vernonia Milk Farms Vernonia Sanitary Service Vernonia Sentry Vernonia Variety West Oregon Electric Co-op.