Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, January 17, 1974, Page 6, Image 6

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Demon I a Eagle
Plan Futures
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GAA held a meeting Wednes
day January Sand Youth Legis
lature had a meeting last Thurs
The GAA meeting was called
to order by President Connie
Kyser The meeting was held to
discuss the selling of the Logger
T shirts
The T-shirts are blue and
white striped with a drawing of a
logger and the words Vernonia
Loggers in yellow
They w ill fit almost anyone
The T shirts come in small,
medium and large and sell for
$3.25 If wanted they can be
ordered in extra large
If anyone wants to buy one
they may contact club adviser.
Mrs Juanita Arrant. Kay Batty,
Karen Enneberg or the Vernonia
High School If anyone wants to
see one of the T-shirts there is
one on display in the display case
in the front hall of the high
A youth legislature meeting
was held to inform the students
about the dead lines for their
legislative bills and to pass out
everyone to read
There w ill be more meetings in
the coming weeks to get the
students bills into shape and to
get ready to go to Salem
F T A Plans Taco Feed
For Frid ay, Jan. 18
On Tuesday . January 8. a FTA
meeting was held in Room 3. The
first item talked about was the
annually held Taco Feed It w ill
be on January 18. from 5 to 7
p m Jill Beamish and Roxvne
O'Neil were appointed to find out
the approximate cost of the
supplies needed These w ill then
determine the cost of tickets,
which w ill be sold early as well
as at the door Roxyne O'Neil.
Patty Cone, and Jodi Robertson
are the advertising committee
Next item of business was the
planned trip to Benson High
School. A reply from the school
was received in December say­
ing FTA is welcome to visit
Benson on January 15. It is very
doubtful whether or not the club
w ill be able to make the trip
because of tlx? gas shortage
They are not allowed to take a
bus and separate cars are a l­
most out of the question for fear
of running out of gas and not
being able to travel back home.
The Harlem Stars, an ex
tremely dexterious basketball
team w ill appear at Vernonia
High School as part of a fund
raising program sponsored by
the Paul Bunyon dub
The hilarious Harlem Stars,
advertised as the greatest and
funniest basketball team in the
country, are a combination of
Negro stars who tour the world
making fans laugh Fans w ill see
a fancy exhibition of razzle
dazzle ball handling, intricate
pass patterns and both planned
and impromptu comedy acts
The Stars are unique in the
fact that they never run up a big
score against opponents It is
their policy to keep the game
close, devoting much time to
The Stars began their season
in Alaska the last week in
September and w ill hit between
thirty-six or forty states and
several foreign countries Some
of these are Canada. Mexico.
Australia. Japan, and some
parts of Europe
Most of the Harlem Stars are
ex-high school a n d college
standouts One of these is Char
les "Bullet’ Hawkins The name
Bullet not only describes his
flashy speed, but it also explains
his sharp bullet like passes
A native of Texas. Charles
Hawkins name was respected
through out the state during Ins
high school days at Dunbar High
in Lubbock While in high school,
he was an all-around athletic He
earned honors at three times,
all-tournament, all-state, and
most valuable player He then
resumed his career in his home
town at Lubbock Christian Col
lege While at Lubbock Christ
iän. he was the teams leading
scorer He also set a school
record of 59 points
Hawkins joined the Stars in
1966 He used his jumping and
shooting ability to earn honors as
one of the Harlem Stars’ top
players Because of his fancy
ball handling and his humorous
style he was called upon to carry
the load as the top showman
Another Star is Eddie "Hap­
p y " Nelson Eddie’s ball playing
career began at Big Springs
Hall—Old Mill
7:30 P.M.
Bob Carson. President
Faye Davis, Secretary
Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall Second
and Fourth Wednesdays of each
month at 8 p.m.
Leona Haverland, M.E.C.
Cora Lange, Secretary
Vernonia Lodge No. 184
A. F . 4 A. M. meets at
Masonic Temple. Stated
communications on first
Thursday of each month
at 8:00 p.m.
Elmer Schrader, W.M.
Wilbur E. Wilson, Sec’y.
IWA Local
Meets at West Oregon Electric
Bldg., third Thursday of each
month. 7:30 p.m.
David King. President
Ralph Bergerson, Sec’y.
Board of Directors report to mem­
bers quarterly. Board m eets the
second Monday, 8:00 p.m. at
West Oregon Electric office.
Visitors invited.
T. F Tomlin, President
Mrs. Evelyn Heath, Sec’y.
Meets 2nd & 4th Thursday even­
ings of each month In the I.O.O.F.
Irm a Chance. Noble Grand
Evelyn Heath, Sec’y.________ 3-74
Vernonia Lodge No. 246
Meeting on 1st
Monday of
each month.
A.F.L. -
7:30 p.m.
Meets 2nd and
4th Tuesday of
each month.
POST 119
Wilbur E. Wilson, Commander
Harry Culbertson, Adjutant
First and Third Tuesdays
Rea’ha Hom, President
Gertrude Schalock, Sec’y.
First and Third Tuesday
8 p.m.
Lloyd Quinn, Noble Grand
Harry Culbertson, Sec’y.
Order oí Eastern Star
Nehalem Chapter 153, O.E.S.
Regular com­
munication the
3rd Wed. each
month at Ma-
All visiting sis­
ters and bro­
thers welcome.
Hope Koch, W.M.
Irm a Fisher, Sec’y.
Meets 4th Monday
each month at the
IOOF hall, 12 Noon
Vernonia Friendship Group
Noble Dunlap, Co mma a der
Rev. H. L. Russell, Adjutant
Meets 4th Moaday, I.O.O.F. Hall
Cora Lange, President
Faye Davis, Secretary
Hockey Freaks Take
Advantage of Ice
When the cold east wind comes
up and the temperature starts to
drop then the lakes and rivers
start to freeze up Then out of
comes the almost
forgotten ice sport equipment
This has been the case during
the recent cold spell There has
been an accumulation of three to
seven inches of ice on Lake
Vernonia There has also been a
rare outbreaking of hockey and
skating on the lake
There is a group of high school
boys who have been playing
hockey on a section of the lake
for most of the past cold spell
They mark out an area with a
goal on each end and away they
go for the next hour or so killing
each other for a stupid little
black puck The average equip
ment consists of a makeshift
hockey stick and a pair of tennis
shoes or boots, and a few pieces
of warm clothing
The first few times on the ice
one is afraid it w ill break, but
after a while he forgets about
falling through because his main
worry is being killed by another
idiot playing hockey
Is it all a hoax, or does George
Val George possess a m agnifi­
cent g ift’’ Yes. that is the
Val George has traveled the
four corners of the earth lectur
ing and entertaining countless
thousands with his baffling dem
onstrations of E.S.P
A compelling and dynamic
showman he SKILLFU LLY and
TASTEFULLY guides his au
dience through amazing and
fascinating possibilities of the
mind The audience is kept spell
bound and on the edge of their
While others have sought to
solve the mystery of the Uni­
verse. Val George has spent a
lifetim e attempting to discover
the enigma of the human mind
No one w ill believe what he
can do! Watch him at the
Washington Grade School on
Monday January 21. at 2:50 in
the afternoon
Freezing Weather
Slows Down Fishing
Steclheaders this year have
caught just enough Ironheads to
just get them excited for the big
runs to start
As we all know the recent cold
snap froze parts of the rivers
over and put large pieces of ice
floating down the stream Fish
ing from boats was almost
impossible because of the ice
banging into the boats and
snagging fishing lines
There have been scattered
reports from the local fishermen
of success, but cool weather was
hampering many anglers sev­
The largest fish taken in the
local area have been a 17
pounder and a 15 pounder, both
taken in the same hole and by
newcomers Io the sport.
School Menu
High After high school he
attended Howard County Junior
College He made all american
therein 1963 In 1964 65. he was
all conference at Howard Payne
College in Brownwood. Texas
He has played in three National
tournaments in Kansas
Last vear, Eddie's first year
with thé Stars he pulled down
500 rebounds and scored over
1.000 points His ability to shoot
and jump makes him famous the
world over This w ill be Eddie's
second year with the Harlem
Stars, and owner Bold Blue
thinks it w ill be Ins best
The Paul Bunyon Club is
raising money for eye exann
nations and glasses tor Vernonia
students The examinations and
glasses, if needed, w ill cost
about $40 per student It is
planned to go through Pacific
University School of Optometry
Although the exact dale for the
show has not been set. the cost of
admitance w ill be $2 for adults.
$1 for high school students, and
50 cents for grade school pupils
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Vernonia Barracks
Veterans oí World War I
George V al George
W ill Appear Monday
Harlem Stars To Appear At
VHS To Benefit Eye Fund
Meets the 2nd & 4th
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Darrold Proehl, President
Ted Forbes, Secretary
Mon . Jan 21 Tomato Soup
Tuna Sandwich. Cheese and
Crackers, Pears, Milk
Tue , Jan 22 Lima Beans.
Corn Bread. Salad. Jello. Milk
Jan 23 Hamburgers.
Pickles. Potato Chips. Peaches.
Thurs . Jan 24 Mashed Pota
toes and Turkey Gravy, Carrot
and Celery Sticks. Peanut Butter
and honey Sandwiches. Apple
Crisps, and Milk
F ri . Jan 25 Wiener Wraps,
Corn, Cookies, Fruit. Milk
Jinx Extended
At Rainier Gym
A bad jinx has Ixx'ii dogging
the VHS Varsity Basketball
team as their current record is
0 8. and Tuesday, January 8 they
extended their losing record with
a 75 55 loss to the Rainier
The Loggers kept up with the
hot shooting Rainier team in the
first quarter of play with the first
quarter score at 16 15 in Banners
The second quarter was a
nightmare for VHS as Rainier
pulled away and gained com
píete control of the* game Rain
ter dominance of the second
quarter was sparked by Terry
Larson, who hit ten out of 11
shots The second quarter saw
Rainier surge ahead of the
Loggers with a score of 43 32.
The last two quarters were
just as liad for the Loggers as
they could not seem to get the
bali through the basket
Junior Clint Holsey helped
spark the dying Loggers hi one of
his best games, but his efforts
ran short
The final buzzer saw Rainier
well ahead of Vernonia with tin1
score 75-55
High scorers for Vernonia
were. Holsey 16. Ellis 13. and
Smith 13.
The J V ’s suffered a defeat at
the hands of the Columbians
also, with a final score of 65 56
The game was close most of
the wav until the fourth quarter
when the Loggers got cold and
the Rainier team pulled away
High scorers for the Loggers
JV ’s were. Brooks. 23. Titus 14.
and Traylor 10
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Last Wednesday a black lab
rador visited the Home Ec. II
class just before the end of the
period and stayed just long
enough to get a drink of water
Two men came to the high
school and talked to a few of the
students, one man was from the
navy and the other was from the
Many students have been dis
missed from school about 20
minutes before dismissal so they
can wait in the gas lines
There w ill be no Timberline on
January 31 because of Semester
Last Saturday's wrestling
match with Neah-Kan-Nie, Nes
tucca, and Sheridan, at Neah
Kah-Nie. was cancelled due to
bad road conditions
VHS has three new students.
Two Juniors. Jeff Olson and
Jessie Stafford, and one Fresh
man. Paul Mares
The Freshman Basketball
games with Clatskanie
Banks, were not put in the paper
because the scorebook was not
available The Freshmen lx>g
gers beat Clatskanie and lost to
Wrestlers Take On
Warrenton Tonight
The Vernonia grapplers are in
Hie middle of a winning season
Right now their record stands
at 5 1 which is Ihe best record
lor any Vernonia wrestlers so
far The cancellation of Iasi
Saturday’s match left (hem pre
paring for tonight's match with
Warrenton The Warriors are
said to be the Loggers’ toughest
league competition
High school wrestling is very
competitive and is not like the
wrestling seen on television
Tonights match starts at 6:30 in
Ihe VHS gym Everyone is
invited Io attend
Girls S till Wanted
For Volleyball Team
Females of any age are still
wanted by Mrs. Juanita Arrant
to start a USVBA girls volleyball
B (earn
Females of any age are wel
come No experience is needed,
but it would help If interested
contact Mrs. Arrant a, 237 A
Street or phone 129-6963
Letters have been sent to
Banks Forest Grove, Clatskanie
and other towns Two girls are
coming from Forest Grove ,to
join the group
Willamette Performs
For VHS Students
Last Tuesday, the VHS student
Ixidy and faculty were pleased to
have tlx- Willamette University
Band here to present a concert
Ward Nelson, the VHS music
director, introduced the conduc
tor and band The band played
several numbers then their Jazz
and Stage Band played several
selections after which the main
band entertained again
The visitors were invited to eat
at Ihe Washington Grade School
Student Council
Minutes - - -
The Student Council meeting
was called Io order by President
Steve Johnston with Dick Bruns
mail leading the council in the
flag salute
Dewey Conroy reported on the
league council meeting that was
held Tuesday at Corbett in which
Mr Parrow. Mrs Alvida Hear
mg, Steve Johnston, and Dewey
Some of the things discussed
there, was a student exchange;
for example, a student from
Concordia would come to Ver
noniu and on that samedav a
student from Vernonia would go
to Concordia
There w ill be a League Speech
t ’m itcsl held April 17, 1974 and a
League Band Concert held April
23, 1974. both at Vernonia
Steve added that he is to write
to Jack McKay and ask hint if he
w ill come and speak to the
different councils of the league
Jack Mckay was the special
speaker at the Workshop Steve
attended this summer
Next was the petitions. Lan
guage Club petitioned lo hold a
Spanish dinner at Poncho’s in
Beaverton January 11. 1974 at
5 30 to 9 The cost is to be paid to
the members themselves The
petition passed
An informal petition by Paul
Bunyan lo have Ihe Harlem
Stars play the Vernonia all Stars
January 23. the price being
adults $1 75, high school $1 and
children under $ 5(1 The petition
There was some question on
schixil activities Mr Parrow
stated that doubling up games
such as GAA and freshmen
baksetball games w ill take effect
on January 17, 1974, and that
league committments w ill be
made first
The meeting was then ad
Respectfully submitted.
Sandra Tupper
Teachers Display Pep
A t Assembly Friday
Last Friday. January 11, VHS
held a pep assembly for- the
wrestlers and for the game
Saturday which was cancelled
due to weather conditions
Since Ihe student body enjoyed
sitting on the other side of the
gvm at the last assembly, it was
again tried
The assembly started with the
“ Fight Song ” The wrestling
cheerleaders did a yell which
was followed by the JV and
Varsity cheerleaders doing a
yell also Gordon Crowston gave
a speech instead of Gary Curtis
Since the faculty doesn’t have
a chance to join in with the
student body on the yells, they
were asked to sit in the bleechers
and show there spirit by yelling
with everyone else.
The assembly ended in the
usual way with the "F ight Song"
and everyone was then dismiss
Door Frozen Shut
By Freezing Weather
Students in classes that take
up in the VHS drafting rixim are
not glad that it has three
entrance doors
With the weather being so cold
lately one of the doors froze shut
sometime over the weekend of
the 4th
The new drafting room was
finished in 19711 It was built with
two doors leading outside, and
one door connecting the new
room with the shop
While most schixil rooms have
many windows and one dixir. the
drafting room has only sky lights
and many doors, with one of
them frozen shut
N ew Policy Proposed
For VH S Attendance
January 14, a rough draft was
released lo the faculty of VHS.
related to student absences
The proposed policy w ill start
i t ’s effective date at the beginn
mg of the second semester
The regulations in the new
attendance policy have been
“ tightened” up
Although there may he a few
changes made in the rough d ra ft.
the policy is going to he relative
ly the same
In next weeks Timberline,
more complete details w ill lx*
Teams T ake One Bus
To Conserve Fuel
To conserve gas, VHS has
scheduled games on the same
night so that they w ill only have
to take one bus
The two basketball teams that
are going on the same bus are
the freshman and the GAA
The first games w ill be held in
Warrenton on January 17. On
January 21, the Frosh w ill play
at Knappa and the GAA at
Clatskanie The Freshman and
the GAA w ill lx* going to Knappa
and Clatskanie on January 24
Language Club Goes
To Poncho's lo E al
Twenty members of the For
eign language Club met in the
VHS,larking lot last Friday to go
to dinner at Poncho’s in Beaver
Poncho's specialiet in Spanish
fixxl. and the students who went
had much fun in reading the
Those who attended reported
that they had a good dinner and a
good time.
Miss Linda Frank is advisor
for the Language Club
Loggers Log
Jan II - OASSA Meeting
Jan 12
Varsity and JV
Basketball VHS at Portland
Christian Leaves 3:45 Wrestling
VHS at Neah-Kah-Nie LV 10:15
Jan 14 GAA Tillamook at
VHS 6:00
Jan 15 GS Basketball at VHS
6 45
Jan 17 Wrestling Warrenton
at VHS 6:30 GAA Basketball at
Warrenton LV. 3:00 Frosh Bas­
ketball Neali Kah-Nie at WGS
B IR K K N F E L D -A week ago
last Sunday the Everett John­
stons helped their grandson.
Dean Johnston, celebrate his
11th birthday at the home ol his
folks the Lawrence Johnstons
Also there were the Sam Ixiusig
nonts and Mrs Ada Humble
This last Sunday the Everett
Johnstons also were there to help
their granddaughter Wendy cel
ebrate her 17th birthday
Mr. and Mrs James Person
and little daughter Mary, of
Cherry Grove came to Ihe
Tornblad home on late Sunday.
They stayed over as he was off
work on Monday night Their
little boy stayed with their
neighbors so tic could go to
schixil Monday
Lloyd Beach slipped on ice ut
the M ill last Thursday and
injured his knee cap He is in a
cast, and was expected to come
home Monday He was in the
Forest Grove hospital
Mr and Mrs Walt Tornblad
visited Tom Hopkins and Mrs
Mickey Hopkins on last Friday
Tom is feeling real gwxi
Visitors at the Francis Larson
home on Sunday were, Howard
Larson and Francis Nordstrom.
They were dinner guests loiter
Mr and Mrs Everett Johnston
came for a visit
Albert Schalocks
Visit In Nebraska
RIVERVIEW —M r and Mrs
Albert Schalix-k visited in Neb
raska Deeember 19 until Janu
ary 3 They visited her son and
fam ily Mr and Mrs lx-onard
Wilhelm and three daughters of
Polmyra and other relatives in
the vicinity of Lincoln They
experienced two feet of snow and
weather down to 25 degrees
Recent visitors at the home of
Mr and Mrs Wm Falconer
were their nephew and wife Mr
and Mrs Anson Stowell of
------------------------------- ■ - - - - -
PI neholem
U valley
Phone 429-3462
... to ta l h a rd w a re
This Space — Something New In
ENERG Y Saving.
First One Guessing
What I I Is N a y Have One FR EE. Regular
Coast to C o m torch k it has stand
pencil burner and cylinder All b
burner U L Approved 31 1 -6 7 3 8
V H S Members Attend
Corbett Meetings
Last Wednesday lour of the
VHS members went to Corbett
for some meetings to try to
promote more contact with var
ious other schools in the NW
League in other areas than
Steve Johnston and Dewey
Conroy went to a student council
meeting Arthur Parrow, VHS
Principal, attended a principal's
meeting, and Mrs Alvida Hear
ing met with other speech teach
ers for a conference
The three groups met during
the last half hour lo put their
ideas together and the speech
teachers organized a Speech
Festival at Vernonia on April 17.
The group said that Corbett
was much colder than Vernonia
and that the wind was unbclieve
Enjoy Fetes
Coast to Coast replacement fuel cylin
fits all propane torches 3 1 1 -6 7 4 6
6 inch com bination plier with dull nickel finish
1 3/8-inch |aw spread 304 0 2 1 9
Gould« balanced
flow, no tank, no
extra« shaUow
wall system
Senior Candy B ari
Delayed In Transit
The Senior class has not had
any candy bars to sell since
before Christmas. The last order
went lo Hillsboro instead of
being shipped lo Vernonia When
the order was to be picked up it
was discovered that only half of
the order had arrived and so the
partial shipment was refused
Mrs Alvilda Hearing, the
Senior class advisor, sent an
airm ail letter lo the company
telling them that VHS would not
accept any orders that didn’t
come directly to Vernonia The
candy was shipped by REA