I V m o n i a E a< ji€ .,_ 2 THURSDAY, JAN. 10, Iv W H 1974 8 AUM UO SEL-MOR, INC., B. RHOADES. MELVIN SCHWAB, OFFICIAL NFWSI’APER Vcraeato. Oregon Entered as second class mail matter August 4, 1932, under the act of March 3, 1879. Published weekly on Thursday at 721 Madison Ave., Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon 97004 and paid at the Vernonia Post Office as second class matter $3 00 Per Year — In the Nehalem Valley 04 00 Per Year Elsewhere OFFICE HOURS Moo.. Tues., Wed., F ri.—8 a.m. to 6 pan. Thurs A Sat.—« a.m. to 12 noon Phone 429-3372 Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association Toppers Take Scappoose In Second Half Vernonia’s eighth grade bas­ ketball team defeated Scappoose 48-32 to up their season record to 3-0 The seventh grade also won 59-43 for 2-1 record so far this season In the eighth grade game, the Toppers had slight leads of two-four points during the first quarter Scappoose came back in the second quarter to go ahead by one at half-time. Vernonia came out in the second half and out-hustled Scappoose, taking away the Warriors half-time lead The Toppers outscored Scappoose 32-16 in the second half. Royce Sturdevant led the scoring with 18 points Others scoring: Gay- len Weigand-10. Ray Roady 4B. Dave Holm-8. Troy Dunaway-4. Rebound leaders were Weig- and-12 and Sturdevant-10. David Hoim. led in assists with 9. Earlier season scores were: 8th-Vernonia. 43-Rainier. 28 7th-Vernonia. 28-Rainier,27 8th-Vernonia. 35-Clatskanie. 21 7th-Vernonia. 31-Clatskanie. 47 Seasonal Scoring - 8th David Holm - 35 Royce Sturdevant - 28 Gaylen Weigand - 26 Troy Dunaway - 13 Ray Roady - 13 Doug Bates - 2 Earl Shetter - 2 JO Y THEATER F ri.. Sal. Jan. 11-12 OKLAHOMA CRUDE Geo. Scott »»»»»»»»»»» p Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker spent Christmas week at the home of their daugher and fam ily. Mr and mrs Selwyn Graves of Crow. Mr and mrs Oliver Graves, who also lives at Crow spent Christmas eve and day at their son's home Recent visitors at the Wilbur Thacker home were Mr and Mrs Harold Alsleben and broth er Ted of Ridgefield. Washing ton The Alselhens formerly had a sawmill on Beaver creek near the Braun place Nell Thacker spent the Christ­ mas week at the home of her daughter and husband Mr and Mrs Lawrence Schneider at Clatskanie Others who spent Christmas day there were Mr and Mrs George Smith. Chris Ron and Susie and Mr and Mrs Fred Smith of Astoria Crystal Varner of Seaside spent the week after Christmas with her great­ grandmother Mrs Nell Thacker Mr ami Mrs. Robert Andrews were in Seattle Wednesday through Friday He was in the Veteran's hospital for a check-up and possible hip surgery The surgery was postponed for a while Ralph King entered the Forest Grove Community hospital on Tuesday for surgery and came home on Monday. He is recover­ ing satisfactorily Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Nice attended the funeral of his grandmother. Mrs Annie Walk er. 88. at Longview on Monday. She was hospitalized on Christ­ mas day but passed away at her home on Friday night. Mrs. Emma Magoff entered the Forest Grove hospital Dec­ ember 27 and came home on Monday She is recovering nice­ ly but is not yet feeling too well, after a setge with pneumonia Mr. and Mrs. Gene Vinvard and son Ricky, of San Jose. Calif have been visiting at the home of their son Russ Vinvard Russ and his wife and son flew to California then drove back with his Darents stopping at Salem where they visited Mr and Mrs Craig Perkins and new daughter Kristin Jean, before returning to Vernonia Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carlton ol Jacksonville. Florida, parents of Clarence Shirley, were Vernonia visitors over the Christmas holi­ days. Rec Council Meets Ian. 16 T h e Vernonia Recreation Council (form erly Community Education Advisory Council ) w ill meet Wednesday, Jan 16, to study the fomation of a recrea­ tion "district, construction of a community swimming pool and development of a summer rec­ reation program. All former council members are automatically members of the Recreation Council. All per­ sons interested in any way in developing community recrea­ tional activities are invited to participate, also. The meeting is scheduled for 8 p.m at the West Oregon Electric meeting room The meeting w ill be automatically postponed if severe weather should cause hazardous driving conditions j As of this week-end I w ill be closed on J Monday and Tuesday due to the gas short- £ age. Will be open Wednesday through Sa- J turday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. KIMMEL'S APPAREL u T EM T CLASS m em ben get active practice at the Goad Samaritan Hospital la Portland they aadergo tea boon of work la the geaey ream, pattlag toto uae all they leaned through their twice-a-week claaaea I t ’« The People Speak. . . voseoQC«noa«mocoaaooK It is really great to live in Vernonia where people so w ill­ ingly participate in activities and give so freely of their time and efforts. A very special thanks to Santa for taking his precious tim e to visit our town on three different days and listen to the hopes of approximately 250 youngsters And with no snow for his rein­ deer to bring him in town on his sleigh the firemen and police dept worked together to see he got here What a great group And a great thank you to Lloyd Quinn for sparing space for Santa so that everyone could be indoors Music was also furnish­ ed by M r Quinn A great group who did such tremendous job was the 4-H clubs of Vernonia under the direction of their coordinator, Faye Sword and the following leaders: Tom Budge, Paul Car­ rol, assist for the Livestock Club; John Black. Leather-craft club: Peggy Pitts, Horseclub, Pam Branch, A rt Haight, assist, Outdoorsman Club; Henry T u r­ ner Small Engines club: Violet Reck and Helen Hall for their two sewing and Cooking classes It is the young people like our 4-H clubs that w ill help to keep the nation the way we want it to be I wish also to express many thanks to Bob Rhoades and Tommy Bruce for all the p ictu r­ es The parents were very pleased with them Others help mg were the Vernonia Police Cadets and Pat Goodman Thank you all for making the Holiday Season so much brighter Louise Hamnett On behalf of the 280 members of Columbia County Chapter 499, American Association of Retired Persons, 1 express our thanks for your fine cooperation during 1973 Handling of the news of our meetings and varied activities has been excellent and very much appreciated. With the cooperation of the Spotlight and other newspapers our chapter has gained some 70 new members during the year, representing every community in the county. In addition to two regularly scheduled meetings each month, our members participated in a Hiking and Outing Group, camera club, telephone chain in the St Helens area for the protection of those living alone, a bowling club, and frequent one day bus tours to points of interest in Oregon and Washington Reg ular meetings are held in Shrine Hall, St Helens, on the first Thursday and third Tuesday of each month Just for the record, our mem­ bership is open to anyone 55 or older, retired or not. National and local dues are $3 a year. Despite apparent shortages, may 1974 bring you and your staff more of everything good, including health and prosperity. Ray H Wolfe, publicity Columbia County Chapter 499, AARP Chevron Cor Core Service begins And doesn't end wnen you drive out of our station. We re proud to offer the finest bumper to bumper service you can get. The kind that prevents those big bills and headaches later on. I 1^^ I ••• Chevron Car Care Service f iip iim a ii CHEVRON Phone 429-8691 4 * EMTToHold Final Class T npfrç Dear Nehalem Valley Resident As you know, the City of Vernonia Ambulance, serves the Nehalem Valley The Ambul ance is supported by the City and run by the Vernonia Police with volunteer help. The city used its 1973 revenue sharing funds to purchase a second ambulance, a f u l l y equipped trauma (m ajor inju ry) unit The volunteer drivers and attendants composed of citizens, firemen and policemen w ill complete the State of Oregon intensive 81 hour Emergency Medical Technician class in January Already three are in ­ structors in cardiopulmonary TO: a tong day but an »lightning one aa they alongside oí doctora and n in e s . Claea Jack Cunningham ia shown as he stint la the emergency resuscitation Our ambulance service is one of the best in the state Recently we learned ot a machine used in saving lives during cardiac arrest; this machine, a defibrillator and cardioscope. cost about (3,855 It can be installed in our ambul­ ance (it is also portable for use outside the ambulance) and used to save lives With out outside help or Fed eral Funds WE can purchase this machine if every man, woman and child w ill contribute one dollar ($1 00) to the Vernonia Ambulance D efibrillator Fund If you wish to be a part of this local effort clip and mail the coupon today THANK YOU Sincerely, Vernonia Ambulance Personnel Auto Insurance Not Violated By Car Pooling Kay McMillan. Adm inistrative Assistant for Oregon’s Western Insurance Information Service would like to assure potential commuters that “ car pooling" in no way violates their automobile insurance coverage according to the companies listed below that she recently surveyed: Employers Insurance of Wau­ sau; Oregon Automobile I n s t­ ance; Safeco Insurance Com­ panies; The Western Insurance Companies. Oregon Mutual In­ Dear Editor: surance; Canadian Indemnity; Today, January 7, 1974 at Chubb Pacific Indemnity; State about 5:30 in the evening 1 was Farm Insurance. Allstate In ­ waiting my turn to get gas While surance; American States In­ 1 waited an incident occured surance ; Farmers Insurance which upset me a great deal Group; Transamerican Insur Two of Vernonia's policemen, ance Group; Firem an’s Fund our Chief of Police, Jack Cun­ American; Unigard Insurance ningham. and Officer Lee Akers, Industrial Indemnity; left the Police Department in This list is not inclusive and it their patrol car with the lights is the desire of Lester Rawls, flashing and parked near the Oregon Insurance Commission­ Union Oil Gas Station They er, that all Oregon companies proceeded to leave their vehicle not interpret the “ automobile for and to issue citations to persons h ire " exclusion as applying to waiting in line to get gas who “ car pooling" were parked on the wrong side of Speakers can be provided to the street groups by WIIS on "ca r pooling'' Two things upset me about this or any other insurance subject. incident, but let me say at the WIIS is a non-profit organization outset, that I am not opposed to that provides information to the citations being issued to those insurance consumer Free films who break the law This is the and pamphlets are also avail­ job of our police. I am, however, able to the public Interested concerned that Chief Cunning­ groups may contact: Kay ham was not in uniform while he M cMillan, 67Ò0S W’ Varnes Rd., performed official duties Of Tigard, Oregon 97223. more importance, though, is my second concern 1 wonder why the officers waited until the situation had developed as much as it had when they arrived One of the functions of the police is to prevent difficult situations such as this from occurring A little forethought and observation of previous incidents during the past few days would have indicated that the announced opening of a gas station would bring about a long line of traffic. The problem should have been prevented rather than taken advantage of as an opportunity to issue citations Respectfully, Frank A Serfin, A Twenty-Five Year Citizen of Vernonia The last class (or the Emer gcnc^Medical Technician class w ill held Thursday January 10, with a final test, which whicl completes the 81 hours of tra in ­ ing necessary to qualify for a certificate. The past two weeks the E M T ’s have been receiving practical experience December 27 the meeting involved removing in­ jured persons from wrecked vehicles It was conducted by Steve Amala, fire rescue man for Tuality Fire Department, assisted by Pete Heineman, of Metro West Ambulance The group was broken into teams of two with each team given a situation to solve. It included getting persons out of locked cars, prying out rear windows, und use of the porto- power unit in rescues Last weekend members of the class, grouped in pairs, worked in the emergency department of the Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland, as each member is required 10 hours in hospital work assisting doctors and nur ses before qualifying Friday. Jack Cunningham and Tommy Bruce, took their turns. Pat Goodman and Pat Mitchner went Saturday night with Ray and Betty Lamping doing their ten hours on Sunday Three other groups w ill work this weekend Monday night class was dis cussion on emergency situations and how they should be handled and discussion of final test on Thursday. Watermaster Visits Clayton J. Gardner, State Watermaster, is in Room 308. Columbia County Courthouse, from 10 a m until 3 p.m. to answer any questions pertaining to water rights His next visit w ill be on January 16, 1974. G! B ill enrollments in fiscal year 1973 edged past 2.1 m illion to the highest level in 22 years, the Veterans Administration re ported recently 1RS Offices Open Longer For Tnxpnye Taxpayers who work or can' get to the 1RS offices durin| regular business hours cai obtain help from the 1RS on thi weekend or during the evening hours from now until April 16 Ralph B Short, D istrict Directoi of Internal Revenue in Oregor said recently. Free income tax informatior and tax forms for Oregon taxpayers are no further away than the nearest telephone explained Short The 1RS, hi said, w ill answer questions und mail tax forms by telephone from 8 a m until 7:45 p m each] weekday and from 9 a m to 1 p.m. on Saturdays This toll-free telephone num her is available by looking for Internal Revenue Service under the heading U S Government in the white pages of all local Oregon telephone directories This number is: Eugene 342-8205; Medford. 779-3375; Sa lem, 581-8720. Portland, 221-3960 All other locations in Oregon 1-800-452 1980 1RS employees w ill also be on duty until 7:45 p.m on weekday evenings und from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m on Saturdays throughout the filing period ut the Portland office to ussist taxpayers with their federal tax returns The Portland office is located in the Multnomah Building at 319 S W Pine. Short explained that many self-employed individuals and retirees complete their tax re­ turns in January We are also open to provide W-2 forms to employers Use Want Ads And Save □ nehalem valley MOTOR FREIG HEIGHT, H T, INC INC. Use Want Ads and Save Phone 429 346^ Facts about Colds From Your Pharmacist Although there is as yet no known “ cure for the common cold/there are precautions you can take to help prevent catching it. Since temperature changes may affect your sus­ ceptibility to colds, be sure to avoid drafts and chills and to wear appropriate clothing for indoor and outdoor Fish Buyers Get Warning The Fish Commission of Ore­ gon announced it has sent notices to all Oregon fish buyers pointing out it is illegal to purchase steelhead in Oregon except for the Columbia River exemption provided by law. Oregon law recognizes steelhead as a game fish and as such they can be sold commercially only when caught in the Columbia River and during the open Columbia River commercial fishing seasons Since the commercial salmon fishing season has been closed since November 2, it is clearly illegal for restaurants or whole salers to purchase or sell fresh steelhead at this time. This would include any steelhead caught by Indians or non-Indians within the state of Washington and transported to Oregon for sale The state police have been requested to arrest any whole­ saler or retailer if he deals in steelhead taken from anv source other than the Columbia River during an open commercial fish­ ing season " IF YO U ’V E got the boat, I ’ve got the paddle,” says F la Newton as she heads for the 1174 Portland Beat. T railer and Sport Show la Memorial Coitseom Jam 1M 4 . The Portland g irl, a ploye, enjoys water temperatures. VERNONIA DRUG BUY YOUR DOG LICENSE NOW In accordance to Chapter 609 ORS, all dogs which have a set of permanent ca­ nine teeth (approximately 5 months old) must wear a collar with license at all times. This provision of the law will be enforced. $5.00 PENALTY In Effect After March 1.1974 THERE WILL BE A COMPLETE CHECK OF THE COUNTY AREA FOR UNLICENSED DOGS. APPLICATION FOR DOG UCENSE LICENSE FEES — CHECK FOR CLASSIFICATION Wild bobcats sharpen their claws by scratching on tree trunks in much the same manner as domestic cats pull on a rug □ MALE—$4.00 Q SPAYED FEMALE—$4.00 □ FEMALE—$5.00 Name of Breed of Dog.________________________________ VERNONIA AMBULANCE FUND *11 Bridge Street, Vernonia, Oregea 97944 Enclosed find Draft, Check or Money Order For $. From: Name ...................................................... N a m e _________________________________________________ Address Address _______________________________________________ CMy Amount of Donation (Please Check): ( ....) (...) Chevron (....)(C M 4 (....) MEMORIAL GIFT In the Name of (...) FILL OUT COMPLETELY AND ENCLOSE PROPER FEE. Make Checks Payable and Mall Tot BOY A. MELSOM Columbia County Clark Si. Helens, Oregon 97051 I «