L ib ra ry U n iv e r s ity o f O regon Eugene, Oregon MwewoaeMNamMMaM VERNONIA WEATHER VOLUME 52, NUMBER 2 VERNONIA, OBRQON VMM - l«e Per THURSDAY. JANUARY 10, 1$74 Weather in Vernonia was a bit chilly for the week of January 2 to January 8 with a maximum high on January 2 of 38 degrees while the low of five degrees fell on Sunday, January 6 Rainfall for the week—zero gathered the located at the Vernonia water M O O M O m O O O m O O O M M iM Waminas o ®es^ ents M East Vernonia Sewer Pacing, Gas District Get Go Ahead On Hook Up SCENES like these last week at kcal service stations have caused Vernonia area dealers to Imple­ ment a plan to halt traffic Jam- ups and long watting for gas. Cars were strung out down main street and around the corners on the flanking side streets creating a big problem for the VPD who have announced they willl issue citations for those iOegally park­ ing on the wrong side of the Gasoline Deniers Agree On Days, Hours of Service Vernonia gasoline station op­ erators met Saturday night, January 5 at the home of Bob Thompson to discuss the prob­ lems of the present gasoline shortage and to endeavor to find a feasible way to solve them. Wally Grosche. Dave Rueh man, and Kudy Seders attend«^ the meeting and a decision was reached on applying an every other day rule to the situation Ralph Sturdevant was unable to attend due to illness. The plan is simple All stations w ill be open Mondays, Wedn«?s days, and Fridays at 5 p.m and on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8 a m , until each day's allocation of gas is used Stations w ill be closed to gasoline purchasers both Saturday and Sunday. How­ ever. most w ill still operate service departments as usual Alcohol Council Will Neel January 16-17 The Columbia County Council on Alcohol w ill host a two-day visitation at the Village Inn in St Helens on January 16 and 17. Featured speakers at the 7:30 ^).n i meeting on January 17 w ill tog Kim Duncan and Norma Taylor from OAHA (Oregon Alcoholism and Health Associa­ tion ). Duncan and Taylor w ill focus on three m ajor areas of council concern 1 Steps that a council needs to institute in order to establish an information and referral center which w ill be volunteer staffed; 2 Establish­ ment of an education package to be used in the community by the volunteers; and 3. Establish­ ment of a membership drive to develop the resources necessary to carry out the preceeding objectives Duncan, Taylor, and Rev Paulson w ill be making visita­ tions to council members and interested parties in the com­ munity during the two days as well Those wishing further infor mation, may obtain it from Rev. C.R. Paulson of St. Helens Times and days apply only to gasoline sales Although Governor Tom Mc­ Call's rationing plan is expected to go into effect next Monday, station owners in the area have decided to continue with their present program of operation due to the unique problems in Vernonia. “ We re trying to do the best we can with the gasoline we’re get­ tin g ," said one operator, adding, "we hope by implementing this plan, the long lines of tra ffic w ill be alleviated and everyone w ill get a chance to get gas without waiting for any length of tim e.” Another dealer added his com­ ments. "A lot of people don't realize that we have to take our month’s quota—which is lower bwause of last year’s bad wea­ ther—and divide it by the days we're open so we’ll have enough gasoline to last out the month And people get scared. Afraid they’ll be stranded But there isn’t any reason to panic. If everyone cooperates, we should be okay.” The Vernonia City Council met The Vernonia Police Depart­ in regular session Monday night, ment has issued a warning that January 7 for the first meeting of those parking on the wrong side the new year Attending were of the street in order to obtain Mayor Sherman Fisher, Council- gasoline are in violation of the men C.E M iller. Lucille Tomlin law and w ill be cited for illegal Bud Atkins and David Banta parking by the department, ac­ with attorney Alan Coon also cording to Chief of Police Jack present. Cunningham Following approval of the “ Parking in such a manner is minutes Pat Fennell, of Davis illegal,” said Cunningham, add­ Sanitary Service, took the floor ing, “ and it is potentially dang­ to inform the council that he erous to other drivers on the could no longer guarantee ser­ road.” vice due to the gasoline shortage He also stated, “ we are having and queried the group on the some problems with people possibility of opening the Ver­ stealing gas and this w ill be dealt nonia city dump as an emer­ with severaly if it continues. Any gency measure David Banta one caught taking gasoline w ill and Bud Atkins are to check into be ja iL _ . this. The warning stems from a Mrs Henry Anderegg then situation which occured January 2 when ten gallons of gasoline requested permission for instal­ was taken from the tank of the lation of an A ir Hockey coin Vernonia F ire Department res­ operated game at the Alpine Lanes After discussion it was cue truck. “ That truck carries all our decided to turn the m atter over breathing apparatus and other to Police Commissioner Tomlin emergency equipment neces­ and Chief Cunningham for in­ sary when we go out to a fire ,” vestigation. said Vernonia Fire Chief Don Following Mrs. Anderegg, Bob Webb. “ Without it we can't do Hall presented a letter to the our job .” "N ot only that,” he continued, “ but it would be a tragic situation if someone lost their home or even their life because someone else was selfish enough to steal gasoline from a fire tru c k ." “ If anyone steals gas from an emergency vehicle,” Chief Cun­ ningham added, “ it could mean the difference between saving a life or being helpless while someome dies. No one needs sas that badly.” Stealing gasoline especially now may seem like no more than a prank to some but it is a serious m atter especially now. So serious that the law provides that anyone convicted of the misdeameanor charge could serve up to six months in ja il and or pay a fine of up to $1000 “ Chief Cunningham conclud­ ed, “ everyone is feeling the pinch of the gas shortage but stealing is no ’v a j o solve your problem. That w ill only lead to more trouble for all of us.” Now, instead of going from office to office to get a building permit, septic tank permit, etc., applicants may apply for the seven different types of permit on one form and in a single location. Permits to be granted under this system include land use; land use-sign; prelim inary lot inspection (prior to sale); build­ ing site lot inspection (for septic tanks); building permits includ­ ing septic tanks; access permits (dealing with the road depart- The Goodwill truck w ill be in the Vernonia area Wednesday, February 20 to pick up all repairable items from home or place of business. Those wishing to contribute to the Goodwill may do so by calling the Vernonia representa­ tive, Mrs Cora L a n g e , 429-1 3421 ir-u-Lri-n_n_ru A letter from the Oregon State Highway Division stated that they did not feel—after inves­ tigation—that a flashing signal was needed at the Bridge St - Texas Avenue intersection for school children but one might be needed in front of Washington ment ) ; and precover inspections (for septic systems). The p e r m i t application seeks—in addition to basic in­ formation about the applicant and location—the tax account number, lot size, name of legal access road, zoning district, the planned use, setbacks a n d details about the water supply. In addition the application also requires the name of the contractor, sub - contractors, plumbing contractor, lender and details about when the site w ill be ready for inspection. Officials of Columbia County feel that this consolidation of the various permits w ill aid pros­ pective builders to obtain their permits with less confusion than in the past. safe type of container to use when storing gaso­ line. It is red, metal and has a tight seal on Ambulance Fund Gets Surprise Donation The Vernonia Ambulance fund has received many contributions lately but none more surprising than the check that came from a lady in Denver, Colorado with the enclosed note. “ In case you are Puzzled— we do own property there—and also have fam ily in the area, so felt we should also make a contribution.” With the aid of such generous people it is hoped that some time in the near future it w ill be possible to purchase the d e fri­ brilla to r and other necessary equipment for the Vernonia Trauma unit. Schools Get Added Funds Oregon school districts w ill receive an additional $27 m illion in basic school support funds for 1974-75, Supt. of Public Instruc­ tion Dale Parnell said recently. A total of $170 m illion in state funds for elementry-secondary education has been estimated for 1974-75, compared with the c u r­ rent year estimate of $143 m illion It is estimated that Columbia County w ill receive $2,933,969.66 for the 1974-75 year. Estimate for 1973-74 w a s $2,559,338.32 Beoause these estimated fig ­ ures are available to districts early January compared with mid-March in p r e v io u s years the school districts w ill be able to have a more meaning­ ful base to begin the budget process, Parnell said — - — — Residents of the East Vernonia Sewer D istrict are advised they may now hook up to the sewer. For further information contact Wm. Nelson, 429-5291 at the Vernonia City Hall. Grade School Burlington Northern Railroad informed the council, via letter, that the section of railroad from Banks to Vernonia had been sold to Orth Industries in California and that further communication should be through them Under untinisntxj ousiness at­ torney Alan Coon reported on the progress of the two law suits pending against the city, inform ing them that the charter suit was now being studied by the judge. 7 The council w ill hold a com­ mittee meeting February 16 at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the zoning map c? Uricl1 a8re« l to deposit $45,000 to the Sewer Bond Fund and to deposit $11,056 to the Revenue Sharing Fund It was also agreed—contingent on gas and money being avail­ able—that Chief of Police Jack Cunningham be allowed to at­ tend police training school in Astoria February 16-18. Following payment of bills the meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m The next meeting of the citv council w ill be Monday, January 21 at 8 p.m. in the city hall. Goodwill Truck Due Wednesday, Feb. 20 County Gets New One Building Permit System Building permits w ill be easier to get in Columbia County since a new one-stop system has been instituted for applying for appli cations. council in reference to sewer and water hookup outside city lim its on his property on Pebble Creek Council w ill give him an answer following their meeting with the engineer in February Committee reports were then read followed by communica­ tions. Letters from Robert E Mey­ ers, Engineers, were read dis­ cussing the flooding in the Riverview area, after a meeting with county, state and council officials December 19 Cost and drainage work were commented upon Also a letter on estimated costs for extending the Pebble Creek sewer outside the city lim its to Bob H all’s property. MILLIONS al ooe-year-old plug_____ ________ U plMtic cwtataar troy» at Crown ZeUcrbacfc’» Wood Nuroery near Aurora, Oregon, will ' planted la Febraary and March la an “ ‘ roforeetatiott Areas to be planted included CZ managed forests near Molalla. Vernonia, Tillamook, and Seaside in Oregon, aad near Cathlamet, Port Townsend, and Sekiu, Washington. plastic jar, — the type which should nev be used for such storage. Home Storage of Gasoline Potentially Lethal Practice The present fuel shortage has grown to crisis proportions as allocations are cut back to station operators and fuel oil distributors, causing many to begin the dangerous—and—pot­ entially lethal—stockpiling of gasoline, according to the Ver­ nonia Volunteer Fire Depart­ ment. As the F ire Preventions B ur­ eau’s data reveals, one gallon of gasoline has the explosive power of approximately 14 sticks of dynamite which renders it a potential liquid bomb, even in the hands of those fa m ilia r with its properties. Vernonia F ire Chief, Don Webb points out “ if you feel you must stockpile gasoline, please do it in a safe manner and always let common sense pre­ v a il.” For storing gasoline at home, he advises, “ use an ap­ proved safety can—never a glass jug, discarded plastic bleach bottle or other makeshift con­ tainer. A container for gas MUST be metal and labeled as to the true contents and should be red in color Don’t fill any container with gasoline that doesn’t meet these standards," he adds “ Gasoline should lie stored in a well-ventilated area where it can’t be tipped over or damaged accidently and always kept out of the reach of small children. It should never be stored in the same room with a hot water heater or a furnace where a pilot light or sparking switch could set off an explosion of accumulated vapors Any smell of gasoline in a storage room or an automobile trunk is a good indication that there is a vapor leak in the container. Carrying extra gasoline in the trunk of a car also creates a dangerous explosive situation," points ou, Webb. “ Gasoline vap­ ors can filte r from the trunk into the c a r’s interior where the striking of a match or a spark from the electrical system could set off a powerful explosion which could prove fa ta l.” The Vernonia F ire Chief stated further, “ if it is absolutely necessary that spare gasoline be carried on the road, always use a metal can that is vapor tigl Use a container with perfi seals on both cap and pouri spout—not a safety can that designed to vent vapors. All never fill the container coi pletely. Leave a little room f the gasoline to expand as it warmed by the heat of the di and the auto.” While the storage of gasoline an unsafe situation, it is not t only problem arising from tl energy crisis. The Vernonia Fi Department also stresses tl potential dangers involved increased usage of fireplaci and other methods of heatin Wood, coal and cast iron stovi are becoming more popular ar all can be a trouble spot if prop« precautions are not carried ou “ Cast iron stoves especiall can be dangerous,” Webb con ments. “ If they become ove heated and without proper ai justing of the flue, they can bio up. Also, many of today’s mix ern homes are not equipped t handle a wood or coal burnin stove since they don't have th proper type of chimney or ver Pipe Fireplace owners should chec for proper clearance betwee the firebrick and combustibl materials. The screen shouli also be checked to ensure that i is in good shape and fits proper ly .” As a last safety pointer, thi Vernonia F i r e Departmen strongly recommends that eacl fam ily have an approved all purpose fire extinguisher hand' at all times. Defribrillator To Be Demonstrated A d efribrilla tor machine wil be demonstrated at the Chambe meeting Monday evening Janu ary 14 at 8 p m. in the Wes Oregon Electric meeting room The public is invited to atten« th's interesting demonstration o the machine used to correc erratic heart beats in cardia« patients. Funds for the purchase of th« defribrilla tor are being raise« with donations by Vernonia arei citizens