Demon I a Eagle 2 THURSDAY. JAN 3. 1974 Storm Gloss Cut Heat Loss Says Expert T O P IC S O F T H E T O W N SEL-MOR, INC., Publlnhers B RHOADES. Editor MELVIN SCHWAB, Compositor Mi .mil Mis ('arson Strong .mil Melody Ray Strung and son Brian and Rick Devine spent Christinas day through Tliurs Entered as second class mail day at Tacoma, visiting Mr and matter August 4, 1922, under the Mrs Larry Strong and other act of March 3. 1879. relatives Christmas day visitors at the Published weekly on Thursday at 721 Madison Ave., Vernonia. home el Mr and Mrs Win Columbia County. Oregon 97064 Bokoskie were Mr and Mrs and paid at the Vernonia Po6t Douglas Bokoskie of Portland. M is Sandra Williams and soil Office as second class matter. anil Mike Rosser Subscriptions Mrs I'rilla Anderson visited » 0 0 Per Year — In the Nehalem her two daughters and families Mr and Mrs Sam Anderson at Valley $4.00 Per Year Elsewhere Mr anil Mrs Chet Anderson at Tillamook December 23 until Christmas (in Christmas day OFFICE HOURS they all went lo a fam ily gathering al Ihe home of her Moo., Tues., Wed.. F ri.—8 a.m . to 6 pan. granddaughter and family Mr and Mrs Ken Wells at Milwau­ Thors, it Sat.—8 a.m. to 12 noon kie where 34 relatives met The Phone 429-3372 highlight ol the day was the unexpecled arrival of the par ents of Mrs Wells. Mr and Mrs EI h ' ii John from Hawaii who Oregon arrived Chrislmas morning OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Vernonia, Oregon RR Newspaper Publishers Association Ensemble To Entertain VHS The Willamette University Wind Ensemble, under the direction of Maurice Brennen. w ill perform in concert Tuesday, January 8. at 10 a m at the Vernonia High School Auditor­ ium as part of their annual winter tour of Oregon cities The 34-member group consists of two groups of Wiliamette University students making up the stage band and Woodwind Quintet The Wind Ensemble plans ten performances during its annual tour The public performance w ill include such works at "Father of V ictory," Louis Ganne; "Phedre Overture." Jules Massenet; "Trois Pieces Breves,” Jacques Ibert; “ Antiphony for Winds.” Robert Ward; several swing pieces by Nestico. Lowden and Higgins: and the John Philip Sousa march, “ The Black Horse Troop " Other featured works include "Pas Redouble,” Saint-Saëns; “ Maledictions,” Raleigh, “ Folk Song Suite,” Vaughan Williams “ Trombone Troubadors,” David Bennett; “ Five Mellow Winds," Schanke; and "Taccata Marzi- ale." Vaughn Williams. Police Report The first investigation of the year 1974 occurred January 2 with the theft of ten gallons of gas and two flashlights from the fire department rescue truck sometime during the night, over the weekend A radio valued at $500 which was taken from Crown Zeller - bach recently, was turned over to the Vernonia Police Depart­ ment by George A Helms, 113 Bridge St Businessmen... Take an Insurance Inventoryl Î I M I t ’s smart to take inventory o f your insurance needs peri­ odically . . . to find out just w hat you have . . . and w hat you may need. W e’ll be glad to review your present pro­ gram. I t w ill cost you nothing, and we may be able to im prove your protection, and save you money, too! Call us today fo r details. BILL J. HORN V ernonia Insurance Exchange Phone 429-6203 953 B ridge S tre e t V ernonia, O regon R fp rtitn tln f Hirtltzd Accident end Indemnity Com»eny Member The Hertterd Ineurence Group Hertford IS . Conn. T Mi a n il M rs Adrian l.ogan spcnl Chrislmas with a daughter and lainily Mr and Mrs Ken netli T a llin n a l T ig a rd O il Friday M r and Mrs L. R Davidson of Sweet Home came in help celebrate the birthday of her brothel. .Mr l.ogan Mr anil Mrs Eric Olson and two sons o| Seal Rock visited Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Wooten Christmas afternoon. Mi anil Mrs. Donovan Reyn­ olds took his mother Mrs Albert Rey nolds nt Timber Route to the Tualdy Hospital on Wednesday She is siiflering from pneumonia and w ill I«' there several days. Mr and Mrs. Francis Keag- bine and family of Portland enjoyed lunch at the home of her lather and wife Mr and Mrs Frank Schnudlin on Saturday, anothei daughter and fam ily Mr and Mrs. Howard Seal and family of Beaverton and Hulda Johnson ol Medford visited them on Mondav M rs M au d e Wells spent Christinas eve at the home of Mr and Mrs Richard Holmes and family at Milwaukie and had dinner the next day at the home of M r and Mrs Lester Wells On Wednesday M rs Wells took her grandchildren Jenny and Char- Iry H o lm e s and visited Mrs. Martha Botkin and son Ben at Eugene u n til Saturday. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs Frank Schmidlin on Christmas day were, M r and Mrs Floyd Snyder and fam ily of Danville California: M r and Mrs George Snyder and fam ily of Hillsboro. Mr and Mrs. Bert Snyder and family and M r and Mrs Glen Reynolds of Scappo­ ose. M r and Mrs Chuck Hard­ ers and son and Mr and Mrs. Bill Hooper <>l Aberdeen. Wash inglon: Mr and Mrs Don Ren olds and family and Mr and Mrs Will Harders Christmas day guests at the home of M r and Mrs Reggie Bruce were M r and Mrs Thom­ as Tomlin. M r and Mrs Billy Tomlin. M r and Mrs Curt Poetter. John Tomlin and Mr and Mrs. W I, Bond of Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Lanore Lvda are visitors at the home of their daughter and son-in-law. Mr and Mrs Lyle Barker The Lyda’s are from Dufer. Oregon and are enjoying their visit with granddaughter, Carlene Home for the holidays was Wm (B ill) Rhoades from the Navel Training Center in San Diego, Calif He spent Christmas day with his parents, M r and Mrs Wm Rhoades at the home of his aunt and uncle. M r and Mrs James Whiteside of Gres­ ham. Also there was another uncle. L a rry Lattin who arrived from Orange County, California Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Bruce over Christ­ mas day were M r and Mrs James L Thompson (Beck) and their son Tom The Thompsons parents of Mrs Bruce, live in Lebanon Family members spending Christmas at the home of Mrs Mabel Graves were Mr. and Mrs Hale Graves, Sarah, Ruth and David of Portland. Mr and Mrs Tom Graves of Yamhill and their son and fam ily Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Graves and son of Portland and daughter Mrs Victoria Stallsworth and three daughters of Astoria, and Morris Graves of Goldbeach Mr. and Mrs. Julius Enevold son spent Christmas Eve and day al the home of their son and fam ily Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Enevoldsen. The <»r\ (»Ison’s spent Christ­ mas eve with their oldest daugh ler. Laurie and grandparents in Salem Essie Nance's car hit some ice and landed off the road but fortunately she was not hurt; merely shook up a bit The Russ Vinyards returned Irom San Jose for Christmas In Today's A rm y There Are Many Enlistment Programs - 2 - 3 or 4 Years B y enlisting in today’s A rm y you can be guaranteed eith er job choice or geographic location o r both, plus fo r young m en the $2400.00 cash bonus plan. I f college Is your goal the A rm y ’s education program m a y be for you. F o r more inform ation contact your representative a t 1320 Beach H w y. Longview, Washington o r call collect The Barelas enjoyed enter­ taining 24 guests for dinner Christmas day k ale Coates enjoyed u quiet Christmas with freinds The Walters spent a lovely holiday in Spearfish, South Da­ kota . The Harrold I'roehl family enjoyed a nice Chrislmas with all home Floyd and RoseMarie Itagner and sons enjoyed their first Christmas in Vernonia Bus Nance. Salem, son of Essie and C.J Nance, took his parents to Bend to spend the Christinas holidays with their granddaughters families. Mr and Mrs James Hitt (Vicki) and great-granddaughters Kelli, 6, and Teresa 4, and Mr and Mrs Robert Maddox and great- grandson Jeffrey Ray On the return trip, approximately 10 miles from Vernonia, the van they were riding in, hit a slippery spot on the road, over­ turning the van as it slid oil the road Mrs Nance suffered pos­ sible cracked ribs and is presently under the care of Dr. Hobart at home Weekend visitors at the Nor- mand — Alford home were Mr and Mrs Roy Jackson and son. Eric. M r and Mrs Skip Good man and son, Jeff all of Corne­ lius, Ada Lindsley and children, Randy and Debbie of Aloha. Mr and Mrs. John Normand. grand­ daughter, Janette. Tiny (Beryl) Normand. Mr and Mrs Ben Goodman and children, M r and Mrs. Richard Goodman. Nen ana. Alaska and Murrel Helland of Ellensburg. Washington Thursday afternoon visitor at Ihe Ralph Borton home were Mr Bortons parents M r and Mrs B ill Borton. of Lincoln City. Truck Stops Lower Prices A state-wide sweep of major Oregon truck stops has thus far yielded four stations selling die sil products at prices in excess of those allowable under current economic stabilization regula lions, according to Jean Lewis. Internal Revenue Service Stab ilization »Manager in Oregon Lewis explained that these four truck stations: Witham Truck Stop. Medford; Barney »Moeller Truck Stop. Curtin, 3 J's Enco, Canyonville, and Walt's Truck Stop. Um atilla, w ill return a total of $13.236.39 to customers as a result of the IRS investiga­ tion. Each of the truck stops has voluntarily agreed to roll back petroleum prices to levels allow able under ESP regulations and in addition, roll back prices below maximum ceiling prices to provide refunds for customers on each of the petroleum pro ducts involved This w ill result in stations selling fuel at prices below the maximum ceiling until the amount overcharged for each product has been returned to the marketplace. The IRS investigations. Lewis said, also found 14 service stations charging prices in ex cess of Stabilization regulations IRS expects, Lewis said, to make a follow-up sweep in the near future to insure that com pliance is maintained with the gasoline regulations VERNONIA'S varsity basketball squad compet­ ed in the second annual Dad’s Club holiday bas­ ketball tournament in Scappoose Thursday and Friday. Deeember 20 and 21, meeting Washnugul who downed them 48-45 on Thursday and in con­ solation Friday night. Kalama who dropped the Loggers by a resounding 70-57 score. Faced with the necessity to reduce use of heating fuels, homeowners and renters sire looking for inexpensive ways to conserve energy Dorothy F Brown, Oregon S ta te University Extension housing specialist, recommends storm windows und doors, which accomplish heat savings in two ways They cut down on heat loss through (lie gluss, and the area of the room close to the windows feels warmer so the thermostat may be set lower Although glass storm windows and doors are the most satis factory long-term solution, clear vinyl plastic sheeting, a low-cost substitute, can be used, says Mrs Brown The 4-mil thickness in a 4-foot wide, 2S-foot roll costs about $7 Longer rolls and other widths are also available from local stores and mail order compa nies A 6-miI thickness is a little more expensive but is also sturdier For effective insulation, allow a layer of a ir at least V in c h thick between the window glass and the storm window The air space can be achieved, even with metal sliding windows set flush with the outside of the house, by using lx2-inch lumber to make the storm window frame COWBELLE BEEF TIPS . . . This Land Is Your Land Keep If Clean by Liz Hyde The women of the cattle industry are known as CowBel- les. Their aim is to help you enjoy eating beef and encourage you to eat lots of it. With this in mind, they assist educational programs in Ihe schools and in 4-H Special prizes are given at he State Fair each year to participants who use beet dishes in their demonstrations and dinners. I would like to share a few of these receipes from this year’s F air with you. Kathy Bowman of Bend called her prize winning Senior Dinner dish “ M utineer’s Bounty” . She used 1 and 3 4 lbs of blade chuck steak, seasoned and marinated 45 minutes in 1 4 cup catsup She cooked it over a briquet fire 6 minutes on each side for medium rare, 8 minutes for medium well done In the Intermediate Luncheon contest. M ary Jo Hansen of Baker ^r^.ed this “ Yankee Beef R oll" to capture her prize. 4 cubed steaks salt and pepper 3 cups soft bread crumbs 2 T dehydrated onion 11 cup chopped celery IT parsley ‘ a t. sage *2 t- salt pepper *2 cup water T. melted margarine 4 slices bacon Combine bread crumbs, oni ons. celery, parsley, seasoning, and 11 cup of the water to make the dressing Spread stuffing on steak and roll like a je lly roll Wrap bacon around the steak, fasten with skewers. Brown in hot margarine, seasoned with garlic and 1 T Worcestershire sauce Brown on all side, add the remaining 11 cup water, place in tightly covered pan. Cook slowly for about one hour and 15 minutes, or until meat is tender Remove rolls from pan to platter and make gravy with drippings Serves 4 She served green beans, let­ tuce and tomato salad, hot rolls with her Beef Rolls and apple crisp for dessert, lemonade was the beverage Kristy Aldrich and Sandra M iller of Union teamed up on a “ Country Lkuncheon" featuring Oven Meat Rolls 1 lb ground beef 1 3 cup regular rice 1 3 cup water 1 3 cup chopped onion 1 t salt 1 t celery salt pepper 1 can (15 oz.) tomato sauce 1 cup water 2 I Worcestershire sauce Heat oven to 400 degrees Mix meat. rice. 1 3cup water, onion, salt, and pepper Shape m ixture into balls Place meat balls in ungreased baking dish 8x8x2 inches. Stir together remaining ingredients and pour over the meat balls Bake uuenvered 30 minutes, cover with lid or alu minum foil and bake 15 minutes longer This w ill serve 4 to 6 They served their oven meat balls with tossed green salad and hot rolls, with strawberry-chip whip for dessert and lime spark le as the (leverage Runner-up Debbie Bradfield of Vale featured "Barbecued Ribs Round-up” in her “ Beef Round up" dinner using the following recipe Brown short ribs on top of stove for about 10 minutes Put in 350 degree oven for 2 hours, adding 2 cups water after 45 minutes. FOREST GROVE C O M M U N IT Y HOSPITAL Adm itting List December 27 Emma Magoff, Ralph D Lunsford VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE Old Courthouse Basement ST. HELENS. OREGON Phone 397-2268 - Alter Eours 397-1730 M onday - W ednesday - T hursday 9:30 a.m, to 12 Noon ★ Ready Mixed Concrete ★ Concrete Aggregate / * Crushed Rock ★ Road Gravel t e. •»! • r»i i < £ t« y ,>x I ----------------- Effective Immediately— —. — ALL PRODUCTS WILL BE Sold by Scale Weight SCAPPOOSE SAND & GRAVEL CO. PHONE 543-7141 Route 2, Box 1 SCAPPOOSE. OREGON