M Church Plans Anniversary Fete Sunday A Good Farm er o . in m. W A N TED To grow ■ new hl protein feed crop for feed and seed. You mum be a good fam uv and have 20 acre« of good land to qualify . (6.000.00 rath investment required. Earning poten­ tial t t «25,000 to *35,000 per year. Write: RUSSELL W. D EA N 756 • 29th St., Milwaukie 97222 or call (503) 777-1649 or 659-3295 M M F S FA R I LADD P r n id e n t Bible May this com ing year be a time of happiness, joy and lasting peace for you I I I I Don's Auto Service 6 & < •r CHRISTMAS w e hope Santa's got you on his list for all the good things of the season! Best wishes from BOB'S UNION SERVICE and WELLER & BER NA R D I If you are looking for an active, friendly church that stands for the Word of God, a warm welcome is extended to you by the Bible Church to attend our services: SundaySchool 9:45a.m. Morning Worship 11a.m. Evening Service 7 p.m. Wed Family Night 7:30p m. A Christmas Potluck Dinner will be enjoyed by all im­ mediately following the morning worship service this Sunday Food, fun and fellowship is planned for all who come. Our annual Christmas Pro­ gram will be presented this Sunday evening, December 23 at 7 p.m The theme is "And There was Light” . We welcome each of you to come and help us cele­ brate the birthday of our Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ at this Christmas season. There will be Christmas treats for all. Our Sunday School bus is run throughout Vernonia every Sun­ day morning for those needing a ricfe to Sunday School and church For the schedule of your neighborhood phone the pastor at 429-3363 Primary church is held during the morning worship service for kindergarten through 4th grade and is geared to the understand­ ing and needs of the boys and girls. Great times are had! An adult Bible Study on the book of St. John is held every Thursday evening at 7:30 in the home of Mr and Mrs. Bob Zerfing It is conducted by Virgil Snook Everyone is welcome. We at the Vernonia Bible Church wish all a Merry Christ­ mas and a Christ centered New Year's. * ****** *****4 Let the V erno^a Branch of the Arik erican Cancer So- ciety Help You! F ar Further Information or Special Services Call UNION OIL k'utejkXjtejkSiMJbAJttLR&lkl Louise Ham nett...........129 7401 Reatha H o rt „.............. 425-3513 or Contact Carolyn Keasey ******* *******3 On December 23 the First Christian Church will celebrate its 50th anniversary To com­ memorate the event Sunday, James Earl Ladd Jr., some of one of the early Evangelists, under whose ministry 102 people joined the church—will give the message. His father James E I^idd Sr aided in the growth of the church during the 1930’s. I-add Jr is president of Puget Sound Bible College in Seattle, Washington. Before 1923, the church began with eight families meeting to­ gether in a home for commun­ ion. Pastor E C. Stephens from Kelso, Washington sought help from the Portland Office of C.F. Swander, then State Secretary, to organize and set up the new church Soon a young evangelist, God- liep Schmidt arrived to hold a meeting in the Grange hail, with Bible school held in Washington school. At the close of the meeting, after prayer and a hymn, the church was set in order and organized by Swander and G Schmidt Church officers were then elected in December, 1923 The congregation then moved to the high school on “A” Street, where 225 were present on Easter Sunday at Bible school. The next move was to the Rose theatre, next to the bridge, but it was too small A local merchant equipped the second floor over his store for the 48 young people attending the high school Bere- an class This class was the first to use the new building, with only one room partly finished and a stove in operation. The awaited day arrived in Christmas of 1925, when the congregation was at last in their new church home which was located on 430 North Street, where the church stands today, and with Will Gressman as the first minister. He also served as a city attorney. Shortly after meeting in their new church home several suc­ cessful evangelistic meetings were held including one led by Ted Leavitt resulting in the addition of 119. Through the fifty years since the day that the church first became a reality its history has been filled with the joys and sorrows that cover any past but on Sunday, December 23 the congregation of the First Chris­ tian Church can look back and be proud of their half-century span. THURSDAY, DEC. 30. In T oday's A rm y There A re M any Enlistm ent Program s - 2 - 3 or 4 Y ears 1973 7 By enlisting in today’s Army yen can be guaranteed either job choice or geographic location or both, plus for young men the «2506 00 cash bonus plan. I f college Is your goal the Army’» education program may be for you. s u s n a a v u v saaavn u u i w u W U M K .1 Hwy. Longview, Washington er call collect 423-3000. May the true meaning of Christmas make your holiday the happiest. To our customers at this festive season we wish all blessings. N A TIO N A L PUBLIC SERVICE IN SUR A N CE D a v e B ru n s m a n AVON & W ATKINS PRODUCTS Ï S Helen and Sydney Bourne Family Visit In Manzanita BIRKENFELD—Mr. and Mrs Janisch of Diston. came over for a visit with her brother and wife, Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Beach. On Wednesday they all went to Manzanita to visit the Everett Beache s They returned home Thursday. Recent callers at the Francis Larson home were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larson. Mrs Herbert Rod­ gers and Mrs. Vick Berg. On Monday of last week, Mr. and Mrs Howard Johnson. Mr. and Mrs Calvin Malcom of Rio Dell, Calif and Mr. and Mrs Archie Johnson of Salem all visited at the A1 Soderback home at Jewell. Mr and Mrs Walt Tornblad were in Clatskanie last Friday Mr and Mrs Lloyd Beach were in Forest Grove last Friday where they did some visiting Best/ VJkkes ■for the hfoffcfay « Demonia Eagle At His Birth the Angels sang, "Peace on earth to men of gooc w ill." May this same peace, the g ift of the Prince of Peace be yours this Christmas and may it fill your life with joy! BRUCE BERNDT EXCAVATING WISE SANTAS KNOW Il's 4.2 Gallons of Gas Closer to D rive to SCAPPOOSE To Shop Than To D ow nlow n Portland And You Can Find Whatever You Want From Friendly Hometown Merchants . . . SCAPPOOSE STORES OPEN SU N D A Y , DECEMBER 23rd To S erve Your Shopping N eeds * LOIS' Candle Farm * WHITE'S Home Furnishings 4 t 9 9 9 9 * 9 * 9 We would like to thank you, our loyal j p j r friends, for your patronage this year. It has been a real pleasure serving all of you. VERNONIA BRANCH p U n S =r HI BANK D i t < ljulttlJt cclio L i yx tttln g t! ALLAS JU N K SHOP P’ Hi-SCHOOL PHARMACY STOKES True Val. Hardware TERRY'S Burger Bar • SAXTON'S T.V. & Appliance T H E SHOPPING IS F U N IN SCAPPOOSE ANTIQUES Try V f CINNAMON TREE Restaurant - Lounge SMITH'S Sew ing Center • P&G Thriftway conviy out if/icctc * HOLBROOK Lumber Co. r<