Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, December 13, 1973, Page 2, Image 2

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Uernonia Eagle Bonnie
W C ..
Entered as second class mail
matter August 4, 1922. under the
act at March 3. 1879
Published weekly oc Thursday
at 721 Madison Ave., Vernonia.
Columbia County. Oregon 97064
and paid at the Vernonia Post
Office as second class matter
83.00 Per Year — In the Nehalem
84 00 Per Year Elsewhere
» •M a o o M M e o M a M M m K
Men.. Tnee.. Wed., Fri.—8 aan.
ta 8 pun.
T h a r*
ft S a t —8 a.m . ta 12 noon
Phone 429-3372
IM a M O O B M M e a M a O O M X
The People
Speak . . .
It has come to the attention of
the Camp Wilkerson Advisory
Committee that Stuart B John­
son has resigned his position at
the Columbia County Park Com­
For three years Stuart has
been involved in the rebuilding
of that facility and has been one
of the most instrumental persons
in lending his most able advice,
his personal equipment, his val­
uable time and many materials
to the completion of the lodge
Mr Stuart has often expressed
his concern about the youth of
the County and of the im­
portance of offering a camp
facility such as Wilkerson as one
alternative to activities of youth
which are of a negative nature
The Advisory Committee feels
it speaks for all the citizens and
particularly the youth of the
county in expressing a sincere
thanks to Stuart and wish him
well in his expanding business
and the family obligations which
necessitate his resignation
The Camp Wilkerson
Advisory Committee
» » » » » » » » » » »
3 - Sandra L Potter
6 - Stella M Howard
7 - Leaon U Odaro
8 - Robert M Reed
Let the V erno^a
Branch of the A m ­
erican Cancer So­
ciety Help Toni
Funeral services were held
Friday. December 7 at 1 30 p m
for Bonnie Marie Quinn. 54.
resident of the Vernonia area
since 1922. at the Fuiten Mortu­
ary Chapel in Vernonia The
Rev Jack Carlson, pastor of the
Vernonia Evangelical Church
officiated Mrs Lloyd Thomas
served as the organist
Committal rites followed with
interment being held in the
Vernonia Memorial Cemetery
with James Cavwood. Earl Ray.
Bob Thompson. Sam Hearing
Jr , Tommy Tomlin, and Wilford
Holce serv ing as casket bearers
Bonnie Marie Quinn was bom
September 26. 1919 at Midvale.
Idaho, the daughter of Howard J.
and Myrtle E Mecklem Buff-
mire She moved with her par
ents to Butte Falls near Med
ford. Oregon and lived there for
one year before moving to
Vernonia in 1922 She attended
grade schools and graduated
from Vernonia High School in
1937 She was united in marriage
to Lloyd Quinn October 4. 1946 in
Vancouver. Washington Since
their marriage the family has
lived in the Vernonia area They
owned and operated. Quinn's
Real Estate and Insurance Co.
She had been active in square
dancing and was a member of
the Square Sets of Hillsboro and
a member of the Do Si Do club in
Mrs Quinn died Monday eve­
ning. December 3 following an
extended illness with cancer at
the Physicians & Surgeons Hos­
pital in Portland
She is survived by her hus­
band. Lloyd Quinn, residing at
the family home on Timber Rt.,
Box 100 Also surviving are three
children Mrs Steven •Cathy)
Baptist of Aloha. Ore.. Mrs
Robert Fa ve Elaine ) Barstad of
Shelton. Washington; and Bruce
Wayne Quinn of Klamath Falls.
Oregon Also surviving are five
grandchildren Travis Baptist,
Aloha. Greg and Kristen Bar­
stad of Shelton. Wash and Mark
and Bobby Quinn of Klamath
Falls. Oregon
The family request those
friends who wish may make
memorial contributions to the
American Cancer Society.
Senior Citizen
News —
Friday potluck was attended
by 38 persons
After potluck the business
meeting went into session and it
was decided that the same
officers should remain through
1974 They are Virgil Snook,
president; Nelle Davis, Vice-
president. Nora Harders. Secre­
tary; Harry Eckland. Treasur­
Paper rolling is still going
strong Another load is almost
ready to go
The flea market is doing real
well and we have a lot of good
winter clothing on hand - come
The library has been getting in
lots of good books
Transportation has been good
the past few months
Don’t forget to attend our next
potluck Friday. December 21 at
12:30 p.m We plan on a Christ­
mas tree and each attending
person is asked to bring a gift for
either sex - not to exceed 50
Do come and join in the social
Holiday Greetings
Io Today's Army There Are Many
Enlistment Programs - 2 - 3 or 4 Years
By enlisting in today's A rm y yon can be guaranteed either Job
choice or geography location or both, pins for young men the
823*4.M cash bonus plan. If college is your goal the A rm y ’s
education program m ay he for you.
F o r m ere Information contact your representative a t 1320 Ocean
Hw y. Longview, Washington or call collect 423-3800-
At Yule Party
SANTA CLAUS a rrived la Vc
riding on a brighi red fire truck
polire department with sirens
Group Attends
Style Show
Three members of the staff of
the Cut and Curl Room in
Vernonia, attended a hair style
showing at the Thunderbird
Motel at Jantzen Beach Monday.
December 3.
Mary Ann Ceballos. Carol
Barker and Juanita Morford.
owner of the beauty salon,
enjoyed two films on sculpture
cutting and blow dry styling,
presented by Paul Mitchell, then
watched actual demonstrations
of the technique by hair style
artist Richard Hensen Included
in the show was the first-time
viewing of the hair styling
artistry used on a male model
Sculpture cutting—to t h e
shape of the head—then blow
drying eliminates the hardship
of nightly pinups as the hair is
cut to fall into place with only the
occasional use of electric curlers
or a pin curl or two for a touch of
The show was presented by
Clairol Inc who also treated the
group to a showing of the latest
hair coloring techniques which
feature blending hair color in­
stead of tinting it one solid color
Workshops In
For New Year
The Society of Arts and Crafts
met for their Christmas Party on
December 3 at the home of the
president. Evelyn Heath During
the business session workshops
in oil and tole painting were
forecast to begin January 21 at
7:30 p.m in the West Oregon
Electric Company Auditorium
Subsequent workshops will be
held in the months following on
the first and third Mondays at
the same hour Those desiring to
participate with the Society are
invited to bring craft work art
or stitchery at the times sched­
Refreshments reflecting the
holiday motif were served to
Maude Wells. June Wilson. Carol
Ostrander. Elizabeth Holsey,
Jean Ann Borders. Ida Kudma.
Elsie Cox and Evelyn Gibson by
the hostess.
Highlight of the evening was
the display of colorful and
unusual gifts by the various
Fifty Year Award
Planned for Member
Vernonia Lodge No 184 A.F &
A M has scheduled an open in­
stallation of officers at the
Masonic Temple. Friday even­
ing. December 14. at 8 p.m
At the same time Dr Willard
H Hurley, a former Vernonia
dentist, will be presented with a
fifty-year award marking fifty
years of membership in the
Officers-elect to be installed
are Elmer C. Schrader. Wor­
shipful Master. Harold L Fleck
Senior Warden. Albert Bruns
man, Junior Warden. Walter
Linn Treasurer, and Wilbur E
Wilson. Secretary
Energy Crisis Week
Ended By Assembly
To end the VHS Energy Crisis
Week. Mr Ancil Peterson, an
electrical engineer from BPA
(Bonneville Power Administra­
tion). came to the High School
December 7 to give a special
In charge of the assembly was
Mike McKee, who announced the
winner of the essay contest It
went to a senior, Scott Cameron
McKee also thanked the other
contestants who entered the
contest, and then handed the
assembly over to Mr Peterson
The latter part of the assembly
consisted of Mr Peterson show­
ing slides of various dams on the
Columbia river, and ways to
conserve energy There was a
slide of West Oregon Co-op,
which got a big round of ap­
plause from the student body
Members of Columbia County
Chapter 499, American Associa
tion of Retired Persons, will
gather at Shrine Hall. St Helens,
on Tuesday, December 18. for
their seventh annual Christmas
Festivities will start with a
potluck turkey dinner at noon
The chapter furnishes the turkey
and coffee Members will bring
potluck dishes and their own
table ware
As in past years there will be a
food gift exchange Each mem
her attending is expected to
bring a wrapped food gift,
preferably h o m e prepared
Numbers will be placed on the
gifts and distribution will be
mad«' during the afternoon
Usually there is no speaker at
these Christmas events, but
because the new Supplemental
Security Income program goes
into effect on January l. a Social
Security official will be present
to explain its provisions
Those planning on making the
bus trip to Portland on Wednes
day should pick up their tickets
during the meeting
Support Your City
Shop Locally
Out-Of-State Cars
Need Inspection
“If you have moved to Oregon
this year and your out-of-state
license plates will soon be expir­
ing". the Oregon Motor Vehicles
Divison reminds, adding, “you
must bring your vehicle to a field
office when you apply for your
Oregon title and registration ”
Oregon law requires the divi­
sion to inspect tne vehicle identi­
fication number of all vehicles
bearing out-of-state l i c e n s e
plates before an Oregon title can
be issued
There is a $5 fee to inspect the
vehicle identification number
towm topics
M r an«! M rs llenry Anderegg
and Mr and Mrs Kim Kimble
atlend«*d the Ice Capades Iasi
Sunday afternoon loiter lh ^
had dinner on th«' River Queen
before returning home
(trial Olsen returned home
this week after a trip to Dallas.
Texas for Tektronics, where he
is employed.
Visiting (he home of Mr and
Mrs Herbert Harriman are her
two sisters Mrs Alvin Risbrudt
of Dalton Minnesota and Mrs
Rennie Johnson of Fergas Falls
Minnesota Coming with them
were Mrs Berton Skrove of
Dalton and Mrs W’m Nelson of
Fergus Falls They plan to visit
th«' Harrimans until after the
Mrs Robert Andrews receh ed
word of th«' death of her brother
Chester Woodcock who passed
away Monday at a Silverton Rest
Hom«' The W«Mxlcocks a r e
former Vernomaites
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Morgan
returned Saturday after spend
mg a month with her mother
Mrs Myrtle Snook at Napa
Mrs Joe Medges ol ( a pilot
H ill entered the Forest Grove
Community hospital on Monday
and underwent surgery on Tues­
J im - Medges of Capital
Hill entered the Fort's! Grove
Community hospital on Monday*
and underwent surgery on Tues-
Grangers Hold
Saturday Meet
Watermaster Visits
Clayton J Gardner. State
Watermaster. is in Room 3UH
Columbia County Courthouse,
from It) a m until 3 p.m -to
answer any questions pertaining
to water rights His next vigit
will be on December 19. 1973
Vernonia Grange met at their
hall on Sunday, December 8
The Charter was drapped for
Brother Ed Crawford
Other business coming on the
floor was voting for State Gran
ge Officers They also excepted
the resignation of the Lecture
and re-nominated a new one
A card party was discussi-d
and it was decided on one for
December 15 at 8 p m with the
Davis and Leona Turner hosting
The Grangers reminded by the
Secretary that they are invit«>d
to Natal Grange December 16 at
2 p m for installation of Grange
Fri., Sat.
Dec. 14-15
15% O ff All Stock
Except Levi's
Until December 31
819 Bridge S«™.«
Open 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Saturday
piers tied t
; . ’ .o snv B’i J s
tl« t
O n ly
p lftix
io Cf
From now on I know I'm
going to Bud's Auto.
Fourteen Attend
December Meeting
The Columbia County Retired
Educ ators Association bad their
December meeting at the home
of Mrs Evelyn Heath
There was a gift exchange
For refreshments each one a t­
tending brought a sample of
Christmas goodies There were
14 members present
Choose Toys
About 43.000 toy-related injur­
ies serious enough to be treated
in hospital emergency rooms are
reported in one year In the past
two years the federal govern­
ment has banned about 1500 toys,
but the removal of these toys
from store shelves did not re­
duce the number of injuries. 5000
new toys become available
every year.
So. recommends Carol A Ash­
ley, Columbia County Extension
Agent consider these safety
suggestions from the Consumer
Product Safety Commission as
you shop for toys this year:
Choose carefully and selec­
tively- any tov can be danger­
ous if misused
Choose a toy appropriate to the
child's age and development-
many toys have suggested age
groups on the labels Read them
Check label on fabric products
for some indication that the
fabric is flame retardant or
flame resistant For stuffed toys,
check labels for washable or
hygienic materials notices
Avoid toys that produce ex­
cessive noise
Avoid shooting games, espec­
ially those involving darts and
arrows unless they are played
under supervision
Select chemistry sets and
electrically operated toys, es­
pecially those that produce heat,
for older children only
Check toys for such things as
sharp points and jagged edges
and loose small parts
If you wish to know what toys
have been banned, call the toll
free number 800-638-2666 and ask
for the Consumer Product Safety
Commission's "Banned Product
List ” If you have a question
about a particular toy or you
want to make a complaint about
a toy you feel is unsafe, call the
same number and leave your
name and telephone number A
staff member will return your
Mt Heart Rebekah Uxlge No
243 met November 8 with Irma
Chance. N G presiding
Under new business the fol
lowing were elected officers for
the year 1974 Noble Grand Arlie
Emmons. Vice Grand. Maud«'
Wells; Recording Secretary,
Evelyn Heath, Financial Secre
tary. Faye Davis Treasurer.
Dorothy Sandon
A short Thanksgiving program
consisting of songs ana readings
was given under the dir«*ction of
Irene Minger
No meeting was held Nov 22
because of the Thanksgiving
Our next meeting will be this
Thursday evening. Dt-cember 13
A short Christmas program will
be given under "Good of the
After lodge the Christmas
party will be held at which time
members who have secret pals
will be remembered with gifts
and those who haven't secret
pals will exchange gifts
Refreshments for the party
will be served by the committee
An invitation is extended to all
members to attend the Decern
her 13 meeting and participate in
the festivities of the evening
Study Club Enjoys
Thursday Program
The Study club met Thursday
at the home of Mrs Mercedes
Proehl The president Mrs Irene
Minger presided
There was a gift exchange
with the social committee, con­
sisting of Mrs Faith Reynolds,
Mrs Mathilde Bergerson and
Mrs Bess Nichols, presenting
the program
Rebekahs Elect
New Officers
For 1974 Year
AARP Gathers
Services Held
332 A Street — Vernonia, Ore.
429-5221 or
Open 8 to 5
Closed Sun. 8c Mon.
* * * * * * * *