eNM M eosseeixseM soosesesssacaxxaesaeiasaoiM eaeeeoessaoeecsssoM O K Oemonia Eagle fc THURSDAY. DEC 6. THE TIMBERLINE 1973 joooooeoooekMoaoooaoaxK SAWDUST COMPILED There are four Sophomores practicing with the Varsity Bas ketball Squad Randy Ellson. Kris Crowston Brad Belling­ ham and Bob Black Any violations of the OSAA code, and VHS will be ineligible to participate in any sports activities for a year Dewey Conroy went to Hills­ boro last Friday to play his guitar and sing at the Pier 232 lncidentially he 1« living with his brother Tim whil* his parents build a new home on Keasey Rt The menu is not available because the cook did not have enough time to make one up Arthur Parrow. principal, at­ tended the Northwest Associa­ tion of Secondary and Higher Schools Annual Meeting from Sunday through Tuesday De­ cember 4. as subcommittee chairman for approved schools section G CHRYSLER Plymouth Larsen's Inc. 440 N. Nehalem CLATSKANIE. ORE. Your Local Rep. ART LAMPING PH. 429-5671 22tfic THE 1 tom TRONSON B.E Tronson was informed that his son. SR Tommy L Tronson was presented the Company Academic Award along with a letter of com mendation Tom who is a *73 graduate ot VHS was presented the award for maintaining the highest average score on weekly exam i­ nations given to his company while undergoing recruit train mg at San Diego Tom was among five gradu­ ates that joined the Navy GAA Will Sponsor Christmas Program "Welcome to my World", a Hawaiian Christmas Program will be performed on Saturday. December 15. at 7 p m at the Washington Grade School by the VHS Girls’ Athletic Association as a fund raising project This program will be a dif­ ferent type of program, in which many citizens of the community are involved Grade school and high school students will be involved in the program Stu­ dents from the Hawaiian Club from Pacific University will entertain also "P"' program will have four dift« ent types of dances Poly­ nesian. Tahitian. Samoan, and Maori The girls and boys will be performing exotic dances to highlight the delightful program Some of the costumes and instruments will be borrowed from Pacific University. These costumes and instruments will add to the elegance that these dances will portray The proceeds from the Ha­ waiian Christmas Program will be used to purchase new athletic uniforms for the girls and will also be used to support the activities the girls have The admission for the program will be as follows Children 14 and under 50 cents: Senior Citizens nigh school and college students 75 cents must present student body cards ' . Adults $1.50 Everyone is urged to reserve tickets now A check or monev order for the exact amount may be sent to Vernonia High School G.A.A in order to purchase tickets The members of the GAA are also selling tickets Hurry now . and purchase tic­ kets early Ith and Baseline HUisboro—64B-H61 Cedar and Pacific Forest Grove—«7-2161 4855 S.W. Watson Beavertao—644-1116 741 Madison Street Vernonia—<26-8611 In Today s Army There Are Many Enlistment Programs - 2 - 3 or 4 Years By eahsting in today’s A rm y you can be guaranteed either Jab choice or geographic locatrae or both, ptas fa r yauag m ea the $2See.» cash boons plan. I f college is your goal tbe A rm y ’s education program m ay be for you. F o r m ore in form atio n contact y e w representative a t 1328 Ocean Longview, SCHOOL JOURNALISM CLASS Forest Grove Academy Has PfAC AMTflt I AH ■ w J w ll IM IIV II nt Former VHS Student Earns Naval Award Capable advice regarding ia n ra a e e , acetal a e e a rltj, n i n i Hw y. HIGH District 47-J Heeds Crises Fr,di‘> r r u ^ and th« commumtv to conserve energy Mr Proehl has appom .ed a com m ittee - j«rt the committee has submit- s P " energy are to U fia a e A B a sieve nonson m r sss” , . c ,ac , - 10 t,)ns* r' e Some of the suggestions use lighting only when S i “ uw| aw f pifflJC IjOfOHCO Woobtagtoa o r call turned off when not in use. to walk, ride a bike or form car pools, to wear warmer clothing. to encourage other people to conserve energy .Another suggestion that the school has followed was to send home checklists for energy con- servation with each student The checklists were returned Tues day and discussed in class The checklists are designed to show the community ways thev could cut down and where they are ----- ----------Effective Irnm edlately... ALL PRODUCTS WILL BE Sold by Scale W e ig h SCAPPOOSE SAND & GRAVEL CO. PHONE 5437141 Houle 2. Box 1 SCAPPOOSE. OREGON introduction to the program and introduced Mr Crawford Crawford acted as M aster of Ceremonies announcing the ' F o u r t h g.rLs from the aca tics march cam e marching in to th e cvm Th d d lnd* ldua. warm u is on the m ate For all Vernomans who have been listening to the radio or watching TV coverage of Oregon State University tootball gam es ,n almost every gam e this season Vernonia has been men- tinned a 197.» Vernonia High School graduate. Steve Hanson has been responsible Steve has been a starter at defensive end most of the year until he received a leg injury in the USC-OSl game Since that time a knee brace has helped him complete a season of Urn,ted play S eve was .All League. All State Defensive Tackle, and Shrine Game Outstanding De X ' Y f P& ? Urln? v h'S h'gh school football days at \ ernoma He was ¿ecru.ted for Oregon State by Mike Dolby Defens.ve line coach Few young athletes from a small school like \ ernoma go on to play football at the larger universities In the years to come the numbers will be fewer yet as recruiting is concentrated on junior colleges and especially California schools Steve enjoys playing football although football isn’t all play .' AU the work ,s not done Several girls did a floor rou tlne the^wrestlmE mats usine different colored scarfs tee. v / d a n original and personal effect Th^ toia.ice b e ^ I e r J n e x Coaches M arie Hines and Jean ie S S ’X .. ttcrs ones wh„ stand ‘ th«.. ,‘he\g h , ve d,ff,',-iU»v cast c !h<. . ; d th< j (W,nie ^Crawford did an X n c ^ c o m S s o n ^ X on th.. placed flrst state tics at the intermediate level Cherrv Hlnes d|d , rnlltlnf, a»t— Ml— prau^nrri ^ X w . n T t h e ba an«- team s wt>r‘ tht‘ urR,ven Parallel bars Three of the stu^ nts compulsory routines on th(. 5 ^ t0 sh^ w tht; audjence th<. baSR. movements A noor routlne was p e r f ^ « , bv a student b aj slaU, as a H Th.„ , h„n fh„ unevens cl,mpulsorv r()Utine was don€ ad^ ncwl compulsory routine was also performed' Warm- uds were shown on the V o lh ^ H o ^ se T h t ^ r i? had te jumTuponther'ovter t £ kilowatt hours in November, 1972 to 18.120 in November. 1973 a r X X X have a poster and an essay contest to get the students involved The energy shortage is now one of our nation's most serious problems The conservation of energy depends on the help of individuals The energy crisis has just started and until we convert to some other energy source we will all have to save energy that we are now wasting on the practice field or during a game, either Many hours are ?pent b> the P‘avers, adlV,dlYL y SX ' ng thS oppositions offense defense and possibilities Every Sunday after a gam e the players and the coaches view the films of the previous game and pick it apart and are picked apart Being a young team with a new offense Oregon State's record was not good this year, but their victory over Oregon made the other losses less bitter Steve is looking forward to next vear already even though it means ••horse " All 0 - c narticmated in a n**>r r,,ut' ^ w in d e d * iU> «"dividual tumbling tech niQues 4 — — . . — . tDCrffV L F IS IS Gradnales Return _ _ _ X U n U» X F ,u ^ „ i n X X oTSb' S e S S l t ^ pomts on the checklist, it is possible to cut off a large margin of electrical waste McCall and Parnell have also \ ^ ^ h erta* L ^ ' Vlt,? t 0 £ observed by schools statew.de during Energy Crisis Week Monday was bike day Tuesday was walk day. Wednesday was Enghsh sweater day. today was cold lunch day. and tomorrow will be Energy Crisis Day All week, the teachers have had class discussions of ideas for saving on gas and electricity Last month showeda fairly large reduction compared to the same month of last year According to pr.nc.pai Art Parrow . the high school has reduced from 21.960 . r Y f rea ,h r S il? * aS 3 is married to Sand. Hansen VHS Graduate of *70 she is enw iove^bv the Corvallis X ^ ^ r ** S? daX e ^im« In addition to work, studies and football, they manage a 24 unit apartment complex in Corvallis Kathi M edg« and K ayG nm s bo. former XUS students re turned last Tuesday with the Director of Admissions John Engel, to present a program about the Brvman School in Piirtland Engel showed slides and told about each course Kathi and Kay were asked to tell about the classes with they attend They are both studying to be medical receptionists Kathi said. "The school is fantastic, the instructors are great and I've already learned so much I feel like mv head is going to blow up You' come to class and you work and you learn how to do the things vou need to know and thev don't bog you down with unnecessary curr.c- ulum One of Kath.'s favorite words that she h a s learned is ianarohvsterosalninffo fxmho- X c X n • » 1 « C00D€r3ll0D AS&Cu In TglgTjhQnC Poll • K , “ r ^ X d T S ^ , m 2 : stating and Dental Assisting Brochures were left at the high school for all the girls interested in the Brvman School aa base on the Columbia River for a duty weekend. December 1 and 2 They worked on their boat and attempted such things as pump- ing the water out of it, cleaning it, and getting the engine run mng They also cleaned out a barn and filled it with empty barrels After work Saturday, some of the Explorers went into town to bowl or shop at Jantzen Beach ‘ «Mvvifcvwuw There is a new addition to the VHS gy m which basketball fans not,<* at our next R*1"11' mob,le ac‘ '«f«" *a«' year | . ( a spective recruits They rode in a jeep, a tank, and a transport vehicle They toured the base ate lunch with them, and talked with many of the men The three Expldrcrs were Jam es Good man. Ror> Dunaway«and John Normand 1 ’ | I . 1 DCC. BaSkeihail M . . . «. Crhedule Given wvu ^h*' Priees f°r fhe basketball gam es will be. $1.25for adults. 50 cents for high school students, and 25 cents for grade school students Basketball Schedule for December December 1 - Warrenton Jambo- ree , Away M e m b e r 7 Banks Home December 8 - Banks Away December 18 - Neah-Kah-Nie A* av December 21 Clatskanie Away M e m b e r 27-28 - Scappoose Tournament - Away The Junior Class sponsored a Student Body dance in the gym ,agt Friday mght The dance started at 7 p.m and ended at lO ^m w .t h a U it Mr and Mrs Lee Enneberg and Mrs Francis Walters The Juniors jv ia d e approx, ™ale,y ,2 ° on lh< r« rord dancc I I LOCItlGrS LOG Thuredav. Dec 6 Wrestling Neah-Kah-Nie at VHS Friday. Dec 7 Varsity and JV Basketball Banks at VHS Saturday. Det 8 Varsity and JV Basketball at Banks Monday. Dec 10 f r o s h Basket f>«ll Rainier at VHS Tuesday, Dec 11 - Wrestling Tourney at Adams m . h » Goulds balanced flow, no tank, no extras shallow wall ayatam I , , . I Persons who want to learn more about Goa by the Bible in the privacy of the home. • , . m ,. ______ i First lesson free in The Navigators study cor- | respondence course. No one will call. I Today. | . I Name 1 | | I I * ’ | L _. SALE N O W IN PROGRESS! S ^ empty r rkX last Monday and in the parking lot next to the District Office there were only three cars ^ p X t h i s week students and hor m s weeK stuoenis ana faculty have been asked to walk, b,kes W *"n car P00*5 n n >L 11 W ANTED qu , Gifts fo r e v e ry o n e in the fa m ily iu u m j I studying 1 _.. / , 6 three of the Sea E xplores to the National Guard base as pro- SALE TIME a m " "J11 at,acheda ‘® present scoreboard and it will traulSiPd |p lots jn the parking lot bv the'shop Bec#rd Daac* Friday Dan Cole Memorial AidedToScoreboard The Sea Explorers of Ship 649 in Vernonia Ventured into the ** * uta®«* J X i r c o a s t to coast sto ats 1. Taken SnrioiLslv Junior 0 » H .ld i , J*1, »*‘0™ the poll is taken , h d.: 7. Î W66K . Many area residents can be expecting to receive a phone■ caU ,w.° r*'Present^ 9 ves of \ ” Sc _ A71e^ an d „""•fu.'X v iScember*^ 11°' an, k, ^ i 1 c» . ! X X , X X l m ik h mrtrla 1 abou ”* ° X X i X a r L X n ^ main qu^T .a a ‘'Of “ > f* asked is, “Do you think S ' ¿ X t - S r S .t ™ J Sea Explore« Have FniAvahl« V V F « I b B |V y * B W V vC vB S W Kathv Miller, a representative The Student Council meeting from the Oregon High School was called to order bv President Public Affairs Office, was at Steve Johnston with the flag VHS Wednesday. November 28, salute led by Dick Brunsman and presented a program to the The minutes of the previous student body of both VHS and meeting were read Jewell, about their education Steve and Sandy told a little after graduation about the session at Spring The slide presentation began Field They explained that there at 1 p m in the gym and lasted was an emphasis placed on in for about half an hour After volvement Steve thought that if that, interested juniors and sen­ the other schools in the league iors went to another room for were willing Jack McKay, the further discussion main speaker of the session Some of ihe college items that would be asked to come visit were talked about were cost, each school The schools could housing, courses, extra-curricu all share the coat of his visit lar activities, and entrance re­ Arthur Parrow. principal, sug­ quirements gested that it be brought up at Normally, more than one rep the next league meeting If resentative comes to the school possible, next year it would be each year, but because the better to send four or five Public .Affairs Office thought representatives to the workshop that one person could do just as It was noted that there was not good a job as three could. Ms a sophomore or freshman rep­ Miller was the only person sent resentative present at the m eet­ ing Chris Collins and Mark Hop­ *9** * * * * ** kins were appointed to look into Lal the V araosa fund raising projects for student council Branch of tha Aris Connie brought up the fact that arican Cancar So­ chairs aren’t being set up for the faculty at pep assemblies ciety Help You! Junior class petitioned to have a record dance November 30 la fa ra a tta a from 7-10 p m at a cost of 2S Spedai Service» Call cents and the petition passed . . . . 428-7481 Student Council will be in charge of the Christmas Assem ­ . . . . 428-2S11 bly this year e r Cealact Caralya Keaeey Respectively submitted. Sandy Tupper h e * # * * * * * # * * # * * ! somet,m€ r- . . places collect 423-2188. ★ Ready M ixed Concrete ★ Concrete Aggregate ★ Crushed Rock ★ Road Gravel >n- ........ r,U 7’ UCTen>® ' ' R ™ X “o p ' V n , m , tramp w Beavers g s g ® « To Present Proffrain a U r IC5CUI r rogrcim Beech VERNONIA aoo«»KM«eeee«ee