J THURSDAY. DEC 6 «oooooaeaoooooooaoooaoc B. RHOADES. M E L V IN SCHWAB. O F F IC IA L N EW SPA P ER VenMoIa O rg a n as second class mad matter August 4. 1923 under the act of March 3. 1879 Published weekly on Thursday at 721 Madison Ave.. Vernonia Columbia County . Oregon 97064 and paid at the Vernonia Post Ofiice as second class matter 83 00 Per Year — In the Nehalem Valiev 84 00 Per Year Elsewhere O F F IC E HOURS .Moo. Tweo.. Wed., F f i . — 8 >JH. to C p jn . Than. A Sat.—8 aun. to 12 Phaoe 429-3273 Oregon Publishers Association dooe 1 Friends Invited To Coffee Hoar Dec. 14 The Library Board extends an invitation to all library patrons and other friends of Olivia Brickel to a coffee hour in her honor The event will take place in the City Library on Friday December 14 from 2 to 5 p.m Mrs Bnckel will retire on December 19 after serving as librarian for 12 years FOREST GROVE C O M M U N IT Y HOSPITAL X « X » X *X » X » X » X « X o X *X *X « Admitting List November 30 - Leaon V Odom Placean Ad Toda'. It Pays 30000000000000000000001 JO Y THEATER FrL Sai. ■*! EDITORIAL 1973 SEL-M O R . IN C .. Entered Forest Grove Visit Enjoyed «oeoaooaooooooooooooac Ocotoni a Eagle Dec. 7*8 SLITHER James Caan mooooooooooooooooooom Another Christmas season is upon us in Vernonia and once more its time to think of buying presents, stocking stuffers. can­ dies and all the other good things that help make the Yule time so much’ fun for all It is also time to remember the importance of shopping for those things at the merchants who live in vour town Money spent with them is money that recirculates in town and enables the store owners to buy more merchan­ dise for vour approval Actually, under present cir eumstance it makes g o o d sense—more t h a n ever—to practice the art of shopping locally If gas rationing becomes a reality. you will have to depend upon these sam e business people to provide you with not only the luxuries but the necessities that you have com e to depend upon it pays to get to know them and to patronize them now for if the time comes they will then be better able to cope with and meet the demands placed on their shoulders Think about it. W A Y N E W ELCH boys show third elk killed by trio oa the la « day of elk season The M l e ft w m a forked b a n w kk eye guards and weighed aa estimated 4M pounds before dressing It the boys three days to track d m the big hy Ron. Larry, the eldest which was > X » X » X « X « X » X » X *X O X a X * TOWN TOPICS x « x « x a x a x *x *x » x o x » x « > November Police Report Submitted Mrs Sam Devine had the pleasure of having all of her grandchildren at her home on Thanksgiving day Attending were Mr and Mrs Claire De vine, sons Rick and Rodney , daughter Sandra and two grand­ daughters from Eugene Carla and Shery l Devine f W F B AZAAR A B AKE SALE-December 7 A '.-Legion Hall behind West Oregon Elec­ tric1- 1« a m - 4:30 p .m Newcomers on East Bridge street are Mr and Mrs Roy Roberts and small son. coming from St. Helens C W F BAZAAR A BAKE SALE-December 7 A 8 Legion Hall behind West Oregon Elec­ tric '-IO a.m -4:30 p.m. Mrs Nell Thacker entertained guests Friday evening in cel­ ebration of the 8th birthdav of her granddaughter Susie Smith Others attending were Teresa Pucelh. Mr and Mrs George Smith and Mr and Mrs Fred Smith of Astoria The highiht of the evening was the opening of the gifts and cutting and serving of the cake C W F B AZAAR A BAKE SALE- December 7 A 8 Legion Hall behind West Oregon Elec­ tric'-18 a.m.-4:38 p.m Tuesday visitors at the Wilbur Thacker and Nell Thacker home were Mr and Mrs Lester Teel me if Portland Thefts and arrests for con duct harassment headed the list for the November police report as submitted to the city council Monday night under the signa ture of chief of police John Cunningham Records showed two felony thefts 1 an unfounded com plaint and three misdeamenor thefts under 8200 with five complaints of conduct harass­ ment with four cleared by ar­ rest Other business of the depart­ ment m November show six fines imposed for VBR s 'Violation of basic rule i; one for lane usage two violations of vehicle laws. 13 parking violations and one for noise. The department assisted two motorists and checked three suspicious persons rendered public service five times and assisted o t h e r departments seven They also assisted at eight ambulance calls Fifteen criminal investiga­ tions were participated in and one bicycle was recovered Stx juvenile referrals were also dealt with Five members of the Vernonia Police Reserve gave 99‘- unpaid hours to the department and community The police car No 130 logged 3.460 miles during November Quinn Services Dec. 7 Mrs Bonnie M ane Quinn. 34. passed away Monday night, December 3 at the Physicians A Surgeons Hospital in Portland Funeral services will be Fri­ day. December 7 at 1:30 p.m at the Fuiten Mortuary Chapel in Vernonia The family suggests contribu­ tions to the American Cancer Society in lieu of flowers Heckenliable H eld A former Vernonia resident, Fred Heckenliable. passed away Tuesday. November 6 in Salem Bom in Eureka. South Dakota. April 2, 1889 Mr Heckenliable bad been in a nursing home for several years Mr Heckenliable is survived by his wife Otilia. one son and a daughter Services were held at the Chapel of the Garden in Salem with interment following at Lee Mission Cemetary \ai'en