MoaoBOCMMoaooMoaoBH Ocrnonia Eagle Church Notes THURSDAY, NOV. 29, 1973 5 E van gelical ' FOR SALE-General T hinking about b u yin g a used or n e w V iking. El- na. P sa ss or Bernina? SA VE CALL J IM M O NEY SERVICES BOWLING FRANK REED h as s e rv ic e s a v a ila b le fo r c u ttin g , w ra p p in g a n d fre e z in g d e e r, elk , etc. Call 429-5872 CO LLEC T at 643-4666 If n o a n s w e r S e w in g C enter W est 12750 S.W. Canyon Rd. Beaverton, Call 429-5874 ____ ____________________ 45t4 Oregon UPRIGHT piano for sale. Albert Fuller. Phone 420-3063 4Ht3 RESTAURANT equipment, house- hold goods, tools, etc. November 30 at 10 a.m. at the Wonderbar Cafe at the Timber • Vernonia junction._________________ 48tlc O LD M A N RUTABAGAS and parsnips and carrots. All organically grown C. A. Morgan, Buxton, Oregon. Phone 324-2841____________48t4c 429-5221 REDUCE SAFE and fast with GoBese Tablets and E-Vap "water pills”. Vernonia Drug. 47t7 CUT FLOWERS, weddings, fun oral designs, plants. Also flowers by wire. Artificial flowers and gifts. CHALET FLOWER SHOP. Phone 429-5733 or 429-0301 _________ 13tfc BUNDLES of old newspapers for starting fires, 10 cents. Ver­ nonia Eugle. 721 Madison Ave. tfc FOR SA L E -R Ì Estate TO SEE 332 A S tr ee t TO T U N E TREAT RUGS right They'll be a delight if cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer, $1.00. Brunsman Hardware, Ver­ nonia.____________________48tlc STOP BUD'S AUTO SERVICE FOR SALE: Chickens Young tender fryers. $1.50 each. 429- 8291._____________________48tlc APARTMENT size stove with 3 burners, broiler, and oven $5. Refrigerator, older model, runs good, $10. Phone 420-2871 or 429. 5221._____________________48tlc «VINTER'S ON T H E W A Y—B E T T E R UP THE JA LO P Y Open 8-5 Tues. - Sat. Closed Sunday & Monday 429-2871 VERNONIA SANITARY SERVICE Phone 429-8711 30tfc SHOE REPAIRS, pick-up and de­ livery. Open 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tandy Shoe Repair, D St., Vernonia, 429-3301. 31tfc ARCTIC INSULATING CO. Blown-in Insulation Rockwool Batting FREE E S T IM A T E S C all C ollect 397-1670 ST. H E L E N S lOtfc Norm an H illsbery, Builder New Homes B u ilt To Your Spec if ¡cations New Construction - Additions - Re- modclng - Roofing . Foundations — FREE E S T IM A T E S — 429-8942 ___________ 42 tfc GRI »53 429-6203 B IL L H O R N , B R O K E R SALESM AN : Deri Roberts—429-3804 Sue Filter-429-7014 F O R E S T G R O V E BRANC H — Arlie Satterlee, Mgr.—Ph. 357-2321 T he P la c e T o C all For A ll Y our Rock N eeds! Trucking, Excavating, Bulldozing, Backhoe _______ Q U IN N Sand - G ravel - Rock Stockpiled In Vernonia for REAL ESTATE & IN S U R A N C E — Im m ed iate D e liv e r y — SALES - R E N TA L S List m e- Needed FOR SAVINGS on loans contact your local Credit Union - 783 Bridge Street. 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. - Tuesdays through Friday. Closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday Or call 429-8245 during non-office hours. 17tfc 786 Bridge St. — Phone 429-8211 Fishhawk Branch - Birkenfeld ________ Phone 755-2280________ FOR SA L E-A uios SACRIFICE—'72 Chrysler New­ port HT with air. Has every­ thing Tuke over payments. Call after 5 p.m. 42941161.______ 48t3c 1973 Malibu 4-Dr, P. Steering & Brakes, Automatic trans , Radio, Vinyl Interior. New car guarantee ........... $2995 1972 Kingswood S/Wagon. Power Steering and Brakes, factory Air. Automatic . Like new. 13,000 actual miles. A real buy at huge savings. 36 months to pay ............ $3695 1973 Kingswood S/Wagon, 7000 miles, factory air, beautiful green, vinyl interior. Steer­ ing and P. Brakes. Luggage rack. Low, Law Price of Only ..............................$4195 1971 Chev. Bel-Air 4-Dr. Automa­ tic Trans, and Power Steer­ ing. Now .................. $1395 1970 Blazer - P. Steering, Automa­ tic, Hubs. Seats, Gauges — See It ........................ $2895 1962 Dodge to Ton 3-Speed, 6- Cyl..................................... $395 1964 Chev. to Ton 3-Speed, 6- Cyl..................................... $595 1971 Vega 2-Dr. CHOOSE F R O M D A V IE S C H E V R O L E T . 493 Bridge Street Vernonia, Oregon Phone 429-5023 48tlc '67 FIREBALL Travel Trailer. 22' self-contained. Large refrig. tandem axle. 429-7272. 46t3c CARD ol TH AN K S I WOULD like to thank everyone fir their sympathy, cards and flowers at the time of my loss. Eva Nystrom THANKS from our hearts to the Vernonia searchers with their de­ sired efforts to find us, the wan­ derers. Also Blanks to the state Troopers for their help. We will never forget you all. Respectfully. Roy and Alice Nye Viola Michener Thursday Afternoon leag u e L W Nov 19 33 15 The Chicks 24 24 Bob’s Union 25 Vernonia Eagles 23 16 32 Chevy V8’s High team series and game; th e The Chicks 2447 and Vernonia Eagles 892 High indi­ vidual series and game; Penny Smejkal 524 and 193 Splits picked up; Vi Aldrich 5-6; Pat I,arson 2-7; Evelyn Holce 3-10. Monday Night league Nov. 26 W L Quinn Insurance .38 14 West Oregon 31 21 Timbernook 19 33 Vernonia Drug 17 35 High team game and series Quinn Insurance 899 and 2528 High individual game and series Betty Euquay 205 and 523 Splits picked up Carol Barker 5-10; Flo Huff 5-7; Gladys Kimmel 2-10; Mickey Johnson 3-10 Tuesday Afternoon League November 27 W L Mitches Witches 31 to 20to Rose Motel 28 24 Dave’s ARCO 24 28 Mario's 20 to 3 m High team series, 2332 and high team game 793, Mitches Witches, high individual series, 429; Hose Dunaway; high in­ dividual game, 170, Velma Smith Splits picked up: Rose Duna way 3-10, 2-7, 4-5; Betty Hall 5-6-10; Myra Baska 5-10; Lil Scroggins. 5-7; Jean Hall 2-7. Tuesday Night League Nov 27 W L Bill Horn 34‘à 17to Standard Oil 32 20 Pills 22 to 29 to Cut & Curl 37 15 High individual series, Janett Smiley, 489; High individual game, Sharon Krieger. 210. S p l i t s picked up; Janett Smiley, 4-5 and 4-10; Sharon Krieger, 4-5; Norma Welch. 3-10; Tempie Nance, 5-8-10 and 5-9-7; Freda Pederson, 5-10. M EN'S LEAGUE BAIR Night League Logging Co. Nov. Wednesday 21 W L Vernonia Milk 35 13 429-7485 Vernonia Sentry 25 23 Bridge St., Vernonia Phone >x«x*x«x«z*xc*sccds could save some prec­ Glienke. ious time for you. or give as a Marion Grant was home with gift the flu last week Group S lates A nnual M eeting Decem ber 3 BIRKENFELD—The Annual Meeting of t h e Fishhawk Cemetery Association will be held at the Francis Larson home on Monday evening December 3 at 7 p.m. Anyone interested are asked to attend. Mr and Mrs Benny Beuson and little daughter of Salem, and the I^aurence Johnston family all enjoyed a Thanksgiving dinner at the Everett Johnston home Recent visitors at the Joe R E V . A N D M rs. Good w ith fam ily , the Evangelical Church Sunday. TRO JAN HOMES YEAR END SPECIALS M ARR & STAFFO RD M E A T CO. Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. 557-7281 Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, and Curing Cattle received Sunday 4 Monday until noon; hogs received Tuesday and Wednesday until noon 1-74 IW A L ocal VALLEY CHAPTER Meets at West Oregon E lectric Bldg., third Thursday of each month, 7:30 p.m . Joe L. Dailey, President Ralph Bergerson, Sec’y. 3-74 V E R N O N IA C H A M BER O F COM M ERCE Board of Directors report to m em ­ bers quarterly. Board meets the second Monday, 8:00 p.m . at West Oregon E lectric office. Visitors invited. T. F. Tomlin, President Mrs. Evelyn Heath, Sec’y. 7-74 MT. H E A R T R E B E K A H LO D G E N O . 243 Meets 2nd & 4th Thursday even­ ings of each month in the I.O .O .F . HaU. Irma Chance, Noble Grand Evelyn Heath, Sec’y. 3-74 V ernonia L odge N o. 246 3-14 I.O.O.F. M eeting on 1st Monday of each month. A.F.L. - C.I.O. 7:30 p.m. 4-74 A M E R IC A N LE G IO N Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. V E R N O N IA POST 119 Wilbur E. Wilson, Commander Harry Culbertson, Adjutant A U X IL IA R Y First and Third Tuesdays lteatha Horn, President Gertrude Schalock, Sec’y. First and Third T uesday 8 p.m. Lloyd Quinn, Noble Grand Harry Culbertson, Sec’y. 1-74 O rder of E astern Star Nehalem Chapter 153, O.E.S. Regular com­ munication the 3rd Wed. each month at M a­ sonic Temple. AU visiting sis­ ters and bro­ thers welcome. Hope Koch, W.M. Irma Fisher, Sec’y. 1-74 A L C O H O LIC S 1-74 ANONYM OUS V ernonia Barracks V eteran s of W orld W ar I Vernonia Friendship Group 429-2941 - 429-6245 2-74 Meets 4th Monday each month at the IO O F haU, 12 Noun Noble Dunlap, Commander Rev. H. L Russell, Adjutant Meat for sale, any quantity. A U X IL IA R Y — Call for Appointment — Come through Banks, take Tilla­ Meets 4th M onday, I.O .O .F . HaU mook road Ito ml., take first left- Oora Lange, President hand road. life Faye Davis, Secretary 8-73 I NEHALEM V E R N O N IA L IO N S CLUB M E E T S A T P IN E C O NE S U M M E R REC ESS Darrold Proehl, President Ted Forbes, Secretary » 3-74 t