Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, November 29, 1973, Page 3, Image 3

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Special Meet
Held By OES
Senior Citizen
News —
At a special meeting o f
Nehalem Chapter No 153, O E.S
held on Wednesday evening,
November 14, a school of in
slruction was held for
officers of the chapter by Mrs.
Dorthy I’arrish, Grand Conduct­
ress of the Grand Chapter, Order
of the Eastern Star of Oregon
Preceding the meeting, Mrs
Parrish and her two traveling
companions were dinner guests
of Mr and Mrs Dan Koch,
Worthy Matron and
Patron of the Chapter
On Wednesday evening, Nov­
ember 21, special guests of
Nehalem Chapter at its regular
meeting were Mr and Mrs Hay
Watts of Maple Chapter O.E.S.
at Seaside
Mrs Watts, a member of the
ESTAIIL Committee of
Grand Chapter, was making an
official visit in hehalf of the
Order's training awards for
religious leadership which is the
function of her committee.
The next regular meeting of
Nehalem Chapter w ill be on
Wednesday evening, December
19, and w ill bo the- annual
Christmas |iarty and gift ex­
change All Eastern Star mem
bers are invited and urged to
With Thanksgiving over,“ we
can dwell on Christmas
Our ladies arc busy here at the
center every Thursday after­
noon, working on new ideas for
decorating Such as Wreaths,
candle holders and many other
things to make your homes more
attractive for the holidays. Any­
one interested in joining for
ideas and fun, drop by.
Transportation has been aver­
age this month and papers are
being rolled for delivery.
We understand that the Coun­
try Store at Rainier could use
volunteer clerks from Vernonia
They are short of help and would
appreciate help during the holi­
day season.
Our next business meeting and
potluck w ill bo Friday, the 7th of
December. Try and come It w ill
be selection of officers for the
corning year
Astoria Visitors
Here for Hunting
Boh Hanherg of Astoria spent
Thanksgiving at the Tornblad
home They were there a week
and Wall and Boh did some
The G. Matson's of Fishhawk
Lake were hosts for a week to
Mr. Bill Schontec of Portland
and Mr Kramer of Winchester
while they were doing some
Let the V ern o ja
Branch of the A m ­
erican Cancer So­
ciety Help You!
Far Further Information
or Special Sendees Call
Guests Entertained
On Thanksgiving Day
Louise Hamnett ......... «»-7401
Reatha H a rt.............. 42S-SS13
er Contact Carolyn Keasey
’ 7.95
scale replica of the
Homelile 150 Automatic
Chain Saw
* On-Oft switch
* Sounds like a real
chain saw
* Non-cutting bead
chain rotates
* Release trigger and
chain stops
292 Bridge St.
Mrs Nellie Thacker entertain­
ed the following guests Thanks
giving day Mr. and Mrs. George
Smith, daughter Suzie Gayle,
and Hon and Chris Smith of Bea­
verton, Mrs Pat Galloway of
Clatskanie. Bud Schneider of
Rainier, Tom Galloway of Clats­
kanie and Howard Gordon of
Crystal Varner of Warrenton
spent several days with her
great-grandmother over the holi­
Mr and Mrs Phil Varner and
niece Donna Varner, of the Dal
les were Saturday dinner guests
of Mrs Nellie Thacker and were
Saiuiday shoppers in Forest
Grove They also called on the
Hay Thackers
Mrs Sylvia Falconer and Rita
Shipley were dinner guests of
Mrs. Nell Thacker Tuesday.
Johnstons Enjoy
Sunday Visitors
T. W lldstad of Enumclaw.
Wash visited at the E. T
Johnston home on Sunday They
attend church while here.
Mr and Mrs. Geo Jacobs and
Mr and Mrs. Hiatt were spend­
ing the weekend at their vaca­
tion home at Fishhawk Lake and
also called on the “ Watsons".
Thanksgiving d a y dinner
guests at the James Cahill home
were, Mr and Mrs. Mike Cahill
and fam ily of Portland, also a
friend of one of the girls, and
Mr a n d
M rs .
Nordstrom Pat cooked the
bountiful dinner All had a nice
Mr and Mrs Francis Larson
were Saturday dinner guests at
the “ Wayne Larson" home at
Tigard. The dinner was in honor
ot Gene Larsons birthday.
Bikini Ponti-Hose
, y
L zr
: £ ly Spun Tex
b tegularly $1.88
» row only
; b
IEG. $1.69
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M c K esson
or Regular SC wfl
List $1.49
PHONE 429-6254
MEMBERS OF the Washington Grade School
band under the direction of Ward Nelson, and
the grade school chorus led by Den Jackson,
entertained the school »nd parents at a Thanks-
giving assembly held Wednesday, November 21.
1973 3
League of Women
Voters Slate Neel
The Arts and Crafts Society
w ill meet at the home of Evelyn
Heath at 7:30 p.m on Tuesday
December 4 Members w ill bring
craft items suitable for gifts or
decorations for exchange of
The committee in charge also
asks that those attending bring a
sample of their favorite “ good­
ies” for refreshments.
Anyone interested in arts and
crafts projects are invited to
VA Questionnaires
To Be Completed
More than a m illion Veterans
w ill receive a questionnaire with
their November pension checks
that could mean increases or
decreases in their monthly
checks for next year, VA said
Exempted from filing are
persons age 72 or over who have
been on VA pension rolls during
the last two consecutive years
They must report changes in
income, however
Deadline for returning the
completed questionnaire to VA is
January 15 A prompt reply to
the November mailing w ill help
avoid a delay in next year’s
checks, the Portland, Oregon
regional VA director points out
Each year thousands miss the
January deadline because their
questionnaires are overlooked
by recipients, forgotten or m is­
Full information on pensions
and other VA benefits is avail­
able through local VA offices and
veterans service organizations
Ocmonia Eagle
Arts & Craits Will
Meet at Heath Home
A membership meeting for the
purpose of organizing an area
League of Women Voters of
Columbia County is to be held in
the Scappoose Otto Petersen
Grade School cafeteria on Dec­
ember 3, at 7:30 p.m
For further information call
Edith Bartel 543-6287
The League of Women Voters
is a national, non-partisan or­
ganization open to any women
citizens 18 years or over.
The purpose is to discuss,
study and act on vital issues of
the day and to help all citizens
take an active part in their
Snooks Enjoy
Family Visit
Riverview-Thanksgiving day
visitors at the home of Mr and
Mrs. Virgil Snook were Mr. and
Mrs Joe Snook and five children
of Portland, Mr and Mrs Max
Snook and two children of Deer
Island and Mr and Mrs Robert
Zerfing and baby.
The Island of Guam has a year
around temperature of 70 to 90
Relatives visiting at the home
of Mr Maude Wells Wednesday
through Sunday were Mrs
Martha Botkin and two sons of
Eugene and Bill Wells of Port­
The two daughters of Mr. and
Mrs John Yadon spent Thanks­
giving day with them: Mrs.
Kaye Bolliger and son Scott and
Mr. Dee Bateman both of Van­
couver Washington.
“IT’S ONE of the best band groups I’ve had,”
said Ward Nelson, prior to the assembly held at
Washington last week. The band played “Am-
4-H Slates
Training Meet
Winter time means special
care and feeding for horses 4-11
leaders of horse clubs can learn
about this and other aspects of
the 4-H horse program at a
training meeting in the Arend
Auditorium at OMSI December 6
starting at 7:30 p.m., reports
Robert H Stevely, Columbia
county extension agent.
Defects to be found in horses
w ill be shown in a movie entitled
“ Visual Defects Related to Un­
soundness” . A serious problem
to horse health is bot flies which
w ill be emphasized through the
presentation of a set of slides
prepared as a part of a 4-H
Veterinary Science project en­
titled “ Bot Flies in Horses” .
A panel of resource people who
w ill deal with various aspects of
horse health and care and the
4 11 horse project w ill be on the
program according to Stevely.
D r Brent Milleson of Wilsonville
w ill deal with horse health as it
relates to first aid and internal
parasites. Tom Zürcher, exten­
sion agent from
county w ill talk about nutrition
of the horse Jim Frahler. field
man for Alber's Feed Company
w ill talk about
feeds Kathy VanDyke 4-H club
leader and a member of the
State 4 II Advisory Committee.
Forest Grove, w ill deal with
rules and regulations of the
horse and pony projects.
4-H club leaders, teen leaders
and junior leaders from Clack­
amas. Columbia Multnomah,
and Washington counties are
invited to attend. A question and
answer period w ill follow the
presentation of the panel mem­
Additional information about
the 4-H horse project as well as
other 4 H programs may be
obtained at the Columbia County
Extension Office in St. Helens.
Social Service
Reform Bill
Gets Approval
The Senate Finance Commit­
tee has finally approved social
service legislation which gives
the states complete discretion in
determining what social ser­
vices they w ill provide and who
w ill be eligible to receive them.
Senator Bob Packwood, a mem­
ber of the Finance Committee,
announced recently.
The committee approved a
Packwood amendment which
w ill protect states such as
Oregon who have committed
extra state dollars to social
service programs in anticipation
of a cutback in revenue from the
federal government.
The legislation which was
reported out of the Finance
Committee contained most of the
m ajor reforms in a bill introduc­
ed by Senator Packwood and
Senator Walter Mondale of Min
nesota earlier this year.
Packwood said the committee
had gone through "enormous
disagreement and negotiations"
over the legislation
erica” and “My Country Tis of Thee,” accom­
panied by the chorus, followed by other selec­
Juveniles Top
Police Report
Runaway juvenials head this
week's police report. On October
24 and 8-year-old iuvenial was
taken into custody for shop
lifting and referred to
Columbia County Juvenial De­
A resident reported, October
26, parties unknown backed into
her vehicle while it was parked
on Jefferson Street.
October 30, a report came in of
eauiDment taken from a vehicle
parked in front of a residence.
Items listed missing were a
maul. 2 wedges, a small double
bitted ax and a shovel, articles
valued at $60.
. November 9. two young wo­
men were issued misdemeanor
citations in lieu of an arrest
charge of harassment.
November 13. two men were
arrested on charges of disorder­
ly conduct and lodged in Colum­
bia County Jail.
November 12, a case involving
damage was cleared, with the
report of a broken window in a
residence and the suspect con­
tacted, with restitution of the
November 16, at 1 p.m. two
female runaway juvenials from
Portland were taken into protec­
tive custody and lodged in
Columbia County ja il
November 20, it was reported
that some time between the
night hours of the 19th an
undetermined amount of money
was taken from the Oregon
Journal box on the corner of
Jefferson and Bridge Streets
November 11, another juvenial
runaway from Longview, Wash­
ington was taken into protective
custody and lodged in Columbia
County ja il until relumed to
There was a 4-H meeting at the
home of Mrs Peggy P itt on
November 10th to elect officers.
They are as follows: President
Donna W illard; Vice-President,
Vickie P itt; Secretary, Shelley
Wilcoxen; Club Reporter, Kathi
There w ill be an officers
meeting December 8 at St.
The 4-H Horse Club had their
second meeting of the month on
November 26 at the West Oregon
Electric Building Mrs. Shinn
took over for Mrs P itt who was
absent. The 4-H group talked
about riding safety and parts of a
December 15 is when the next
meeting is scheduled, it w ill be
at the home of Mrs. P itt at 11:00
Kathi Wilcoxen
Club Reporter
November 26, 1973
Couple Honored by
Weddng Reception
A wedding reception was held
in honor of Michael Lucore and
Patricia Robertson on Novem­
ber 18.
The reception was given by the
b r i d e s children, Mrs. A1
DeLemos. Mrs. Mike Fetherston
and Rob Hahmeyer in t h e
Delemos home.
Refreshments were served to
fam ily and friends of the bride
and groom.
Day Enjoyed
Mrs. Dessie May s p e n t
Thanksgiving at the home of her
daughter and fam ily Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Counts at Spring-
There are few occasions in fife
when you need a friend more
than when you a n involved in
an automobile accident. We'd
like to be that friend in need.
You hope—and so do we—
that accident never happens
to you. But if it does, w e ll be
as close as the dial on the
nearest telephone. See us for
auto insurance that never stalls
in rough going.
Get Together Held
At Shetler Home
MIST—On Sunday afternoon
the Shetler family held a get
together at the Eldon Shetler
home in Mist. Present were Mrs.
Ada Shetler, Mrs Frank Horst
and daughter Fern, Warden,
Wash Walter Shetler, Moses
Lake, Wash., Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Shetler, and sons, Gerald,
Howard and Lawrence, Scots
Mills. M r and Mrs. M arvin Shet­
ler, and three children Scots
M ills, Wash., Mr. and Mrs.
David Shetler and daughter,
Diane, Silverton.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shetler
and fam ily, Aerial, Wash., Mr.
and Mrs Charles Reeder, Seat­
tle and M r. and Mrs. Joe White
of Vancouver, Wash
Also home for the Thanksgiv­
ing holidays were Robin, Blos­
som and Melody Shetler from
Grants Pass
Thanksgiving guests at the
Casper Serby home were the
Harold Cases of Vernonia.
Vernonia Insurance
Phone 429-6203
953 Bridge Street
Vernonia, Oregon
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After Hours 397-1730
Monday - Wednesday - Thursday
9:30 a.m. to 12 Noon
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Mist-Mr. and Mrs. Larry’ Gar-
lock and son Gary were Thanks­
giving dinner guests of the Lloyd
Garlocks, later in the afternoon,
the Garlocks visited the Wilmer
Pickerings and the Ken Sim­
Visitors at the Howard Grims-
bo home were Gary and Bob
Johnson, McMinnville, Mike
Orsligh, Beaver, and Kay and
Ray Grimsbo. Thursday. Kay,
Ray. and Howard were dinner
guests of the Charles Ramsey's.
Mrs Jane Hansen was in
Astoria for Thanksgiving dinner
on Thursday Mr and Mrs Tom
Ford and Mr and Mrs Ted
Kulyua, Portland visited Mrs.
Hansen over the weekend.
Thanksgiving guests at the
W illard Garlock home were the
Dale Dressels, North Bonneville,
Danny Chase, Albany, and the
Jim Garlock family.
Mr and Mrs Bud Smith and
son were Thanksgiving guests of
the Art Laubach's
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