K g g jX Look at the savings on our finest LADY KENM O R jW flSHER and DRYER Hidden C ontrols . . on both washer and dryer. Just lift up the wood-look cover and control panel lights up ALL-FROSTLESS. You’ll never see fro st in the re frig e ra to r or the freezer and you’ll never d efrost « SELECT- O-CUBE ICE MAKER. Autom atically provides all the ice you need . . in crescents the size you select CUT *35 $ 20988 $214*8 W AIRTIGHT HUMIDRAWER1" COMPARTMENT. Keeps fru its and vegetables crisp and fresh fo r days . . w ithout wrapping. Keeps leftovers fresh, too „ « ‘.24435- f ‘ Colors. electric, were »249.95 DEEP, HANDY DOOR SHELVES hold even big jars and cans where th e y're easy to see and reach « stain 19.3 CU. FT. ALL-FROSTLESS TOP-FREEZER REFRIGERATOR is loaded with convenience extras..yet priced low Lighted 13.5-cu ft re frig e ra to r section w ith 4 half w idth adiustaD ie sn e;/e s H um id raw e r porceiam -on-stee crispe r and meat pan Egg rack, b utte r co m pa rtm e n t and 3 fu l- w id th shelves on th e door ’ ne 5.8-cu ft freezer has a rem ovable sh elf plu s 2 fu ll-w id th sneives on the door A d ju sta b le co ld contro ls in each section. 8 Sears w fle tf White, electric. A k (Zfeatt DRYER has solid-state Electronic Sensor that stops drying action by “feeling” moisture in the clothes • __ W AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROL avoids overdrying " WRINKLE GUARD’ tum bles clothes after drying . . helps 10-cycle, 3-speed WASHER gives custom care for all washables.. pampers your knits keep w rinkles out A ll-fa b r L SPACEMASTER JP INTERIOR . . PORCELAIN-ON-STEEL INTERIOR. Rust and resistant . easy to clean fully adjustable half w idth shelves r White 379” $ Sate Copper Tubing Use to co nn e ct I ce M aker to co ld w ater line. Conies in 25-ft. co ll. O uts.de d.- a m e te r ,’ 4 mch. 42TP16121 W ? lbs $5.29 26 26 26 26 TP TP TP TP 62901 N 62902N 629O4N 62906N jir-o n ly cycle. Special setting to knits. A u to m a tic or tim e d race lo r no-tum ble dryin g , i; safety start sw itch. Top- w ith lin t-c le a n in g a.ert sig- i top. 29 in. w ide. 2d in. deep, uarantee ana Note beion. went ibOOO-w tota 220-2 40-v. 7 lbs. ■ m B iy Book. W t. $209 88 A ’ '• 21« 88 Copper* 21« 88 Av ad 214 88 T a w -iyG uid E L E C T R IC A L NOTE W -. • • '* d ry e -i U L lis te d A l u nits 60-c AC W ashers 110-t20-v. y , HP D ryers HP Gas dryers d e s ig n e d -c e rti tie d by A G A me. tor n a tu ra l, m ixed or LP (b ot­ Colors were CUT *30 W hite was $289^ I $29488 $324.95 W TRIPLE DISPENSER adds m easured detergent, bleach and fabric softener at the rig ht tim e for m axim um efficiency ™ 10 PUSH-BUTTON CYCLES include 2 for perm anent press with double gradual cool down, plus autom atic pre-soak, pre-wash < EXCLUSIVE VARI-FLEX AGITATOR . like 4 agitators in one tled) gas Colors $3848« Flush-hinged reversible doors Ca lers m easure inches w ide Order tu b in g for V-»A»-r at ’ig h t above See Guarantee and N o t* or p-t/» > S h ipping w eig h t 332 46 TP 64931N // h it. $ 3/9 88 46 TP 649J2N 46 TP 64934N Az , : 384 86 46 TP 64936N 6x27>$x3?X $164 8« 384 88 KENMORE HOME LAUNDRY GUARANTEE -when used for private fa m ily purposes): Free re ­ p la ce m e n t and in s ta lla tio n of defe ctive parts W i t h i n 1st year of sale Free parts re pla ce m en t d u rin g 2nd year, in s ta lla tio n extra. D efective gear-case parts and Van-Flex a gita tors (in a u to ­ m a tic w ashers only) repla ce d d u rin g 2nd th ru 5tti years, installa tion extra D efective p orce la in fin ­ ish parts replaced free w ith in firs t 30 days of sale. C r ie s for w h ite and colored cottons, w h ite and colored perm a n e nt press, knits, plus pre wash, nr.- soar - old water wash, spin only and optional deep second rinse. 5 a u to m atica lly co ntro lle d was* r in s e w a te r te m p e ra ture co m bin a tion s. Heavy-duty 3-speed m otor In fin ite w ater level “ trol saves on w ater and detergent. Seif-cleaning lint filte r. P orcelam -fm ish top, id and bas­ set M easures 29 in w ide, 2b in. deep, «4-J m. h ig h overall. See Guarantee and Note at /eft. S h ip p in g w e ig h t 252 pounds. 26 TP 22901N W hite 26 TP 22904N A vocado W h ite w ith S u d s-S ave r W26 TP 32901N $289 88 29« 88 26 TP 229O2N—C oppertone 26 TP 22906N Tawny Gold $29« 88 29« 88 ............. $2gg — ’ , [Sears] 9