These prices are low., yet every Range on these two pages has a CONTINUOUS-CLEANING OVEN A ll Ranges a v a ila b le in W hite, C oppertone, Taw ny G o ld and A vo cad o that eliminates most of your oven cleaning drudgery H ere’s how continuous-cleaning w orks fo r you A special co ating on the oven assists in rem oving grease and splatters. Since there is no special cleaning cycle, the oven is cleaning itself con tinuously w h ile you cook. D uring n o rm a l b a k in g most splatters w ill d is a p p e a r. For best results, you should w ip e up m ajor spills b y hand. Racks and w in d o w s s h o u ld a ls o b e cleaned b y hand C olors *214“ Check a the features that make this an easy-cleaning range: First, the c o n tin u o u s -c le a n in g oven practically ends tedious oven cleaning. Second, the cooktop lifts up giving you easy access to the area below. And the top has special edges that help keep spills from dripping. Still more . . both the oven door and the surface units are removable. The black glass oven door is convenient because it lets you check on food when oven light is on. Lo-Temp oven control keeps food table-warm. Porcelain-enam­ eled broiler pan and grid. Storage drawer for pots and pans. One 8-inch and three 6-mch surface units. Backguard with automatic clock, one-hour tim er and appli­ ance outlet. Oven measures 21%x19%x16 inches high. Overall range meas­ ures 30x27x41% inches high. Shipping weight 170 pounds. 22 TP 63031N -W h ite . . $209.88 22TP63032N -Coppertone. 214.88 22TP63034N Av tdO. 214.88 22TP63036N Tawny Gold 214.88 : Range Guarantee. Sears wi re­ pair or replace and install without cost to you any defective part as follows: glass, porcelain-enamel and other finishes within 30 days and all other parts within one year. No charge for mechanical adjust­ ments during first 90 days. Color* were was W BSs bee-thru bio - g ass doo r you hook or food when oven lighf ts on. Ovei n presets to turn to hold warn autorr at i id ly. Nor •drip Hf’ -up " nHtof. removat jie oven door Four surface units . . <)ne is an aut omatic u jrn e r-w itt a bran Gi ve' /ou fn. " /-f . y . .-d r ,eat . simna1r to a' •• e tr frying par Flu workiight, one-hou’’ timer. Lo-Temp oven control keeps fo o d warm and iready to serve. Appliario» outlet. Oveir 24x17x19 ir. ■ overa: ra> j»- 36x26 >,x45 in. high. i ft' This range not available in the Seattle Distribution Center area 22 TP 74531N /. $249 88 22 TP 74534N /• t id $254 88 22 TP 74532N 254 88 22 TP 74536N T a w -., J 254.88 S i-a rs ueiuxe Drt'ikq, Overall ranj» me 22 TP 94231N , 22 TP 94234N 22 TP 94232N NOTE FOR BOTH PAGES Electric Ranges UL listed; 120- 240-volt, 60-cycle AC. Gas ranges design-certified by A.G.A., Inc. for natural or LP (bottled) gas. Connectors not included with ranges, order from Big Booh. tes high, nds. $224.88 229.88 229.88 229.88 8uy on Soars Dafarradiasy PaymantPlan. Yourmonthly paymants bagln In Fabruary, 1974 (in most statas). .ask for M ails. â lp a r — M .) (Thara will ba « Finança Charpa for tha M a rra ‘ Range Hoods help fille r out grease and kitchen odors • lo r a co m p le te se le ctio n , see our Big Book s i. ; Sears ] 5