This great ZIG-ZAG Sewing Machine gives you 12 dial-control stitches including 5 stretch stitches it b utto n ho le r make-. b u tto n h o lin g tru ly easy u u id e m ateria! Ju st set size, i bang». need g O a * f A R 1^ ' ' ' koi, mac him id le r tim e Snip hoie open and you'rt* done stitche- w ill' a tw ist of th. dia B u ilt in bbm w inder w ith autom ate shuto ff Z ipper < un-sn ke i olor alu m m u n Ordet attai invent listed. 110-120-v.. 60 c. AC. Japan W t. 32 lb: A tta c h m e n t Set sew ing b raid la e a 20 TP 6848 Sn.i you don ’t piate and is perfect ordirig. hem m ing, b in d in g , s h irrin g , c GUARANTEE i , the fir: day of use in yo ur hom e, w e ’ll re pa ir defects in m aterial or w orkm anship, fre e , as follows: Sew ing Head w ith in tim e s p e c i­ fied. E lectrical E q u ip m e nt (m o­ tor, w irin g , sw itch , speed con- ’ • >■ ■«' tre e w e'll (1) p rovide m e cha n i­ cal service net essary for proper operation, ext ept for norm al c u s to m e r m a m te na n i e, (2) re ­ place belts b ob b in w in d e r rub- tier rin g s and lig h t b ulbs when they are re tu rne d to any Sears C arrying Case. H i-im p act pia tic w ith snap lochs and lu g ­ gage-type handle. 20x95«x14 in h igh. Fits m a chin e above and o ther K enm ore m achines w itti squa re -co rne re d base- p ates 7.'« in Wide and I t . ' , in. long. Lem cn-sm oke color. 20 TP 9702C W t.8 lb $10.85 Our most powerful CANISTER VAC plus POWERMATE UNIT with adjustable-height Beater-Bar Brush g EASY 2-DIAL W O P E R A TIO N .. one dial selects stitch . . one dial sets stitch length DIAL ANY OF THESE 12 STITCHES •L Wintod In V.S.A. SNAP-IN ‘ AUTOMATIC ® BUTTONHOLER Sews 3 styles and 10 sizes automatically SOLID-STATE FOOT CONTROL • Lets you sew very slowly for extra accuracy . . sews thru thick fabrics without stalling Tw. speed, tw in fan m otor develops 2.8 HP (peal- o u tp u t , 1.1 H P (VCM A rating), 105 int.he- of sealed su- bon. 3». im ties of w orking suction and 45 CFM (ratings deemed m Big Book). Cord reel ¡ets out as m uch of 2()-ft. cord as needed . . s lig h t tug retrar ts cord inti» canister Perform anr e in d ica to r lig h t lets you know w hen vac is not w orking to capar ity . usually in d ic a tin g dust bag should be changed Triple filtra tio n system helps prote ct against m o to r damage. Sealed exhaust port develops b lo w in g at tion. E xtra-w ide step-on sw itch. Hi illu m in a tio n light. Powerm ate unit a dju sts to four setting*. Green re in fo rc e d plastic base, w ood-grained t'M Hi im par t plastic hood and « addy. Pour dust bags inclu d ed . . order extras beion $159 95 P.e h,m . o f f o u r D u s t B a gs W T P M t t MM. 2 $1 Z8 1973 Spring Big Book was C0MPBA t OR OSI iSears] 3