Sears SEARS. ROEBUCK A N D CO Last date to order from this catalog is DECEM BER 31. 1973 S a tis fa c tio n G u aran teed or Y our M o n e y Back Our best- CONSOLE COLOR TV CUT 100 ♦ ONE BUTTON COLOR gives our easiest to tune color picture. Just press one button to virtually eliminate error caused by misadjusted controls. You get a color-balanced picture we rate outstanding ♦ 100% SOLID STATE CHASSIS designed for long set life. Built-with easy- to-service modules. No tubes, so you get instant sound and picture Spanish-style cabinet of solid hard­ wood and polished pecan veneer. Roll-out control panel hides controls. Stop ’N Lock UHF tuner makes UHF channels as easy to tune as VHF. Peak chroma control for consistent colors and no color bleed. Keyed automatic gam control helps keep picture steady. Automatic color purifier. Pic­ ture sharpness control. Tinted bonded etched (315 sq. in.) tube. Two 6-in. oval speakers 25.000 volt chassis. VHF memory fine tuning. Console measures 29%x45x17'Vi* in. deep. Tube cup extends 5Ji in. 8-ft. line cord. Can receive 300-ohm an­ tenna cable (VHF and UHF) and 75 ohm antenna cable (used to hook up to cable TV or apt. house antenna— VHF only). Shipping weight 187 pounds. 57 TP 43C2N $579.88 NATIONWIDE ONE YEAR “ IN-HOME” SERVICE GUARANTEE « on all parts and labor Sears guarantees this set to be tree from defects in material or workman­ ship. If a defect occurs we will: 1. During the first year, furnish any parts and labor necessary to remedy the detect free of charge. 2. After one year and up to three years, replace a defective picture tube, charging only for labor. A Sears serviceman w ill visit your home and make all repairs in your home If pos­ sible. Service is available by contact­ ing any Sears store or service center throughout the United States. SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. SIMULATED RECEPTION ON SCREEN « BLACK MATRIX PICTURE TUBE surrounds each color dot with black for sharp, clean colors For handy reference, please mention the key-letter below when ordering by phone from this catalog