jH M M O M O M O M iM M e O B M e M M a M a M a M M M O M e a c ii Ocmonia Ea^k Columbia County Pomona ’ Grange Elects Officers 1 THURSDAY, NOV. 8, 1973 s I * numbers by the Ken Richards Arnold Tarbell of Warren fam ily of Marshland, a report on Grange was re-elected Master of OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Land Use planning by James the Columbia County Pomona VenMHda. Oregon Smith, and an article. “ Getting Grange at their regular meeting Entered as second class mail on Saturday. November 3 at Ready for Christmas'' by Hazel matter August 4, 1922, under the Marshland Grange Other re­ Smith Bob Force was called on act of March 3, 1879. for a piano solo and Harry- elected officers included Steve Colson read a Letter to the Published weekly on Thursday Spinden. Y ankton. Assistant Editor The song "Beloved Stew ard; C arl M aplethorp. at 721 Madison Ave.. Vernonia Grange" was the final number Columbia County, Oregon 97064 Chapman. C haplain; O rv ille The next meeting of the Co­ and paid at the Vernonia Post Gilkey. Marshland. Treasurer; lumbia County Pomona Grange Fay Tarbell. Warren. Secretary; Office as second class matter w ill be held on February 2, 1974, Esther Paine, Clatskanie. Ceres SalMCnpUOBS at Yankton Grange Other elected officers are $3.00 Per Year — In the Nehalem Lucy Avis, Warren. Overseer, Valley Joy Cernac, Chapman. Lectur­ $4.00 Per Year Elsewhere e r.. A1 Zachte. Chapman. Stew­ DEBBIE GALLIANO and Mark Jorg take a few minute« ell ard; Ed Huntsinger. Yankton, from their busy schedule to relax following their performance Gatekeeper. Pomona, Teresa OFFICE H lU T b at the Lincoln Grade School. She Is the daughter of Mr. and Men.. Tue».. Wed.. Fri.—8 aun. Cernac. Chapman. Carol Cer­ Mrs. Dale Walker of Vernonia. nac, Chapman. Flora; Lady According to the October po to ( pjn. Assistant Steward. Carol Hales, lice report submitted to the city Thun, A Sat.—8 a.m to 12 Warren; and Executive Com­ council Monday, November 5, Phone 429-337Î mittee. Lawton Wadell, Natal, under the signature of Chief of XMMMOOCOOMOOOOOOOOOOK Earl Avis and Ab Logan. War­ Police John Cunningham, it was ren The officers were installed a relatively quiet month following the close of the meet­ The report showed six VBR’s Oregon Lincoln School children were ing with Lucy Avis as Installing (violation of basic rule); with Newspaper ■ Officer. Darlene Zachte as M ar­ citations issued, one hazardous thrilled recently with the per­ shall. Ollie Olen and Mary Logan formances of Mark Jorg and moving violation; two violations Debbie Galliano, both of whom as regalia and emblem bearers. of vehicle laws; two D U IL's with Earl Avis as Master. Carl have known disability and lone Publishers ■ one arrest; six parking vio­ “ Picture crib after crib of se­ Association ■ Maplethorp as Chaplain and liness in their younger years, but lations and one parking violation verely retarded children, eyes Mary Stevely as musician it hasn't hampered their march warning given; one failure to dull and listless, bodies thin, Visitors for the day were to success. maintain control of vehicle. and crippled and deformed, some Harry Colson, Master of Wash­ one discharging weapon in the Mark Jorg is an accomplished unable to see or hear, most ington County Pomona Grange guitarist with many years of city. unable to speak These are and Mrs Colson and Sandi F er­ practice due to a congenital Also shown were one burglary, youngsters, ages three to ten guson. D i s t r i c t I Youth heart defect Bom in 1949 in cleared, nine m isdeam enor years at the Sonoma State The Vernonia Lions club met Chairman ail of Winona Grange. Portland. Mark was an invalid thefts, with five cleared, and one Institution in California Life Monday. November 5. at the Washington County. Bob. Force. until he was 11 years old I,liable auto theft, cleared There was consists of being washed, fed, school district office Plans were Master of Central Grange in to attend school like other ch il­ one assault and one narcotics diapered, then the routine begins discussed relative to p a rtici­ Lane County and Bob Ludi. dren, Mark learned of loneliness cleared all over again There were no pation in the community Christ­ State Youth Master from Sandy and self-discipline which he now Arrests for other agencies federal or state funds available mas program It was decided to Grange m Clackamas County- applies to his music. totaled one; crim inal warrants to promote or improve the again sponsor a widow decorat­ A g ric u ltu re C hairm an A1 Jorg has written 21 songs since served, one. arrests referred to present program The staff got ing contest in the downtown area Zachte reported that applica­ juvenile department, 17; and 1970, ten of which appear on his together and decided life just and the Christmas baskets Ted tions for forestry seedlings w ill most recent recording of Mt there were two bicycles re­ had to become more meaningful Forbes w ill head the committee be in the extension office soon, Angel Abbey records, under the covered. for these youngsters. on window deeoration and H arry that fertilizer was in short title of “ Come Home My Son.” The department investigated They began with the hospital Russell on the baskets supply due to foreign sales and The proceeds from his album are one tra ffic accident; made 16 therapist showing nurses and The next meeting w ill be that a pamphlet was available paying for his own recording vacation home checks; aided at aides how - by taking a few extra November 19. a ladies night The concerning soil sampling with company three fire calls, and located minutes a day - to properly group plans to travel to Hillsboro Jorg played with his brothers directions for sending it tn The three missing persons Three exercise the child's limbs as they for the metropolitan meeting Legislative Chairman Earl Avis and had a date set up to play at The area of motorists were assisted, ambu­ washed and bathed them She talked on shortages the Sands in Las Vegas but one of lance calls totaled four, animal Fairbanks. Alaska, has a popu introduced the use of booster the brothers got married and the Junior Chairman Laurel Mol- complaints. 5; crim inal m is­ pillows placed around the child's lation of about 40.000 group broke up It was about lenhour relayed a request for chief, three, assist to other body to prevent further crippling then a friend Sam Amato of the skits wanted by Warren Junior departments, one and two at­ from lying on one side too long Grange Carol Hales, Youth Amato Supper Club introduced tempted suicides New ways of bringing a smile to him to Debbie Chairman, announced a con­ Six reserve officers donated a a once blank face or a sign of Debbie, 20, like Mark, has ference of all Youth in the county total of 112 non-paid hours to the recognition became a real chal­ spent much time alone and to be held at Warren Grange on Vernonia Police Department lenge to the staff Awareness of a confined Bom with a hip defect, November 17 at 7 p.m to discuss while patrol car 130 logged 3,340 black hen perched on the foot of Debbie spent 11 years in body ■ plans for youth participation in miles, the truck. 47 and the old a crib, or seeing the wonderment casts and underwent 19 opera state grange contests Any police car (loaner) 68 miles for a on a little g irl’s face as she ran tion - the last at 11 freeing her to Grange youth, age 14 to 35. who total mileage of 3.455 her fingers through the fur of a lead a normal life There is one would he interested in a d rill bunny rabbit, more than repaid more to go It is a new type but team, talent, or anything per­ the sta ff’s extra time and effort she has to wait until she turns 25 taining to youth are invited to put into tin program before it can be performed attend Sandi Ferguson announ­ The staff s enthusiasm was Debbie, daughter of Mr and ced that the new Youth hand contagious, soon teenagers from Mrs Dale Walker, has lived in books were out now and that a the nearby town were taking the Vernonia the past three years new contest - speaking - was youngsters for a stroller ride on John J. Greve. M.D., President Debbie studied at the University included this year the institution grounds. Senior Oregon Thoracic Society CWA Chairman Lucy Avis told of Portland under the noted You’ve probably asked your­ citizens, parents and s ta ff opera star, Gloria Cutforth She of the changes in the Needlework self these questions: What i f rocked them. talked to them . and TB is caused by a germ But had her first pubic appearance Contest for this coming year and loved them. There were no big someone falls on my property urged all to enter items in it and unhealthy living habits can set at Lew's Place in Vernonia m iracles; one of the youngsters and sues me . . . What i f my in the Sewing Contest which is the stage for infection and dis­ The Jorg's - the name they who previously drank her food home is burglarized . . . What the next contest to consider The ease. chose - are on their way to the from a straw is now being spoon i f a fire leaves me with just a annual CWA Conference for the TB can flourish against a success they hoped for They are fed The constant crying in the backdrop of poverty, where un­ County w ill be held at Warren foundation fu ll o f smoldering now appearing at the Rusty M ill, ward has ceased and because of dernourished people live in In January i t ’s to the Thunder ashes? The answer to these Grange on January 28. weather the staff’s concern life for these cramped rooms with little fresh permitting. bird then on to the Benson in and many more W H A T IF youngsters w ill continue to be a ait and sunlight TB germs are Education Chairman Laura March Mr Amato is making little brighter " p e rils o f h om eow ning is a spread by the coughs and Hicks spoke on the idea of arrangements for them in Las There was not a dry eye in the Homeowner’s package policy. sneezes of someone who has live closing schools for saving fuel Vegas and on up the path of room when Mrs Carol Hall. We can give you complete TB germs in his or her sputum but that it was decided to have success Program Chairman for the Co­ details. Overcrowding and poor venti­ and Energy Saving week in lumbia Association For Retar lation are natural allies of the ded Children finished showing December to teach children TB germ ways to save energy She also this film . "Somebody W aiting," Poor people too often have read the “rules' for a teacher in at the October CARC general 1872 poor health And poor health meeting Pearl Becker told of her recent affects the way the body’s Vernonia Insurance Mrs Angie Noclle CARC pre­ trip to Alaska on a Grange tour defenses work to fight off in­ sident. chaired the October 23 Exchange Walter Mollenhour. President fections such as TB When a meeting held at the Warren of Past Master's Club, reported healthy person breathes in TB Grade School. Members voted to Phone 429-6203 germs, the germs are killed on their last meeting on October hire Joan W arren for the position quickly by special cells that 17 at Clatskanie Grange New 953 Bridge Street of bookkeeper. Mrs Amanda Officers had been elected - literally eat the invading germs Rammer was appointed to head Vernonia, Oregon Lawton Wadell. president; A1 Or the germs are walled off and a special committee to gather imprisoned by a ring of en­ Zachte. vice-president. Hazel revenue sharing data Mrs Hel­ circling cells, which close off the Smith, secretary-treasurer; and en Kleger reminded members route of further infection But Mary Logan chaplain The next that beginning January 1 at when the body's defenses are meeting of the Past Master's Social Security w ill administer Club is scheduled for January 16 down the invading germs can inau'tnca Snap a new program called Supple­ continue their march through ttorttort 15. Co» at Warren Grange. mental Security income the lungs and body The Lecturer's Program fol­ SSI w ill provide monthly cash Three to ten weeks after live lowing lunch served by Marsh­ payments to people with little or TB germs enter the body, the land Grange included musical no income who are disabled A chemistry of every cell changes disabled child may himself be slightly The cells become a l­ eligible for benefits and it is not lergic to TB germs And the necessary for the child’s parents allergy exists as long as the to be retired, or disabled, or germs stay in the body, which deceased "Hie amount of benefit may be for life The tuberculin w ill depend in part on the income skin test can measure this aller of the parents Disabled indi­ gic response A doctor can viduals may be eligible for a prescribe pills to prevent the basic cash benefit up to $130 to infection from developing into $195 for a couple This is a illness Pills can also cure the different payment from Social illness if it has developed Even Security and is paid out of a though TB thrives in an en­ separate fund, she said vironment of poverty, anyone " SEE IT BEFORE C IV IL IZ A T IO N EPS IT " can have the disease Everyone should have a tuberculin skin EXCELLENT NAR R ATED BY test at least once to find out his F A N T A S T IC “ REX ALLEN or her TB status Using Christ­ ChrSunGrlrqram mas Seals is another way to help the fight against TB Christmas Oregon drivers continue to Seals support the Oregon Lung lose their driving privileges in Association's fight against TB. greater numbers than last year, emphysema, a ir pollution and according tn statistics released cigarette smoking Continuing Monday by the Oregon Motor the fight is a m atter of life and Vehicles Division breath So far this year, 41.404 drivers have had their licenses tern porarily suspended, revoked or i A U AQCB cancelled, a 12 percent increase » A O M IT T IO over last year. In September, Clatskanie tops the list of 4,413 persons lost their licenses, MAN CAN LIVE IN HARMONY WITH NATURE United Good Neighbor contribu­ compared to 4,261 suspensions, a c o l o r FILM b y A fl DUBS A H R IN Z H K ILM A N N tors by reaching $4,832 or 120 revocations and cancellations M R L * A » » I> BY P A C IF IC IN T R A N A T IO N A I ►WTfc.HPRlBBP IN C percent of their goal for this for the same period last year -C O M IN G SOON — year’s UGN campaign " I f you drink and drive in County-wide the total is $18,374 Oregon, your chance of losing with 53 percent of their goal your license is also increasing," received thus far Rainier has according to MVD In Septem reached $1031, or 18 percent of her, 919 persons received man their goal; St Helens $0.661. 42 datory suspensions for driving percent. Scappoose. $1,570 or 62 under the influence, an increase ADULTS W EEKDAYS 7 00 * 00 UNDER 12 percent and Vernonia with $1,280 of 14 percent over September. 81.50 S O R R Y M O RABSCS or 64 percent of ffieir goal 1972 VPD Reports Quiet Month CARC Views Film On Care Handicapped Vernonia Lions Club Holds Monday Meet 6UARD A6AINST THE WHAT IFS OF H0ME0WNIN6 As You Live And Breathe BILL J. HORN ISSXK& e i. Drinking Increases License Loss Odds Clatskanie Tops UGN List of Contributors Thurs., Nov. 15 - One Day Only JOY THEATRE - 429-6701 ____ Dial 429-8611 (If no answer. 429-5061 or 429-5141) B. RHOADES. MELVIN SCHWAB, ■ _ VERNONIA AMBULANCE SEL-MOR. INC., W __ EMERGENCY SERVICE PHONES Two Overcome Disabilities ♦ VERNONIA FIRE DEPARTMENT F ire Alarm* Only - Phone 429-3131 VERNONIA POLICE DEPARTMENT Dial 429-5141 VERNONIA CITV HALL 429-5291 I V COLUMBIA COUNTY SHERIFF Emergency: Vernonia Area 429-5141 — Biuineo*; 387-2S11 OREGON STATE POLICE 8 a.m . to 3 a.m . . Beaverton Offlee - 643-4702 3 a.m . to 8 a.m . - IMal “O” . aak (or Oak Grove <54 « H i St. Helens office - Phone: 397-3131 Recorder's C o u rt. . . TOWN TOPICS Mrs Ila Mae koppig and Mr Clausen Clark were united in marriage October 27 at Van couver, W ashington They moved from the Steinhauer Racordor/Judge house on East Bridge Street to W m. E. Nation make their home in Portland Mr and Mrs Frank Schmidlin C lX * X * X » X « X € « X » X < X « X 'X ' spent a few days last week at 2126 Christopher A Sm ith. no Lebanon visiting her two bro operator’s license Plea, guilty, thers and wives Mr and Mrs fine $6 Fred Shaver and Mr and Mrs 2127 Steven Gene Borders, Melvin Shaver more noise than necessary Mr and Mrs Lewis Morgan Plea, not guilty, found guilty by had as dinner guests on Sunday court; fine $17. Mr and Mrs V irgil Snook. Mr 2128 Mark Patrick Hicks, and Mrs Boh Zerfing and baby expired license Bail forfeited. and Mr and Mrs Max Snooks $11 and children 2129 Ray Leslie Stanbury; Richard Graven of Beaverton improper passing on hill Plea, spent Sunday afternoon at the guilty; fine. $11. home of his grandmother, Mrs 2131 - James Robert Lucas, Mabel Graves. illegal U-turn Plea, guiltv; fine Mr and Mrs Frank Schmid- $11 lin visited her son and family. 2123 - Wm Richard Pascoe; M r and Mrs George Snyder at VBR 35 - 25 Plea, guilty; fine Hillsboro on Saturday and en­ $11. joyed dinner at the home of Mr 21X1 William James Bruce; and Mrs Donovan Reynolds at VBR 35 25 Plea, guilty; fine Riverview on Sunday $11. Last Thursday. Mr and Mrs 2134 Ado Pool; VBR. 40 25; Harry Sandon attended the Sun Plea, guiltv fine $16 set Unit No. 12 of the Retired 2135 Buck Holsev; D U IL Teachers breakfast at the Pig N’ Deferred to citation No 1979 2136 Buck Holsev; DUIL with Pancake in Seaside Saturday they attended the Colonial blood alcohol over .15 percent Dames of the X V II century at Plea, guilty fine $255 Astoria It was the installation of new officers Mrs Sandon re­ tired from the presidency They spent the night in Astoria then returned home on Sunday. Tuesday evening at the Hen The newly organized Vernonia Goodman home were Mr and group of La Leche League will Mrs Herman Ohnst and son hold its first meeting on Wed Tony of Gaston nesday, November 14. at 1 p.m at the home of Mrs Robert (Fran) Carson, 185 C Street, Vernonia, Phylis R Busch, newly ap­ La Leche League is an inter­ pointed Justice of the Peace for national organization which of­ the Vernonia area, has announ fers information and encourage ced that the office of Justice of ment to all women interested in the Peace • located in the good mothering through breast Vernonia Clinic Building w iU be feeding There are currently 1550 open Thursday 1 p m groups in the United States and Evening meetings are by ap many foreign countries Any pointment only Mrs Busch may woman who is interested in be reached by calling 429 7141 breastfeeding is welcome to join (office) 755 2452 or «68 74)27 the meetings Nursing babies (residence ) are always welcome > x *x *x *x *x *x » x « x *x » x » > The group w ill meet on the second Wednesday of each month This group meets under the p_: c a * Nov. 9-10 leadership of Mrs Gordon ‘ (Leanne) Smith. 124 F Street, Vernonia ( phone 429-2771.) Please call at any time for further information about the meetings or for breastfeeding help La Leche League To Hold First Meeting JP Office Now Open JO Y T H E A T E R COUNT YORGA VAMPIRE >•