Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, November 08, 1973, Image 1

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    L ib ra ry
U n i v e r s i t y o f Oregon
E u g e n e , Oregon
Council Hears Semi-Final
Pay Estimate On Sewer
The Vernonia City Council met
in regular session Monday. No­
vember 5 with Mayor Sherman
Fisher presiding, and council-
members Ed M iller, Lucille
Tomlin, Bud Atkins, and Dave
Banta in attendance Also pre­
sent were attorney Allan Coon
and city recorder Wm Nelson
The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and approved
then the mayor called for busi­
ness from the floor
Mike Thompson, engineer with
Robert Myers, spoke first, pre
senting a semi final pay esti­
mate in the amount of *18,265.50
to the council He also stated that
the five percent reta inage fee
was being withheld along with
*7000 until the paving is com­
pleted in the spring, and $1000 for
completion of the pump station
Thompson also noted that the
pump station was operative and
that, barring any unforeseen in­
cidents, the sewer were be ready
for hookups within the next week
or so.
Alice Menary then requested
advise from the council on com­
plaints from residents in the
East Vernonia Sewer D istrict
regarding repairs for property
Committee reports were then
heard with Lucille Tomlin as
police commissioner reading the
police report for the month of Oc­
tober Mayor Fisher then read
the monthly report by the Public
Works Department
Under communications was a
letter from Jim Davies regard­
ing the two hour parking re­
striction imposed at the last
There was also a letter from
the Department of Environmen
tai Quality enclosing an applica­
tion form for operation of a
landfill in Vernonia This was
followed with a letter from the
Department of Housing and
Urban [development requesting
information on local housing
An agreement and letter was
received from Whitlely, Jacob­
sen & Associates with Otto
Stadeli for work required for the
reservoir controls
A communication was receiv­
ed from District Attorney Robert
A Lucas regarding the cost of
boarding prisoners in the county
League Of Oregon Cities
Convention Set Nov. 11*13
Land use planning, revenue
sharing, public transportation
facilities and a variety of new
state legislative actions affec­
ting city government w ill be
discussed by Oregon mayors,
city councilmen, planning com­
mission members and other city
officials at the 48th annual
convention of the league of
Oregon Cities, November 11-13 in
Portland More than 1,900 per­
sons are expected to attend
Keynote speaker for the con­
vention w ill be Mayor Pete
Wilson of San Diego, California
Wilson, a former member of the
California legislature and active
in land use and shoreline protec­
tion legislative measures, w ill
discuss “ I^and Use The Crisis
for Local Government" in his
keynote address Monday morn­
ing. November 12.
Mayor Moon F Landrieu of
New Orleans, Louisiana, w ill
deliver the banquet address
Landrieu, who is chair-
mat. <1 the Legislative Action
Committee of U.S. Conference of
Mayors, w ill discuss "The New
Federalism A Fading Vision?”
in comments on federal revenue
sharing and related proposals
for federal government decen
Other guest speakers w ill in ­
clude Congressman John Del-
lenback of Oregon's Fourth Con­
gressional D istrict and Donald
P Hodel. adm inistrator of Bon
neville Power Administration
They w ill address convention
luncheons on Tuesday and Mon­
day respectively.
Special workshops are sche­
duled at the convention on the
Fasano Court decision and its
implications for city councils
and planning commissions, new
state subdivision regulations,
new state programs affecting
railroad grade crossings within
cities, new federal grant ad
m inistrative procedures, and
adm inistrative procedures in­
volved in distribution of federal
revenue sharing checks
Section meetings w ill be held
for officials of large and small
cities and for planning com­
mission members, finance of
ficers. mayors, city managers.
Road Reports
city attorneys, police chiefs,
public- works officials, municipal
judges, building officials, parks
and recreation officials and l i ­
Implementation of SB 100, the
state land use planning bill, w ill
be discussed by Robert Davis,
executive assistant to the Go­
vernor, at the morning session
on Monday, November 12. A
companion session w ill feature
discussion of the new highway
bond issue and the proposed
constitutional amendment auth­
orizing highway funds to be
spent for mass transit.
Setting community goals and
implementing the goals w ill be
the subject of general sessions
on Tuesday morning, November
13. Speakers w ill discuss pro­
cedures for setting goals, f i­
nancial measures for implemen­
ting them, and services and fa­
cilities needed for implemen­
tation of goals.
Election of officers to head the
league for the coming year w ill
be held at the annual league
business meeting on Tuesday
morning. November 13. Conven­
tion delegates w ill also act on
resolutions at the business meet­
The legislative interim com­
mittee on local government and
transportation w ill hold a special
hearing to discuss problems of
cities on Tuesday afternoon,
November 13.
Mayor Dewey W West of
Boardman is 1972-73 league pre­
sident Mayor D Lorin Jacobs of
M edford
president, and Robert S. Moore,
city manager. Salem, is league
treasurer Other members of the
league executive com m ittee
are: Lloyd E Anderson, com­
missioner of public works, P ort­
land; Cecil Barker, mayor, Cor­
vallis; Paul D Geuy. mayor,
Florence; Gail L. Haakinson,
mayor, Clatskanie; Francis J
Ivancie, commissioner of public
safety, Portland; H B “ Bard”
Johnson, mayor, Baker, Eddie
O. Knopp, mayor, Pendleton;
Norman R. Scott, mayor, Mc­
M innville; and Tom R Williams,
city councilman, Eugene.
Homeowners Advised
To Pay Tax On Time
Homeowners must pay their
property taxes to county tax
collectors within the time lim its
set by law in order to avoid
The winter road and weather
interest on late payments, ad­
report issued daily by the High
vices Charles H Mack, director
way Division throughout the
of the Oregon Department of
winter season w ill begin on
November 1, announced F.B
Under the new homeowners'
Klaboe. adm inistrator of high
and renters' property tax refund
ways and state highway en­
program, homeowners apply
directly to the Department of
Revenue, after January 1, 1974,
The reports w ill be gathered
for a refund on property taxes
fiv e tim es d a ily , Monday
due November 15, 1973
through Friday, and three times
"Refunds are based on the
daily on Saturdays, Sundays,
amount of the taxpayers' house
and holidays The Highway D i­
hold incomes and property taxes
vision w ill initiate a teletype
not on when the tax lia b ility is
report at 8:15 a m and 2:30 p.m.
paid," Mack added
on weekdays In addition to these
Property tax refund claim
reports, the State Police w ill
forms w ill be part of the income
gather road and weather infor
tax packet which w ill be mailed
mation at approximately 5:15
to all Oregon residences about
a m , 1 45 p.m , and 9:15 p .m ,
the first of January
seven days a week
In an attempt to sim plify
State Police w ill gather infor­ property tax relief procedures,
mation from their patrols and the 1973 legislature provided for
from Highway Division section all eligible homeowners and
crews which w ill include the renters to receive property tax
following mountain summit sta
refunds only from the Depart
tions Sunset Summit, Wilson ment of Revenue
R iv e r S u m m it, Governm ent
This is a change from the 1971
Camp, Santiam Pass, W il­ homeowners' property tax relief
lamette Pass, Green Springs, program which provided for
Siskiyou Summit, Meacham, homeowners to apply for a tax
Tollgate, and I^add Canyon In credit which was subtracted
addition reports w ill be received from the total property tax
from many other stations scat­ payment due
tered about the state.
“ Most homeowners failed to
During normal working hours, take advantage of this program,
road condition reports may be so the 1973 legislature attempted
obtained from the Highway D i­ to sim plify it by replacing the
vision's Maintenance Section by tax credit system with a direct
dialing 378-6532
refund," Mack said.
To Be Issued
üernon ia Eagle
ircnir/M wa
L IT .' *1,
n n i B P f i 4a
ja il at St Helens. This was
followed by a report from the
Columbia County Grand Jury
which recommended that the
construction of a holding cell be
looked into for the Vernonia
Under unfinished business,
bids for fire equipment from
Western States Fire Apparatus;
Munnell & Sherrill; and Western
Fire Equipment; were opened.
It was moved and seconded to
accept the bid from Western
Fire Equipment for four pairs of
pants at *21 05 each, four coats
at *34 77each; four pair of boots
at *19 50 each and one smoke
ejector at *218 87 The motion
A motion was made and
carried to deposit $55.000 in TD
for the Sewer Bond Fund.
A meeting was then set for
November 28 at 7:30 p m with
Jack Whitley to discuss water
It was decided by a vote of four
to 0, to rescind the previous
action taken on parking east of
Rock Creek on Bridge Street
since it was felt it was not
necessary and that no safety
factors seemed to be violated.
However it was also decided to
have the police department
check for any parking problems
east of Rock Creek on Bridge
Street and report back to the
Jim Davies then appeared to
state that he w ill clean up the
debris on First Avenue during
the next week.
After a somewhat lenghty
discussion as to the pros and
cons of fighting court action on
the new city charter, it was
decided by a vote of three yeas
and two nayes, that the suit be
relinquished by default
New business brought up the
question of condemnation pro­
ceedings on a house owned by
Tom H ill which is located on
Capitol H ill. The m atter was
discussed and it was decided to
have Chief of Police Jack Cun­
ningham investigate and w rite a
letter stating his recommen­
Following a motion and ap­
proval to send 17 water meters in
for repair, the bills were paid
and the meeting adjourned at
11:10 p.m
The next regular meeting of
the city council w ill be Monday,
November 19 at 8 p.m. in the city
Planning Meet
Held Tuesday
A special meeting of the
Chamber of Commerce was held
Tuesday, November 6 at the
West Oregon Electric building to
discuss plans for decorating
during the Christmas season
Due to the power shortage, it
was felt more decorations than
have been used in past years,
would be needed to make up for
the lack of traditional Christmas
It was decided that Greg Port,
would handle street decorations
while Louise Hamnett would be
in charge of the Santa Claus who
w ill be installed in the Lloyd
Quinn building this year, to greet
Appearing at the meeting was
Lions Club member Ted Forbes
who is chairman of the window
decorating contest this year.
Following discussion it was de­
cided that the chamber would
possibly give a revolving trophy
in addition to the plaques to be
awarded for first, second and
third place winners of the Lions
contest Those wishing to enter
the contest should contact any
Lion’s club member, Ted Forbes
or Gordon Smith at Vernonia
Sentry Market.
Forbes also said that it is
tentatively planned for the
Christmas play at the grade
school to be given December 20
but there would be no Santa this
year Instead the jolly bearded
gentleman would appear at a
special time in the afternoon for
the youngsters to speak with
It was also decided that the
steam engine (the Shay) would
b«' the center of decorating with
a larger tree to be trim m ed by
the G irl Scouts with the aid of
school children Several possi­
bilities as to lighting were men­
tioned, among them the use of
lanterns or gas lights.
It is also planned to have street
caroling with Don Jackson in
charge of the group Several
church groups w ill also be
joining in the caroling The high
school choir w ill sing in the First
Christian Church prior to C hrist­
mas again this year.
The Study Club w ill once more
be in charge of food baskets and
the Lions, also w ill be giving
their gift baskets as in past
The Vernonia Chamber of
Commerce w ill meet in regular
session Monday, November 12 at
8 p m in the West Oregon
Electric Building
Vernonia High
Cross Country
State Bound
For the Vernonia High cross
country team, 1973 is a winner.
Following their participation in
D istrict Meet last Wednesday,
October 31 where Pat Curl broke
the old district record with a
time of 13:06 versus 13:30, they
are now headed for State Meet at
Lane Community College in
Eugene Saturday, November 10
The seven-man team w ill be
competing with the top teams
from many leagues throughout
the state of Oregon and it is
expected that they w ill better
their record of last year
Slated to run in the state meet
at press tim e were Pat Curl,
Kelly Smith, Jeff Curl. Chris
Collins with others to be an­
The Vernonia harriers lead
their league in wins and, al­
though competition is tough,
Coach Robert’s expects his
group to give their all this
Saturday at Eugene.
All Vernonia schools will be
closed M onday. N ovem ber 12, in
honor of V eteran ’s Day
1973 Housing
Conference Is
Slated Nov. 8
The 1973 Governor's Housing
Conference is scheduled for
Thursday, November 8, at the
Portland Hilton* The annual
conference is sponsored by the
State Housing Division and the
Oregon Home Builders Asso­
Governor Tom McCall w ill
open the conference by discus­
sing new state housing pro­
grams, the energy crisis, and the
need for housing rehabijjtation
L.B. Day, recently appointed to
the Land Conservation and De­
velopment Commission, w ill dis­
cuss land use planning and its
effect on the housing industry.
D irector of DEQ, Diarmuid
O’Scannlain, w ill analyze the
impact of environmental regu­
lations on housing.
Keynoting the conference are
two very influential decision ma­
kers from Washington, D.C.
Assistant FHA Commissioner
Daniel Kearney and Carl A.S.
Coan. Staff Director for the
Subcommittee on Housing and
Urban Affairs of the United
States Senate, w ill discuss new
federal housing programs, the
future of FHA, housing allow­
ances, and mortgage financing
The afternoon session w ill
consist of three concurrent
workshop sessions. A workshop
on Housing Finance w ill hear
discussions on the new state
lower income housing finance
program, expansion of the state
veterans’ home loans, home-
owner and renter property tax
refunds, and future trends in
interest rates. A Real Estate
workshop w ill analyze the State
Land Development Consumer
Protection Act, Fasano proce­
dures, and the new Statewide
Building Code A Housing Con­
sumer workshop w ill analyze the
landlord-tenant law, state hous
ing discrimination act, the new
tenyear home warranty pro­
gram and the consumer pro­
tection program of the State
Builders Board
The 1973 Governor’s Housing
Conference is approved for se­
ven hours real estate educa
tional credit. The fee for lunch­
eon, banquet, coffee and regis­
tration materials is *19 People
may register at the door at 8:30
on November 8 T h e
program agenda and preregis­
tration materials are available
at the following office:
Government and Housing 1973
565 Capitol Street N.E.
Salem, Oregon 97310
(503 ) 378 4858
VERNONIA, OREGON >7064 — l >c Per Copy
School Holds
Vision Clinic
VHS Loggers End Season
Play With 7-6 Victory
The Pacific University School
of Optometry has conducted a
vision screening clinic for elem­
entary students for grades K-3.
Many eye problems were dis­
covered and parents w ill be
notified of the problems
The clinic was jointly spon
sored by the Vernonia Lions and
the Vernonia Education Asso­
ciation and funded jointly by
Students w ill have their hear­
ing tested on November 6 and 7.
This testing is done through the
Hearing Conservation Service of
the Oregon State Health D ivi­
sion. Parents w ill be notified of
any irregularities.
Elementary Student pictures
were taken Thursday, Novem­
ber 1. These pictures and the
pre-school pictures w ill be ready
before Christmas mailing time.
The complete elementary pack­
age including a class picture w ill
sell for *4.50 as w ill the preschool
pictures Partial packages w ill
cost *3.50.
The Vernonia Football Log
gers used a strong defense on a
cold and windy nighi in Portland
to even their season record at
four wins and four losses The
loggers used a pass interception
and an extra point kick to defeat
the Portland Christian team 7 to
6 in a hard fought ball game.
Offense for either team was
almost nonexistant as the cold
and wind effected the passing
game. The bright spot in the
Vernonia offensive was the run
ning of Steve Johnston. He
showed good moves, speed and
determination as his end runs
were the big offensive gainers
for the Loggers.
The game opened with the
Loggers receiving the opening
kickoff, failed to move the ball
and had to punt. A bad snap from
center went over the head of
kicker Tim Titus and the Port­
land team got the ball on the
Vernonia 21-yard line. Four
Christmas Program
Set for December 20
The annual Grade School
Christmas program has been set
for December 20. Committees
have begun to meet to make
changes in the program.
The committees are Adminis­
tra tiv e
C o-ordinator,
Forbes; Production Manager,
Jim Johns; Scenery, Mike Tay­
lor, Chuck Fenner; Drama,
Rosemary Weidman, Lucille
Green; Music, Don Jackson;
Programs, Sunny Hunteman,
Colleen O’Neil; Advertisement,
Marcy Sanderman. Carmencita
Santa Claus w ill be coming to
town for all children and al­
though he w ill not come during
the Christmas Program at the
grade school, he w ill be avail­
able both to all school children
and preschoolers. The School of­
ficials, Chamber of Commerce
and Lions and Jaycee clubs w ill
work out the details to be made
public soon.
Columbia Alcobol
Council Neels Nov. 9
Day Slated
Parents of all elementary and
secondary students are invited
to school on conference day
which is November 16 and the
evening of November 15.
Each elementary school par­
ent w ill receive a letter in ­
form ing them of the time set
aside for their conference. All
parents w ill be scheduled at a
specific time with consideration
given to making all conferences
consecutive in each fam ily in
order to lim it the trips to the
school by each parent. All par­
ents w ill be able to change their
assigned time to a better suited
time by contacting the school
prior to Thursday November 15.
Letters should be out by this
Edward Forbes, Principal,
stresses the importance of con­
ferences with teachers “ This is
the best possible form of com­
munication and does much to
help the teacher learn more
about the child,” he said. Par­
ents are urged to fu lfill their
conference appointment.
Elementary report cards w ill
be given prior to the conference
except for grades 7 - 8, which w ill
be given out at the office the day
of the conference Parents are
asked to stop by the office and
pick up the card on the day of
the conference.
The Columbia Alcohol Council
w ill meet Friday November 9, at
the St. Helens Golf Course
starting with a no-host luncheon,
beginning at 12 noon.
Representatives from the Ore­
gon Alcohol Health Association
(O.A.H.A.) from Portland w ill
be guest speakers.
Discussion w ill be on Indus­
tria l Alcohol programs. All in­
terested employers are wel­
come to attend.
The Alcohol Council is in the
process of defining the needs of
There w ill be no pre-school
the County relating to Alcohol class for four-year-olds Monday,
November 12 due to the Veterans
The Councils annual meeting Day holiday.
w ill be held in December.
No Pre-School Non.
plays and some hard hitting
later, the hosts were only a yard
closer to the Vernonia goal. The
next time the loggers had the
ball they showed some offensive
spark and looked like they might
carry it in.
The first long gainer was a 29
yard pass from Ellison to Hal­
sey. The second good play was a
14 yard pick-up to the PC 37-yard
line. Steve Johnson was the ball
carrier and a great crackback
block was dished out by Dick
Brunsman. The rest of the
quarter was spent with each
team getting in some good
Vernonia had the Portland
Christian team in a hole to start
the second quarter and kept
them bottled up most of the time.
Offensively the hosts were work­
ing from their own 20-yard line
when they tried a pass in the flat
area and Dick Brunsman picked
it off at about the 22-yard line.
From there he shook off a couple
of tacklers and went in standing
up for the score. Senior Mike
Johnson then came on to kick
what proved to be the winning
point as he split the up rights for
the PAT and a Vernonia 7 to 0
lead with 8:41 left in the first
The rest of the half saw more
of the same good hardnosed
defense with the up men for
Vernonia doing an outstanding
job. Scott Ellis, Dick Brunsman,
Kris Crowston, Dan McLean
were the main stoppers for the
Loggers as they pretty well
controlled the line of scrim ­
mage. McLean finished the night
with two fumble recoveries and
back-to-back possessions by the
host team.
Later in the game Don Knight
made his presence felt in the
center of the Logger line as the
sophomore caught the hard h it­
ting fever and rocked a couple of
ball carriers.
There wasn’t much to say
about the third quarter or early
going into the fourth period
except that each team was doing
well on defense and neither team
could get any sort of sustained
drive going Each team did have
an occasional good offensive
Later in the game the Portland
team went to the a ir; missed one
long pass even though the re­
ceiver was wide open; then
came back to the same pattern
on the very next play to break it
for a TD.
The Royals decided to try for
the tie game and then go for the
win in overtime play. They have
the best kicker in the league but
it was not to be this night as he
was wide of the mark and the
Loggers were s till on top by a 7 to
6 score at the final gun
This marked the last game for
the season for Coach Melvin
Nice’s VHS Logger football
Groups Will Meet
Tuesday, Nov. 13
The Human Resource Com­
m ittee w ill meet at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, November 13 at the
Public Welfare Office
There w ill also be a meeting of
the board of HELP, Inc. from 12
noon to 2 p.m. at the St Helens
Golf Course, Tuesday, Novem­
ber 13
Goodwill Truck Due
A Goodwill truck w ill be in the
Vernonia area to pick up re
pairable items Wednesday, No­
vember 28 For more infor
mation call Goodwill represen
ta tiv e , M rs
Cora Lange,
429 3421
TH E EM ERG ENCY Medical Technician
leaned shout the different types ef
M abrasloAS, I acota M o h i u d
day evening,
ef '
ef bandaging used 1er
effect with various
the different types ef
that might he bus -
tained In an accident, This was the eighth meet-
the dlrectlea ef D r.
lag ef the E M T class
T. M. Hobart.