UJBflTSflDS FOR SALE-General FOR SALE: Double bed wood bedstead, metal rail*, b n springs and tufted mattress Good rend Complete >20. Call 4293331 Gar ________________________ « t i c SERVICES WORK WANTED OLD MAN WINTER'S ON THE WAY—BETTER STOP TO SEE EXPERIENCED BUD'S AUTO SERVICE E L E C T R IC R A N G E » Clean and k> good working order. >40 Phone 429-3083 after s p.m tid e AQUARIUM complete with fish, dynaflo filter, undergravel filter, pwnp. and stand. 4298031 after S p m. 4413c WOOD for sale 332 A StrM l ___ THE amazing Blue Lustre will leave your upholstery beautifully soft and dean Rent electric abampooer >1. Brunsman Hard 440c CAM PER far jacks with Phone 429-8282 W OOD MS <29-5221_______ <29-2871 VERNONIA SANITARY SERVICE C IR C U L A T IN G heater, Inquire at 124 A St 44t3 GOOD C2HUSTMAS grft for the hooter, iJigfish Spritzer Spaniel. I mo aid. Trained to retrieve and set bads Papers available 256 D Street___________4213 CUT FLOWERS, weddings, fun- • s ! designs. plants. Also flowers by wire gifts Phone 429-8711 or 4294254 __________ 30tfc SHOE REPAIRS, pick up and de­ livery' Open 8:30 a m . to 5:30 p.m. Tandy Shoe Repair. D St.. Vernonia. 429-3301 Sltfc 44t2 INTERESTED in buying old dish­ es, «nail pieces of furniture, old children's toys, early 1900's maga­ zines. old jewelry, kerosene Im ps, wood stoves, treadle sew­ ing machines. pre-War Id War □ corner m ai boxes, old gumball machaws. other rrusc articles, pre-World War H. Write: D 4 C. Route 1, Bos 218M, Banks. OR yno6_____________________ 43tac >50 Artificial flowers and CHALET FLOWER SHOP Phone 429-5733 or 429-6301. 13tfc BUNDLES of old newspapers for starting fires, 10 cents. Ver­ nonia Eagle. 721 Madiaon Ave. ____________________________ tfc ARCTIC INSULATING CO. Blowa-ln Inoaletion Rockwool Batting FREE ESTIMATES Call C olled 397-1670 ST. HELENS lOtfc HOME LOCKSMITH SERVICE Loot keys replaced, combinations changed, master systems, etc. Also new locks on hand. Dave Zamarripa, 1091 First Ave., Ph. 429-7474,_____________________ 44tfc Norman Hillsbery, Builder New Homes Built To Your Specifications New ConstrucGoa - Additions - Re- modclng - Roofing . Foundations — FREE ESTIMATES — 429-8942 FOR SALE-Rl Eitate BUI Horn ITJ Realty 42tfc BAIR Logging Co. 429-7485 GRI Bridge S t. Veraoala , w » The Place To Call For AU Your Rock Needs! BILL HORN. BROKER SALESMAN: D e ri Roberts— 429-3804 Tracking, Excavating. Bulldoxing. Backhoe Sue F ilte r—429-7014 FOREST GROVE BRANCH - A rlie So tie r lee. M g r —P h ! Open 8-5 Toes. - Sat. Closed Sunday A Monday 44t3c 357 2321 Sand - Gravel - Rock Stockpiled la Vernonia for —Immediate Delivery— 16 tfc REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE - RENTALS FOR SAVINGS on loans contact your local Credit Union - 783 Bridge Street 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 pm . • Tuesdays through Friday. Closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday Or call 429-8245 during non-office hours. 17tfc 7V Bridge SL - Phone 4294211 Fiahhawk Branch - Btrkenfeld Phon« 755-2280 For Sale: Two bedroom home on city lot Recently new roof - foun- ttofion - siding. >500 down and >180 per month. For Sale: Nice three bedroom home on % acre Frontage on Nehalem River. Real buy at 04.500. ____________________________ 4 4 0 c FOR SALE-Autoi iSVl CHEV Malibu - 2 dr. h /t. A T 4 PS. 50,000 mi. >2,000 4298211._____________________ 44t3c FOR SALE: 1963 Chevy Van New rebuilt motor, 025. Phone 4297753._____________________ 43t3c 1170 BJ5 JEEP Bennagade Ex- ceileat condition. Lots of extras. Phone 334-3743______________ 43t3c FOR SALE: 1972 Chevy Cheyenne 4x4 H ton pickup Automatic, power steering, power brakes, and custom interior, >3300 Ph 4298773 42t3 FOR RENT HELP WANTED TEXAS Refinery Corp, offers high income opportunity to mature in­ dividual in Vernonia area. PLUS regular cash and vacation bo­ nuses. fringe benefits. Regard­ less of experience airmail A. N. Pate, P r e s. Texas Refinery Corp., Box 711, Fort Worth, Tex­ as 76101. 44tlc CARPENTER to re-model and build farm buildings Write Eu­ gene Evers at Rt. 2, Boot 232, Forest Grove, Ore. 42t3c LOST and FOUND LOST: Boot of clothes between Box 106 near Golf If found contact Dorothv Evans 43t2 CARD ol THANKS T H A N K Y O U A l Debroos. You've made us very happy. Debbie and Teresa, Sharon _________ and Sugar__________ 440 M Y S IN C E R E appreciation for a ll the flowers, cards, prayers and visits during m y illness Thank you so much Bonnie Quinn 44(1 c T H E F A M IL Y of Naom i Mack wish to express their appreciation to the friends, neighbors. Senior Citizens. mem bers of the Chris­ tian Church and to the Rev Rus­ sell Vinyard for their kindness to her while she lived in Vernonia and for their m any cards, notes of encouragement, flowers and the p rayers in her behalf during bar long Illness. F ro m your notes, we realize that m any of you w ill EUnor and Bob Queen Eddie and I.ynae Queen 18tfc Course and Vernonia. A T T E N T IO N : T R U C K E R S A N D LO G G E R S — Shop now available for rental space F o r informa- tian call John Biggs at 429-6083 m b s her juet as we w ill SEPTIC TANK PUMPING U ceased • Bonded and Insured PHONE 387-3172 If no answer call »7-2281. Columbia County Septic Tank Service Timber Rt. ____________ wash Church Notes Evangelical VERNONIA BIBLE CHURCH Adam. A Maple Kenneth Wooten, Pastor Our church theme for the month of November is "Read To Grow." During the month we 429-2802_____________________ 4213 Sunday: have the goal as a church to read 9:45 a.m . - Sunday School one hundred Christian books 11:00 a.m . - M orning worship ser­ Librarian Mrs Hon Welch will vice be promoting specific books in MINIMUM charge >1.00 for 25 5:45 p.m. - Junior Youth Fellow­ all areas of the church life. words or less. Words over mini- ship Home Bible Classes will be mom 4 reals each. 7:00 p.m . • Evening worship ser­ meeting tonight and return to Three insertions for the price of vice Wednesday evenings beginning two. Wednesday: NO Information on classifieds 7:30 p.m. - Bible Study and Pray­ next week The Gospel of Luke is being studied in homes this Fall will be given out until after er There is room for you and you paper is mailed. If you have a spiritual need or CARD of Thanks and Notices: question, call Pastor Wooten at may receive more information by calling 429-5522 >1.00 for np to 12 lines. Addi­ 4293363 Friday evening is Junior High tional lines, 8 rents each. DISPLAY classified are >1.00 per CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST activity night at the church column Inch. building. Saturday evening the OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS THE EAGLE assumes no finan­ VERNONIA BRANCH High School Sunday School Class cial responsibility for errors >58 Madison Avenue is having an activity with Youth that may appear In ads pub­ Branch Pres. - Henry T. Hudson Pastor Dave Hooper in charge. lished in Its columns, but in 1st Court. . Claude E. Gibson Adult Christian Fellowship will cases where this paper is al 2nd Conns. - Elm er C. Schrader enjoy a progressive dinner Sa­ fault will reprint that part of Hard Clerk - Robert E. McNair turday beginning at 6:30 at the an adv. In which the typographi­ Carl Holsey home on A Street. Meeting Schedule cal mistake occurs. Priesthood - 8:30 a m . Lord's Day activities begin NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY Sunday School - 10:15 a.m. with the early morning m en’s ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED Sacrament M tg . - 11:30 a.m . prayer time at 7:30. Sunday AFTER NOON TUESDAY EX­ Relief Scty. - Tuesday. 10:30 a .m . School at 9:45 is followed by the CEPT FOR NEXT WEEK'S M I A. - Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. worship experience at eleven. PAPER. The m essage of the hour is BLIND ADS with answers Io be ASSEMBLY OF GOD "Seven Things God Hates.” handled by The Eagle: Mini­ Jefferson and Maple Teen Choir practice is at 5:15 mum charge >2.00. No informa­ Rev. Dan Billings, Pastor and the youth fellowship lesson tion given relative to such ads. 9:45 a.m. - Sunday school. Classes on Christian dating is at 6:15. POETRY accepted only as paid for all ages Classmeeting at seven and matter: Rate: 10 cents per 11:00 a.m. ■ Morning worship monthly business meeting at t y y mm . 7:00 pm . . Evangelistic service eight round out the activities of 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday Prayer the day. » » » » » » » » » » » Meeting and Bible Study Hoot Owls meet for breakfast (Need a rideT Call 4296353) Tuesday mornings anytime be­ tween 5 and 7:30 a.m. ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC ing, wall cleaning, domestic bus- iness Weekends only. Phone CLASSIFIED RATES TO TUNE UP THE JALOPY Phone 429-7225 window Directory Of Churches 44tlc flfOTICE BOWLING WOMEN'S LEAGUE THURSDAY AFTERNOON THE BOARD of Directors of the Vernonia Rural Fire I’rotectwn District will meet Monday night, November 5 at 8 p.m. at the Ver. nonia Fire Department Meeting Hall. 44tlc WANTED FIREPLACE Screen needed for Scout Cabin. Large size used. Donate if possible Phone 429 3183________________________4413c NO LESS than two acres on w ater availab le near Vernonia Send inquiries to Vernonia Eagle. Box R.____________________ 44tfc W A N T E D : Old fru it jars, insula­ tors, crocks, old bottles, etc. Con­ tact B ill Rhoades or call 4295321 a fter 5:80 p.m 44(3 Mass is celebrated every week- day morning a t 8:30 in the rec­ tory. Confessions a re heard be­ fore Mass. Saturday - Mass a t 7 p.m. in the church Sunday - Masses a t 8:30 and 10 a jn . Confessions - On Saturday fro m 6 to 6:45 in the church, before Mass October 25 W L The Chicks 19 13 Bob 's Union 18 14 Vernonia Eagles 16 16 Chevy V8’s 11 21 High team series and gam e, Vernonia Eagles 2490 and 844 SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST High individual series and gam e, 2nd 4 Nehalem Mickey Johnson 538 and 198 L. L. Huntington, Pastor Splits picked up: Betty Fu- Claude Veal, Local Elder quay 2-7 , Eleanor Thompson 5-7; 9:30 Sabbath School Kathleen Gwinn 3-9-10; Pat Lar­ 11:00 Worship Service son 5-6; Helen Clarke 3-10 twice. 7:00 P .M . M onday - Dorcas So­ MONDAY NIGHT LEAGUE October 29 W L Quinn Insurance 26 10 West Oregon 19 17 Timbernook 14 22 Vernonia Drug 13 23 High team gam e and series. Quinn Insurance, 858 and 2515; high individual gam e, Yvonne Kuehman, 199. high individual series, Mickey Johnson. 532. Splits picked up: Enid Parrow 3-10 and 5-10; Vicki Brewer 4-5; Carol Barker 5-10; Frankie Bowers 5-10; Nancy Devine 2-7; Flo Huff 3-10 TUESDAY AFTERNOON October 30 W L Mitche’s Witches 23 13 Rose Motel 18 18 Dave’s ARCO 16 21 Mario's 15 20 High team series, 2412, high team gam e. 852, D ave’s ARCO; High individual series. 457, Carol Bodenhamer; high individual gam e, 166, (tie) Carol Boden­ hamer and Myra Baska Splits picked up: Myra Baska. 2-10; Lil Scroggens, 3-10; Carol Bodenhamer. 2-7; Jo Beamish, 9 10 Pat Goodman, 4-5-7 TUESDAY NIGHT LEAGUE October 30 W L Bill Horn 23 12>/h Standard Oil 21 15 Pills 16‘-i 19M¡ Cut 4 Curl It 25 High team series, Bill Horn, 2588; high team gam e. Standard Oil 897 High individual series, Isabel Anderegg, 491. high indi­ vidual gam e. Temple Nance, 186 Splits picked up: Trudy Mag- off, 4-5, Joyce Johnson, 6-7; Shirley Huss. 3-10 and 5-6-10; Irene Minger, 4-5 and 3-6-8; Tempie Nance. 2-7 and 5-7 and 2-7,Debbie Parry, 7-6-10 _____________ THE NEXT regular semi-annual meeting of the Mist Cemetery As­ sociation will be held at the home of Robert U. Mathews of Mist, Oregon on November 5, 1973 at 8 pjn. Members welcome 44tlc Father Anthony Gussin MEN'S LEAGUE W EDNESDAY NIGHT October 24 W L Vernonia Milk 25 7 Vernonia Sentry 16 16 Vernonia Drug 12 20 Mist Shake and Ridge 11 21 High team series 2748 and high team game 949, Vernonia Milk; high individual series, 541, high individual gam e, 193, Jack Wendling Splits picked up, Dick John- son, 3-10 W October 25 L Mike’s Tavern 20 12 17 15 Alpine 18 Funsters 14 13 19 Lew’s High team sen es, Alpine. 2801. high individual series and gam e, T Bodenhamer, 542, 204 Splits p icked up T B oden hamer, 3 10, B Fowler. 3-10, G. Dinger. 5-7; H Anderegg. 3-10 and 5-7; E Balia. 910 ciety at V e a l’s home. 7:30 P .M . Wed. - P ra y e r Meeting at Veal's home. 7:00 P .M . Mon. - Pathfinders at Scout Cabin. FIRST EVANGELICAL CHURCH 957 State Avenue Jack Carlson. Pastor 9:45 a.m. . Stmday School, Paul Weidman, Sup'L 11:00 a.m . - M orning worship. 5:00 p.m . - Youth Fellowship. 7:00 p.m . • Evening service. E v e ry Evening 7:00 p.m . - H o ur of power, p rayer and Bible study. EM MANUEL EPISCOPAL CHURCH BIR K EN FELD, OREGON The R ev. C. S. Shnlda, Vicar Phone Clatskanie 7292331 Celebration of the Holy Commu­ nion tfie Fourth Sunday of each month a t 12:00 Noon. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Washington 4 A Streets Terry E. Lowen, Pastor Phone 4293381 Sunday: 10 a .m . Sunday School 11:00 A .M . Worship Service 7:00 P .M . Evening Worship Wednesday: 7:0o P .M . M idw eek P ra y e r Service MIST - BIR K EN FELD COMMU­ NITY CHURCH Btrkenfeld, Oregon Eldon Shetler, Pastor 9:45 a m . - Sunday School 11:00 a m . - Church Services 7:30 p.m . - Wed. P rayer M eeting 10:30 a .m - (W inter Months) on 2nd Wed. Women’s Missionary and Work day. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 430 North A Washington Streets Russ Vinyard, Pastor Phone Sunday - Bible School 9:65 a.m . H om er F u lle r, Supt. M orning Worship 11:00 a.m . (Nursery Provided) Fellowship H our 6:07 p.m . Wednesday: Choir Practice 7:00 p.m . (1st only- Church Night 6:80 p.m. (2nd A 4th) C W F . 1:30 p.m. F rid a y : Bible Study - 8:00 p.m . (C all fo r location of Bible Study) Bible Club Holds Workshop Nov. 8 The Child For Christ Crusade announces their Bible Club Workshop in the Hillsboro-Bea verton area for this next Thurs­ day, November 8, al the Hills­ boro 1st Baptist Church, located at 2nd and Lincoln Streets Beginning al 10 a.m ., the workshop will feature helps for teaching the Gospels, leaching primaries as well as Bible customs of the Holy l-and Bible Club leaching goals will be presented by Rev. Jerry Propst, the assistant Pastor of the Hillsboro 1st Baptist Church All Sunday School and Bible Club teachers are invited to attend Coffee and tea will be served and nursery care pro­ vided Please bring your own lunch. PL * s' IsliriSllBIl SDA Church Slates Week Of Prayer Pastor Huntington has thrown down a challenge to his congre gation to spend the next week in close contemplation of the sub­ ject of Christ's return and their personal attitude toward it. To encourage members in this contemplation, the church will hold meetings each evening throughout the week Topics scheduled for study are "Why Baby Baptised At Hillsboro Oct. 28 Jesus Waits,” and "The Harvest Generation,” or the responsi­ bility of Christians in a sick world, and what will happen when Christ comes. The final work of the church, says Pastor Huntington, will not be one of social service but of simply pointing men and women to Christ and healing them to make ready for His return Services at the Veal residence 1218 Birch, will begin at 8 p.m. each evening ü e r n o n ia E a g le Jill C hristine Spicher, 5 month-old-daughter of Mr and Mrs S.F Spicher, (former Vir­ ginia Nelson) was baptized at Calvary Lutheran Church in Hillsboro. October 28 Jack and Eleanor Keny were her spon SOTS. Little Jill wore a handmade Christening dress which was 89 years old and had been worn by her m atern al g rea t-g ra n d ­ mother and is now serving babies of the fourth generation Jill is the 13th baby to wear it. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs W.E Nelson, Vernonia, and Mrs and Mrs G. Spicher, of Portland. Family Night (Wed.) 7:30p.m. A bus is run every Sunday morning for those needing a ride to Sunday School and church. For more information phone the pastor at 429-3363. Primary Church will be held during the morning worship service for kindergarten through 4th grade and will be geared to the understanding and needs if the boys and girls. Great times are planned! An adult Bible study on the book of John is held every Thursday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Snook. Everyone is welcome. Each Tuesday at 10 a.m. Women’s Prayer Meeting. All ladies are invited to attend; choir practice Wednesday even­ ings at 7 p.m. Both of these are at the church Bible study at 8 p.m. at the Orv Olson home Thursday MARR & STAFFORD evenings at 8 p.m. MEAT CO. Friday evening at the Bea­ R t. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. verton Christian Church, Dr. 357-7281 Scott Bartchy will be speaking, Slaughtering, Catting, Wrapping, along with this Special Youth and Curing Night Program will be a Pre- Cattle received Sunday 4 Monday Concert featuring "The Cele­ until noon; hogs received Tuesday bration,” from Northwest Chris­ and Wednesday until noon. tian College. Dr. Bartchy is an M ea t for sale, any quantity. accomplished professional pia­ — Call for Appointment — nist, and has a special interest in Come through Banks, take Tilla­ jazz. He has been much in mook road 1H m l., take first left- demand for piano concerts while hand road. life in Germany. The "Festival of Faith” will S t u r t t « H a y a w i g n through N ovem ber 6. Dr. Bartchy will be sharing these talents and interests on the various nights. Those who have an interest in music will greatly VERNONIA JAYCEES enjoy this special feature. A reception for the new m em ­ Meets the 2nd & 4th bers of the church will be held this Sunday, November 4, fol­ Tuesday of every lowing the morning worship service, in the fellowship hall month. All are invited to attend this J.C. Hall—Old Mill Market special time of fellowship. 7:30 P .M . There will be a teacher’s meeting, Tuesday, November 6 Bob Carson, President at 7:30p.m at the Homer Fuller Bill Hunter, Secretary 3-74 home. November 7 at 6:30 p.m. will PYTHIAN SISTERS be the monthly potluck, with the VERNONIA TEMPLE NO. 61 business meeting starting at 7 :30 p.m. Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall Second Mark your calendar...Novem ­ and Fourth Wednesdays of each ber 11, African slide presen­ month at 8 p.m. tation; November 18, movie, Leona Haverland, M.E.C. “The Gospel According to Most People"; November 21. Thanks­ Cora Lange, Secretary 3-74 giving Union Services; D ecem ­ ber 3, The Gospel Lites; De­ AT.&A.M . cember 7-8, CWF Bazaar and Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Bake Sale; December 23, the A. F. A A. M. meets at 50th anniversary of the church, Masonic Temple. Stated with James Earl Ladd, Jr., p V communications on first President of Puget Sound Bible V J B Thursday of each month College, as guest speaker for the at 8:00 p.m. occasion. Jim Norwod, W.M. Walter E. Linn, Sec’y. 1-74 THURSDAY, NO V. 1, 1973 5 WHOLESALE! WHOLESALE TWO NEW 1973 20' ESCAPADE MOTOR HOMES * A ir Conditioning * C arpeting Radio * Large gas-electric refrig erato r * 318 - Dodge Chasis Self C ontained * F ro n t buddy seats Two tables * Sleeps 4 to 6 Take Your Pick. Delivered Price $7495 Two lots to serve you better, Lot No. 1 • Rainier and Lot No. 2 - Clatskanie. — Open 7 Days Per Week — Mobile home and travel trailer supplies, accessories, awnings skirting and insurance. TROJAN HOMES Phone 556-1531 Located on Hw y. 30 to SL Helens 2% m i. S.E. of R a i­ nier, next to Stop Inn at Rainier. Also Clatskanie lot on Highw ay 30. LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES Witnesses "A Thousand Years of Peace Has Approached” will be the subject of the public talk to be given at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Sunday, November 4 at 10 a.m ., by Donald Bowen, of Vernonia His discussion will be based on the material found in the first four chapters of a new publication released by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society this sum ­ mer This new book, "God’s Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached" will be made available to the public through out the United States November 1st. Six more talks have been scheduled for the next two months to complete the review of this publication. This week, the subject to be discussed at the Watchtower Bible Study will be “Jehovah Blesses the Loyal Ones,” based on the scripture text found at Psalm 97:10. This discussion will begin immediately following the public talk and a song Anyone interested in what the Bible has to say on these subjects is most welcome to attend For more information, please contact Kent Battrick, 4298333 Bible Those persons looking for an active, friendly church that stands for the Word of God are extended a warm welcome to attend the following services Sunday School 9:45a m. Morning Worship 11a m Evening Service 7 p m. IWA Local NEHALEM VALLEY CHAPTER Meets at West Oregon Electric Bldg., third Thursday of each month, 7:30 p.m. Joe L. Dailey, President Ralph Bergerson, Sec’y. VERNONIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Board of Directors report to mem­ bers quarterly. Board meets the second Monday, 8:00 p.m. at West Oregon Electric office. Visitors invited. T. F, Tomlin, President Mrs. Evelyn Heath, Sec’y. Meets 2nd & 4th Thursday even­ ings of each month in the I.O.O.F. HaU. Irma Chance, Noble Grand Evelyn Heath, Sec’y. Monday of each month. 7:30 p.m . 4-74 AMERICAN LEGION Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. VERNONIA POST 119 Wilbur E. Wilson, Commander Harry Culbertson, Adjutant Vernonia Lodge No. 246 First and Third Tuesday 8 p.m. Lloyd Quinn, Noble Grand Harry Culbertson, Sec’y. 1-74 Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 153, O.E.S. Regular com­ munication the 3rd Wed. each month at Ma­ sonic Temple. All visiting sis­ ters and bro­ thers welcome. Hope Koch, W.M. Irma Fisher, Sec’y. 1-74 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS AUXILIARY First and Third Tuesdays Iteatha Horn, 1‘resident 1-74 Vernonia Barracks Veterans of World War I Vernonia Friendship Group EVANGELICAL CHURCH KITCHEN Thursday 429-2941 Meets 4th Monday each month at the IOOF halt, 12 Noon Eves. - 8 p.m. 429-6245 2-74 VERNONIA LIONS Noble Dunlap, Commander Rev. H. L Russell, Adjutant CLUB A U X IL IA R Y Meets 4th M onday, I.O .O .F . H a ll Oora Lange, President F a y e Davis, Secretary 3-74 I.O.O.F. Meeting on 1st G ertrude Schalock, Sec’y. 7-74 MT. HEART REBEKAH LODGE NO. 243 3-14 A.F.L. — C.I.O. 3-74 8-73 MEETS AT PINE CONE SUMMER RECESS D arrold Proehl, President Ted Forbes, Secretary 3-74